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European Journal of Psychotraumatology

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Psychotherapies for PTSD: what do they have in


Ulrich Schnyder, Anke Ehlers, Thomas Elbert, Edna B. Foa, Berthold P. R.

Gersons, Patricia A. Resick, Francine Shapiro & Marylène Cloitre

To cite this article: Ulrich Schnyder, Anke Ehlers, Thomas Elbert, Edna B. Foa, Berthold P. R.
Gersons, Patricia A. Resick, Francine Shapiro & Marylène Cloitre (2015) Psychotherapies for
PTSD: what do they have in common?, European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 6:1, 28186, DOI:

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Psychotherapies for PTSD: what do they have

in common?
Ulrich Schnyder1*, Anke Ehlers2, Thomas Elbert3, Edna B. Foa4,
Berthold P. R. Gersons5, Patricia A. Resick6, Francine Shapiro7 and
Marylène Cloitre8,9
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Zurich, University of Zurich, Switzerland;
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; 3Department of Psychology,
University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany; 4Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety, Department of
Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 5Academic Medical Center, University of
Amsterdam, Diemen, The Netherlands; 6Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Division of
Translational Science, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA; 7Mental Research Institute,
Palo Alto, CA, USA; 8National Center for PTSD Dissemination & Training Division, VA Palo Alto Health Care
System, Palo Alto, CA, USA; 9NYU Langone Medical Center, New York City, NY, USA

Over the past three decades, research and clinical practice related to the field of traumatic stress have
developed tremendously. In parallel with the steady accumulation of basic knowledge, therapeutic approaches
have been developed to treat people suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma-
related psychological problems. Today, a number of evidence-based treatments are available. They differ in
various ways; however, they also have a number of commonalities. Given this situation, clinicians may wonder
which treatment program to use, or more specifically, which treatment components are critical for a successful
therapy. In this article, seven pioneers who have developed empirically supported psychotherapies for trauma-
related disorders were asked to compose an essay of three parts: first, to provide a brief summary of the
treatment they have developed; second, to identify three key interventions that are common and critical in
treating PTSD; and third, to suggest important topics and future directions for research. The paper ends with
a summary highlighting the identified commonalities (psychoeducation; emotion regulation and coping skills;
imaginal exposure; cognitive processing, restructuring, and/or meaning making; emotions; and memory
processes), pointing to future directions such as trying to better understand the underlying mechanisms of
action, and developing treatments that are tailored to the needs of different patient groups.
Keywords: Psychotraumatology; posttraumatic stress disorder; complex PTSD; psychotherapy; exposure; cognitive restructuring;

*Correspondence to: Ulrich Schnyder, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital
Zurich, Culmannstrasse 8, CH-8091 Zurich, Switzerland, Email:

For the abstract or full text in other languages, please see Supplementary files under ‘Article Tools’

A Corrigendum has been published for this paper. Please see

Received: 11 April 2015; Revised: 18 July 2015; Accepted: 20 July 2015; Published: 14 August 2015

ver the past 3 decades, the field of traumatic duration and number of sessions as well as the number

O stressrelated research and clinical practice has

developed tremendously. In parallel with the steady
accumulation of basic knowledge, therapeutic approaches
and diversity of interventions. Some treatment programs
focus on in vivo exposure to threat stimuli, whereas others
concentrate on the reappraisal of the event without
have been developed to treat people suffering from requiring direct confrontation of threat-related stimuli.
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma- Strategies for the ‘‘processing’’ of the traumatic memory
related psychological problems. Today, a number of differ, with some therapies promoting recounting of the
evidence-based treatments are available (Bisson, Roberts, trauma via a verbal report, others prescribing a written
Andrew, Cooper, & Lewis, 2013; Bradley, Greene, Russ, narrative, and still others including continual or inter-
Dutra, & Westen, 2005; Schnyder & Cloitre, 2015; Watts mittent imagining and experiencing of the traumatic
et al., 2013). They differ in various ways including the event without verbalization. Some therapies incorporate
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2015. # 2015 Ulrich Schnyder et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons 1
Attribution 4.0 International License (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and
to remix, transform, and build upon the material, for any purpose, even commercially, under the condition that appropriate credit is given, that a link to the license is provided,
and that you indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
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Ulrich Schnyder et al.

coping skills at the beginning of the treatment, others Marylène Cloitre (STAIR Narrative Therapy)
integrate them during the course of the treatment, and Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation
still others do not include explicit attention to skills (STAIR) Narrative Therapy is an evidence-based two-
building. Some therapies look at trauma across the life component therapy that provides training in emotion
span, thus aiming to create a coherent autobiographical regulation and social skills in combination with trauma
narrative, whereas others focus exclusively on a single narrative analysis. The impetus for developing this treat-
traumatic event. Some try to integrate traumatic mem- ment was simple, based on both clinical observation and
ories with other, more positive life events, others do not. the empirical literature. Patients often come to treatment
Given this diversity, clinicians may wonder which motivated by problems in relationships and by emotional
treatment program to use, or more specifically, which disturbances as significant if not primary concerns.
treatment components are critical for a successful therapy. Introducing skills training to address these problems at
At the 2014 annual meeting of the International Society the beginning of treatment provides a therapy that is
for Traumatic Stress Studies in Miami, Drs. Schnyder and transparently responsive to and in-sync with the patients’
Cloitre organized a panel of pioneers who have developed primary concerns. This approach emphasizes treatment
empirically supported psychotherapies, and proposed a planning according to patient-specific goals, values, and
challenging task, namely to identify and discuss common- preferences. Not surprisingly, the use of STAIR preceding
alities across the treatments. Ultimately, the discus- narrative therapy supports retention in care and results in
sion evolved to asking each panel member to identify the superior improvement in perceived social support and
three most important interventions for successful trauma emotion regulation capacities along with enhanced PTSD
therapy.1 reduction relative to trauma exposure without skills
The purpose of this paper is to provide an answer to that training (Cloitre et al., 2010). Trauma-focused treatments
question. In this article, seven pioneers who have devel- for PTSD have been widely disseminated in the United
oped empirically supported psychotherapies for trauma- States Veterans Health Administration and have been
related disorders were asked to compose (in alphabetical found to be highly effective for those who complete the
order of their family names) an essay of three parts: first, to treatments. However, several studies have consistently
provide a brief summary of the treatment they have shown that less than 10% of veterans with PTSD do so
developed; second, to identify three key interventions (Mott, Hundt, Sansgiry, Mignogna, & Cully, 2014; Seal
that are common and critical in treating PTSD; and third, et al., 2010; Watts et al., 2014). Although systems factors
to suggest important topics and future directions for may in part explain this slow uptake, it allows considera-
research. Every discipline, acknowledged as early as Darwin, tion of whether the treatments are meeting patient needs
has its ‘‘lumpers and splitters’’ (Endersby, 2009). A and how to deliver treatments that better engage patients.
‘‘lumper’’ is someone who organizes phenomena in a way The above treatment, as well as many other effective
that takes the gestalt view and assumes that differences are trauma therapies, share several features in common and I
not as important as signature similarities. A ‘‘splitter,’’ by would propose that the three most important include:
contrast, creates precise definitions and emphasizes differ- improvement in emotion regulation, making meaning of the
ences over similarities. Psychotherapy research may be traumatic events, and the ubiquitous but powerful
dominated by this perspective, at least when it proceeds psychoeducation. The benefit of improvement in emotion
with the experimental goal of identifying and system- regulation is that it allows the individual to feel calm, to
atically testing potential ‘‘active ingredients’’ within a engage in goal directed activity, and to develop better
treatment (e.g., component analysis). relationships and social networks (Hassija & Cloitre,
We have, therefore, asked the coauthors of this article to 2013). Although trauma-focused therapies may indirectly
abandon what might be the more comfortable mind-set, improve emotion regulation, changes in this domain are
and to think about the field of psychotherapy for PTSD larger, when practices which directly strengthen emotion
through a ‘‘big picture’’ perspective, organizing it into regulation (e.g., skills training) are included in the treat-
broad categories that define critical treatment compo- ment (Cloitre et al., 2010). Making meaning typically
nents, and to discuss implications for important research involves adaptive reappraisal of trauma-generated beliefs
in the future. Each coauthor’s contribution should look about self and others which yields improvement in self-
forward to the next steps in the field rather than look back regard, sets a frame that supports greater social engage-
and critique it. The following essays were invited as ‘‘points ment, and provides hopefulness and optimism about the
of view’’. The paper will end with a summary highlighting future. Psychoeducation is an integral part of skills
the identified commonalities, as far as they exist, and training and meaning making. It also involves the trans-
pointing to future directions. mission of basic information such as that trauma is
common, its effects are well recognized, and effective inter-
We are grateful to Dr. Richard Bryant who, at the end of the panel, asked the
panelists to identify three key treatment interventions that are common and ventions are available. Acknowledgement of the reality of
critical in treating PTSD. trauma, its psychological impact, and the identification of

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Psychotherapies for PTSD

the possibility of recovery provides a sense of support and assignments are designed to address the patients’ perceived
hope, well-known factors in recovery from and protection permanent change after trauma and involve reclaiming or
against future traumas (Hassija & Cloitre, 2013). rebuilding activities and social contacts. The treatment
There is quite a range of important next steps (Cloitre, includes elements of the procedures mentioned in the
2015). Patient-centered care is a priority in research and introduction with the exception of teaching coping
clinical service. Professionals are partnering with patients strategies to reduce arousal and distress when a trauma
to identify outcomes that are important to them, treatment memory is triggered. This is not a routine procedure and is
strategies that can be easily integrated into daily life, and only used for certain presentations, patients with high
service models that are efficient and respectful of patients’ degrees of dissociation (grounding techniques help the
time and comfort. Treatment interventions that are patient stay aware of the ‘‘here and now’’) or patients with
responsive to the impact of the cumulative effects of high degrees of anger.
repeated and multiple trauma exposure need to be better In my view, the key common elements of evidence-based
articulated and evaluated, with particular attention to the psychological treatments for PTSD are best conceptua-
personal and environmental resource losses that occur and lized in terms of the mechanisms by which they can
erode capacity for recovery (Hobfoll, 2002). The fact that promote change. Particular treatment techniques can have
many individuals continue to be exposed to traumatic several functions in therapy. Psychoeducation, for example,
stressors (e.g., ethnic or community violence) even as
can be used to motivate patients, create hope, and help
they seek treatment indicates the importance of treat-
address negative appraisals such as misinterpretations of
ment models and strategies that strengthen protective or
symptoms. Similarly, different techniques may lead to
‘‘resiliency’’ factors such as social support, community
similar changes in candidate mechanisms (e.g., proble-
and family bonds, and perceived self-efficacy (Southwick,
matic appraisals can be shifted by prolonged exposure or
Bonanno, Masten, Panter-Brick, & Yehuda, 2014). All of
cognitive restructuring).
the above indicate the importance of supporting innova-
First, the treatments have in common that they change
tion in treatment strategies and models. Identification of
problematic meanings (appraisals) of the trauma about
underlying mechanisms of action (e.g., changes in emotion
the self and the world. Evidence is emerging that change
regulation and cognition) will help to characterize the key
in appraisals mediates change in PTSD symptoms in a
elements of effective treatments as innovation in treatment
strategies and interventions continues. range of evidence-based treatments (e.g., Kleim et al.,
2013). A new perspective on problematic meanings may
be generated in several ways, (1) considering the trauma
Anke Ehlers (Cognitive Therapy for PTSD) and its context in detail, (2) cognitive restructuring and
Cognitive Therapy for PTSD includes five core treatment
testing predictions in behavioral experiments, or (3)
procedures. First, therapist and patient collaboratively
simultaneously bringing to mind old and new meanings.
develop an individualized case formulation, that is, indivi-
Second, the treatments access and change the memory of
dualized version of Ehlers and Clark’s (Ehlers & Clark,
the traumatic event. The degree of exposure varies widely,
2000) cognitive model of PTSD, which serves as the
as does the focus on the whole trauma memory versus
framework for therapy. Treatment procedures are tailored
particular moments. The moments that are reexperienced
to the formulation. Second, updating trauma memories is a
are especially important to access, as they are usually
three-step procedure that includes (1) accessing memories
of the worst moments during the trauma and their linked to problematic meanings and can be difficult to
currently threatening meanings, (2) identifying informa- access sufficiently by just talking about the trauma,
tion that updates these meanings (either information from because of, for example, avoidance and the disjointedness
course of events during the trauma or from cognitive of trauma memories. It is interesting to note that in PTSD,
restructuring and testing of predictions), and (3) linking these moments appear to retain threatening meanings
the new meanings to the worst moments in the memory. despite evidence to the contrary. The treatments appear to
Third, discrimination training with triggers of reex- integrate this evidence into the memory.
periencing involves systematically spotting idiosyncratic Third, the treatments facilitate learning to discriminate
triggers (often subtle sensory cues) and learning to between the trauma and the present, often by bringing
discriminate between NOW (cues in a new safe context) both simultaneously to mind. This can include distinguish-
and THEN (cue in the traumatic situation). Fourth, ing between the trauma and other parts of one’s life, and
dropping unhelpful behaviors and cognitive processes com- refocusing one’s attention on life outside the trauma. It can
monly includes behavioral experiments where the patient include patients learning that the triggers of reexperien-
experiments with reducing unhelpful strategies such as cing and strong emotions are not harmful in the present
rumination, hypervigilance for threat, thought suppres- context or that the negative aspects of the self that are
sion, and excessive precautions (safety behaviors) (Ehring, perceived during the trauma do not apply to their lives in
Ehlers, & Glucksman, 2008). Fifth, reclaiming your life general.

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Some future challenges include better understanding of in the elicitation of the narrative in order to counter
the cumulative effects of repeated or multiple traumas and avoidance and recover the full implicit information of
how best to address them in treatment. Work on how to the trauma.
treat comorbidity most efficiently is also needed. Although The documented testimonial biography offered to the
progress has been made in predicting who will develop survivor following treatment has proven to be a major
chronic PTSD after trauma and evidence-based treat- incentive to complete treatment, rendering drop-outs
ments have been shown to be effective as early interven- rare. The effectiveness of NET has been demonstrated
tions, it remains unclear whether PTSD can be prevented. with remarkable improvements in trauma-related sympto-
This question appears especially important for high-risk matology, psychosocial functioning, and physical health
populations such as military or emergency personnel. (Stenmark, Catani, Neuner, Elbert, & Holen, 2013).
This evidence supports the relevance of exposure
Thomas Elbert, Maggie Schauer, and Frank including emotional reliving for successful treatment. Ex-
Neunert (Narrative Exposure Therapy) posure addresses the challenges of separating the here and
From social exclusion to emotional torment to the now from the there and then. Moreover, NET organically
consistent wear and tear of living with adversity, stressors makes meaning of the highly stressful events having
not only demand immediate responses but also leave occurred during the life span. The respective cognitive
lasting imprints that remodel the systemic functioning of work*meaning making within NET*provides an essen-
the body, mind, and behavior. Each new episodic threat to tial ingredient for healing. Finally, the processing of
life and integrity encountered does not strike a blank positive experiences mobilizes the resources a survivor
canvas but is processed by an individual who has been may have and incentivizes the continuation of therapy.
formed by experiences: Thus, the perception of any Recent evidence sheds light on the roles of social
emotionally arousing event will be interpreted and cate- acknowledgement, social status, and social emotions in
gorized based on the memories of previously experienced the failure to respond to treatments. Therefore, violent acts
stressors. With each additional traumatizing experience, committed during civilian life or on military duty need
the survivor increasingly perceives threats to life and to be processed during therapy, paying particular focus
integrity as being omnipresent. For the individual, the to acts perpetrated that break social norms. Crimes
context enveloping each cue slowly disappears (Elbert, committed, guilt, and shame need to be addressed before ex-
Schauer, & Neuner, 2015), and without this orienting combatants or criminal offenders may begin the reintegra-
context, the individual is left to experience the threat tion process into society. In NET, the positive events and
without understanding from where it is coming: this is the the potentially traumatizing, negative events are explored
gateway to PTSD symptoms. Amid the backdrop of the and can be accompanied by combat events, which include
effects of cumulative exposure to stress, Narrative Ex- not just aversive experiences but also positive moments
posure Therapy (NET), developed by Schauer, Neuner, such as victory, satisfaction of appetitive aggression, or
and Elbert (2011), focuses on the experiences with the even combat high (Elbert, Weierstall, & Schauer, 2010).
strongest arousal responses, especially those evoking fear We have demonstrated the disseminability of this NET
and helplessness leading to alarm or dissociative re- version and its effectiveness to simultaneously reduce
sponses. Moreover, in NET, survivors of trauma are criminal acts and trauma symptoms (Crombach & Elbert,
encouraged to recall the prominent, positive experiences, 2015), but more work is needed to reintegrate former mem-
such as the memories of a caring person or societal success bers of armed groups into a peaceful society (Hermenau,
and reward. The intervention calibrates the cognitive Hecker, Maedl, Schauer, & Elbert, 2013). Especially, social
networks and develops resources for the survivor. support and negative social interactions may promote
Procedurally in NET, the survivor chronologically or prevent the development of PTSD and delinquent
constructs a life story. Empathic understanding, active behavior. Therefore, social acknowledgement and recogni-
listening, congruency, and unconditional positive regard tion of the traumatic experiences and also of the positive
are key components of the therapist’s behavior. For feelings experienced during combat may offer a clue for
traumatic stress experiences, the therapist asks in detail future interventions.
for sensory memories, cognitions, emotions, and physio-
logical responses. While narrating, the survivor is encour- Edna B. Foa (Prolonged Exposure Therapy)
aged to relive traumatic experiences with all of the various Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) consists of four com-
emotional responses while simultaneously maintaining the ponents, two of which are principal. The first is repeated
connection to the ‘‘here and now.’’ Reminding the survivor revisiting and recounting of distressing trauma memories
that the current feelings and physiological responses result (imaginal exposure) that are avoided because they cause
from the recall of memories, the therapist links these to pain, and for many PTSD sufferers they are perceived as
autobiographic context, that is, to where and when the leading to ‘‘losing control.’’ Imaginal exposure is followed
event occurred. The therapist is supportive yet directive by 1520 minutes of processing (discussing the imaginal

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Psychotherapies for PTSD

exposure experience, changes in perceptions that might data that suggest that prolonged exposure, in and of itself,
occur as a result of the experience, and other related leads to improvement in emotion regulation (Cloitre et al.,
emotions and perceptions). The discussions during pro- 2010). Further research is necessary to explore emotion
cessing focus not only on fear and anxiety but also on regulation as a mechanism of action in treatment. The
shame, guilt, and anger. A dismantling study (Bryant et al., causal impact of change in negative cognitions on PTSD
2008) showed that excluding postexposure processing reeducation should also be further studied, using measures
from PE results in inferior outcomes, suggesting that other than self-report. Another line of research that
conducting processing is important. The second principal requires further examination is the use of extinction
component is gradually approaching avoided, safe trauma- enhancers to augment exposure treatments with the goal
related situations (in vivo exposure). Dismantling studies of increasing treatment efficacy and efficiency (Hendriks,
indicate that both components contribute to the efficacy De Kleine, & Van Minnen, 2015). Finally, and most
of PE. The contribution of education and breathing important, is the study of effective ways to disseminate
remains unknown. and implement our evidence-based treatments into com-
PE is based on emotional processing theory (EPT; Foa munity clinics around the world.
& Kozak, 1986) and its adaptation to PTSD (Foa & Cahill,
2001) which posits that the erroneous cognitions of ‘‘the Berthold P. R. Gersons (Brief Eclectic
world is extremely dangerous’’ and ‘‘I am extremely Psychotherapy for PTSD)
incompetent’’ mediate the development and maintenance Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy for PTSD (BEPP) is one of
of PTSD by promoting avoidance that prevents the the evidence-based, effective trauma-focused treatments
individual from disconfirming these cognitions. In PE, (Gersons, Meewisse, & Nijdam, 2015; Nijdam, Gersons,
disconfirmation of negative cognitions occurs via imaginal Reitsma, De Jongh, & Olff, 2012). It combines five
exposure, processing, and in vivo exposure. Several studies modules from different origins. It starts with psycho-
support this assertion (Foa, Tolin, Ehlers, Clark, & Orsillo, education together with a partner or trusted person. The
1999; Kleim et al., 2013). Moreover, reductions in negative connection between the PTSD symptoms and the trau-
cognitions precede decreases in PTSD symptoms (Zalta matic event(s) is explained and understood. Then, the
et al., 2014), suggesting that such reductions constitute a treatment will be explained. The next four to six sessions of
mechanism underlying PTSD symptom reduction during a total of 16 are used for imaginal exposure. In BEPP, the
PE and other cognitive behavioral treatments. EPT posits imaginal exposure is a very slow but detailed process,
that two conditions are required for successful treatment, starting with a relaxation exercise, then focusing on the
both empirically validated: (1) activation (emotional period shortly before the traumatic event, the event itself
engagement) of the trauma memory and (2) the presence and the follow-up. It is focused on the expression of emo-
of information that disconfirms expected harm during tions during the hotspots (Nijdam, Baas, Olff, & Gersons,
exposures (i.e., disconfirmation of negative expectations). 2013) and not on habituation of the fear response. For
As noted above, many experts share the view that instance, when someone survives an airplane crash, it
reduction in negative cognitions is an active mechanism starts with the trembling of the plane, then the crash, the
in treatment for PTSD. PE emphasizes activation (emo- crumbling of the cabin, dying people in the cabin, climbing
tional engagement) of the trauma memory during treat- out a hole, being hurt, and then trying to reach a safe
ment as an additional active mechanism of treatment. place outside, etc. Other tools are the use of memorabilia
Data from animal studies support activation as a treat- connected to the traumatic events and the writing of an
ment mechanism; indeed, lack of fear activation prevents ongoing letter to express emotions of anger or also grief.
fear extinction (Gillihan & Foa, 2011). The last nine sessions are devoted to giving meaning and
Where do we go from here? As is clearly indicated in this learning from the traumatic event (Gersons & Schnyder,
paper, we have several evidence-based treatments for 2013). Treatment ends with a farewell ritual. The BEPP-
PTSD with similar efficacy. However, treatments differ in protocol is now available in eight languages (Dutch,
the strength of evidence for their efficacy. Also, treatments English, German, Georgian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish,
differ in terms of the knowledge of which treatment com- and Spanish) and is being modified for children and for
ponents are active and which are not. More studies need to traumatic grief.
examine the relative contribution of different components For successful treatment of PTSD, three key elements
to the efficacy of treatment, and thus streamline treatment. can be identified. The first is the patient can trust the
One important issue in the field is: are interventions that therapist to be a non-judgmental, empathic listener to
enhance emotion regulation needed to enhance treatment the awful experiences of the past. Second, this must help the
designed to decrease PTSD (Minnen, Harned, Zoellner, & patient to relive in exposure the events in a safe environ-
Mills, 2012)? Studies have shown that emotion regulation ment where the connected emotions of grief, sorrow, and
is improved via skills training (Cloitre, Cohen, Koenen, & anger can be expressed freely. Third, however, different
Han, 2002). However, Cloitre and colleagues presented words are used for this, is learning from the experience how

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life can be endangered and dangerous, making it worth- conditions for other studies that do not focus on the
while to enjoy life anew. traumatic events at all, but educates about PTSD and
It is good to realize we are still standing at the beginning then focuses on problem solving current symptoms and
of successful treatment of PTSD. One important theme to issues. A recent meta-analysis of five trials that included
pay attention to is to get a better view of which symptoms PCT as a control condition (Frost, Laska, & Wampold,
fully disappear after treatment and which residual symp- 2014) found small effect size differences between PCT and
toms will stay. It seems as if always a ‘‘pilot flame’’ of the active PTSD treatment and large effect size differ-
vulnerability to new traumatic events will stay after ences between PCT and waiting list (0.741.27). PCT also
treatment (Gersons & Olff, 2005). A recent evaluation of had lower drop-out rates than the trauma-focused
the Dutch police outpatient department reported that treatments. Of course, one might consider that some
96% of 566 police officers no longer fulfilled the PTSD people drop out of treatment because they are doing well,
diagnosis after BEPP treatment (Smit et al., 2013). and some people stay in treatment because they are not
However, 60% showed still minor symptoms of concentra- improving, so drop-out may not be as important as once
tion problems after treatment. A second topic is the fact thought (Szafranski, Smith, Gros, & Resick, in prepara-
that while evidence-based treatments of PTSD have the tion). The meta-analysis did not examine the effects
same effect size, every treatment modality even using the of PCT over time, but given initial findings, we have
same key words has specific different protocolized ways to to consider the mechanisms of change when there is no
reach the positive results. There is a need to streamline in discussion of the trauma memories, and the focus is on
developing an overarching protocol for treating PTSD. symptoms and current problems.
Meanwhile, a third emerging theme should be to recognize One thing all treatments have in common is education of
the different needs of very different patient groups clients about PTSD and about different ways to think
regarding age, culture, sex, and differences in experiences. about their problems, past or present. Any intervention
An example is to focus more on traumatic grief in that actively engages the client’s prefrontal cortex is,
treatment of PTSD instead of restricting it to the decrease because of the reciprocal relationship with the amygdala,
of fear. Also, skills training is an example of recognizing going to teach affect regulation and is going to be calming.
other needs in treatment of our patients. We also should not underestimate the non-specific effects
of treatment. By this I do not mean placebo effects, but the
Patricia A. Resick (Cognitive Processing very real effects of entering therapy, taking time out from
Therapy) one’s day and the costs involved, focusing on one’s
My first thought about commonalities was that all problems, discussing them with an empathetic and skilled
evidence-based treatments for PTSD include psychoedu- therapist, and leaving with a plan of action. Clients who
cation and a focus on traumatic events for change in engage in therapy have made an investment in their well-
emotions, cognitions, and avoidance. When I first devel- being. Most therapies whether evidence-based or not are
oped Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) (Resick & probably going to improve functioning in clients with
Schnicke, 1992), I thought key elements of treatment PTSD to some extent. It may be one reason why there is
included education, cognitive therapy around erroneous reluctance for many therapists to try evidence-based
beliefs about the trauma, and a trauma account to treatment protocols. They believe, and probably rightly
encourage emotional expression and the need for the so, that their clients have improved. The question is
therapist to understand the details of the trauma. How- whether we can do better than these non-specific effects
ever, when I conducted a dismantling study of CPT with and education. For that we need large enough trials that
and without the written accounts, I not only found graphic are powered for medium to small effect sizes and to keep
accounts did not add anything to the protocol but also working on refining our therapies until they provide better
slowed the progress of therapy. The CPT cognitive-only outcomes than generic therapy and specifically with
version (CPT-C) achieved clinically meaningful improve- comorbid conditions.
ment by the fourth session through focused Socratic
dialogue. CPT with accounts postponed improvement Francine Shapiro (EMDR Therapy)
until after the accounts were completed (Resick et al., Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
2008). Since then, my own research has been conducted therapy is a comprehensive eight-phase approach empha-
with CPT-C. One might argue that any discussion about sizing the roles of memory and the information processing
traumas constitutes exposure to avoided memory. How- system in the origin and treatment of psychopathology
ever, there is a difference between talking about why (Shapiro, 2001, 2014b). It is posited that unprocessed
something happened and reexperiencing the memory of memories of adverse life experiences, which include the
the trauma in graphic detail. emotions, beliefs, and physical sensations experienced at
Then, I thought about therapies such as present- the time of the event, are stored inappropriately in episodic
centered therapy (PCT) that were supposed to be control memory and underlie current dysfunctional responses.

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Psychotherapies for PTSD

EMDR processing of the event facilitates connections to acceptance, which is often verbalized as ‘‘I did what I
integrated semantic memory networks that provide cor- had to do’’ (Russell & Figley, 2012). The short exposures
rective information, resulting in the internal generation of used are posited to result in reconsolidation, whereby the
insights, changes to appropriate emotions, and the emer- original memory is stored in altered form as a source of
gence of a coherent narrative. Education about the nature resilience (Shapiro, 2014b; Solomon & Shapiro, 2012).
of pathology and specific affect-change techniques are Comprehensive evaluation of the full clinical picture
provided to ensure a sense of empowerment during and should identify any continued areas of disturbance and
between the sessions. Clients are not asked to describe the associated memories of adverse experiences that should be
memory in detail but rather focus initially on an image of processed to resolution (Shapiro, 2001, 2014b). Some
the event, the currently held negative belief, and location of unanswered questions involve the investigation of diverse
disturbing body sensations. Processing involves short trauma-related conditions. Rigorous research should ex-
exposures of approximately 30 s, paired with sequential plore further the usefulness of trauma memory processing
sets of bilateral eye movements that cause significant as a treatment for conditions traditionally considered
decreases in arousal, negative affect, and imagery vividness intractable. Examples include chronic phantom limb
(Lee & Cuijpers, 2013). Clients are instructed to ‘‘let pain (De Roos et al., 2010), deviant arousal (Ricci,
whatever happens, happen’’ as new thoughts, emotions, Clayton, & Shapiro, 2006), and psychotic symptoms
sensations, or memories generally emerge. After each set, (Van den Berg & Van den Gaag, 2012). In addition, the
they are asked to briefly report what comes to mind, and negative psychological, physical, and societal effects of
the clinician guides their focus of attention for the next set trauma and other adverse experiences have been clearly
according to standardized protocols. The processing pro- demonstrated (Shapiro, 2014a), even indicating ‘‘multiple
cedures facilitate and evaluate changes in affective, cogni- risk factors for several of the leading causes of death in
tive, and somatic responses, until the memory is resolved. adults’’ (Felitti et al., 1998). These findings underscore the
Processing of the memory is generally completed within need for future research to determine the best ways to
one to three sessions. Overall, treatment includes proces- destigmatize mental health treatment and increase the
sing past memories, present triggers, and future challenges. utilization of effective intervention programs worldwide.
Three elements are crucial to treatment: (1) providing
clinical experiences and techniques to ensure stabiliza- Conclusions
tion and a sense of self-mastery, (2) processing memories The currently available empirically supported psy-
and triggers, and (3) teaching skills needed for appropriate chotherapies for trauma survivors have a lot in common.
social interactions. Successfully treated clients are able to Commonalities identified by contributors include:
modulate their responses and demonstrate adaptive func-
tioning in challenging situations. Clients who were multi- 1) Psychoeducation offers information on the nature and
ply abused in childhood can benefit from more extensive course of posttraumatic stress reactions, identifies
education and experiences that increase access to positive ways to cope with trauma reminders, and discusses
memory networks (Korn & Leeds, 2002; Shapiro, 2001). strategies to manage distress. In trauma-focused
Interactions within the therapeutic relationship may psychotherapy, psychoeducation aims at facilitating
provide clients with their first opportunity to discover interventions, optimizing patient cooperation, and
that they are of value and worthy of unconditional regard. preventing relapse.
Lasting clinical effects are derived from processing mem- 2) Emotion regulation and coping skills are frequently
ories of adverse experiences and current triggers (Shapiro, taught and trained across many therapeutic ap-
2014b; Solomon & Shapiro, 2012). Although effective proaches. In some instances, this is done more impli-
treatment of an individual memory can generalize to citly, in others as an explicit element of the treatment.
associated events, current situations should be assessed for 3) Imaginal exposure is strongly emphasized in PE and
the effects of second-order conditioning and processed NET. However, some form of exposure to the
accordingly. Comprehensive assessment and incorpora- patients’ memory of their traumatic experiences can
tion of skills needed for the future are vital. The time be found in virtually all evidence-based psychothera-
needed for skill acquisition is determined by whether it is pies for trauma-related disorders.
necessary to address developmental deficits due to the lack 4) Cognitive processing, restructuring, and/or meaning
of appropriate socialization experiences during childhood. making is another element that can be found in
The goal for all clients is adaptive functioning, both almost all of the empirically supported psychological
individually and relationally. treatments for PTSD. Although, in the cognitive
Future developments should take into account impor- approaches, these are the most important treatment
tant emerging themes, including ‘‘moral injury’’ and the components, in other protocols, they are conceptua-
impact of accumulating adverse life events. Processing lized as part of the integration that takes place after or
with EMDR therapy transmutes guilt and shame to during exposure.

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5) Emotions are targeted in all psychotherapies. Some of social and political history as part of the trauma and
predominantly tackle the patients’ trauma or fear recovery process, the implications for organizing the frame
network, others focus more or equally on guilt and for psychotherapy (e.g., do we treat the individual, family,
shame, anger, or grief and sadness. or community?) and how it might differ by history and
6) Memory processes also play an important role in culture remain unknown and deserve attention.
treating trauma-related disorders. No matter which Finally, as a caveat, we reflect on the fact that we all
technical terms are used, the reorganization of come from different countries and that our patients also
memory functions and the creation of a coherent vary quite a lot with regard to ethnicity, culture, and
trauma narrative appear to be central goals of all personal history (Schnyder, 2013). We treat patients not
trauma-focused treatments. diagnoses, thus while we share a common language and
common terms, there may be unidentified gaps and mis-
Regarding future directions for research, many of us matches in what we mean when we speak about the clinical
proposed that attention should be given to the issue of phenomena (e.g., negative cognitions or emotional en-
post-treatment residual symptoms and vulnerability to new gagement), the interventions, and the nature of the patient
traumatic events. response. We may fall short of identifying important
A better understanding of underlying mechanisms of differences in the particulars of the content and delivery
action is clearly needed. Such systematic research can help of the interventions as well as the patient’s responses that
identify the most effective treatment elements, so that are driven by culture and context-specific values and the
therapies can become more powerful and more stream- stories they have to tell.
lined. In addition, studying mechanisms can also help Even with these limitations in mind, the therapies
identify processes or mechanisms that have been over- reviewed in this article*each with its different focus*
looked and that may significantly affect outcome. Candi- have all been shown to be effective, providing clinicians
dates for study include changes in cognition and cognitive with an array of empirically supported treatment choices
processes (e.g., increased ability to discriminate old and to benefit their patients. We hope that the common ele-
new memories), and in emotion regulation (e.g., ability to ments identified in this article as critical in treating PTSD
self-soothe, tolerate distress, recognize and accept the will serve as a guide to future development, supporting
presence of conflicting or opposing emotions). Novel clinicians in their ongoing attempts to provide the best
mechanisms for consideration may include the role of possible trauma-focused psychotherapy to their patients.
more ‘‘social’’ emotions, cognitions, and behaviors, such
as attachment and social bonding processes, empathy, and Conflict of interest and funding
compassion (therapeutic alliance), as well as the opposite
experiences of social distance and social rejection (being There is no conflict of interest in the present study for any
an ‘‘outcast’’) and associated experiences of moral injury. of the authors.
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