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Table 5-1 Resonant Frequency of a Series RLC Circuit

Inductor L, mH Capacitor C, μF Resonant Frequency

Measured Calculated
33 0.001 25000 27705.32
33 0.047 4761.9 4041.24
33 0.01 8500 8761.19

Table 5-2 Frequency Response of a Series RLC Circuit

Step Frequency f, Hz Voltage Across Capacitor

Vc,pp Vc,rms
fR - 6000 2500 10.8 3.82
fR - 5000 3500 12 4.24
fR - 4000 4500 13.6 4.81
fR - 3000 5500 16.5 5.83
fR - 2000 6500 22 7.78
fR - 1000 7500 37 13.08
fR - 500 8000 60 21.21
fR 8500 82.6 29.2
fR + 500 9000 71 25.1
fR + 1000 9500 56 19.8
fR + 2000 10500 23 8.13
fR + 3000 11500 13.8 4.88
fR + 4000 12500 9.6 3.39
fR + 5000 13500 7.3 2.58
fR + 6000 14500 5.7 2.01
Theoretical values for Vc, pp and Vc, rms

L = 0.033H

C = 0.01 Μf

fR = 8761.19Hz

fR – 6000 = 2761.19Hz

Xc = 1/(2*(22/7)*(2761.19)*(0.01e-6))

= 5761.68

XL = 2*(22/7) *(2761.19) *(0.033)

= 572.75

Vc, pp = | (5761.68/ (572.75-5761.68)) *(10) |

= 11.1 V

Vc, rms = 11.1 /(2(2)1/2)

= 3.924V
Table 5-3 Theoretical values for Frequency Response of a Series RLC Circuit

Step Frequency f, Hz Voltage Across Capacitor

Vc,pp Vc,rms
fR - 6000 2761.19 11.1 3.92
fR - 5000 3761.19 12.26 4.33
fR - 4000 4761.19 14.20 5.02
fR - 3000 5761.19 17.63 6.23
fR - 2000 6761.19 24.75 8.75
fR - 1000 7761.19 46.59 16.47
fR - 500 8261.19 90.77 32.09
fR 8761.19 12424.35 4392.67
fR + 500 9261.19 84.53 29.88
fR + 1000 9761.19 41.27 14.59
fR + 2000 10761.19 19.61 6.93
fR + 3000 11761.19 12.44 4.40
fR + 4000 12761.19 8.90 3.15
fR + 5000 13761.19 6.81 2.41
fR + 6000 14761.19 5.43 1.92

Percentage Error

Resonant Frequency Resonant Frequency Percentage Error, (%)

Measured Calculated
25000 27705.32 9.76
4761.9 4041.24 17.83
8500 8761.19 2.98
Graph of Voltage across capacitor, Vc, pp against Frequency f, Hz

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