Cma Foreign Financial Institution Rule Change July 2014 6023311 PDF

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Investment by qualified foreign financial institutions in Tadawul 1

Briefing note July 2014

Saudi Arabia plans to open its stock

market to allow foreign investment
Arabian authorities, this to be satisfied and whether the CMA's
On 22 July 2014, the
announcement is widely viewed as approval will be required each time
Capital Market Authority being a significant development for such an investor wishes to trade in
the market and, more generally, shares.
of Saudi Arabia (the Saudi Arabia.
Furthermore and in common with
CMA) announced that The impact of this development on other markets in the Gulf
the Saudi Arabian the current swap arrangements and Co‐operation Council member states,
whether the swap framework will be foreign investors may be restricted
Council of Ministers had revised or, possibly, cease to exist from owning in excess of a specific
granted authority to the following the opening of the market to percentage of a company's shares,
foreign financial institutions is either individually or in aggregate, and
CMA to permit foreign currently unclear. ownership of shares in companies
financial institutions to How might this help?
operating in certain sectors might be
restricted or even prohibited. It is also
buy and sell shares in In addition to attracting direct foreign unclear whether foreign investors will
investment, it will also allow listed be permitted to buy shares in the
companies listed on the Saudi companies to access new primary market or only the secondary
Saudi Arabian Stock pools of capital, improve standards of market.
disclosure and transparency and, in
Exchange (Tadawul) time, may help to facilitate M&A and
We would expect the CMA to clarify
some of these in the coming months
and to prescribe the capital markets activity through
(see below).
simplifying certain structuring and
rules that will govern ownership issues that currently exist. What next?
their access to the Furthermore, it can be viewed as a The CMA intends to publish a draft of
market. step towards inclusion in MSCI's the new rules for consultation by
emerging‐markets index, following the interested parties within the next
recent re‐classification of Qatar and month. The consultation period will
What is happening?
the United Arab Emirates. last for 90 days. The CMA has
The Tadawul, which is valued at over indicated that it will conclude its
US$530 billion, is the largest stock Which foreign financial review process by the end of 2014
market in the Middle East, however institutions will qualify following which implementation of the
currently the only way for foreign and what, if any, new rules and opening of the market
investors to gain exposure to is expected to take effect during the
restrictions might apply?
companies listed on the Tadawul is first half of 2015.
through investment funds, including It is currently unclear what types of
exchange traded funds, and swap foreign financial institutions will qualify,
arrangements. Whilst clearly a or be eligible, to trade in Saudi listed
politically sensitive move by the Saudi shares, what requirements will need
2 Investment by qualified foreign financial institutions in Tadawul

Key contacts

Mike Taylor Omar Rashid Khalid Al-Abdulkareem

Partner Partner Partner
T: +971 43620 638 T: +966 11481 9720 T: +966 11481 9740
E: mike.taylor E: omar.rashid E: khalid.alabdulkareem

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