Teenagers Today

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Today’s Teens Vs.

Yesterday’s Teens

Parents and elders are always comparing their childhoods to that of today’s teens. The differences seem
to vary greatly, but is there really that much of a change from then and now?

Now, of course, there will be some obvious differences in today’s teens, like the style of music that they
listen to, and the type of clothing that they wear. Elephant legs and sequence are all the way out; so is
big hair and sock-hopping. Kids nowadays have a hodge-podge of styles when it comes to clothing, and
their music varies greatly. With more adult artists targeting the teen market share in music, it’s hard to
pinpoint exactly what they’re listening to the most, however, the pop genre seems to be the most
dominant one.

When it comes to college, more teens today choose to further their education. And it seems that they’re
a lot smarter in making social and health conscious choices. They are now more likely to practice safe
sex, and less likely to start smoking. This could be due to a number of reasons, including educational
programs in schools, and increased media coverage on these subjects. SAT scores are higher now, and
high-schoolers earn more than they did back in 1980.

It’s interesting to look at how society has changed over the years, and the impact it has on teenagers.

Bridging the Generation Gap

Encouraging children to connect with elders

It's not always easy to get people of different age groups to see eye to eye, and that's especially true of
children and the elderly. What could a seven-year-old possibly have in common with a 75-year-old? You
might be pleasantly surprised. When it comes to interaction between elders and children, however,
many adult caregivers of aging parents are quick to warn children away from Grandma or Grandpa for
fear that the child will disturb or upset the older individual.

In many situations, the elderly crave the attention and interest of young children, and would love to sit
and talk with older children and teens as well. How do you know when to encourage such connections?

Intergenerational relations
Communication is a two-way street. Whether visiting a grandparent in an assisted living facility or in
elderly home care, many children feel that older people don't like them. What do they base this belief
on? The most common response is that the older person doesn't respond to the children's comments.

Many older people feel that children don't like them because they're slow or believe they don't have
anything worthwhile to talk about.

In either of these cases, family caregivers should encourage communication between younger and older
generations. According to present statistics, the number of seniors is expected to increase 56% from the
year 2000 to 2020, so it's time to bridge that generation gap once and for all. Wide gaps in age, beliefs,
traditions and habits contribute to communication difficulties between the two; however, the benefits
of encouraging relationships between youngsters and the senior community include but are not limited

 Opportunities to learn new skills and methods of doing things

 Encouraging children to accept people of all ages, capabilities and limitations
 Providing both child and adult with direction and purpose
 Alleviating isolationism for elders
 In many cultures (such as Hispanic and African-American), more households are
multigenerational and involved in some type of senior care, but in the United States, it's not as
common to find such scenarios among Caucasian households. According to U.S. Census Bureau
records, multigenerational households have significantly increased from 1990 to 2000.

Encouraging children to take an interest in Grandma or Grandpa is a matter of including them in the
daily aspects of an elderly person's care. Children who are taught to respect their elders are much more
inclined to help take care of them. Those who have developed close emotional bonds to grandparents or
great-grandparents are more understanding and patient with people who have disabilities. Such
children know that they have to speak a little louder and a little slower around Grandma, or that
Grandpa may need a little extra help getting into bed at night. Children without grandparents can reap
the same benefits from an adopted grandparent.

 Quality of life for both children and any senior citizen means communication. Show children
through your behavior how you want them to behave toward their elders. For example:
 Plan activities that include both younger children and the older adult
 Show respect and attention to elders, which in turn helps teach children to do the same
 Engage in storytelling — every day, one person tells a story: Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad, or
the child
 Have Grandma or Grandpa teach children new skills
 Allow children to read to elders, and vice versa
 Encourage children and elders to share or take an interest in each other's hobbies or interests
 Crossing bridges—one at a time

Developing any kind of relationship takes time and effort. Don't expect everything to go smoothly every
day. Children are often afraid of senior citizens and need to be encouraged slowly and in a positive
manner for optimal success. It takes a little time for seniors to adapt to vibrant and active children, so
allow them time to adjust as well. With time, relationships will develop, grow, and nurture both young
and old alike.

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