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Catherine de Vigri 1413 - 1463

Now more commonly known as Saint Catherine de Bologna, she was born into an aristocratic family from Bologna

where she founded a daughter house for the monastery of the Poor Clares. Her works were of religious subjects,

illuminated manuscripts and alter pieces. Quite naturally she is the patron saint of artists.

Properzia de Rossi 1490 - 1530

Born in Bologna, where she studied under Marcantonio Raimondi, the Engraver to Raphael. An engraver and

sculptor, which at that time was rare, she initially worked on miniatures carved in fruit stones but eventually produced

sensitive, subtle carvings in marble.

Lavina Teerlinc 1510 - 1576

A Flemish artist from the north European tradition, she specialised in miniature paintings. Her works were favoured by

the English Court and she painted a number of studies of Henry VIII children.

Caterina van Hemessen 1528 - 1587

A Flemish painter, she was born in Antwerp and the daughter of the artist Jan Sanders v. Hemessen. It was he who

taught her to paint and she specialist in portraiture. Caterina is widely credited with producing the first self-portrait by

an artist.

Soponisba Anguissola 1531 - 1626

Born in Cremona into a noble family, she was the eldest of six daughters, five of whom all painted. At the age of 22

went to Rome where she was coached by Michelangelo, is famous for her family portraits of the Spanish Court were

she stayed for 18 years. Sophonisba lived a full and active life, dying at the age of 90.

Lucia Anguissola 1536 - 1568

Lucia was the younger sister of Sophonisba, who was also a talented painter but sadly died at a young age. Although

by the time of her tragic death her skills had already been recognised.

Diana Scultori Ghisi 1547 - 1612

An Engraver, who was born in Rome and trained under the tutelage of her father, she produced some fine examples

of engraved work and with agreement of the Papal courts was allowed to sell them under her own name.

Lavinia Fontana 1552 - 1614

Lavinia was from Bologna and the daughter of the painter Propero Fontana and married to the painter Paolo Zappi.

Despite being the mother of eleven children she was still a prodigious talent. She was an official painter to the Papal

Court and the first woman member of the Academia di Roma. Most of her paintings had a religious or mythical theme.
Marietta Robusti 1560 - 1590

She was a Venetian painter and the daughter of painter Jacop Robusti. Whilst working for her father mixing his

paints, earning herself the name Tintoretto, the little dyer girl. A name she would use in later life. She specialised in

portraits and mythical narration.

Esther Inglis 1571 - 1624

Ester was the daughter of a French Huguenot family who fled to Scotland to escape persecution. She became a

trained calligrapher and went on to produce a number of miniature manuscript books.

Fede Galizia 1578 - 1630

She was born in Milan and taught by her father, the miniaturist, Nunzio Galizia. Her works were mainly paintings of a

religious nature or portraits. She is remembered for her still life studies, and one particularly lifelike painting of a bowl

of fruit.

Artemisia Gentileschi 1593 - 1656

The daughter of painter Orazio Gentileschi, she was born in Rome and studied under him. She was later tutored by

the painter Tassi, who in a well documented trial of the time was accused of rapping her. Moved to Florence where

she became the Medici family patronised her and she was close friends with Galileo and Michelangelo's nephew. She

was also the first woman to become a member of the Accademia delle Arte.

Geertruydt Roghman 1625 - ?

A Dutch engraver and etcher, many of her works are famous for their simple depiction of women going about their

everyday tasks, sowing, weaving and spinning.

Mary Beale 1632 - 1697

One of the few English painters of the period, she was born in Barrow, Suffolk. Her father, a clergyman and husband

a merchant were both amateur painters. She was famous as a portrait painter and also art teacher.

Elisabetta Sirani 1638 - 1665

Sirani was a multi-talented individual, born in Bologna and an accomplished painter, poet, musician and daughter of

painter Giovanni Andrea Sirani. Her subjects were traditionally large scale religious or historical paintings. She sadly

died prematurely at the age of 27 but with her rapid style of painting, she still managed to produce over 200 works of


A small collection of artists considering they cover 250 years of creativity but their establishment led to many others

being freely admitted into the ranks of the artist, allowed to participate in life studies and openly learn their trade,

while also being welcomed into the artists guilds.

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