MCS 012 Solved Assignments 2016-6

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n i a
10 A


l p o B

u 12
ni C

s 13 D

14 E

15 F

Any Hexadecimal number can be represented in the following format for converting to Decimal.

F*165 + A*164 + E*163 + B*162 + D*161 + C*160
=15*165 + 10*164 + 14*163 + 11*162 + 13*161 + 12*160
=15*1048576 + 10*65536 + 14*4096 + 11*256 + 13*16 + 12*1

=15728640 + 655360 + 57344 + 2816 + 208 + 12

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