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TENDER NO. IS - 179 of 2012





PRICE: ` 5000/- AT COUNTER, ` 5050/- BY POST


TENDER NO. IS: 179 OF 2012

The President of India, hereinafter referred to as the Government of India,

Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) proposes to procure approximately
(a) 1,08,196 MTs of Mild Steel Sheets/ Plates/ Coils (b) 65,168 MTs of
Corten Steel Sheets/ Plates/ Coils & (c) 40,070 MTs of Special Steel
Sheets/ Plates on Running Contract basis as per specified Indian
Standards/ Indian Railway Standards Specification.

2(a) Bulk Purchase will be made only from those firms, who are established,
reliable, indigenous main producers of steel having Integrated Steel
Plants (ISP) which includes in-house iron making followed by production
of liquid steel and crude steel with in-house rolling.

NB: The tenderers are requested to furnish necessary documentary

evidence of their being Integrated Steel Plants of the type as
stated above to facilitate evaluation of the offers.

2(b) Offers from tenderers having ISPs, who have not supplied the tendered
Items of particular specification, grade and/or quality against Railway
Board Contract in the past, may be considered for educational/
developmental Order if found deserving otherwise.

3 Attention of the Tenderers is invited to attached (1) Instructions to

Tenderers which shall govern the terms & conditions relating to this
Tender and (2) Indian Railway Standard Conditions of Contract.

4 Date of receipt of offers: The offers addressed to President of India

should reach the Executive Director, Railway Stores (S), Ministry of
Railways (Railway Board), Room No. 326, Rail Bhavan, Raisina Road,
New Delhi-110001 not later than 2.30 P.M. on 27-05-2013.

5 Opening of offers: The offers received will be opened at 3.00 P.M. on

the same day in the presence of Tenderers or their representatives as
may be present.

6 Details of the Material: Specifications and description of the material

required are detailed in the attached Annexure. Stores are required on
Running Contract basis for 12 months from the date of Contract.

Director, Rly. Stores (W)
Railway Board
For and on behalf of the President of India.



1.0 Conditions made under this tender will be governed by

(i) Indian Railways Standard Conditions of Contract.

(ii) Invitation to Tender and Instructions to Tenderers;
(iii) Conditions in the Offer Form (Annexure ‘A’)

2.0 Technical Information

2.1 The Indian Standard Specifications may be obtained from Bureau of

Indian Standards, Manak Bhavan, 9, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New
Delhi or their branches.

2.2 Indian Railway Standards Specifications may be obtained on payment

from Director General, Research, Designs & Standards Organisation,
Alambagh, Lucknow.

2.3 Steel Materials meeting other authoritative Standards which ensure a

quality equal to or higher than the standards mentioned in Annexure ‘B’
to this Tender, will also be considered for acceptance. In this
connection, attention is invited to the Statement of Deviations from
Tender Specifications (Annexure ‘C’) which should invariably be filled
in and submitted along with the offers and further two copies of the
alternative specifications offered should be sent with the offers.

2.4 Eligibility Criteria:

(a) Bulk Purchase will be made only from those firms, who are established,
reliable, indigenous main producers of steel having integrated Steel Plants
(ISP) which includes in-house iron making followed by production of liquid
steel and crude steel with in-house rolling.

NB: The tenderers are requested to furnish necessary documentary

evidence of their being Integrated Steel Plants of the type as stated above
to facilitate evaluation of their offers.

(b) Offers from tenderers having ISPs, who have not supplied the tendered
Items of particular specification, grade and/or quality against Railway Board
Contracts in the past, may be considered for educational/ developmental
Order, if found deserving otherwise.
3.0 Preparation of Tender:

3.1 The ‘Offer Form’ should be returned intact whether you are quoting for
any item or not. Pages should not be detached but when items are not
being tendered for, the corresponding space should be defaced by
some such words as ‘Not quoting’.

3.2 In the event of space on the ‘Offer form’ being insufficient, for the
remaining required purpose, additional pages may be added. Each
such additional page must be numbered consecutively, bear the
Tender No. and be fully signed by the Tenderer. In such cases
reference to the additional pages must be made in the Tender form.

3.3 If any modification of the tender description etc. is considered

necessary, the same should be communicated by means of a separate
letter sent with the tender.

3.4 The tender quotations must be in triplicate complete with all technical

4.0 Signing of Tender:

4.1 The tender is liable to be ignored if complete information is not given

therein or if the particulars and data, if any, asked for are not fully filled
in. Specific attention must be paid to the delivery dates and also to
the conditions of the contract as the contract will be governed by them.

4.2 Individual signing the tender or other documents connected with the
contract must specify whether he signed as :

4.2.1 ‘Sole Proprietor’ of the firm or constituted attorney of such Sole


4.2.2 A partner of the firm, if it be a partnership, in which case he must

have authority to refer to arbitration disputes concerning the business
or the partnership either by virtue of the partnership agreement or a
Power of Attorney.

4.2.3 Constituted attorney of the firm, if it is a Company.

(i) In case of 4.2.2, a copy of partnership agreement or general
power of attorney, in either case, attested by a Notary Public,
should be furnished or affidavit on stamped paper of all the
partners admitting execution of the partnership agreement or
the general power of attorney should be furnished.

(ii) In case of partnership firms, where no authority to refer disputes
concerning the business of the partnership has been conferred
on any partner, the tender and all other related documents must
be signed by every partner of the firm.

(iii) A person signing the tender form or any documents forming part
of the contract on behalf of another shall be deemed to warrant
that he has authority to bind such other and if, on enquiry, it
appears that the person so signing has no authority to do so,
the Purchaser, may, without prejudice to other civil and criminal
remedies, cancel the contract and hold the signatory liable for
all costs and damages.

4.2.4 Each page of the Tender Offer Form and Annexures, if any, should be
signed by the Tenderer.

4.2.5 A list of authorized persons along with specimen signatures

empowered to sign on behalf of the Company at Headquarters and at
Delhi should be attached.

5.0 Submission of Offers:

(i) Offers addressed to the Executive Director, Railway Stores (S),

Railway Board, New Delhi, should be submitted in triplicate
separately in a double envelope. The inner envelope containing
the offers should be sealed and marked ‘OFFER FOR TENDER
NO. IS: 179 of 2012 OPENING DATE _______ TIME 3.00 P.M.’
The inner envelope should be placed in an outer envelope and
both should be addressed to the Executive Director Railway
Stores (S), Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Rail Bhavan,
Raisina Road, New Delhi 110001. As a measure of caution, the
outer envelope should be sealed and superscribed as follows:-

TENDER NO. I S: 179 of 2012


NEW DELHI-110001.

(ii) Offers sent by post should be sent by registered post A.D.

addressed to Executive Director, Railway Stores (S), Ministry of
Railways (Railway Board), Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001 so
as to reach him before 2.30 P.M. on the due date. Offers
delivered by hand should be delivered personally to the officer
mentioned above, and acknowledgement obtained for the same
before 2.30 P.M. on due date.

(iii) Apart from the original quotation to be submitted as detailed

above, copies should not be sent to other officers of the Railway
Board. This is in order to ensure that rates quoted do not leak
out before nominated date and time for tender opening. For
similar reasons, tenderers should in their own interest avoid as
far as possible sending price quotations by telegrams/FAX.

6.0 Offers:
All offers addressed to the Executive Director, Railway Stores (S),
Railway Board should be made in the offer form as per Proforma
attached at Annexure ‘A’ and should be clear and complete in all
respects. The offer form should be accompanied by a statement of
Deviations from the Tender specification in the Proforma enclosed as
Annexure ‘C’ and a statement of Deviation from the Standard Terms and
Conditions of the Tender in the Proforma enclosed as Annexure ‘D’.
Manufacturers may enclose with their offer any other documents
containing explanatory memorandum etc., should they so desire, but
reference to these should invariably be quoted in the offer form.

6.1 The price quotation and other financial terms should be given in the
Offer Form and not in the other accompanying documents or statements.
Offers/Price Quotations in any other format will not be accepted. If
necessary, the reverse of the form may also be utilized for this purpose.

6.2 Firms who have not supplied the items tendered for in this case to the
Indian Railways in the past, shall give details of supply made to other
Govt. Deptt./ major parties of the same or similar items.

6.3 Performance statement as per Annexure ‘E’ for the tendered items
should be attached indicating the quantities supplied during the last 5
years giving details of the consignees.

7.0 Period for which the offer will remain open:

7.1 Firms tendering should note that the offers should remain open for a
period of 150 days for acceptance. If the firms are unable to keep their
offers open for the specified period they should specifically state the
period for which their offers are open but they must realise that such a
provision may prevent their offers from being considered, provided,
however, that in case the day up to which the offer is to remain open is
declared a closed holiday for the Government Offices, the offer shall
remain open for acceptance till the next working day.

7.2 Quotations qualified by such vague and indefinite expression, such as
“subject to immediate acceptance”; “subject to prior sale”, will not be

8.0 Opening of Tender:

Tenderers are at liberty to be present or authorize a representative to be

present at the opening of the tender at the time and date as specified in
the schedule. The name and address of representative who would be
attending the opening of the tender on their behalf should be indicated in
the tender. The name and address of the Tenderers’ permanent
representative, if any, may also be indicated.

9.0 Prices:

9.1 Prices quoted shall be the ‘net’ prices per unit and inclusive of packing,
delivery charges and charges for spreading of the material, all tests and
examination for purposes of independent inspection by the Purchaser’s
representatives. The price must be clearly shown in figures and words.

9.2 If it is decided to ask for excise duty or any other charges as extra. The
same must be specifically stated. In the absence of any such stipulation
it will be presumed that the prices include all such charges and no claim
for the same will be entertained.

9.3 In states where Value Added Tax(VAT) regime has come into force, VAT
would be payable extra. The payment of net tax of VAT would be
subject to realization of Input Tax Credit, as admissible, on inputs used
in the manufacture of the final product. In states where VAT regime has
not come into force, Sales Tax at Special Rate of tax, if any, applicable
for Central Govt. Deptt, would be payable extra. The payment of tax
would be subject to realization of set off of tax paid on raw material, as
admissible, on inputs used in the manufacture of the final product.

9.4 The Purchaser shall, however, not be responsible for the payment of
sales tax or any other tax/duties made by the Contractor under
misapprehension of law.

9.5 The price quoted by the tenderers should take into account the credit
availed on inputs under the CENVAT scheme introduced with effect form
1.3.86. The tenderers should give a declaration that any set offs in
respect of duties on inputs as admissible under law is being totally and
unconditionally passed on to the Purchaser in the prices quoted by them.
In case such a declaration is not furnished it will be assumed that any
set-offs in respect of duties on inputs as admissible under law is being
totally and unconditionally passed on to the Purchaser in price quoted by
him and also that the tenderer agrees to pass on such additional duties
as set offs as may become available in future in respect of all the inputs
used in the manufacture of the final product on the date of supply under
the CENVAT scheme by way of reduction in prices and advise the
Purchaser accordingly.

9.6 In the event of CENVAT credit being extended by the Government of

India to cover items ordered against present tender, the firm shall advise
the Purchaser about the additional benefits accrued and claim the net
payable amount after adjusting the credit availed on input material from
the paying authority. They shall also certify:

“We hereby declare that we have availed additional duty set

off as per latest CENVAT scheme in force and we hereby give a
reduction of ______________per ton and have accordingly claimed
paymet. The current Excise Duty of ___________is payable on
this reduced price.

9.7 The tenderer should also please note that their FOR quotation will
include free delivery by road within a radius of 10 Kms. from the place
where the stock is held.

9.8 In case the quotation submitted is FOR station of despatch, the supplier
should book the goods freight pre-paid and recover the freight element
through the bills.

9.9 Tenderers are advised to indicate the road freight in the following format
along with PVC based on the price of Diesel. However, movement by
road would be allowed by purchaser in case of exigencies & urgency.
The distance shall be the shortest one reckoned as per Railway Time

Distance Slabs Unit Rate per Ton per km. (Rs.)

Upto 300 Kms.

301 to 600 Kms.
601 to 1000 Kms.
1001 and above.

For calculation of distance between two destinations shortest rail distance

for movement of rail traffic (freight) between them will be taken.

RUR = BR + BR (0.3 (RDP – ODP))

Where RUR = Revised updated rate in Rs./MT/Km.

BR = Basic Rate

ODP = Original Diesel Price at Kolkata as on the date of opening of


RDP = Revised Original price at Kolkata applicable on date of


For price variation calculation, the ruling HSD price in Kolkata will be
taken and varied when the Diesel Price has decreased or increased by
more than Rs.1.00 (one) only as compared to last ruling price of
Diesel. It is further mentioned that these freight charges would be all
inclusive of local taxes, if any.

9.10 In case for any particular reason, they want to quote on ex-works basis
they should indicate the difference between the ex-works offer and
station of dispatch offer, failing which their offer is likely to be ignored.

9.11 (a) Wherever all or most of the approved firms quote equal rates and
cartel formation is suspected, Railways reserve the right to place order
on one or more firms with exclusion of the rest without assigning any
reasons thereof.

(b) Firms are expected to quote for quantity not less than 50% of tendered
quantity. Offers for quality less than 50% of tendered quantity will be
considered unresponsive and liable to be rejected in case cartel
formation is suspected. Railways, however, reserve the right to order
on one or more firm any quantity.

(c) The firm(s) who quote in cartel are warned that their names are likely
to be deleted from list of approved sources.

9.12 Inter-se position of offers shall be determined from offers of individual

items/sizes on FOR Ex- works basis.

9.13 Criteria for distribution of quantities:

Quantity allocation against regular order

(i) The Purchaser reserves the right to distribute the procurable

quantity on one or more of the eligible tenderers. Zone of
consideration of such eligible tenderers will be the right of
the Purchaser.

(ii) (a) Whenever such distribution/ splitting of the tendered/

procurable quantity is made, the quantity distribution will

depend (in an inverse manner) upon the differential of rates
quoted by the tenderers (other aspects i.e. adequate
capacity cum – capability, satisfactory past performance of
the tenderers, outstanding orders load for the Railway
making the procurement, quoted delivery schedule vis-à-vis
the delivery schedule incorporated in the tender enquiry etc.
being same/similar) in the manner detailed in the table

Price differential between Quantity distribution ratio

L1 and L2 between L1 and L2
Upto 3% 60:40
More than 3% and upto 5% 65:35
More than 5% At least 65% on the L1 tenderer.

(b) If splitting of quantity is required to be done by ordering

on tenderers higher than the L2 tenderers, then the
quantity distribution proportion amongst the tenderers will
be decided by transparent/ logical/ equity based
extrapolation of the model as indicated in Para (ii) (a)

(c) The purchaser reserves the right to counter offer the

lowest acceptable rate for bulk ordering to the higher
tenderer(s). In the event of rejection of such counter
offer(s), the purchaser will reserve their right to decide on
the quantity distribution ratio/proportion.

(iii) The rate of the highest eligible tenderer within the zone of
consideration has to be, per se, reasonable to the

(iv) In the cases of inadequate capacity-cum-capability,

dissatisfactory past performance, large quantity of
outstanding orders (liquidation of which will take very long
time) etc, the Purchaser shall have the right to distribute the
procurable quantity amongst tenderers with due
consideration to these constraints and in such a manner as
would ensure timely supply of materials in requisite quantity
to meet the needs of operation, maintenance, safety etc. of
the Railways, regardless of inter-se ranking of the tenderers
and in a fair and transparent manner with due conformity to
the Principle of Natural Justice and Equity.

10.0 Delivery:

10.1 The tenderers should indicate clearly the period within which the
stores will be delivered after placement of supply order indicating
monthly rate of supplies.

10.2 In case the tenderer requires a certain period for commencement of

supplies after placement of supply order, a specific period should be
indicated and not a range. If a range is indicated, the middle of the
range will be taken into account for the purpose of fixation of delivery


For example, it would be preferable if the tenderer quoted that the

supplies will commence not later than (15days/ 30days/ 45days) after
the placement of supply order. If the quotation reads that the supplies
will commence not later than 30-60 days after placement of supply
order, then the calculation of delivery period will be on the basis that
supplies will commence not later than 45 days after the placement of
supply order.

10.3 The Tenderers should indicate a specific quantity of minimum

supplies per month. If a range is indicated say 1000-2000 MTs per
month, then the average i.e. 1500 MTs will be taken as the minimum
monthly rate of supplies offered and the delivery period calculated

10.4 Tenderers should declare that exact quantity of suitable raw material
held in stock for the manufacture of the stores described in the

10.5 Firms holding contracts for this item against Railway Board’s or
Railway’s orders should indicate the backlog and also the reasons for
the same and probable date of liquidation of the existing load.

10.6 The delivery offered by the tenderers should not be linked with the
receipt of raw materials or with assistance of raw materials by the

11.0 Bid Guarantee:

11.1 Bid guarantee in the proforma enclosed as Annexure ‘G’ for an

amount equal to 2% of the estimated tender value subject to upper
limit of Rs. 10 lakhs, shall be furnished from scheduled Indian Bank,
acceptable to the purchaser. All bidders should note that offers, which
are not accompanied by bid bond, shall be summarily rejected.
11.2 Bid Guarantee should remain valid for a period of 45 days beyond the
final bid validity period.

11.3 If the validity of the offer is extended the Earnest Money Deposit/Bank
Guarantee duly extended shall also be furnished failing which the
offer after the expiry of the aforesaid period shall not be considered by
the purchaser.

11.4 No interest will be payable by the purchaser on the Earnest Money/

bid guarantee.

11.5 The Earnest Money/Bid guarantee deposited is liable to be forfeited if

the tenderer withdraws or amends impairs or derogates from the
tender in any respect within the period of validity of his offer.

11.6 The Earnest Money of the successful tenderer will be returned after
the contract Performance Guarantee as required is furnished and
formal contract duly signed is received by the purchaser.

11.7 If the successful tenderer fails to furnish a contract performance

guarantee and fails to return the formal contract duly signed within
thirty days of the receipt of the formal contract, then the earnest
money shall be liable to be forfeited by the purchaser.

11.8 The Earnest Money of all unsuccessful tenderers will be returned by

the purchaser within 30 days after issue of acceptance to the
successful tenderer.

11.9 Bank Guarantees (BGs) to be submitted by supplier/contractors

should be sent directly to the concerned authorities by issuing Bank
under Registered post A.D.


12.1 On acceptance of the offer, the Seller shall furnish a performance

guarantee bond, in the proforma, attached (Annexure ‘H’) from a
nationalized bank/scheduled Indian Bank within 15 days from the
receipt of the letter of acceptance of the tender by the Seller or the
execution of the contract, whichever is earlier, for an amount
equivalent to 10% of the total value of the contract subject to a
maximum of Rs. 20,00,000/- (twenty lakhs). On the performance and
completion of the contract in all respects, the Performance Guarantee
Bond will be returned to the Seller without any interest within 60 days.
The Seller shall undertake to get the Bond duly countersigned by the
Reserve Bank of India or the State Bank of India, if so required by the
Purchaser. The expenses to be incurred for the counter-signature
shall be borne by the Seller. In case furnishing of an acceptable
performance Guarantee Bond is delayed by the Seller beyond the
period provided above and the Bond is accepted by the Purchaser,
liquidated damages as provided in Clause 0502 of the IRS Conditions
of Contract, for the period of delay in submission of the Bond, shall be
levied. Alternatively, the Purchaser may declare the contract as at an
end and enforce clause 0502 (b) of IRS Conditions of Contract.

12.2 The Performance Guarantee Bond shall remain in full force and effect
during the period that would be taken for satisfactory performance and
fulfillment in all respects of the contract and shall continue to be
enforceable for six months on each occasion. The extension or
extensions aforesaid, executed on a non-judicial stamp paper for
appropriate value must reach the Purchaser (Government) at least
fifteen days before the date of expiry of the performance Guarantee
Bond on each occasion.

12.3 As and when an amendment is issued to the contract, the Seller shall
within fifteen days of the receipt of such on amendment furnish to the
Purchaser an Amendment to the Performance Guarantee Bond
rendering the same valid for the contract as amended.

12.4 This Performance Guarantee Bond and/or any amendment thereto

shall be executed on a stamped paper for requisite money value in
accordance with the laws of the country in which the same is/are
executed by the party competent to do so. The Performance
Guarantee Bonds executed in India shall also be got endorsed by the
Collector under section 32 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1989 for
adequacy of the Stamp Duty by the Contractor.

12.5 P.G. Bond/S.D should remain valid for a minimum period of 60 (sixty)
days beyond the date of completion of Contractual obligation of the

13.0 Printed conditions of supply:- Printed conditions for supply of goods

or the letter or the back of the letters sent by the tenderers will be
ignored as forming part of their tender. In case any terms and
conditions of contract applicable to this invitation to tender are not
acceptable to the tenderers, they should specify such deviation in the
statement of deviations vide Annexure ‘D’. It may, be clearly
understood that deviations from Indian Railway Conditions of Contract
are neither appreciated nor generally acceptable.

14.0 Packing:- Attention is drawn to clause 1800 of the IRS Conditions of

Contract. Relevant clause of specification as specified shall be fully
complied with.

15.0 Mill’s Test Certificate: Mill’s Test Certificate at Seller’s cost showing
physical composition and chemical properties are required along with
the supplies.

16.0 Performance Statement:- Firm must fill in the enclosed performance

statement at Annexure ‘E’. The tenders are liable to be ignored if the
statement is not duly filled in along with the tender. They should also
submit a proforma for equipment and quality control as per

17.0 Tenderers should indicate the name and address of their banker.

18.0 Transit Insurance:- The purchaser will not pay separately for transit
insurance and the supplier will be responsible till the entire stores
contracted for arrive in good condition at destination.

19.0 Price Preference for earlier delivery:

It should be noted that if a contract is placed on a higher tenderer as a

result of this invitation to tender in preference to the lowest acceptable
offer in consideration of offer of earlier delivery, the contractor will be
liable to pay to the Government the difference between the contract
rate and that of the lowest acceptable tender on the basis of the final
price, FOR destination including all elements of freight, sales tax, local
taxes, duties and other incidentals in the case of failure to complete
supplies in terms of such contract within the date of delivery specified
in the tender and incorporated in the contract. This is in addition to
and without prejudice to other rights of the Government to recover all
other losses and damages resulting from delayed supplies and of
cancellation of such a contract.

20.0 Right of Acceptance

This office does not pledge itself to accept the lowest or any other
tender and reserves to itself the right to acceptance of the whole or
any part of the tender or portion of quantity offered and you shall
supply the same at the rate quoted. You are at liberty to tender for the
whole or any portion or to state in the tender that rate quoted shall
apply if the entire quantity is taken from you.

21.0 Supply Tolerance: Tenderers should clearly state in their offer

whether any supply tolerance is required and, if so, the particulars of
the same should be furnished. Normally 5% supply tolerance will be

22.0 Marking: The marking on all goods supplied shall comply with the
requirements of the Indian Acts relating to the merchandise or any
amendment thereof and of the rules made under such acts and the
Seller shall be responsible for the proper and sufficient marking of the
goods so as to be in compliance with the requirements of the said
Acts. Requirements given in the relevant specifications shall be fully
complied with. Attention is also drawn to Clause 1302 of IRS
Conditions of contract. The supplier should also ensure that all
sheets/ plates of Corten steel bear distinct mark made by ink jet
printing with indelible ink.

23.0 Option to increase/ decrease the ordered quantity: The Purchaser

may at any time during the currency of the running contract increase/
decrease the total ordered quantity of the contract by not more than
30% of the total ordered quantity at the same price, terms and
conditions as stipulated in the contract and the contractor shall be
bound to supply the quantity so ordered according to revised delivery
schedule advised by the Purchaser fixed on the basis of contracted
delivery schedule.

24.0 Place of manufacturing: The stores shall be made at the place

named in the quotations or at such place or places as may be
approved by the Purchaser or his nominee.

25.0 Inspection of Stores:

Before dispatch, Stores will be inspected by M/s RITES of the region

or Railways authorized nominated inspecting agency at the
manufacturing premises of the firm, in terms of clause 1300 of the IRS
Conditions of Contract.

26.0 Payment Terms:

(i) For dispatches by road to Zonal Railways

a) 98% of the value of the invoice will be made against inspection

certificate and receipted documents signed by Gazetted officer
of the consignee.

b) Balance 2% of the invoice value shall be paid against the

Receipt Note issued by the Consignee on receipt of
Consignment in good condition by him.

(ii) For dispatches by road to Wagon/ Coach manufacturers:

a) 100% of the value of the invoice will be made against inspection

certificate and receipt documents issued by authorized
representative of Wagon/ Coach Manufacturers certifying that
the material has been received and accepted in good condition.
(iii) For dispatches by rail to Zonal Railways:

a) 98% of the value of the invoice will be made against inspection

certificate and dispatch documents, i.e., unqualified RR.

b) Balance 2% of the invoice value shall be paid against the

Receipt Note issued by the Consignee on receipt of
Consignment in good condition by him.

(iv) For dispatches by rail to Wagon/ Coach manufacturers:

a) 98% of the value of the invoice will be made against inspection

certificate and dispatch documents, i.e., unqualified RR.

b) Balance 2% of the invoice value shall be paid against receipt

documents issued by authorized representative of Wagon/
Coach manufacturers certifying that the material has been
received and accepted in good condition.

27.0 General: Corrections should be avoided. If there be any, all such

corrections in the tenders should be initialed by the tenderers.
Erasures and overwriting shall not be made.

i. The tenderers must ensure that the conditions laid down for
the submission of offers are correctly and completely

ii. Tenderers, which are not complete in all details, may be

summarily rejected.

28.0 Communication of acceptance:

Acceptance by the Purchaser will be communicated by FAX,

telegrams/ express letter of acceptance of formal ‘Acceptance of
tender’. In case where acceptance is communicated by FAX,
telegram or express letter, the formal acceptance of tender will be
forwarded to you as soon as possible but the instructions contained in
the FAX, telegram or express letter should be acted upon

29.0 This tender is not transferable.

Enclosures.: 1. IRS Conditions of Contract

2. Offer form and schedule of requirements.



The President of India,

The Executive Director,
Railways Stores(S),
Ministry of Railways,
(Railway Board).
New Delhi-ll0001.

We M/s.
hereby certify that we are established manufacturers of steel having Integrated
Steel Plants with fasctories at …………………………………………………..,
which are fitted with modern equipment and where the production methods,
quality control and testing of all materials manufactured or used by us are open
to inspection by the representatives of Indian Railways.

2. We, hereby offer to supply to the President of India, (a) Corrosion

Resistant Steel Sheets/ Plates and (b) Mild Steel/ Special Steel Sheets/
Plates to the description, Specification (latest revision) and sizes on
Running Contract basis at the price indicated at Annexure-B. The price
indicated are inclusive of all charges for spreading of materials, all tests
and examination for purpose of independent inspection by the
Purchaser’s representatives, within the stipulated delivery period. The
quoted prices are exclusive of Excise duty, Sales-tax/ CST/VAT/input Tax
under VAT scheme and Freight. The present rate of Excise duty is
_________%, which shall be charged extra. Sales-tax/CST/VAT/input tax
under VAT Scheme at _______% shall also be charged extra.

3. We can supply material to the following dimensions (in mm)

(i) Corrosion Resistant Steel Sheets/Plates to Specification No. IRSM 41/97.

Surface finish: SF-I upto 2.24 mm and SF-2 above 2.24 mm and

(ii) Mild Steel/Special Steel Sheets/Plates to Indian Standard Specification.

Thickness Width Length

Cold Rolled Sheets:

Hot Rolled Sheets:

Hot Rolled Plates:

Special Steel Sheets/ Plates:

4. We hereby declare that in quoting the prices, we have taken into account
the entire credit on inputs available under the CENVAT scheme introduced with
effect from 01.03.1986.

4.1 We further agree to pass on such additional duties as set offs as may
become available in future in respect of all the inputs used in the manufacture of
the final product on the date of supply under the CENVAT Scheme by way of
reduction of prices and advise the Purchaser accordingly.

4.2. Bills submitted for claiming payments for stores delivered will contain the
following clause:-

“ We certify that no additional duty set-offs on the goods supplied by us

have accrued under the CENVAT Scheme in force on the date of supply
after we submitted our quotations and submitted the present bill.”

5. Period of delivery:-
5.1. Delivery of stores ordered will commence
within___________________(indicate specific period) after
placement of supply order.

5.2 The minimum rate of supplies per month will be _________ tonnes.

6. Terms of delivery: The quoted prices are FOR station of dispatch.

7. The name and address of our banker is given below:-

8. We hereby undertake to:-

(a) abide by the terms and conditions as stipulated in the IRS

conditions of Contract, Invitation to Tender and Instructions
to Tenderers, incorporated in your tender enquiry.

(b) Supply the items indicated in schedule of requirements at

Annexure ‘B‘ against supply orders placed by authorities on
behalf of the President of India in accordance with the
prescribed specifications and the only departures involved in
this offer are mentioned in the attached deviations
statements (shall be returned with the endorsement “no


DAYS from the date of opening of the Tender.

9. We enclose the following statements/documents:-

1. Performance Statement (Annexure ‘E’)

2. Proforma for equipment and quality Control (Annexure (F).

3. Bid Guarantee (Annexure ‘G’ )

4. Performance Guarantee Bond (Annexure ‘H’)

5. Copy of Partnership deed of the firm or General Power of Attorney, (in either
case duly attested by Notary Public) and particulars of Sole Proprietorship, if

Signature ………….
For and on behalf of…….

Annexure ‘B’, Page 1


(Mild Steel, Special Steel and Corten Steel Sheets & Plates)

1. The requirements of Mild Steel, Special Steel and Corten Steel Sheets
and Plates represent the demand of the consignees spread all over the
country viz. Railway Workshops, Production Units, Wagon and Coach

2. The quantities indicated in the schedule of requirements enclosed are

provisional and subject to change upwards or downwards due to addition/
deletion of items or increase/ decrease of quantities.

3. If any space is left blank in the space provided for quoting price, it shall be
presumed that the tenderer is not quoting for that item and no
correspondence shall be entertained in this regard later on, on any ground

4. The exact size of the material shall be indicated at the time of placement
of supply order.

5. Maximum weight of corrosion resistant coil shall not exceed 10 MTs

6. The packing of the corrosion resistant material will conform to Clause 14

of Specification IRSM: 41/97(Revised).

7. CR Sheets upto 2 mm will be supplied in cold rolled material

8. MS/Special Steel sheets/plates in killed condition shall be acceptable

against requirement in semi killed condition without payment of any killing
charge extras

9. Mild Steel/ Special Steel Sheets/Plates: Gr. C to Specification IS:

2062/1999 is required in killed and unnormalized condition upto and
including 12 mm thickness and in normalized condition in thickness above
12 mm. Impact properties of material should be guaranteed at minus 20
degree Celsius with energy value as 27 joules. Impact test is required to
be conducted for all thickness for Gr. C material indicated in the tender.

Annexure ‘B’, Page 2

Section 'A'
Mild Steel Sheets, Plates & Coils
S. Thickness Width Range BIS Specification Qty. Basic Rate FOR
No. Range (mm) (MTs.) Station of
(mm) Dispatch excl.
ED/ST (`/MT)
1 0.8 to 2 900-1250 IS:513 CRI Gr. O Cu 2,801
2 1.6 to 4 900-1250 IS:1079 HRI Cu 3,606
3 1.6 to 4 900-1250 IS:5986:2011 Gr. 205/ Gr. 235, Cu 891
4 5&6 1200-1500 IS:3502 Type-A/WT 2,202
5 5 to 14 1000-1500 IS:5986:2011 Gr. 235 Cu 318
6 5 to 14 2000-2500 IS:5986:2011 Gr. 235 Cu 250
7 5 to 12 1000-1500 IS: 2062: 2011 E350 BO 1,091
8 5 to 12 1501- 2000 IS: 2062: 2011 E350 BO 401
9 5 to 12 1000 -1500 IS:2062: 2011 E 250 A Cu 36,006
10 5 to 12 1501-2000 IS:2062: 2011 E 250 A Cu 4,740
11 5 to 12 Above 2000 IS:2062:2011 E 250 A Cu 860
12 5 to 12 1000-1500 IS:2062:2011 E 250 BO Cu 5,660
13 5 to 12 1501-2000 IS:2062:2011 E 250 BO Cu 991
14 5 to 12 Above 2000 IS:2062:2011 E 250 BO Normld 2,424
*15 5 to 12 1000-1500 IS:2062:2011 E 250 C Cu 4,000
*16 5 to 12 1501-2000 IS:2062:2011 E 250 C Cu 3,096
*17 5 to 12 Above 2000 IS:2062:2011 E 250 C Cu, Normld 7,450
18 13 to 20 1000-2000 IS:2062:2011 E 250 A Cu 2,367
19 13 to 20 Above 2000 IS:2062:2011 E 250 A Cu 193
20 13 to 20 1000-2000 IS:2062:2011 E 250 BO Cu 2,380
21 13 to 20 Above 2000 IS:2062:2011 E 250 BO Normld 1,767
*22 13 to 20 1500 - 2000 IS:2062:2011 E 250 C Cu, Normld 6,147
*23 13 to 20 Above 2000 IS:2062:2011 E 250 C Cu, Normld 5,083
24 21 to 40 1500 & above IS:2062:2011 E 250 A Cu 615
25 21 to 40 1500 & above IS:2062:2011 E 250 BO Normld 2,093
*26 21 to 40 1500 & above IS:2062:2011 E 250 C Cu, Normld 4,743
27 41 to 80 1500 & above IS:2062:2011 E 250 A Cu 206
28 41 to 100 1500 & above IS:2062:2011 E 250 BO Normld 1,241
*29 41 to 100 2000 & above IS:2062:2011 E 250 C Cu, Normld 180
30 8 to 20 2000 & above IS:2062:2011 E 410 BR Cu 556
31 21 to 40 1500 & above IS:2062:2011 E 410 BR 180
32 41 to 80 1250 - 3200 IS:2062:2011 E410 BR 180
33 13 to 20 2000 & above IS:2062:2011 E300 BO 180
34 21 to 40 1500 - 2000 IS:2062:2011 E300 BO 194
35 41 to 80 1500 - 2000 IS:2062:2011 E300 BO 921
**36 10 to 20 1800 & above IS:2041:2009 Gr. R 260 2,003
**37 21 to 65 1800 & above IS:2041:2009 Gr. R 260 180
Total 1,08,196

Annexure – ‘B’, Page 3

*1.0, For Grade C materials impact test to be conducted for all thickness. Impact properties to be
guaranteed at (–) 20 degree centigrade with energy value 27 Joules.

**2.1 The charpy V impact test value should conform to A 20/A 20 M. The same for the
IS:2041:2009 Gr. R 260 is as under:

Energy Absorption Test Temperature degree centigrade for

Class Average for Minimum for 1 25 mm & under Over 25 mm to 50 mm Over 50 mm to Over 75 mm to 125 mm
3 specimen Specimen J inclusive 75 mm inclusive inclusive
J. Min.
IV 20 16 - 46 - 40 - 35 - 29

IS:2041:2009 Gr. R 260 is fully killed with specified minimum tensile strength of over 490 M-pa to
620 M-pa inclusive.

**2.2) The impact testing shall be conducted on test coupon which have been stress relieved as
per stress relieving cycle S-16 of SA-20 of ASTM A-516 which will be taken from normalized

**2.3) Ultrasonic testing of plates is to be done as per ASTM A-578-A578 M-96 level- A

**2.4) Negative tolerance is not permitted in plates as per ASTM A-20

**2.5) Supply should be made from IBR certified MILL. Firms are advised to enclose requisite
Certificate for IBR Certification. If required inspection has to be done by third party inspection

**2.6) Requirement in terms of pieces. Hence, while making dispatch, it has to be ensured that
number of pieces in the supply order are supplied.


Rate for quality extra to be added or deducted.

S. No. Quality Rate (`/MT)
1 Copper charge
2 VAD Charge
3 UST charge as per ASTM A-435/A 435 M-90
4. UST charge as per ASTM A-578/A 578 M-96 level A
5 Normalizing charges.
6 Dimensional tolerance, Flatness and Waviness charges as per ASTM A-6
7 Impact test charges (i) at room temperature
(ii) at 0 degree Celsius
(ii) at (-) 20 degree Celsius

Tenderers are advised to quote against Schedule B also otherwise their offer may be
treated as incomplete

Annexure ‘B’, Page 4

Corten Steel Sheets, Plates & Coils
S.No. Thickness Width range Specification Qty. (In Basic Rate FOR Station of
Range MTs.) Dispatch excl. ED/ST (`/MT)
1 1.6-2.0 900-1500 IRSM-41 13,047
2 1.6-2.0 900-1500 (Coil) IRSM-41 12,235
3 2.5 900-1500 IRSM-41 1,025
4 3.15-4 900-1500 IRSM-41 6,752
5 3.15-5 900-1250(Coil) IRSM-41 9,177
6 5.0-12 900-1500 IRSM-41 19,043
7 5.0-12 1501-3000 IRSM-41 3,889
Total 65,168


1) In case of Coil, Coil weight should be maximum 10 MT, coil ID 508 mm or 610 mm and
Coil O.D. 1000 mm to 1300 mm.

(a) Subject to ICF Agreement, Coil can be supplied in 14 to 15 MT weight also, keeping the
Coil ID mentioned 610mm (+/-20mm) and Coil OD minimum 900mm or acceptable to
ICF. Confirmation may be obtained from ICF before dispatch.

(b) Subject to RCF agreement, Coil can be supplied in 2.4 to 10 MT weight also, keeping the
Coil ID mentioned 450mm to 800mm and Coil OD 1000 to 1300mm or acceptable to
RCF. Confirmation may be obtained from RCF before dispatch.

2) Telescopicity of coil should be as per the Governing Specification (IRSM-41).

#3) For item No 1, 4 & 6, Tenderers are advised to quote for Mill Edge. However, extra
charges for quality in `/MT for TE (Trimmed Edge) to be quoted separately, if any.

Annexure ‘B’, Page 5

Section C
Special Steel Sheets and Plates
SN Wagon Size Specification Qty Basic Rate FOR
Type (in MTs) Station of
Dispatch excl.
ED/ST (`/MT)
1 BCNHLM 1.6 x 1200 x 4350 IS 2062: 2011 E-350 BR Cu 3,510
2 BCNHLM 2.5 x 1150 x 6000 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 2,560
3 BCNHLM 2.5 x 1250 x 6000 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 4,110
4 BCNHLM 4 x 1250 x 6600 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 8,720
5 BCNHLM 5 x 1000 x 4500 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 1,500
6 BCNHLM 6 x 1000 x 6800 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 2,920
7 BCNHLM 8 x 800 x 7000 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 5,920
8 BCNHLM 8 x 1250 x 7000 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 5,050
9 BCNHLM 10 x 1250 x 4500 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 480
10 BCNHLM 12 x 1250 x 6300 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 1,310
11 BCNHLM 16 x 1250 x 7100 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 1,130
12 BCNHLM 20 x 1250 x 5600 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 1,390
13 BCNHLM 22 x 1000 x 3900 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 90
14 BCNHLM 25 x 750 x 6300 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 180
15 BCNHLM 40 x 1000 x 3200 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 260
16 BCNHLM 50 x 1200 x 6300 IS 2062: 2011 E-450 BR Cu 940
Total 40,070

Note: Items at S. No. 5, 7, 9 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 can be supplied in double width and/ or
double length also.




NAME OF TENDERER;……………………………………………………………

Item No. Description Particulars of deviations Remarks





NAME OF TENDERER:……………………………………………..

S.No. Reference to terms and Deviations in the offer Remarks

Conditions of Tender



Tender No…………………………. Date……………….

S.No. Order Order No Quantity Value Date of Remarks

placed by & date of Completion Indicating
Order of delivery Reasons
For late
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Only items quoted for should be included in this statement. Orders for similar
items should be entered separately, if required.

Signature of the Tenderer…………………..

Name and address of the firm……………………….


Name and address of Bankers:-



Tender No… IS-179 Date _______________

Name of the firm………………………………………………………………………..
(Note: All details required only for the items tendered.)

1. Name & address of the firm:

2. Telephone No. Office/Factory/Works:

2.1. Telegraphic address:

3. Location of the Manufacturing Factory:

Details of Plant and Machinery executed and function in each Department Monographs
& description pamphlets) be supplied, if available
4. Whether the process of manufacture in the factory is carried out with the aid of
power or without it.

5. Details and stocks of raw material held.

6. Production capacity of item (s) quoted for, with the existing plant and machinery.

7.1 Normal:
7.2 Maximum:
8 Details of arrangement for quality control of products such as laboratory, etc.

9 Details of Technical Supervisory staff-in-charge of production and quality control.

9.1 Skilled labour employed.

9.2 Unskilled labour employed:

9.3 Maximum number of workers (skilled & unskilled) employed on any day during
the 19 months preceding the date of application.

10 Whether stores were tested to any standard specification, if so, copies of original
test certificates should be submitted in triplicate.

11 Are you registered with the Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals, New
Delhi for these stores, if so, furnish full particulars of registration, period of
currency etc.
12 Are you a Small Scale Unit, registered with the National Small Industries
Corporation Limited, for these stores, if so, furnish full particulars of registration
with currency period.

Signature of Tenderer




Ref…………….. Dated…………

Bank Guarantee No._____________



Acting through the Executive Director, Railway Stores (S),
Ministry of Railways (Railway Board),
Rail Bhavan,
NEW DELHI – 110001

Dear Sir,

In accordance with your invitation to tender No. IS-179 for supply of

hereinafter called the tenderer with the following Directors on their Board of
Directors/Partners of the firms:

1 2

3 4

5 6

wish to participate in the said tender for supply of


As a Bank Guarantee against Bid Guarantee for a sum of

………………………………….(in words & figures) valid for (195) one hundred
and ninety five days from
…………………………………………………….required to be submitted by the
tenderer as a condition for the participation, this Bank hereby guarantees and
undertakes during the above said period of (195) one hundred and ninety five
days to immediately pay, on demand by the Executive Director, Railway
Stores (S), Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), New Delhi – 110001, in
writing the amount of ……………………………………….
………………………………………………………………………..(in words &
figures) to the said Executive Director, Railway Stores (S), Ministry of
Railways (Railway Board), New Delhi – 110001, and without any reservation
and recourse if :-
a. The tenderer after submitting his tender, modifies the rates or any of the
terms and conditions thereof, except with the previous written consent of the
Purchaser, or
b. The tenderer withdraws the said bid within 150 days after opening of bid; or
c. The tender having not withdrawn the bid, fails to execute the contractual
documents within the period provided in the contract; or
d. Having executed the contract fails to give the bonds so aforesaid within the
period provided in the contract.

This guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid up to 4.00

P.M. on………………………………………..If further extension to this guarantee
is required, the same shall be extended to such required periods on receiving
instruction from M/s. ……………………………………on whose behalf this
guarantee is issued.


………………………. Printed Name



(Bank’s Common Seal)




The President of India.

In consideration of the President of India (hereinafter called “The

Government”) having agreed to exempt ………………………………
(hereinafter called “The said contractor(s)” from the demand under the
terms and conditions of an Agreement dated ………………. made
between ………. and ……………… for …………………….. (herein after
called “The said Agreement”) of security deposit for the due fulfillments by
the said Contractor (s) of the terms and conditions contained in the said
Agreement, on production of a Bank Guarantee for Rs……….
(Rupees……………………………….only), we, …………………….
(hereinafter referred to as “The Bank”) at the (indicate the name of the
bank) request of contractor (s) do hereby undertake to pay to the
Government an amount not exceeding Rs……………..against any loss or
damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the
Government by reason of any breach by the said contractor (s) of any of
the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement.

2.We, ………………………………………….do hereby undertake to pay the

(indicate the name of the Bank)
amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely
on a demand from the Government stating that the amount claimed is due
by way of loss or damages caused to or would be caused to or suffered by
the Government by reason of any breach by the said contractor (s) of any
of the terms and conditions of the said Agreement or by reason of the
Contractor (s) failure to the perform the said Agreement. Any such
demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due
and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability
under this Guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding

3.We undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded

notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor (s) / Supplier
(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any Court or Tribunal relating
thereto our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal.

The payment so made by us under this Bond shall be a valid discharge of our
liability for payment there under the Contractor(s) /Supplier (s) shall have no
claim against us for making such payment.

4.We…………………………………… further agree that the guarantee herein

(indicate the name of Bank)
contained, shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be
taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to
be enforceable till all the dues of the Government under or by virtue of the
said Agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or
till………….. (Office/Department), Ministry of …………….certifies that the
terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fully and properly
carried out by the said Contractor (s) and accordingly discharges the
Guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this Guarantee is made on us in
writing on or before the ……………………………………, we shall be
discharged from all liability under this Guarantee thereafter.

5. We……………………. ………….further agree with the Government that the

(indicate the name of Bank)
Government shall have the fullest liberty, without our consent and without
affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms
and conditions of the said Agreement or to extend time of performance by the
contractor (s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to
time any of the powers exercisable by the Government against the said
Contractor (s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions
relating to the said Agreement and we shall not be released from our liability
by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said
Contractor (s) or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of the
Government or any indulgence by the Government to the said Contractor (s)
or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to
sureties, would but for this provision have the effect of so releasing.

6. This Guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the

constitution of the Bank or the Contractor (s) / Supplier (s).

7. We…………………………..., lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee

(indicate the name of Bank)
herein during its currency except with the previous consent of the
Government writing.

Dated the …………………day of…………………2013.


(indicate the name of Bank)


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