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Nama: Alfito Delano

Nim : 190910101099

GMO or Genetically Modified Organisms is any organism whose genetic
material has been altered genetic engineering techniques.
Genetic engineering, sometimes called genetic modification, is the process of
altering the DNA in an organism’s genome.
GMO technology came in 1973, when Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen
worked together to engineer the first successful genetically engineered (GE)
The two scientists developed a method to very specifically cut out a gene from
one organism and paste it into another. Using this method, they transferred a gene that
encodes antibiotic resistance from one strain of bacteria into another, bestowing
antibiotic resistance upon the recipient.
One year later, Rudolf Jaenisch and Beatrice Mintz utilized a similar
procedure in animals, introducing foreign DNA into mouse embryos.
Although this new technology opened up countless avenues of research
possibilities, immediately after its development, the media, government officials, and
scientists began to worry about the potential ramifications on human health and
Earth’s ecosystems.
By the middle of 1974, a moratorium on GE projects was universally
observed, allowing time for experts to come together and consider the next steps
during what has come to be known as the Asilomar Conference of 1975.
At the conference, scientists, lawyers, and government officials debated the
safety of GE experiments for three days. The attendees eventually concluded that the
GE projects should be allowed to continue with certain guidelines in place. For
instance, the conference defined safety and containment regulations to mitigate the
risks of each experiment. Additionally, they charged the principal investigator of each
lab with ensuring adequate safety for their researchers, as well as with educating the
scientific community about important developments. Finally, the established
guidelines were expected to be fluid, influenced by further knowledge as the scientific
community advanced.
Due to the unprecedented transparency and cooperation at the Asilomar
Conference, government bodies around the world supported the move to continue
with GE research, thus launching a new era of modern genetic modification.
Genetic engineering can be done with plants, animals, or bacteria and other
very small organisms. Genetic engineering allows scientists to move desired genes
from one plant or animal into another. Genes can also be moved from an animal to a
plant or vice versa. Another name for this is genetically modified organisms, or
The process to create Genetic engineering foods or GE is different than
selective breeding. This involves selecting plants or animals with desired traits and
breeding them. Over time, this results in offspring with those desired traits.
One of the problems with selective breeding is that it can also result in traits
that are not desired.
Genetic engineering allows scientists to select one specific gene to implant.
This avoids introducing other with undesirable traits. Genetic engineering also helps
speed up the process of creating new foods with desired traits.
To create Genetic engineering foods there are few steps to follow. first,
Genetic engineers must choose what gene they wish to insert, modify or
delete. Second, The gene must be isolated and incorporated, along with other genetic
elements, into a suitable vector. Then This vector is then used to insert the gene into
the host organism, creating the GMO.
The results of this process is Genetic modified foods. SinceSince GMOs were
approved for commercial use, and then first planted into U.S. soil in 1996, their
production has increased dramatically. More than 90% soybean cotton and corn
acreage in the U.S. is used to grow genetically engineered crops. Other popular and
approved food crops include sugar beets, alfalfa, canola, papaya and summer squash.
More recently, apples that don’t brown and bruise-free potatoes were also approved
by the FDA.
Genetic modified foods are having many benefits such as more nutritious,
tastier taste, less use of pesticides, increased supply of food with reduced cost and
longer shelf life, and medicinal foods could be use as vaccines.
Also Manufacturers use genetic modification to give foods desirable traits. For
example, they have designed two new varieties of apple that turn less brown when cut
or bruised.
The reasoning usually involves making crops more resistant to diseases as
they grow. Manufacturers also engineer produce to be more nutritious or tolerant of
Crop protection is the main rationale behind this type of genetic modification.
Plants that are more resistant to diseases spread by insects or viruses result in higher
yields for farmers and more attractive product.
Genetically modification can also increase nutritional value or enhance flavor.
All of these factors contribute to lower costs for the consumer. They can also ensure
that more people have access to quality food.
I’m pro to this GMO because there many advantages of it and could help the
world hunger by increasing food supply without opening a new agricultural land,
which means GMO could produced by small land of farm but still managing to having
a plenty yields.
GMO basically a new methods to eradicate world hunger and crop failure. It
could made the world food markets stable. Also help us find sustainable ways to feed
people. Specifically, in countries that lack access to nutrient-rich foods. The
heartiness of some GM crops makes it so they can grow in marginal environments.
The longer shelf.
So we could make the world better by sustaining the food production.

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