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Nowadays technology is increasingly being used to monitor what people are saying and

doing (for example, through cell phone tracking and security cameras). In many cases,
the people being monitored are unaware that this is happening. Do you think the
advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

40 minutes, 250 words at least.


With the technological advancement it is now possible to do conduct (better word) public
surveillance sometimes even without people’s their (Can’t use a pronoun without a prior
noun. To whom does their refer to?) knowledge. Although these devices have some
drawbacks, I believe it has more benefits (mention the benefits
here) to our the community. The essay will first demonstrate (The essay can’t demostrate.
Please avoid writing this.) that by monitoring public it is easier to identify malpractices and
crimes followed by an analysis of how the primary disadvantage namely intrusion into ones
privacy is not valid.

“Although these devices have some drawbacks such as ……, I believe it has more
benefits ranging from ……. to ……… to our community.” (connecting words underlined.)

The use of CCTV Close Circuit Television (CCTV) (Write complete name before using an
abbreviation.) in public places and use of satellite tracking on mobile phones
have many numerous/ several advantages if it is used appropriately. In areas where crime
rates are high these cameras can act as deterrent to for criminals. The government, police and
privately owned companies can use this technology to keep surveillance on public, criminals
and staffs respectively. For example, in an article released published by the Hindu newspaper
revealed that after installing 5000 CCTV in main public places in Delhi, the crime rate reduced
by 20% percent. Video recordings also provide evidence during a criminal offence and judicial
system in every country accept this as an evidence. Moreover, the call logs and satellite
tracking helps to trace terrorist and protect our society. (A well-written paragraph indeed.
Please write EXAMPLE at the end of the paragraph once the statements are
conclusiovely completed.)

Those oppose to this say that it is a violation of human rights and people should be able to hold
meeting and express their opinion without their privacy being intruded. However, there is no
actual evidence to support this view as monitoring is only done in public places
by the government and private institutions and that is not going to does not (is not going
= future tense. Use simple present tense instead.) invade privacy to a great extend. For
example, CCTV cameras are being (Keep it Simple Present Tense.) placed in every nook and
corner of a shopping mall except in areas that needs privacy such as trial rooms, washrooms
and private meeting rooms.

To conclude, the fact that public surveillance helps to curtail the crime rates and can increase
safety clearly outweigh the flawed argument that it disrupt privacy. (The conclusion is not
powerful enough. Please make it stronger either by paraphrasing or writing FUTURE

In conclusion, despite several drawbacks (connecting words), strong (collocation) public

surveillance helps reduce crime in a society and make it peaceful (note parallelism). If
technology is effectively utilized, it will the society more sustainable without intruding
into personal sphere of individuals (use of IF …., THEN ….. clause).
Nowadays technology is increasingly being used to monitor what people are saying and
doing (for example, through cellphone tracking and security cameras). In many cases,
the people being monitored are unaware that this is happening.

Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

In recent years there has been a growing trend of companies/ government using our daily used
technology to track our activities and whereabouts. I strongly reckon that this trend has both
benefits and drawbacks which effecting on people’s life.

On the one hand, I consider that using those security devices has some distinctive benefits, one
of them is that governments use advanced technology such as security camera as a protective
tool for society. Having those installed in the streets, stores or even in civilian homes will ensure
their safety as well as belongings. For example, when someone’s home has been broken in by
burglars, the installed cameras will record clue about the thief's’ identity, which helps the police
to find out the culprits and retreat the stolen property as fast as possible. Another benefit is that
parents can apply mobile tracking to their children’s phones in order to protect beloved ones,
alerting them when there are unusual behaviour, it can also become a vital role in helping the
rescue team when people getting lost or kidnapped.

On the other hand, I would argue that being monitored can affect people lives in serious ways .
Firstly, I believe that none of us would feel comfortable if we know our every activity is being
watched. By keeping track of every word we said or typed, our privacy is destroyed; people
value their secrets, things that only meant to share between friends or close family members is
not for public eyes. Secondly, monitoring while people are unconscious or without their consent
is an unlawful action. People who are tracking phones of others must be put behind bars as a
punishment and consequence due to their criminal act. For instance, there are an increasing
numbers of hackers earning money by selling private/sensitive information and personal
schedule for demanders, they must be tracked down and imprisoned.

In conclusion, although of course there are some disadvantages in this new approach, I believe
that those technologies will help authorities manage community more effectively at present.

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