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Evangelista, Z. M., Dumaop, D. E., & Nelson, G. (n.d.).

Journeying to a Safe Space: Sexual and Religious

Identity Integration of Filipino LGBT-affirmative Church Members. Retrieved from

The authors address the member's LGBT-affirmative church on how homosexuals integrate their
sexuality and religion. The authors describe the individual struggles and self values in Integrating
sexuality and religion. Support of these claims is documented by interviewing people's struggles and
experiences. The writing style of the author is easy to understand and uses no complex words. This
article can assist my topic since this is a true and experienced-based study.

Joaquin, A. (n.d.). Carrying the Cross: Being Gay, Catholic, and Filipino.
Retrieved from

The author discusses homosexuality in the Philippines that is a catholic dominated country. Catholic
Filipino gay men still practice the norms of the church as they embrace their homosexuality. The autho r
declared that the Roman Catholic Church does not consider homosexual acceptance. The writing style of
the author is easy to understand but there is a lack of evidence from the paper. This article is useful for
my research topic since it discusses the ideas that are needed for my research.

Lee, D., & Thoreson, R. (2017, September 11). "Just Let Us Be": Discrimination Against LGBT Students in
the Philippines. Retrieved from

The author discusses that discrimination is still prevalent and schools should be a safe place for the
LGBT. The author claims that discrimination is addressed yet it is still there and an unsafe environment
for the LGBT. The interviews and group discussion supports the author's claims. The claim is clear and
the interviews from individuals are based on experience. My topic will benefit from this article since it
tackles young people from the LGBT community.

Robillos, M. (n.d.). Towards an LGBT Rights: Reflecting on the Philippine Setting. Retrieved from

The purpose of this article is for the Anti-discrimination bill and finding what is hindering the
implementation of it. The position of the author is to implement the Anti -discriminators law. The LGBT
groups are a sin and can lead to chaotic situations. The article is easy to understand and the claims are
concrete. The research paper can benefit my topic by providing more ideas.

Tan, M. C. (n.d.). Being LGBT in Asia: The Philippines Country Report. Retrieved from

The organization reviews the LGBT rights and the inequality faced by them. The organization claims that
they are enhancing LGBT human rights. The laws and policies that covers the LGBT rights supports the
claim. The article is a report and it reviews the overall LGBT related topics. The factual information that
this report provides can add more to my paper.

Thesis Statement:


LGBTQ: Surviving in a catholic centred society

The LGBT is facing negative response from the catholic church

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