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Nowadays, people, specifically teenagers cannot imagine they can go for a day without
the touch of technology. We know technology is very useful in our daily lives but there was a
time that we became reliant on using it. We become dependent when it comes to research works
and we did not consider ourselves or our intellectual capacity to think alone.

To those time in my past that I wasn't considered technology as one of my need I can say
I have spent my days without regrets and in a useful manner or way. My days without
technology back then allow me to have a quality time to my friends and parents. It built our
relationship to each other stronger and attached. We used to talked, shared a stories and jokes.
Before, we spent our vacant days in doing some outdoor activities. We played to our friends and
neighborhood not like today, youth are very rely on playing online games and watching movies
instead of playing outside as their exercise. So as a result most of the kids and teenagers are
suffering from obesity for the reason of lack of exercise.

We are very concentrated to our school work. We always do out task and assignments in
our respective time without the so-called maniana habit and relying on internet but we used
books in gathering information we needed. That time, in order to accomplished or solve your
assignments we need to read or go to library. But now, library is being disregarded because of
the advancement of technology. No denying it makes our works or task easy and fast. One click
and there it is the result.

Now, I realized that when I wasn't yet familiar about technology my days are very useful.
Days are accomplished with efforts and hardship. It is very true that technology has a great
impact and significant in our daily lives but we need to remember that it has a limitations. In
overall, with no disturbances from technology and assistance of the internet it will allow our
mind to think alone. Don’t let technology influence us to be lazy. Don’t let ourselves be
dependent and control us more than controlling them. We should not indulge ourselves too much
in social network but let’s give ourselves the opportunity to look in our surroundings and be
engaged in refreshing and dun activities with the quality time with our friends and family.



Technology is widely used in our society. These technological advancements have made
the world great and convenient place to live in. Most of us cannot imagine that we can go for a
day without the touch of technology. And some of us considered technology as part of their
everyday living in which their days are more meaningful and enjoyable when they had the
connection to their gadgets and technology.

My days with technology keep me not to feel any boredom and keep me updated about
trends and recent news. And technology somehow brings me in virtual world and at the same
time bringing me apart in the real world. Chatting and video calling with my friends and relatives
on social media, reading electrical and wattpad books that made me imagine creative and broad.
Also it helped me a lot about my school works. Instead of looking in any books or going to
library practically I can found my information needed easily and fast through online. In addition,
some of my household chores are easily being done because of technology. Before, we just used
our spare hands in washing clothes but now we have already a washing machine. Another thing
that made a great help to us of mobile phone is we can easily communicate to our relatives and
friends living far away from us. Just type a message to your phone you can easily send it to your
love ones not like before in order to impart a message it takes days to send your message through
letters to your family. No denying of how technology made lives better and easier especially in
the field of education, communication and work.

Imagine what life we have been experiencing when there is a touch of technology and
without the days of technology. It could be serving as an advantages and disadvantages for us.
All we need is remember our limitations on using it. Be responsible enough and don’t allow
technology control us over controlling them.


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