Custom Dialog Yes No Before Creation of Followup Workorder

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create a custom dialog to get user input Yes and No only before followup workorder

new custom non-persistent object ZZCREATEWO with any field or these SITEID, WONUM,

insert this dialog into wotrack.xml

<dialog id="CREATEWO" label="Create Follow-up Work Order"
<section border="true" id="mxdwodialog_grid1">
<sectionrow id="mxdwodialog_grid1_1">
<sectioncol id="mxdwodialog_grid1_1_1">
<section id="mxdwodialog_grid1_1_1_grid2">
<label here>
<buttongroup id="mxdwodialog_2">
<pushbutton id="mxdwodialog_2_1" label="OK" mxevent="dialogok"/>
<pushbutton id="mxdwodialog_2_2" label="Cancel"
delete this 4233 DELETE <action id="CREATEWO" method="createWorkorder"
savemode="ONLOAD"/> IF we don't want button to do this. Therefore we use CREATEWO
as dialogId.

create a new object automation on zzcreatewo object, preinsert

# to get the non persistent object of the dialog we need a small trick
mbo = mboset.getMbo(0)

# get the originationg work order MBO

origWo = mbo.getOwner()

# call the createWorkorder method to create a followup work order

newWo = origWo.createWorkorder(origWo.getThisMboSet(), None, False)

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