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Good afternoon all.

Dear, Sr. Pauletta CB, as the head of Tarakanita High School 1. What I appreciate, teachers,
judges, employees, all. And what I love, all Tarakanita 1 high school students. First of all, let
us give thanks to the presence of God Almighty, because of His mercy, we can gather
together in good condition today.

Introducing, my name is Alit Melati Tirtayasa from tenth grade, majoring in social science.
On this occasion, precisely on Tuesday, June 11, 2019, in the framework of the speech
contest, I will give a speech about anti-corruption young generation

Corruption, according to Law No. 20 of 2001, corruption is an act against the law with the
intention of enriching oneself or others which can harm the country's finances or economy.
While anti-corruption is an attitude and behavior not to support efforts to harm the country's
finances and economy.
The culture of corruption has become a disease that afflicts officials in our country. Although
indeed not all officials in our country are corrupt.

Based on the 2014 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) survey, Indonesia ranked 107 out of
175 countries in the world. If this is allowed, corruption will increasingly bring Indonesia to
destruction. For this reason, the younger generation needs to be equipped with an anti-
corruption spirit so that it can later become a pioneer of clean and trustworthy development.
Some preventive actions to minimize corruption include:

1. Education from family since childhood by introducing honesty in everything. For

example in buying something, making a mistake
2. Uphold honesty in various situations and conditions wherever and whenever. Like in
doing assignments, honest in the test
3. Get used to being open in terms of managing school finances and managed by
4. Always increase the quality of faith and piety.
5. Providing anti-corruption education material for students.

The inculcation of education and habituation of anti-corruption for the younger

generation aims to make all young people have an anti-corruption spirit and be honest
in their lives. It is this anti-corruption spirit that will become a bull for them not to
commit acts of corruption if they are adults later.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Therefore, let us as a young generation, we fight and rise against corruption. It is
indeed not easy to foster a generation of anti corruption, but with strong national
commitment, preventing and combating corruption is not difficult. Start with yourself,
and start now.
That is what I can say, apologize if there are words that are not pleasing and said the
wrong words. Thank you for your attention

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