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o Physical Touch
o Quality Time
Maslow’s view of Motivation: o Receiving Gifts
Basic assumptions regarding motivation.
o Acts of Service
1. First, Maslow (1970) adopted a holistic approach to o Words of Affirmation
motivation: that is, the whole person, not any single
1. People who have had their love and belongingness
part or function, is motivated.
needs adequately satisfied from early years do not panic
2. Second, motivation is usually complex, meaning that
when denied love.
a person’s behavior may spring from several separate
2. A second group of people consists of those who have
never experienced love and belongingness, and, therefore,
3. Third, people are continually motivated by one
they are incapable of giving love.
need or another. When need is satisfied, it ordinarily
3. A third category includes those people who have
loses its motivational power and is then replaced by
received love and belongingness only in small doses.
another need.
Because they receive only a taste of love and
4. Lastly, all people are motivated by the same basic
belongingness, they will be strongly motivated to seek it.
4th Basic Need: ESTEEM
HIERARCHY OF NEEDS: Maslow’s hierarchy of
- To the extent that people satisfy their love and
needs concept assumes that lower level needs must be
belongingness needs, they are free to pursue esteem
satisfied or at least relatively satisfied before higher level
needs, which include self-respect, confidence,
needs become motivators. The five needs composing this
competence, and the knowledge that others hold them
hierarchy are conative needs, meaning that they have a
in high esteem. Maslow identified two levels of
striving or motivational character.
esteem needs — REPUTATION and SELF-
Maslow (1970) listed the following needs in order of their
prepotency: (1) physiological, (2) safety, (3) love and
belongingness, (4) esteem, and (5) self-actualization.
- When lower level needs are satisfied, people proceed
1st Basic Need: PHYSIOLOGICAL more or less to the next level. However, once esteem
- The most basic needs of any person are physiological
needs are met, they do not always move to the level of
needs, including food, water, oxygen, maintenance of
self-actualization. Originally, Maslow (1950)
body temperature, and so on.
assumed that self-actualization needs become potent
whenever esteem needs have been met.
2nd Basic Need: SAFETY
- When people have partially satisfied their
What does positive mental health look like?
physiological needs, they become motivated by safety
needs, including physical security, stability,
- Self-actualizing people maintain their feelings of self-
dependency, protection, and freedom from
esteem even when scorned, rejected, and dismissed by
threatening forces such as war, terrorism, illness, fear,
other people.
anxiety, danger, chaos, and natural disasters; need for
- In addition to these five conative needs, Maslow
law, order, and structure are also safety needs.
identified three other categories of needs— aesthetic,
cognitive, and neurotic.
- After people partially satisfy their physiological and
safety needs, they become motivated by love and
- Not universal; depends on culture.
belongingness needs, such as the desire for
- Strong aesthetic needs: desire for beauty & orderly
friendship; the wish for a mate and children; the need
surroundings; when these are not met, they
to belong to a family, a club, a neighborhood, or a
become sick/frustrated.
nation. Love and belongingness also include some
- When forced to live in squalid and disorderly
aspects of sex and human contact as well as the need
environments, they feel physically & spiritually
to both give and receive love.
 COGNITIVE Needs 3. Love and Belongingness: becomes defensive, overly
- Desire to know, to solve mysteries, to understand aggressive or socially timid.
and to become curious. 4. Esteem: self-doubt, self-depreciation, lack of
- When cognitive needs are blocked, all needs on confidence.
Maslow’s Hierarchy are threatened.
- Knowledge is necessary to satisfy each of the 5 MASLOW’S SELF-ACTUALIZATION QUEST:
conative needs.
Criteria for Self-Actualization:
- First, they were free from psychopathology.
1. Knowing how to secure food.
- Second, these self-actualizing people had progressed
2. Knowing how to build a shelter.
through the hierarchy of needs.
3. Knowing how to relate to people.
- Third, embracing the B-values.
4. Knowing how to acquire some level of confidence.
- Last, “full use and exploitation of talents, capacities,
5. Fully using their cognitive potential.
potentialities, etc.”
Healthy People: Desire to know more, to theorize, to test
hypotheses, to uncover mysteries or to find out how Values for Self-Actualizers:
something works. - Self-actualizing people are motivated by the “eternal
When cognitive needs are not satisfied: verities” or what he called B-values or “Being”
- Curiosity stifled values.
- Pathological (skepticism, disillusionment & - This B-Values are indicators of psychological health.
cynicism) ● Truth ● Goodness
● Beauty ● Wholeness
 NEUROTIC Needs ● Aliveness or Spontaneity ● Uniqueness
- Frustration when conative, aesthetic and cognitive ● Progress ● Completion
needs are not satisfied. ● Justice and order ● Simplicity
- Stagnation and Pathology. ● Richness or totality ● Effortlessness
- Non-productive. ● Playfulness or humor ● Self-sufficiency or autonomy
- Perpetuate an unhealthy lifestyle.
- Do not strive for self-actualization. Characteristics of Self-Actualizing People:

 Reactive
 Compensation for unsatisfied basic needs.


Hypothetical Average Person:
- Physiological: 85%
- Safety: 70%
- Love and Belongingness: 50%
- Esteem: 40%
- Self-Actualization: 10%

- The more a lower level is satisfied, the greater the

emergence of the next level need.
- They emerge gradually.
- May simultaneously motivated by needs from two
or more levels.
Deprivation of Needs:
May lead to pathology.
1. Physiological: malnutrition, fatigue, loss of energy,
obsession with sex.
2. Safety: fear, insecurity, dread.

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