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Chapter 1



This chapter contains the different important elements: The

introduction, which contains the rationale; the review of

literature; the statement of the general and specific problems;

the scope and delimitation which identifies the major variables,

sub-variables, and indicators.

Environment, Socio-Economic status, Peer factor, Schools

background, locations and distance are some of the major factors

that affect the academic performance of the students. Surely these

factors left a big impact on the performance of students be it

positive or negative.

Technical drafting demands a lot of time, effort, energy and

resources. No art related course is ever complete unless each

student has been given the opportunity to work on their own plates

and projects for it opens opportunities to students to be exposed

so that they may learn and discover a lot of things in this field

of study. But unfortunately these opportunities have been limited

due to the factors that hinder the students advance and excellent

performance in their study.

Technological University of the Philippines, Manila is one of

the universities around metro who offers technical drafting in

senior high school. This university is well-known when it comes to

technology and arts but despite of their best performance they

weren’t able to provide the facilities their students need.

Measuring of academic performance of students is challenging

since students performance is a product of socio-economic,

psychological and environmental factors. (Hizaji, S. T., Naqvi,

S.M.M., 2006) Since students are at the core of learning process,

a study tailored to their motivations and strategies and factors

hindering their learning are imperative as students themselves

play pivotal roles in shifting their own learning and acquiring

enhanced academic achievement. (Gbollie, C., 2017)

Earlier studies show that one of the problems of students, in

general, are the various factors that hinder them to have a good

academic performance. The nature of motivation and learning

strategy use is vital to improving student learning outcomes.

The main objective of this research is to determine the

various factors that affects and hinders the academic performance

of senior high school technical drafting students in TUP, manila.

This is mainly for the purpose of knowing the different

factors and find out how this affect the academic performance of

senior high school technical drafting students in the

Technological University of the Philippines.

This study was conducted to investigate and address all the

factors that affect the academic performance of Grade 12 Technical

Drafting Students inside the Technological University of the

Philippines during the academic year 2016-2017.

This study attempted to answer the following:

1.1 What are the factors that affect Technological University of

the Philippines, Manila’s academic performance?

1.2 How do these factors positively and negatively affect TUP

Manila’s Technical Drafting student’s academic performance?

1.3 How do students cope with these factors?

1.4 What are the implications of these factors on Technical

Drafting students of TUP Manila on their future performances?

Significance of the Study

This study is very important for it will unveil other factors

that affect the academic performance that isn’t yet addressed thus,

it will widen and clarify the areas of these factors hence,

upbringing awareness in a wider scope of knowledge.

Data gathered from this research shall contribute to future

researchers as well (as basis) It will also help the students

procure a better understanding about these factors so are the

teachers these data will be vital for it will help them build new

strategies to improve the learning of their students. Nonetheless,

students that are included shall implore a broader sense of

awareness through this study.

The outcome of this will help solidify future researchers as

a form of basis to more accurate studies.


1. There are no factors that affect student’s academic


2. Students do not have coping mechanisms on these factors

Definition of Terms
Academic Performance – refers to students’ participation on

school activities specifically, recitation and projects.

Factors – External or internal things that affect the students’

academic performances.

Students – Grade 12 technical drafting students of the

Technological University of the Philippines

Hinder – A circumstance that either slows or stops students’


Motivation – The condition of students’ eagerness to act on

school activities.A force of influence that causes the students

to do something.

Learning Process – Activity or process of gaining knowledge or

skill by studying, practicing, being taught or experiencing


Unveil – To show or reveal the factors.

Imperative, pivotal – Very important requires demand.

Impact – A powerful or major influence or effect on academic


Plates – Drawing or floor plan that shows the every details of

an infrastructure from the above.

Facilities – An equipment(s) intended for exact use of its

specific purposes.

Tailored – Stuck or embedded on to students’ academic


Limited – Students academic performance confined within his/her


Clarify – To put more clear explanation about the factors.

Scope and Delimitation

This study shall only be conducted within the vicinity of

Technological University of the Philippines, Manila.

In this study, the topic is focused on Grade 12 Technical

Drafting students of the Technological University of the

Philippines, Manila during the academic year 206-2017. These

students shall serve as subjects and respondents of this study

in knowing the various factors that affect their academic


All data gathered in this research relates only to students

and factors on the other hand refers to school background,

environment, socio-economic status, peer factors, school

location and distance.

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