AI & Unemployment

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Artificial Intelligence and Unemployment

Prepared for:

Miss Moneeza Batool

Comsats University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

Prepared by:

Ahmed Mustafa [FA16-CHE-032]


December 25, 2017.

Executive Summary:

This report is written to study the effects of artificial intelligence on unemployment. Aim of

this report is to bring the awareness among the people that how much they are dependent on

machines due to which there working skills are getting lost and the time will come when

machines start to replace not only human jobs but also human control. Methods to find results

are using questioners and Google forms. Respondents were asked questions about the negative

effects of artificial intellect on unemployment. Most of the people think that artificial intellect

in increasing unemployment rate and artificially intelligent machines are reducing the working

and thinking power of man .So the conclusion is, to increase the working capabilities of human

beings, use of artificial intelligent machines should be avoided and people should try to make

themselves less dependent on machines so their jobs can be save in future. The manufactures

should only allow building machines for performing tasks which cannot be done by human

beings. People should be update themselves with the new rising technology. Artificial

Intelligence will take the human jobs; this fear can be avoided by working on a possible solution

rather than to sit idly. Human should start working with the robots and machines so they know

how to handle it.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction...............................................................................4

1.1.Introduction to Artificial Intelligence…………4

1.1.1. Artificial Intelligence 4

1.1.2. Background 5

1.2.Statement of the Problem……………………….6

1.3.Significance of the Study………………………..6

1.4.Review of Related Literature………………........6

1.5.Methods of the Study………………….…….......9

1.5.1. Source of data 9

1.5.2. Sample Selection. 9

1.5.3. Statistical Method 9

1.6. Scope of Study………………………….……….10

1.7. Limitations of Study………………………..…...10

2. Findings………………………………………………………..........11

2.1. AI effect on daily life…………………..14

2.2. Future of AI…………………………….14

2.3. AI effect on unemployment…….……....15

2.4. Measure to be taken……….…………....15

3. Discussion……………………………………………………....…...16

4. Conclusion……….……………………………………….................16

5. Recommendations……………….…………………………….……17

6. Bibliography……………………..………………………………….17

7. Appendices……………………………….………….……..………..18

7.1.Appendix A…………………………..18

Artificial Intelligence and Unemployment

1. Introduction

1.1. Introduction of Artificial Intelligence

1.1.1. Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term for imitation of intelligence in

machines. These machines are programmed to "think" like a human and

mimic the way a person acts. The ideal characteristic of artificial

intelligence is its ability to rationalize and take actions that have the best

chance of achieving a specific goal, although the term can be applied to any

machine that exhibits quality associated with a human mind, such as

learning and solving problems.

Artificial intelligence is based around the idea that human intelligence can

be defined in such exact terms that a machine can mimic it. The goals of

artificial intelligence include learning, reasoning and perception, and

machines are wired using a cross-disciplinary approach based in

mathematics, computer science, linguistics, psychology and more.

1.1.2. Background

By the time Artificial Intelligence is getting more advanced. In 1941 first

electronic computer was invented. In 1949 first commercial stored program was

developed. Artificial Intelligence was first introduced in the mid of 1950’s.

Later in 1970’s first expert system was introduced. In 1991 first human chess

master was defeated by an AI system. By the time machines are getting more

advanced and are able to compete with human beings. This is a great threat to

the humans in future because, the advancement in the field of AI is now to such

an extent that it is starting to replace the jobs which were supposed to do by

humans in past. Now robots which are made by the use of AI are working in

restaurant instead of human waiters, large industries are handled by robots as

they are more accurate in their working.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The purpose of the study is to determine the negative effects of Artificial

Intelligence on Unemployment.

1.3. Significance of Study

The significance of the study is to tell people about that how much we are dependent

upon the AI system around us. There will be two set of people on this report. The

first set people of people come to know about that how rapidly their jobs are

affecting by the AI systems. The other set of people are students who will come to

know that they are not competing with human only but also with computer, so they

should started to less dependent on the AI machine/system. Because if people

improve the system as same rate as todays then in the near future a lot of people

will be jobless because the AI system can do their job more efficiently and

accurately than them.

1.4. Review of Related Literature

(2017) a report by the ‘consultancy firm PWC’ found that 30% of jobs in Britain

were potentially under threat from breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI). In

some sectors half the jobs could go.

Fukoku Life Insurance brought in an AI which cost them $1.4m, but the company's

experts say that it would be saving $1m yearly.

(2016) In a widely acclaimed study, Carl Benedict Frey and Michael Osborne found

out the probability of automation for 702 jobs, and found that 47 percent of

employees in America are at high risk of losing jobs because of automation and AI.

Their study warned the employees working in transport and logistics, office support

staff, and sales and customer support staff.

The ‘UN (United Nations)’ has warned that robots could destabilize the world ahead

of the opening of a headquarters in The Hague to monitor developments in artificial

intelligence. From the risk of mass unemployment to the deployment of

autonomous robotics by ‘criminal organizations or rogue states’, the new Centre for

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics has been set the goal of second-guessing the

possible threats.

(2017) a statement from Elson Musk broke the Internet, where he said “AI-powered

systems and automation technologies are going to replace most human jobs very

soon. He also suggested that all countries may have to adapt universal basic income

programs for their citizens to cope with the aftermath of this revolution”.
1.5. Methods of Study

1.5.1. Source of Data

(Using the Questionnaire and Stats from the old report.)

Data for this study was collected using questionnaire on Google forms

developed by a group of students at Comsat University Islamabad, Lahore

Campus. The questionnaire was divided into different part. In different part

some simple questions related to artificial intelligence was asked that how the

Artificial Intelligence is affecting the daily life and respondents were asked

about impact of artificial intelligence on employment rate. Questionnaire was

distributed using Google form for better responses.

1.5.2. Sample Selection

The respondents involved in this survey are recently graduated students and

those who are working in the projects related to the artificial intelligence and

machine learning. Each member of the research team was responsible for

observing the result of questionnaires. Duplicate responses are avoided by using

Google accounts, so every respondent can only give one response.

1.6. Scope of Study:

The Scope of the study is only limited to the growing effect of artificial intelligence

on unemployment. Humans are losing their creative power and are becoming less

hard worker. Also, there is a constant fear of machines taking over or superseding

the humans. This fear is the boundary of this report that will provide with the

suitable information to the people who will study this report.

1.7. Limitations of Study:

Most of the data collected for this research is through questionnaire and Google

forms. These questionnaire are kept very brief and to the point so that respondents

may not face any difficulty in giving their response. Although the selected topic for

research is very vast but for this research it is limited to the impacts of AI on


2. Findings

All returned responses from the sample were considered those students who are known by

Artificial Intelligence and use technology in their hands. The respondents were given a list

of questions and in that they were asked their thinking about the effect of Artificial

Intelligence on humans. Respondents were asked to indicate their perception on how much

AI will grow in five to ten years, AI effect on human skills, AI aim at human intelligence

and AI is causing unemployment.

Is AI helping humans to solve daily

life problems?

69% No
May be

AI is affecting the human working
skills badly. Do you Agree?

May be

Does AI aim to Human Intelligence ?

30% 31% Yes

39% May be

Where will be AI in five to ten years


AI will decrease the labour in

28% industry.
21% AI will overcome the
humanity for its own good.

Are the current high level of
unemployment being cause by
advances in AI?

41% Agree

Is AI there to replace humans?

23% 57%
May be

Machine learning should be used

to solve complex problems.

33% 56% No
May be

Should people be educated about
the machine learning?

11% Yes
25% No
May be

How much do You think People have

Knowledge about AI?

13% 25% 20%

41% 21% 70%

2.1. AI affects on daily life

People were asked in a questionnaire for the affect of AI on human daily life. In this

part of questionnaire was asked, Is AI helping the humans in daily life? 68% accept

it while 13% are not agreed with it remaining 18% are neutral with this question.

AI is affecting the human working skills badly. Do you agree? In the response 49%

are accepting this reality while 26% not other 25% are neutral with it.

2.2. Future of Artificial Intelligence

In survey the major question about the future of Artificial Intelligence was asked

that where will be AI in five to ten years. The result is approaching to the fact that

the advancement in AI by the time will cause decrease of labor. 51% has concluded

this fact and the minority of people about 21% concluded that AI will overcome the

humanity for its own good and 28% think that in future the AI will help to solve the

logical problem more efficiently than humans.

2.3. AI effects on Unemployment

In this part of questionnaire people were asked, If the current high level of

unemployment being cause by advances in AI? 59% agree with this while 41%

does not agree with it and Is AI there to replace human jobs? The result was

astonishing because the majority of 57% agreed with this while 23% are not ready

to accept it. This graph shows the effect of AI on human intelligence and


3 Human Intelligence


2.4. Measurements to be taken

In this part people are asked for the possible solution. Should people be educated

about the machine learning? 64% agreed to this statement and 25% does not

considered it as a possible solution and other suggestion was given that Machine

learning should be used to solve complex problems. 56% agreed to this while 33%

does not.

3. Discussion

In survey respondents were asked about the effects of artificial intelligence on un-employment.

According to our hypothesis artificial intelligence is badly affecting unemployment rate.

Results of questioners clearly reflect that artificial intelligence is increasing unemployment rate

and decreasing the working capabilities of human beings and this rate of unemployment will

rise in future and machines took control of everything. AI will replace the human intellect and

replace their job, this hypothesis earlier in the report was presented and after the vast survey it

is concluded that the day by day AI will cause unemployment in the future. It should be

avoided, for that the respondents are also present with the possible solution.

4. Conclusion

Artificial Intelligence is getting advanced day by day and humans are getting more dependent

on machines due to which they are physically not active and also too much advancement in

Automation and AI has began the threat of unemployment. As machines are taking the control

over the industries and one machine is enough to replace the hundreds of workers due to which

it will replace them in the survey people are asked with different questions discussed above

and AI will rapidly approaching to decrease the employment rate this hypothesis earlier in the

report was presented and after the vast survey it is concluded that the day by day AI will cause

Unemployment in the future at a very great rate and it should be avoided, for that the

respondents are also present with the possible solution which was considered by them in

positive attitude.

5. Recommendations

Based on the findings and conclusions in this study, the following recommendations are made:

 The Students should study the Advance studies like machine learning so they can

know how to handle the machines.

 People should be less dependent on machines so they can do their own work.

 Machine and AI technology should only be used to solve complex problems.

 Concept of machine ruling world should be de-motivated on international level.

 Work together with the machine will lead to avoid the fear of the job replacement and

will surely increase jobs.

6. Bibliography


7. Appendices

7.1. Appendix A


Students from different departments at Comsats University Islamabad, Lahore Campus are

conducting this survey to determine the effects of the Artificial Intelligence on employment.

The survey also is designed to determine how AL will make change in this world by affecting

human working skills.

1. How much do you think the people have knowledge about AI?

 20%

 50%

 70%

 90%

2. Does Artificial Intelligence aim at human Intelligence?

 Yes

 No

 May be

3. Is Artificial Intelligence helping humans to solve daily life problems?

 Yes

 No

 May be

4. Artificial Intelligence is affecting the Human Working Skills badly. Do you agree?

 Yes

 No

 May be
5. Is AI there to replace human jobs?

 Yes

 No

 May be

6. Are the current high levels of unemployment being cause by advances in Artificial


 Agree

 Disagree

7. Where will AI be in five to ten years?

 AI will decrease the labor in industry.

 AI will overcome the humanity for its own good.

 AI will solve the logical problem more efficiently than humans.

8. Machine learning should be used to solve complex problems.

 Yes

 No

 May be

9. Should people be educated about the machine learning?

 Yes

 No

 May be


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