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19. The Pronoun www.gapol.



Personal Pronouns (pronume personale)

Possessive Pronouns (pronume posesive)

Reflexive/“Self”- Pronouns (pronume de intarire)

Reciprocal Pronouns (pronume reciproce)

Demonstrative Pronouns (pronume demonstrative)

Interrogative Pronouns (pronume interogative)

Relative Pronouns (pronume relative)

Indefinite Pronouns (pronume nehotarate)

1. Personal Pronouns

In Nominativ (cand stau in cazul Nominativ sunt subiecte):

I – 1st person sg. (intotdeauna scris cu majuscula oriunde in propozitie) - eu

You – 2nd person sg./ thou (forma veche pentru you) e.g. You are./ Thou are. - tu

He - 3rd person sg. (folosit numai pentru persoane de sex masculin) - el

She - 3rd person sg. (folosit numai pentru persoane de sex feminin) - ea

It - 3rd person sg. Folosit:

- pentru animale, plante, obiecte, idei, actiuni, orice altceva in afara de oameni: e.g.
I have bought you a rose. It smells wonderful. (Am cumparat un trandafir. El miroase

- pentru “baby, infant, child” un copil in primele luni de viata: e.g. What a cute little
baby it is! (Ce copilas dragut este el!)

- cu verbele: find out (a afla), forget (a uita), know (a sti), manage (a reusi), mind
(a deranja), refuse (a refuza), remember (a-si aminti), show (a arata), tell (a
spune), try (a incerca), understand (a intelege) cand se refera la un fapt
mentionat deja: E.g. It all happened a long time ago. (Totul s-a intamplat cu mult
timp in urma.)/ I was angry and he knew it. (Eram manios si el stia asta.)/ Forget it.
(Uita de asta.)
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19. The Pronoun
- ca fapt anticipator - anticipeaza o parte din propozitia care urmeaza: e.g. It was
unbelievable: they actually smiled. (Era de necrezut: ei chiar au zambit.)/ I hateit
when he says such things. (Urasc [asta], cand el spune astfel de lucruri.)/ I loveit
that she’s coming with us. (Iubesc [asta] ca ea vine cu noi.)/ It is a pity to make a
fool of yourself. (Este pacat sa te faci de ras.)

- in constructia: FIND/THINK + IT + (BE): e.g. He thought it (would be) better to

keep quiet. (El a crezut ca ar fi mai bine sa taca.)/ He found it impossible to laugh.
(El a gasit [asta] imposibil sa rada./ Lui i-a fost imposibil sa rada.)

- in propozitii care se refera la timp, distanta, vreme, greutate t(ime, distance,

weather, weight): e.g. It is raining. (Ploua.)/ It is Sunday. (Este duminica.)/ It is late.
(Este tarziu.)/ It was July. (Era iulie.)/ It was a long way till home. (Era o cale lunga
pana acasa.) / It is heavy. (Este greu.)/ It is 7 o’clock. (Este ora 7 fix.)

- ca subiect pentru verbe impersonale: e.g. It appears. (Se pare.)/ It is said. (Se
spune.)/ It seems. (Se pare.)/ It happens that I know her. (Se intampla sa o
cunosc.)/ It looks like rain. (Se pare ca o sa ploua.)

- ca demonstrativ “it” in constructia IT + BE + Predicative: e.g. Who is it? It is I/

me. (Cine este? Sunt eu.)/ It was Tom that told the truth. (A fost Tom cel care a
spus adevarul.)/ It is today that he arrives. (Este aztazi cand soseste el.) (cleft

!!! Diferenta dintre THERE si IT:

- THERE introduce o notiune noua si este folosit pentru a arata locatia, existenta
(there is = there exists = se afla/ se gaseste/ exista) si evenimente. Deci
expresiile cu THERE arata existenta a ceva intr-un loc anume:

There [is/are/was/were] [ Noun ] [ Phrase of location ].....

e.g. There is a picture on the wall. (Se afla un tablou pe perete.)

There is (= there exists) a Santa Claus. (Exista un Mos Craciun.)

There are five people waiting for you. (Sunt cinci oameni care te asteapta.)

!!! ATENTIE: nu se poate folosi "it" in loc de "there" atunci cand exprimam

There is [ ice ] [ on the road ] today. (Se afla/ Este gheata pe drum azi.)

There was [ snow ] [ on the roof ] yesterday. (Era zapada pe acoperis ieri.)

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19. The Pronoun
- IT introduce expresii de timp, distanta, greutate sau este folosit in expresii
impersonale SAU daca ne referim la ceva mentionat inainte.

e.g. It is late. (Este tarziu.)/ It’s too far away. (Este prea departe.)/ It is believed that
he is rich. (Se crede ca el este bogat.)

!!! Atentie: atunci cand introducem ceva nou in conversatie se foloseste THERE,
dar dupa aceea se foloseste IT pentru ca situatia este deja cunoscuta:

E.g. There is a blue pen on the table. It is mine. (Se afla un stilou albastru pe masa.
El este al meu.)

We – 1st person pl. (folosit si de catre regi/ regine de exemplu, “regalul "noi" = we”
e.g. We, the Queen of England ... - Noi, regina Angliei ...) - noi

You – 2nd person pl. - voi

They – 3rd person pl. (for both masculine and feminine) - ei/ ele

Formele pentru Acuzativ sau Dativ (in acest caz pronumele sunt complemente
directe sau indirecte):

Me - 1st person sg. - pe mine/ mie

E.g. Give me the money. (Da-mi banii. - complement indirect in D - cui? - mie)/ He
loves me. (El ma iubeste pe mine. - complement direct in A - pe cine? - pe mine)

You – 2nd person sg./ thee (forma veche pentru you) - pe tine/ tie

E.g. I love you/ thee. (Te iubesc pe tine.)

Him - 3rd person sg. (for masculine - only people) - pe el/ lui

Her - 3rd person sg.(for feminine – only people) - pe ea/ ei

It - 3rd person sg.(for animals, plants, objects, anything else BUT people) - pe el/ ea/
lui/ ei

Us - 1st person pl. - pe noi/ noua e.g. She told us everything. (Ea ne-a spus noua

You - 2nd person pl. - pe voi/ voua

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19. The Pronoun
Them - person pl (for both masculine and feminine) - pe ei/ pe ele/ lor

!!! ATENTIE: pronumele in Acuzativ sau Dativ stau numai dupa verb.

!!! ATENTIE: verbele describe (a descrie), mention (a mentiona), propose (a

propune), introduce (a introduce), listen (a asculta), prescribe (a prescrie),
announce (a anunta), suggest (a sugera), prove (a dovedi), explain (a explica)
sunt urmate intotdeauna de preopzitia TO:

e.g. Listen to me for a moment. (Asculta-ma un moment.)

Let me introduce you to my aunt, Sarah. (Permite-mi sa te prezint matusii mele,


Prove it to me. (Dovedeste-mi asta.)

!!! ATENTIE: verbele write (a scrie), sing (a canta), read (a citi) and play (a canta la
un instrument) primesc perpozitia TO dupa ele daca nu sunt urmate de complement
direct ci numai de un complement indirect:

I wrote to her. (I-am scris ei. - cui? - ei) (avem numai complement indirect deci
folosim TO)

DACA avem: VERB + CI + CD nu se foloseste prepozitia TO inainte de

complementul indirect:

I wrote her a letter yesterday. (I-am scris ei o scrisoare ieri.)

DACA avem: VERB + CD + TO + CI se foloseste prepozitia TO inaintea

complementului indirect:

I wrote a letter to her.

Alte exemple:

Read to me. (Citeste-mi.) – I read her a story. (I-am citit ei o poveste.) DAR I read a
story to her. (I-am citit o poveste ei.)

Sing to me. (Canta-mi.) - I sang them a song. (Le-am cantat lor un cantec.) DAR I
sang a song to them. (Le-am cantat un cantec lor.)

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19. The Pronoun

2. Possessive Pronouns

Pronumele posesiv (sta singur) vs. Adjectivul posesiv (sta in

fata unui substantiv)

Mine – 1st person sg. - al meu/ a mea my (cat)- 1st person sg. -
meu/ mea

The cat is mine. (Pisica este a mea.) This ismy cat. (Aceasta
este pisica mea.)

Yours – 2nd person sg. - al tau/ a ta your (cat)- 2nd person sg.
- tau/ ta

His – 3rd person sg. - al lui his (cat)– 3rd person sg.
(masculine) - lui

Hers - 3rd person sg. - a ei her (cat)– 3rd person sg.

(feminine) - ei

- its (cat)- 3rd person sg.

(not for people)- lui/ ei

Ours – 1st person pl. - al nostru/ a nosatra our (cat)- 1st person pl. -
noastra/ nostri

Yours – 2nd person pl. - al vostru/ a voastra your (cat)- 2nd person pl.
- voastra/ vostri

Theirs – 3rd person pl. - al/ a/ ale lor their (cat)- 3rd person pl. -

Expresii cu pronume si adjective posesive:

My best wishes for you and yours from me and mine. (Cele mai bune urari
pentru tine si ai tai de la mine si ai mei.)

I dislike his borrowing money. (Gerund) (Imi displace faptul ca el imprumuta


Yours sincerely/ faithfully (Al dumneavoastra cu sinceritate - formule de

incheiere pentru scrisori formale.)

He lives on his own. (El locuieste singur.)

He is a friend of mine not one of yours. (El este un prieten de-al meu nu unul
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19. The Pronoun
de-al tau.)

She bought her own house. (Ea si-a cumparat propria casa.)

3. Reflexive/“Self”- Pronouns

Se formeaza din:

Possessive adjective + self (sg.)/ selves (pl.) for 1st and 2nd persons

Object pronoun + self (sg.)/ selves (pl.) for 3rd person

Myself - 1st person sg. - eu insami (feminin)/ eu insumi (masculin)

Yourself – 2nd person sg. - tu insati (feminin)/ insuti (masculin)

Himself – 3rd person sg. - el insusi

Herself – 3rd person sg. - ea insasi

Itself – 3rd person sg. - ea insasi (feminin)/ el insusi (masculin)

Ourselves - 1st person pl. - noi insene (feminin)/ noi insine (masculin)

Yourselves - 1st person pl. - voi inseva (feminin)/ voi insiva (masculin)

Themselves – 3rd person pl. - ele insele (feminin)/ ei insisi (masculin)

!!! ATENTIE: la plural "self" schimba pe "f" in "v": myself => ourselves

Pronumele de intarire se foloseste:

· reflexiv: e.g. He is washing himself. (El se spala pe sine.)

· emfatic: e.g. He himself went to oversee the project. (El insusi s-a dus
sa supervizeze proiectul.)

· cu verbele: absent oneself from (a lipsi), avail oneself of (a se folosi de),

betake oneself (a calatori, a se duce), pride oneself on (a se mandri cu):

e.g. He prides himself on his cars. (El se mandreste cu masinile lui.)

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19. The Pronoun
e.g. I availed myself of the house. (M-am folosit de casa.)

· in sens reciproc: e.g. They were arguing among themselves. (Ei se

certau intre ei.)

· dupa “as, like, but, except”: e.g. For somebody like myself (me) this is a
big surprise. (Pentru cineva ca mie asta este o mare surpriza.)


Alone or without help (singur/ fara ajutor): e.g. The girl travelled by herself.
(Fata a calatorit de una singura.)

Without help (fara ajutor): ALL + BY + reflexive pronoun: Don’t you feel sad
living all by yourself? (Nu te simti trist sa locuiesti singur fara ajutor?)

Even/ not even (chiar/ nici chiar): Einstein himself could not explain this. (Nici
chiar Einstein nu a putut sa explice asta.)

No less (nu mai putin decat): e.g. It was a portrait that Rembrandt himself (=
no less a painter than Rembrandt) could have painted. (Era un portret pe
care Rembrandt insusi l-ar fi putut picta.)

4. Reciprocal Pronouns

EACH OTHER (unul pe altul/ una pe alta - pentru DOUA persoane) and ONE
ANOTHER (unii pe altii pentru mai mult de doua persoane)

The two men greeted each other. (Cei doi barbati s-au salutat unul pe altul.)

The five students helped one another. (Cei cinci studenti s-au ajutat unii pe

5. Demonstrative Pronouns

This (sg) (acesta/ aceasta)/ these (pl) (acestia/ acestea)/ That (sg) (acela/
aceea)/ those (pl) (aceia/ acelea)

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19. The Pronoun
- se folosesc pentru a inlocui un substantiv:

E.g. Is this (seat) taken? (Este [locul] acesta ocupat?)

- se folosesc pentru a sugera o pozitie: this/ these (aproape), that/ those


E.g. There is a seat here, near me, and there is that in the first row. (Este un loc
aici, langa mine, si este acela in primul rand.)

- se folosesc in expresii ca: only that/ those (doar acela/ doar aceia)/ those who
(aceia care)/ that which (ceea ce):

E.g. That which annoys me most is his smile. (Ceea ce ma enerveaza cel mai
mult este zambetul lui.)

The former (primul din doi)/ the latter (al doilea din doi)

Used when TWO objects are implied (folosit numai cand avem DOUA obiecte/
unitati/ persoane/ etc.):

E.g. I have two evening dresses: the former is blue and the latter is red. (Am
doua rochii de seara: prima este albastra si a doua este rosie.

The first (primul) si the last (ultimul) se folosesc cand ne referim la mai mult de
doua lucruri sau persoane:

E.g. I have four good friends: the first is a doctor, the second is a teacher, the
third is a dentist and the last is an engineer. (Am patru prieteni buni: primul
este doctor, al doilea este profesor, al treilea este dentist si ultimul este

The same (acelasi/ aceeasi)


I did the same. (Am facut la fel.)

The same boy came yesterday. (Acelasi baiat a venit ieri.)

Same here (Si eu/mie.).

It’s all the same to me. (mi-e egal)

all the same (cu toate acestea)

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19. The Pronoun

Such (asa/ asa de)


Such is life. (Asa este viata.)

I have had such a busy day. (Am avut o zi asa de ocupata.)

On such and such a day/ month/ year (in cutare zi/ luna/ an)

A lot of fruit such as oranges and lemons are bad for your stomach. (Multe
fructe cum ar fi portocalele si lamaile sunt rele pentru stomac.)

He gave me his word, such as it was. ( but it wasn’t of much use) (Mi-a dat
cuvantul lui, atata cat face.)


Folosit dupa verbele say, think, hope, believe, suppose, expect, hear, tell,
imagine, fear, be afraid pentru a exprima o afirmatie:

“Is she very rich?” “I think so.” (Este bogata? Asa cred./ Cred ca da.)

Folosit pentru a exprima negatii: I don’t think/ believe/ suppose so. (Nu cred

Folosit cu verbul TO DO pentru a se referi la un verb anterior: I told him to

leave and he did so. (I-am spus sa plece si a facut asa. - a plecat)

Folosit cu TO BE, TO REMAIN, TO SEEM, TO MAKE : It was very useful and I

hope it will be so (= useful) in the future. (A fost foarte folositor si sper ca
va fi asa (folositor) in viitor.)

So = also: I love English and so does my sister. (Eu iubesc engleza si asa si
sora mea.)

Folosit in idiomuri: Miss so and so (= domnisoara cutare)/ so, so (asa si-asa)


Poate fi pronume avand pluralul some : One cannot work so much. (Cineva nu
poate munci atat de mult.)/ Some work a lot. (Unii muncesc mult.)
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19. The Pronoun
Poate fi un substantiv: Write 102 with one one. (Scrie 102 cu un unu.)

Poate fi numeral: One day was ok, but two days was too much. (O zi era in
regula, dar doua zile era prea mult.)

Folosit impersonal: One can’t believe that. (Nu se poate crede asta.)/ One can
only do one’s best. (Cineva nu poate sa faca decat tot posibilul.)

Folosit pentru a inlocui un substantiv anterior: Which dress do you want? The
red one or the blue one? (Pe care rochie o vrei? Pe cea rosie sau pe cea

One = only, single (singurul): The one man who could have made me happy
has left. (Singurul barbat care m-ar fi putut face fericita a plecat.)

Folosit pentru a exprima un timp vag: One day he will come back. (Intr-o zi el
se va intoarce.)/ One of these days I’ll go to Paris. (Intr-una din zilele asta
ma voi duce in Paris.)

Folosit in idiomuri: He can go or he can stay,it’s all one to me. (Poate sa plece
sau poate sa stea, imi este indiferent.)/ He was liked by one and all. (El era
placut de toata lumea.)

6. Interrogative Pronouns

WHO (cine - folosit numai pentru fiinte umane si numai in Nominativ): Who is
there? (Cine este acolo?)

WHOM (pe cine): Whom did you see? (Pe cine ai vazut?)

WHOSE (a/ al/ ai/ ale cui - posesie): Whose are these gloves? (Ale cui sunt
aceste manusi?)

WHICH (care - folosit pentru lucruri, animale si persoane): Which dog do you
like? (Care caine iti place?)

!!! ATENTIE: - atunci cand avem de ales dintr-un numar limitat de posibilitati
folosim WHICH:

Which will you have: tea or coffee? (Ce doresti: ceai sau cafea?)

Which girls from your class do you like best? (De care fete de la
tine din clasa iti place cel mai mult ?)

- atunci cand avem de ales dintr-un numar nelimitat de posibilitati

folosim WHAT:
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19. The Pronoun
What girls do you like best? (Ce fete iti plac cel mai mult?)

WHAT (folosit pentru lucruri, o activitate, pentru a intreba despre o profesie

sau o nationalitate, in constructii cu WHAT ... LIKE?, pentru a alege dintr-un
numar nelimitat de posibilitati):

What is this? (Ce este aceasta?)

What are you doing? (Ce faci?)

What is that man talking to your mother? He’s Spanish. (Ce este acel barbat
care vorbeste cu mama ta? El este spaniol?)

What is he like? He is tall, blond and gorgeous. (Cum arata el? El este inalt,
blond si superb.)

What’s he like as a pianist? He’s not so good. (Cum este el ca pianist? El nu

este asa de bun.)

What’s the weather like? Fine. (cum este vremea? Buna.)

What type of beverage do you like? (Ce fel de bautura iti place?)

- se folosesc pentru a introduce intrebari directe: “What happened after that?” (Ce s-
a intamplat dupa aceea?)

- se folosesc pentru a introduce intrebari indirecte: He asked mewhat had happened

after that. (El m-a intrebat ce s-a intamplat dupa aceea.)

- se foloseste in expresii idiomatice:

What about a glass of water? (= Would you like? Shall we have?) (Ai dori un pahar
cu apa?/ Ce zici de un pahar cu apa?)

There’s Mr. What’s-his-name (Iata-l pe domnul cum il cheama)

It’s a what-do-you-call-it (Este o/ un ... cum ii zice)

What with high prices and with the economic crisis (ba cu preturile mari si cu criza

It was so dark I couldn’t tellwho was who. (Era intuneric asa ca nu am putut sa imi
dau seama cine era cine.)

The twins are so alike that I can’t tellwhich is which. (Gemeni sunt asa de
asemanatori ca nu pot sa spun care este care.)

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19. The Pronoun
There are so many unknown people at this party, you have to tell mewho’s who.
(Sunt atatia oameni necunoscuti la aceasta petrecere, trebuie sa imi spui cine este

You’ll find his name in Who’s Who. (O sa ii gasesti numele in "Cine este cine".
[Who's Who este o carte care contine informatii despre persoanele proeminente
dintr-o tara])

He’s clever, he knows what’s what. (El este destept, el stie cum merg treburile/ stie
ce este important.)

What is the English for "cal"? (Cum se spune in limba engleza la cuvantul "cal"?)

What about you? (Dar tu?)

He bought apples, tea, coffee and what not. (El a cumparat mere, ceai, cafea, dar
ce nu a cumparat.)

Who on earth is that man? (Cine naiba este acel barbat?)

7. Relative Pronouns

WHO (Nominativ pentru oameni): The man who helped me is here. (Barbatul care m-
a ajutat este aici.)

WHOM (complement): The man whom I love. (Barbatul pe care il iubesc.)

WHICH (folosit pentru obiecte, animale, etc. dar NU pentru oameni decat atunci
cand inlocuieste un substantiv colectiv [e.g. team = echipa] si pentru a inlocui o
intreaga propozitie):

The chair which you are sitting on is comfortable. (Scaunul pe care stai este

The dog which was lost has been found. (Cainele care s-a pierdut a fost gasit.)

The team, which played well, has returned. (Echipa, care a jucat bine, s-a intors.)

He invited us for dinner, which was very nice of him. (El ne-a invitat la cina,ceea ce
a fost foarte dragut din partea lui.)

THAT (se foloseste pentru oameni, animale, obiecte, etc.):

The woman that helped you is here. (Femeia care te-a ajutat este aici.)

This is the dog that bit me. (Acesta este cainele care m-a muscat.)

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19. The Pronoun
The choice of what relative pronoun to use depends on the RELATIVE CLAUSE (AT)
in which it appears (Alegerea pronumelui relativ depinde de tipul de subordonata
atributiva in care apare):


- necessary ideas, if left out the sentence does not make complete sense
(exprima idei necesare, daca atributiva este omisa, atunci propozitia nu
mai are sensul complet)

e.g. The man [(that/ who) you spoke to] was my brother. (Barbatul c [ u care ai
vorbit] era fratele meu. - Daca omitem subordonata, obtinem Barbatul era
fratele meu. - propozitia pare incompleta, se simte ca lipseste ceva)

- the pronoun can be omitted if it is in the objective case (pronumele relativ

poate fi omis daca este complement in propozitie):

e.g. The man [(who/ that) you spoke with] is special. (Barbatul [(cu care) tu ai
vorbit] este special. - who/ that se poate omite pentru ca este complement
in atributiva/ atributiva are subiectul you)

The man [who/ that spoke with you] is special. (Barbatul [care a vorbit cu
tine] este special. - who/ that nu se poate omite pentru ca este subiectul in


- the ideas could be omitted and the rest of the sentence would still make
sense (ideile pot fi omise si restul propozitiei tot are sens)

- they stay between commas (atributiva sta intre virgule)

- the pronoun is NEVER omitted (pronumele relativ nu este NICIODATA omis)

e.g. Shakespeare[, who that wrote many plays,] died in 1616. (Shakespeare,
care a scris multe piese de teatru, a murit in anul 1616.)

Daca omitem propozitia atributiva obtinem: Shakespeare died in 1616.

(Shakespeare a murit in 1616.) - propozitia are complet sens si fara


(pronumele THAT nu se foloseste NICIODATA in acest tip de atributiva)
e.g The dog[,
which that
bit my sister,] belongs to
you. (Cainele, care a muscat-o pe sora mea, iti apartine tie.)

Cuvintele de mai jos se pot combina cu pronume relative in felul urmator:

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19. The Pronoun



Little OF WHICH (pentru animale, obiecte, plante, etc. dar

NU oameni)/ WHOSE (al/ a/ ai/ ale caruia)/ WHOM (pe care/ cu care)





There are many people some of whose children are smart. (Sunt multi oameni ai
caror copii sunt destepti.)

There were many beautiful women there none of whom looked at me. (Erau multe
femei frumoase acolo dintre care nici una nu s-a uitat la mine.)

Expresii cu pronume relative:

He who (cel care)/ she who (cea care)/ the one who (acela care)/ that which (ceea
ce)/ those who (aceia care)

e.g. He who laughs last laughs best. (Cel care rade la urma rade mai bine.)

That which does not kill you makes you stronger. (Ceea ce nu te omoara te
face mai puternic.)

8. Indefinite Pronouns

Each one (fiecare), everybody (toata lumea), everything (totul), everyone (toti) +
vb. Sg.: e.g. Everybody is here. (Toata lumea este aici.)

Everybody/ everyone sunt inlocuite cu THEY: e.g. Everybody knows that they
have to come early. (Toata lumea stie ca trebuie sa vina devreme.)/
Everyone knew it, didn’t they? (Toti stiau asta, nu-i asa?)

Everything se inlocuieste cu IT: e.g. Everything is fine, isn’t it? (Totul este bine,
nu-i asa?)

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19. The Pronoun
Every vs. Each:

I. EVERY gathers the separate items into a whole (every aduna obiectele
separate intr-un intreg), we think of things as a group (ne gandim la lucruri
ca un grup), every = all (de obicei folosit pentru un numar mare):

e.g. I want to visit every country in the world = all the countries (Vreau sa
vizitez fiecare tara din lume - cu sensul de toate tarile):

e.g. Every sentence must have a verb. ->all sentences (Fiecare propozitie
trebuie sa aiba un verb. - cu sensul de toate propozitiile, este ca o definitie
pentru toate propozitiile)

II. EACH disperses the unity and focuses on the items individually , separately,
one by one - usually used for a small number (each desparte unitatea si se
axeaza pe obiecte luate individual, separat, unul cate unul - se foloseste pentru
un numar mic de obiecte)

e.g. There were four books on the table. Each book was a different colour.
(Erau patru carti pe masa. Fiecare carte avea o culoare diferita.):

Study each sentence carefully. (one by one) (Studiaza fiecare propozitie cu


They were each given a book. (Lor li s-a dat fiecaruia o carte.)

1. ‘Each’ is used when there are two objects; here ‘every’ is not used (each
se foloseste atunci cand avem doua obiecte - every nu se foloseste aici):

e.g. He wore multiple bracelets on each hand (note: singular noun).(El purta
mai multe bratati pe fiecare mana. - atentie, subst. mana este la singular)

There were two of them. They each carried a backpack, and each
backpack (note: singular noun) contained clothes. (Erau doi. Fiecare [din cei
doi] cara un rucsac si fiecare rucsac continea haine.)

!!! In case there are more than two objects, either of the two may be used.
(daca avem mai mult de doua obiecte ambele se pot folosi):

e.g. There is a bathroom in each/every room. (Este o baie in fiecare camera.)

2. ‘Each’ can be used as a pronoun, but ‘every’ cannot. (each poate fi folosi
ca pronume, dar every nu poate fi pronume.)

e.g. The students were waiting for the question sheets to be handed out.
(Studentii asteptau ca foile cu intrebari sa fie inmanate.)

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19. The Pronoun
Each was in a state of great nervousness. (Fiecare era foarte nervos.)

The students were waiting for the question sheets to be handed out.
(Studentii asteptau ca foile cu intrebari sa fie inmanate.)

Every student/one of them was in a state of great nervousness.

(Fiecarestudent/ Fiecare dintre ei era foarte nervos.)

(‘each’ inlocuieste substantivul ‘student’. ‘Every’ nu poate inlocui substantivul

singur, trebuie sa fie urmat de un substantiv sau de: ‘one of them’)

3. !!! Cu adverbele (practically, nearly, almost, etc), doar ‘every’ se poate

folosi. In urmatoarele propozitii, ‘every’ nu poate fi inlocuit de ‘each’:

e.g. She knew practically every detail of his daily routine. (Ea stia practic
fiecare detaliu al programului lui zilnic.)

Nearly every fruit on the cart was spoilt. (Aproape fiecare fruct din
caruta era stricat.)

4. ‘Every’ este folosit pentru a exprima evenimente repetate sau in expresii:

e.g. We meet every so often. (Noi ne intalnim din cand in cand.)

They visit their parents every six months. (Ei isi viziteaza parintii din
sase in sase luni.)

I met them every other day/ every two days. (Eu ii intalnesc pe ei din
doua in doua zile.)

I see her every now and then. (Eu o vad pe ea din cand in cand.)

This is every bit as good as the real one. (Asta este la fel de buna ca cea

He is every inch a gentleman. (El este un domn din cap pana in


You have every right to be angry. (Ai tot dreptul sa fi suparat.)

There is every reason to think he will get upset. (Ai tot motivul sa crezi
ca el se va supara.)

All – folosit ca pronume + vb. sg: All is good. (Totul este bine.)

+ vb. pl.: All were present at the meeting. (Toti erau

prezenti la intalnire.)
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19. The Pronoun
- folosit ca adjectiv + vb. sg.: All the money is spent. (= the whole of) (Toti
banii sunt cheltuiti.)

+ vb. pl.: All the pupils were present there. (Toti elevii
erau prezenti acolo.)

Either/ neither

Either + vb. sg.= oricare din DOI: “Which one of the two apples do you want?”
(Pe care dintre cele doua mere le vrei?)

“Either will do.” (Oricare e bun.)

Neither + vb. sg.= nici unul din DOI: I have two friends and neither is here now.
(Am doi prieteni si nici unul din ei nu este aici acum.)

Neither + S1 + nor + S2 + vb. (acordul se face cu S2) = nici ... nici ...

e.g. Neither Tom nor his sister is at home. (Nici Tom nici sora lui nu este

Neither Tom nor his sisters are at home. (Nici Tom nici surorile lui nu sunt

Either + S1 + or + S2 + vb. (acordul se face cu S2) = ori ... ori ...

e.g. Either Tom or his sister is at home. (Ori Tom ori sora lui este acasa.)

Either Tom or his sisters are at home. (Ori Tom ori surorile lui sunt acasa.)

Neither + positive verb + S: I don’t like him and neither does my sister. (Eu nu il
plac pe el si nici sora mea nu il place.)

S + negative verb + either: I don’t like him and my sister doesn’t either. (Eu nu
il plac pe el si sora mea nu il place de asemenea.)

Both + vb. plural: Both books are interesting. (Amandoua cartile sunt
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19. The Pronoun
Both + S + and + S + Vb. Pl. = si ... si... : e.g. Both Tom and James are students.
(Si Tom si James sunt studenti.)

None (nici unul din mai muti - de la trei in sus)/ nobody (nimeni), nothing
(nimic), no one (nimeni)

No – folosit in fata substantivelor: He is no fool. (El nu este prost.)/ Have no

fear. (Nu avea teama.)

None este forma pronominala a lui "no" si inlocuieste un substantiv:

e.g. She tried to find some courage. But none came. (No courage came.) (Ea a
incercat sa gaseasca curaj. Dar nici unul nu a venit.)

!!!! When none is the subject, the verb is either singular or plural depending on
what it is referring to. (Cand none este subiect atunci verbul poate sta ori la
singular ori la plural depinzand de substantivul la care se refera):

e.g. I’m always looking for inspiration. None ever comes. (Mereu caut
inspiratie. Nici una nu imi vine vreodata.)

She’s always looking for ideas. None ever come. (Ea cauta idei mereu.
Nici unele nu ii vin vreodata.)

None of + substantiv/ pronume (this, that, my, your):

e.g. None of his old friends knew what had happened to him. (Nici unul din
prietenii lui vechi nu stia ce s-a intamplat cu el.)

None of this matters. (Nimic din asta nu conteaza. )

!!! Nu se foloseste none of cand avem deja o negatie la verb (not, n’t):

e.g. She doesn’t remember any of us. (Ea nu isi aminteste de nici unul din

Not: She doesn’t remember none of us.

Nobody/ no one + vb. sg. este inlocuit cu pronumele THEY: Nobody is here.

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19. The Pronoun
They all left home. (Nimeni nu este aici. Ei au plecat toti acasa.)

Nothing + vb. sg. este inlocuit cu pronumele IT: Nothing is forever, is it? (Nimic
nu este pentru totdeauna, nu-i asa?)

Somebody (cineva), something (ceva), someone (cineva)

Some (niste)

- folosit cu substantive nenumarabile: Some advice is good.

- folosit in intrebari cand avem o invitatie, o cerere sau cand ne asteptam ca

raspunsul sa fie afirmativ: Will you have some more tea? (Mai doresti niste
ceai?)/ Would you like some coffee? Yes, please. (Ati dori niste cafea? Da, va

- folosit cu persoane + vb. pl. : Some boys were early. (Unii baieti au venit

Somebody/ someone + vb. sg. dar este inlocuit cu pronumele THEY:

Somebody is asking about you. They won’t tell their name. (Cineva intreaba de
tine. Ei nu vor sa isi spuna numele.)

Something + vb. sg. inlocuit cu pronumele IT: Something is there, isn’t it?
(Ceva este acolo, nu-i asa?) Se foloseste ca si comparatie: He is something
like his father. (El este ca tatal lui.)

Somewhat + of: He is somewhat of a wizard. (El este un fel de vrajitor.)

!!! ATENTIE: some si compusii lui se folosesc in propozitii afirmative. In

propozitii negative si interogative este inlocuit de any si compusii lui.

I have some free time. (Am ceva timp liber.)

I don't have any free time. (Nu am nici un timp liber.)

Do you have any free time? (Ai ceva timp liber?)

Anybody (oricare/ oricine), anything (ceva), anyone (oricine) (folosite de obicei

in propozitii negative si interogative)

Any – cu persoanes + vb. pl. : Any who cheat will be punished. (Oricine care
inseala va fi pedepsit?)

Any + adjectiv/ too: He isn’t any different from you. (El nu este foarte diferit de
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19. The Pronoun
tine.)/ I am not any too eager to go there. (Nu sunt prea nerabdator sa ma
duc acolo.)

Hardly/ scarcely/ barely + any (aproape deloc/ mai nimic): I have hardly any
time to waste. (Nu am aprope deloc timp de pierdut.)

Any = no particular one/ practically every (oricine/ orice/ oricare): Any woman
knows that. (Orice femeie stie asta.)

Any of: Any of these men would help you. (Oricare dintre acesti barbati te-ar

Anybody/ anyone + vb. sg. dar inlocuit cu pronumele THEY: Anybody knows
that, but they don't talk about it. (Oricine stie asta, dar ei nu vorbesc despre

Anything of: Have you seen anything of Mary lately? (Ai vazut-o pe Maria in
ultimul timp?)

Much/ many/ less/ (a) few/ (a) little

Many and few -> folosite cu substantive numarabile la plural: I have many/ few
books. (Am multe/ putine carti.)

Much and little -> folosite cu substantive nenumarabile (vb. sg.): I haven’t got
much money. (Nu am multi bani.)

Few (the lack of something - folosit cand ceva nu este deajuns, lipseste)vs. A
few (something still remains - folosit cand ceva este deajuns sau destul) +
substantive numarabile:

There are few sweets left in the jar. (We should be careful not to eat them too
quickly because they are almost gone.)

Mai sunt putine dulciuri ramase in borcan. (Trebuie sa fim atenti sa nu le

mancam prea repede pentru ca sunt aproape terminate.)

We have a few minutes left in class. Do you have any questions? (We still
have time so we should use it.)

Mai avem cateva minute ramase din ora. Aveti intrebari? (Inca mai avem timp
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19. The Pronoun
asa ca ar trebui sa il folosim.)

Little (the lack of something - folosit cand ceva lipseste/ nu este destul)vs. A
little (something still remains - folosit cand ceva inca mai este/ este destul)
+ substantive nenumarabile:

I have little money left, I can’t buy that book. (There isn’t enough money to buy
the book)

Am putini bani ramasi, nu pot sa cumpar acea carte. (Nu sunt destui bani sa
cumpar cartea.)

I have a little money so we can go to the restaurant. (There isn’t very much
money, but enough to go to the restaurant)

Mai am ceva bani asa ca putem merge la restaurant. (Nu sunt foarte multi bani,
dar destui cat sa mergem la restaurant.)

Another (un altul/ o alta)/ other (altul/ alta/ altii/ altele)

Another + substantiv (sg.): She became another woman. (Ea a devenit o alta

Another ca pronume: One girl was singing, another was playing the piano. (O
fata canta, o alta canta la pian.)

Other + substantiv sg. ori pl.: Other women saw this, too. (Alte femei au vazut
asta de asemenea.)/ The other boy was happy. (Celalalt baiat era fericit.)

Other than: He never forced me to lie other than I wished. (El nu m-a fortat
niciodata sa mint decat cat am vrut.)

Every other: They meet every other week. (Ei se intalnesc din doua in doua

Other + -s: Others have seen this film. (Altii au vazut acest film.)

Enough (destul)/ several (cativa/ cateva)

Enough + substantiv (pl.)/ substantiv nenumarabil (sg.):

e.g. There are enough people here. (Sunt destui oameni aici.)

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19. The Pronoun
We have enough good food. (Noi avem destula mancare buna.)

Adjectiv + enough: She is beautiful enough. (Ea este destul de frumoasa.)

Several + substantiv (pl.): He has made several mistakes. (El a facut cateva

One = oameni in general (pronume nehotarat - cineva in general, folosit


e.g. One would think they’d have more patience. (S-ar crede [de catre cineva]
ca ei ar avea mai multa rabdare.)

One of + substantiv/ pronume + pronume relativ:

e.g. He is one of the few teachers I know who can teach you this. (El este unul
dintre putinii profesori pe care ii stiu care te poate invata asta.)

One of + Adjectiv la gradul superlativ + substantiv pl.:

e.g. She is one of the most beautiful girls I know. (ea este una dintre cele mai
frumoase fete pe care le cunosc.)

One of -> he, she, it: One of my friends said he enjoyed himself at the party.
(Unul dintre prietenii mei a spus ca s-a distrat la petrecere.)

One (impersonal) -> one’s, oneself:

e.g. One can never know oneself/ one’s soul. (Nu te poti cunoaste pe tine
insuti./ Nu poti sa iti cunosti niciodata propriul suflet.)

Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive

Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns

I me my mine myself

You you your yours yourself

He him his his himself

She her her hers herself

It it its - itself
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19. The Pronoun
We us our ours ourselves

You you your yours yourselves

They them their theirs themselves

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