Social Studies - Chapter 21. Saving The Environment Questions With Answers

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SOCIAL STUDIES - Chapter 21.


Questions with Answers
#Q1. What are the main components of the environment?
A1. The two components of the environment are the living and non-living things. Example of living
components are plants, animals, germs are all other living things. Example of non living components
are land, water, air, light etc.

#Q2. How are trees useful to the environment?

How cutting of trees spoil the environment?

Ans: Cutting of trees spoil the environment because ......

A2. Trees are useful to the environment because (1) Trees help to keep the air clean. (2)Trees help
absorption of water by the soil, so that ground-water levels are maintained. (3) The roots of the
trees bind the soil and prevent soil erosion.

#Q3. How can you save fuel? How does this help the environment?
A3. (1) We can walk or cycle short distances to save fuel. (2) We can use alternate sources of energy like
solar energy to save fuel. (3) We must switch off bulbs and fans when not being used to save
electricity. Saving electricity also saves fuels as most electricity is made by burning fuels. Saving
fuel will reduce air pollution.

#Q4. Carrying you own bag when you go shopping helps the environment. How?
A4. We must carry our own bag and refuse taking plastic bags from the shopkeeper, because plastic bags
cause land pollution.

#Q5. Answer in one or two words.


a) Name the living components which a) Germs

we cannot see with our naked eyes.
b) Name one alternate source of energy b) Solar energy
c) What do roots of trees prevent? c) Soil erosion
d) How have camels adapt themselves? d) The bodies of camels are adapted to live in dry places.
They have a thick coat of hair that protects them from
the sun. They can also stay for a long time without
drinking water.

Q6. Answer the following


a) What is environment? a) Everything around us makes up our environment, which

includes both living and non living things.

b) What do you mean by polluted b) Air, water or land, which has been dirtied by harmful
environment? substances is said to be a polluted environment.

c) Give two ways how humans have c) Humans have polluted the environment by (1) Dumping
polluted the environment. wastes from house and factories into water bodies and
land. (2) Releasing harmful substances from vehicles and
factories into the air.
d) Give three ways how you can save the d) We can save the environment by (1) plant a tree for every
environment. tree cut down (2) Use solar energy which do not create
pollution (3) Reuse things instead of throwing them away,
example reuse plastic bottles to store water.

Q7. Write True or False


a) Saving fuel reduces air pollution a) True

b) The fumes released by factories and cars cleans the environment b) False (pollutes)
c) Reusing things helps reduce pollution c) True


Land Pollution
1. Using of chemicals by farmers.
2.Throwing of non-bio gradable
garbage on land.

Air Pollution Water Pollution

Causes Causes
1. Burning of fuels. 1. Bathing of animals
2. Release of smoke in water bodies.
from factories. 2. Throwing of wastes
in water bodies.

Sound Pollution
1. Unnecessary honking of
vehicles on roads.
2. Noise created by playing loud
speakers, bursting of crackers
during occasions.
#Q1. What are the main components of the environment?

#Q2. How are trees useful to the environment?

How cutting of trees spoil the environment?

#Q3. How can you save fuel? How does this help the environment?

#Q4. Carrying you own bag when you go shopping helps the environment. How?

#Q5. Answer in one or two words.

a) Name the living components which we cannot see with our naked eyes.
b) Name one alternate source of energy
c) What do roots of trees prevent?
d) How have camels adapt themselves?

Q6. Answer the following

a) What is environment?
b) What do you mean by polluted environment?
c) Give two ways how humans have polluted the environment.
d) Give three ways how you can save the environment.

Q7. Write True or False

a) Saving fuel reduces air pollution

b) The fumes released by factories and cars cleans the environment
c) Reusing things helps reduce pollution



-----Pollution ------ Pollution

Causes Causes
1. 1.
2. 2.

------ Pollution

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