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Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially

with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a prospective partner in
an intimate relationship.

Online Dating
Online dating is where people meet and get to know each other over the Internet
instead of in person. People often chat, email and exchange photos online. Once a
connection is made, people will often arrange an in-person meeting. Online dating is
convenient for a lot of people, especially those who are constantly on the go.

Speed Dating
Speed dating is generally set up by an organization or dating service. People arrive at
a designated location and quickly spend one-on-one time with other dating
candidates. Time spent with each dating candidate varies from 5 to 10 minutes.
Speed dating allows people to meet a lot of dating candidates in one setting to see if
one or more of them are suitable matches.

Blind Dating
Blind dating is where two people who do not know each other are set up by
someone else to go on a date. Blind dates are usually set up by friends, family or co-
workers. You can ask your friend to set you up on a blind date, or it could come as a
surprise. Don't hesitate to let others know what you're looking for. That way, your
blind date isn't so blind.

Double Dating
Double dating involves couples going out together. Double dating is popular among
teenagers, adult couples who have similar interests and for people on blind dates.
Double dates give you the chance to see how your date interacts with other people.

Casual Dating
Casual dating is when a person dates many people. Casual dating is done by people
who are not interested in settling down with one person, by people who are
searching for the right partner to settle down with and by people who are just
looking for sexual relationships.

Serious Dating
Serious dating is when two people date only each other, and they consider
themselves a couple. Serious dating involves a commitment and monogamy. This
type of dating often leads to becoming engaged and getting married.
Courtship is the period of development towards an intimate relationship wherein a
couple get to know each other and decide if there will be an engagement, followed by
a marriage. A courtship may be an informal and private matter between two people or
may be a public affair, or a formal arrangement with family approval. Traditionally, in the
case of a formal engagement, it has been perceived that it is the role of a male to
actively "court" or "woo" a female, thus encouraging her to understand him and her
receptiveness to a marriage proposal.
Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a culturally recognised union between
people, called spouses, that establishes rights and obligations between them, as well as
between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws.

Importance of Dating
It forms affection and respect
It strengthens the relationship

It provides quality time for each other

It leads one another to observe the other person’s character
It provides an opportunity for one to knows his or her strengths and weaknesses in dealing with the
opposite sex.
It allows one to get to know the person he or she is in a relationship with while having fun and good
Importance of Courtship
It provides time to get to know and understand each other better.
It reveals one’s interest, likes, and dislikes, limitations, and other aspirations in life

It allows couples to decide whether they want to be committed.

It allows couples to know if they are ready for commitment and responsibilities.
It develops security
It develops understanding and acceptance.
Factors to consider in choosing a lifetime partner for a successful married life.

Physical Maturity

Economic Readiness

Ingredients of a successful marriage

There is love.
There is understanding and respect
There is care.
The couple are loyal to each other
They have a shared philosophy
There is cooperation.
There is growth.

The couple are both involved.

There is sharing and giving.
There is communication

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