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The Tower of Hanoi is one of the truly classic puzzle games, challenging players with its seemingly simple but
frustratingly difficult goal. In the Tower of Hanoi puzzle a player attempts to move a large pile of disks, known as the
Tower, from the leftmost peg to the rightmost on the puzzle board. The rules of the puzzle state that the player can
only move one disk per turn and can never place a larger disk onto a smaller one at any time. Based on these guidelines,
players attempt to move their initial Tower disk-by-disk towards the target third peg in a seemingly complex method
of movement using any of the three available pegs until it is rebuilt onto the rightmost peg exactly as it was on the
initial leftmost peg at the start of the puzzle. The puzzle was invented by the French mathematician Edouard Lucas in
1883 and is often described as a mathematical puzzle, although solving the Tower of Hanoi doesn't require any
mathematical equations at all for a human player. In fact, the Tower of Hanoi solution provides
two simple algorithms that allow players to optimally solve Tower of Hanoi puzzles with any number of disks when
applied to the puzzle!

Step One - Move Disk 1 to the Left: The first step in the "odd" puzzle algorithm instructs us to move Disk 1 to the
left. As we've just discussed, whenever Disk 1 is on the leftmost peg moving it left entails looping it back around to
the rightmost peg to complete the circular left-to-right motion. As you can see in the graphic, Step 1 has been
performed and now shows Disk 1 on the target rightmost peg. Step Two - Move Disk 2: On Step 2 we're informed
that we need to move Orange Disk 2, but it doesn't say where to move it. However, a closer examination of the board
shows us that, based on the rule that a player may not place a bigger disk onto a smaller one, Disk 2 only has one legal
move. We can confidently move Disk 2 to the middle peg to complete the step. In fact, Disk 2 will always only have
one legal move. Step Three - Move Disk 1 to the Left: The third step once again has tiny Disk 1 moving itself to the
left, which means that this time it will be jumping onto Disk 2 which just moved there on our previous step. This is a
legal move, of course, since Disk 1 is smaller than Disk 2. It's useful to note that Disk 1 will frequently be moving
onto Disk 2. In fact, it does so twice in each algorithm on steps 3 and 7. Step Four - Move Disk 3: Step 4 has us
moving Yellow Disk 3 for the first time in the algorithm. As is the case for Disk 2, there will always only be one legal
move available for Disk 3 when using our algorithms. Since Disk 3 cannot be placed on the peg containing the smaller
Disk 1 as the topmost disk, the only peg Disk 3 can claim residence on is the rightmost peg. Our graphic shows the
board after this move has been played. Step Five - Move Disk 1 to the Left: As you've no doubt now become acquainted
with, Step 5 requires Disk 1 to yet again be moved one peg to the left. For those players with an eye for patterns, you
may notice that Disk 1 doesn't seem to like Disk 3. In fact, if you're applying the algorithm correctly, you'll actually
never be placing Disk 1 onto Disk three. It always moves onto Disk 2 or a Big Disk. Step Six - Move Disk 2: Step 6
brings about another movement for Disk 2, which once again has only one legal move available to it, this time hopping
onto Yellow Disk 3. More patterns? Indeed, it would appear that each step in the algorithm so far has been working
to rebuild the Disk 1-2-3 section of the initial tower. The next move will of course complete the construction and bring
us closer to the end of the algorithm. Step Seven - Move Disk 1 to the Left: Disk 1 moves to the left, looping back
around to the rightmost peg and preparing for the final move of the first run-through of the algorithm. If we were just
solving a three-disk Tower of Hanoi, the puzzle would already be solved at this point! But with more disks to go, we'll
need to proceed to the final step of the algorithm before we'll be ready for another application. Step Eight - Move a
Big Disk: Up to this point, we've only been moving the smallest three disks back and forth on top of one another. Now
that their mini-tower has been rebuilt by the algorithm, it's time to move a Big Disk. The big disk that has a legal move
available to it would in this case be the Green Disk. Step 8 will always feature a completed mini-tower and only one
big disk with a legal move. That's it for the first run-through! Multiple Algorithm Applications After finishing Step 8,
the first application of the algorithm is complete. To continue the solution, the odd algorithm must once again be
performed in its entirety. Move Disk 1 to the left, move Disk 2, move Disk 1 to the left again, move Disk 3, move
Disk 1 to the left for the third time, move disk 2, move Disk 1 to the left and finally move the next Big Disk (in this
case it's the Light-Blue disk). The graphic above shows the board after the second run-through of the algorithm so
you'll be able to verify that your technique is correct. Now that you've got the hang of it, continue to apply the algorithm
until your Tower of Hanoi puzzle is completely solved. Of course, if your starting tower has an even number of disks,
you'll need to use the alternate "Even" algorithm to solve the puzzle, which follows the same process but in the opposite
direction. Complete each of the eight steps before restarting the algorithm, and eventually you'll have a completely
solved Tower of Hanoi!

THE RULES OF DAMATH Set the starting position of the chips. Toss a coin to determine
which player will have the first 'move'. Moving a chip means sliding it diagonally in the forward
direction only except when taking an opponent's chip or if a 'dama' chip takes an opponent's chip.
The two players alternately take turns in moving a chip (pass is not allowed). · A player who
touches a chip ('touch move') is required to move unless it is not possible to do so. After each
'move', a player has to record his or her 'move' in a scoresheet (only one scoresheet will be used
by the two players). Each player is allotted one minute per 'move' including the recording of the
'move' and the corresponding score in the scoresheet. In as much as taking a chip or chips is
mandatory, then the one-minute per 'move' does not apply in this situation. In taking an opponent's
chip, the 'taker' chip jumps over the 'taken' chip and uses any of the four operation symbols of +, -
, x, and -:- where the taker chip lands. A chip is declared 'dama' if it stops in any of the following
squares of the opposing player: (1,0) (3,0) (5,0) (7,0) Similarly, the opposing player's chip is
declared 'dama' if it stops in any of the following squares: (0,7) (2,7) (4,7) (6,7) · A 'dama' chip
can slide diagonally forward or backward in any unoccupied square as long as no opponent's chip
blocks its path. It could take a chip or chips whereby its corresponding sum, difference, product or
quotient is doubled. Similarly, if an ordinary chip takes an opponent's 'dama' chip, its score is also
doubled. Correspondingly, if a 'dama' chip takes an opponent's 'dama' chip, then its score is
quadrupled. · A 'taker' chip can take one chip or more than one chips with the required option to
take the greater number of chips. · Between "a 'dama' chip taking an opponent's chip" and "a chip
taking an opponent's chip", the former prevails. · A 'taker' or 'taken dama' chip should be identified
by encircling it in the scoresheet. The game ends if: the 20-minute game period lapsed; · the moves
are repetitive; · a player has no more chips to move; · an opponent's chip is 'cornered'. The
remaining chip or chips of the players are to be added to their respective scores. If the remaining
chip is a 'dama', then its score is also doubled. The player with the greater accumulated total score
wins the game.

How to Play Sudoku Sudoku Puzzle Scan for Ones How to Play Sudoku Scan 1s in this example
on how to play Sudoku, we begin playing Sudoku by scanning the puzzle. It doesn't matter where
you start. I suggest looking for the number that has several "givens". The more givens of a
particular number often mean that it will be easier to solve. In this case you can see that there are
three number ones (1). Applying the Sudoku rule, you know that a 1 cannot go in any row, column,
or region that already has a 1. Plus, you know, that every row, column, and region must have a 1.
The scans are marked with red arrows in this example. The two parallel scans from the two ones
in the middle tier prevent any ones in the top two rows of the left most region. The vertical scan
eliminates the middle cell of the bottom row from consideration. In this example, you can see that
there is only one cell (marked with a black X) that can contain a 1 in the left most region in the
middle tier. Enter a 1 in the cell marked with an X. Now that a cell is solved, you should look to
see if it will help us solve another cell or two. In this case there aren't enough clues to solve for
ones at this time. Likewise, there aren't enough clues using this method for twos or threes at this
time. Let's look at the fours for your next lesson on how to play Sudoku. Sudoku Puzzle Scan For
Fours How To Solve Sudoku Scan 4s You can see a similar pattern in the fours as there was in the
ones above. In the lower left region, you can see that there is only one cell (marked with an X) that
isn't eliminated using the scan method. Enter a 4 there. See if you can find the rest of the fours.
You have enough clues. Now continue solving for fives through eights. Your grid will look like
the next graphic in the center of your grid. Naked Nine How To Play Sudoku naked 9 Can you
find a nine in the example at the left without using any other numbers to help? Yes, you're right.
A nine goes in the middle row to complete the row. It is the only missing number. That was simple!
The Sudoku Solution So Far How To Play Sudoku Partial Solved You are making great progress
in learning how to play Sudoku. You should be able solve most cells using the scan method you
learned so far. The image on the left was solved using just the scan method and entering the naked
nine as mentioned earlier. Pencil In Candidates How To Play Sudoku Candidates Let's say you are
stuck. It's time to pencil in all the possible candidates for the remaining cells. The example on the
left shows all the possible candidates for the partially solved puzzle. You can quickly note that in
the seventh column are two "naked" single numbers standing alone. The naked numbers are 1 and
a 2. We also have a "hidden" 6 in the same column. Since the 1 and 2 are already found, you can
eliminate the 1 and 2 from the cell containing 1, 2 and 6. The 6 remains. Enter these numbers and
you have quickly completed the column. Now that you have found a 1 in the seventh column, you
can eliminate the 1 from the last cell in the bottom row. (left most region) A 3 remains. Enter the
3 and you have completed the bottom row. As you enter a found number, be sure to cross off that
number in the row, column, and region that your found number is in. As you do, new "naked"
numbers will appear. In the lower left region, when you entered a 3 solving the bottom row, enables
you to now eliminate all threes in this region. Doing so reveals another "naked" 6 and a 1/6 pair.
Enter the 6 where the "naked" 6 is. Now you can also remove the 6 from the last cell in this region.
A "naked" 1 remains. Enter the 1 and you have solved this region. Congratulations! You now know
how to play Sudoku (at least an easy one)! Try a harder game of Sudoku now. Be sure to read my
other articles on how to play Sudoku.

Rubik's Cube is a 3-D combination puzzle invented in 1974[1][2] by Hungarian sculptor and
professor of architecture Ernő Rubik. Originally called the Magic Cube,[3] the puzzle was licensed
by Rubik to be sold by Ideal Toy Corp. in 1980[4] via businessman Tibor Laczi and Seven Towns
founder Tom Kremer[5] and won the German Game of the Year special award for Best Puzzle that
year. As of January 2009, 350 million cubes had been sold worldwide,[6][7] making it the world's
top-selling puzzle game.[8][9] It is widely considered to be the world's best-selling toy.[10] On
the original classic Rubik's Cube, each of the six faces was covered by nine stickers, each of one
of six solid colours: white, red, blue, orange, green, and yellow. Some current versions of the cube
have been updated to use coloured plastic panels instead, which prevents peeling and fading.[11]
In currently sold models, white is opposite yellow, blue is opposite green, and orange is opposite
red, and the red, white, and blue are arranged in that order in a clockwise arrangement.[12] On
early cubes, the position of the colours varied from cube to cube.[13] An internal pivot mechanism
enables each face to turn independently, thus mixing up the colours. For the puzzle to be solved,
each face must be returned to have only one colour. Similar puzzles have now been produced with
various numbers of sides, dimensions, and stickers, not all of them by Rubik. Although the Rubik's
Cube reached its height of mainstream popularity in the 1980s, it is still widely known and used.
Many speedcubers continue to practice it and similar puzzles; they also compete for the fastest
times in various categories. Since 2003, the World Cube Association, the Rubik's Cube's
international governing body, has organized competitions worldwide and recognizes world

Move notation Many 3×3×3 Rubik's Cube enthusiasts use a notation developed by David
Singmaster to denote a sequence of moves, referred to as "Singmaster notation".[52] Its relative
nature allows algorithms to be written in such a way that they can be applied regardless of which
side is designated the top or how the colours are organised on a particular cube. F (Front): the side
currently facing the solver B (Back): the side opposite the front U (Up): the side above or on top
of the front side D (Down): the side opposite the top, underneath the Cube L (Left): the side directly
to the left of the front R (Right): the side directly to the right of the front ƒ (Front two layers): the
side facing the solver and the corresponding middle layer b (Back two layers): the side opposite
the front and the corresponding middle layer u (Up two layers): the top side and the corresponding
middle layer d (Down two layers): the bottom layer and the corresponding middle layer l (Left two
layers): the side to the left of the front and the corresponding middle layer r (Right two layers): the
side to the right of the front and the corresponding middle layer x (rotate): rotate the entire Cube
on R y (rotate): rotate the entire Cube on U z (rotate): rotate the entire Cube on F

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