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In partial fulfillment of the final output in

Contemporary Philippine Art from the Regions







 James Luigi Allas as Jean Valjean

 Kyle Cruz as Javert
 Alexis Ordonez as Fauchevalent
 People on sympathy-everyone except Nicole


 Ghielyssa Intrina as Fantine

 Razel Olifernes as Old Woman
 Jhustine Gamboa as Pimp
 Marvin Dente,Lhester Madio,Justin Milgar,Angelo Peria &
Earl Gibson Santua as Sailors
 Nicole Angela Madlangbayan,Naomi Jean Abayle,Christine
Mostar,Shaneel Garcia,Ella Nicah Tuazon & Paulina
Zablan as Whores


 John Michael Benosa as Thenardier

 Cephia Navarro as Madame Thenardier
 Vallerie Gajum as Daughter of Thenardiers
 Customers:diners & drinkers/Ensemble-everyone except
Nicole Justiniano(Director)


 Director-Nicole Justiniano
 Scriptwriter-Naomi Jean Abayle
 Visual Designers/Propsmen-John Francis Mape,Ella Nicah
Tuazon,Jhustine Gamboa(Poster),Jasper Borbe,Jacob
Apostol,Earl Santua,Marvin Dente,Alyssa Cordero & Alexis



(people are worried and panicking)

*Valjean appears*
Vajean:Is there anyone here
Who will rescue the man
Who will help me to shoulder
The weight of the cart?

*Valjean tries to carry the heavy cart*

*a random guy pulls Fauchevalent from the cart*

*Fauchevalent got freed from the cart*

Fauchevalent:M'sieur le Mayor, I have no words,
You come from God, You are a saint.

*Javert appears on stage,looking astonished*

(Confrontation between Javert and Valjean)

Javert:Can this be true?
I don't believe what I see!
A man at your age
To be as strong as you are!
A memory stirs...
You make me think of a man
From years ago
A man who broke his parole

Say what you must
Don’t leave it there…

Javert:He disappeared.
Forgive me, sir,
I would not dare…
*Javert exits first*

*Everybody exits*


(The sailors are standing by,waiting for whores)

*Fantine walks in*

Sailor 1: I smell women

Smell 'em in the air.
Think I'll drop my anchor
In that harbour over there.

(They circled around Fantine and grabbed her)

Sailor 2: Lovely ladies

Smell 'em through the smoke
Seven days at sea
Can make you hungry for a poke.

(Fantine struggles,the sailors released her)

Sailor 3: Even stokers need a little stoke!

(Sailors moved towards the whores)

*Whores dancing seductively and take up with sailors*

Whores: Lovely ladies

Waiting for a bite
Waiting for the customers
Who only come at night
Lovely ladies
Ready for the call
Standing up or lying down
Or any way at all.
Bargain prices up against the wall.

(Whores and sailors exit in pairs)

*Old woman appears and approaches Fantine*

Old Woman: What pretty hair!

What pretty locks you got there.
What luck you got.
It's worth a centime, my dear
I'll take the lot.

(Sailors and whores are walking around in pairs)

Fantine: Don't touch me! Leave me alone!

Old Woman: Let's make a price. I'll give you all of ten francs,
Just think of that!

Fantine: It pays a debt.

Old Woman: Just think of that.

Fantine: What can I do? It pays a debt.

Ten francs may save my poor Cosette!

(old woman starts cutting Fantine’s hair)

*Sailors and whores get into center and fall in line*

Whores: Lovely ladies

Waiting in the dark
Ready for a thick one
Or a quick one in the park.

Whore 1: Long time, short time

Anytime, my dear.
Cost a little extra if you want to take all year.

All: Quick and cheap is underneath the pier!

*The pimp appears*

Pimp: Gimme the dirt
Who’s that bit over there?

Whore 1: A bit of skirt

She’s the one sold her hair

Whore 2:She's got a kid

Sends her all that she can.

*The pimp approaches Fantine*

Pimp: I might've known
There is always some man
Lovely lady, come along and join us,
Lovely lady!

Whore 1:Come on, dearie, why all the fuss?

Whore 2:You're no grander than the rest of us.
Whore 3:Life has dropped you at the bottom of the heap.
Whore 4:Join your sisters. Make money in your sleep!

(everyone gets into formation)

Whores: Lovely ladies

Waiting for a bite
Waiting for the customers
Who only come at night
Lovely ladies
Ready for the call
Standing up or lying down
Or any way at all.
Bargain prices up against the wall

Whores and Sailors:Lovely ladies

Going for a song
Got a lot of callers
But they never stay for long.

*Everyone leaves the place*

(Fantine goes away with a sailor)

Fantine: Come on, Captain, you can wear your shoes
Don't it make a change,
To have a girl who can't refuse?
Easy money
Lying on a bed.
Just as well they never see the hate
That's in your head!
Don't they know
They're making love to one already dead!




(Drinkers and diners are already inside the inn)

*Madame Thenardier wakes up her husband*

Madame Thenardier:wakey-wakey,we’re opening

Thenardier:(still sleepy)I love you…I love you very much


(Thenardier opens the inn for customers)

Thénardier: My band of soaks

My den of dissolutes
My dirty jokes, my always pissed as newts
My sons of whores spent their lives in my inn
Homing pigeons homing in
They fly through my doors
And they crawl out of the floors

*Daughter puts a hat to Thenardier*

Daughter:Daddy,daddy hat!

*customers start going inside the inn*

Thénardier: (Greeting a new customer.)

Welcome, M'sieur
Sit yourself down
And meet the best innkeeper in town
As for the rest
All of them crooks
Rooking their guests and cooking the books
Seldom do you see
Honest men like me
A gent of good intent who's content to be

(Everyone is scattered and busy with their own)

Master of the house(everybody sings)
Doling out the charm
Ready with a handshake and an open palm
Tells a saucy tale
Makes a little stir
Customers appreciate a bon-viveur
Glad to do a friend a favour
Doesn't cost me to be nice
But nothing gets you nothing
Everything has got a little price

Master of the house(everybody sings)

Keeper of the zoo
Ready to relieve 'em of a sou or two
Watering the wine
Making up the weight
Pickin' up their knick-knacks when they can't see straight
Everybody loves a landlord
Everybody's bosom friend
I do whatever pleases
Jesus, won't I bleed 'em in the end

(everyone is drinking and partying)

Thénardier: But lock up your valises

Jesus, won't I skin you to the bone

*Thenardier is preparing food for customers*

Food beyond compare

Food beyond belief
Mix it in a mincer and pretend it's beef
Kidney of a horse
Liver of a cat
Filling up the sausages with this and that
Residents are more than welcome
Bridal suite is occupied
Reasonable charges plus some little extras on the side

(the customers are chitchatting with each other while doing

Charge 'em for the lice
Extra for the mice
Two per cent for looking in the mirror twice
Here a little slice
There a little cut
Three per cent for sleeping with the window shut
When it comes to fixing prices
There are lots of tricks he knows
How it all increases
All them bits and pieces
Jesus, it's amazing how it grows

(Madame Thenardier sits with a customer and steals his money


Madame Thénardier: I used a dream that I would meet a prince

But God Almighty, have you seen what's happened since?
"Master of the house"
Isn't worth me spit
"Comforter, philosopher" - and lifelong shit
Cunning little brain
Regular Voltaire
Thinks he's quite a lover but there's not much there
What a cruel trick of nature
Landed me with such a louse
God knows how I've lasted living with this bastard in the house

(Everybody sings while dancing)

Thénardier & Chorus: Master of the house
Quick to catch your eye
Never wants a passer-by to pass him by
Servant to the poor
Butler to the great
Comforter, philosopher and life-long mate
Everybody's boon companion
Gives 'em everything he's got

Thénardier: Dirty bunch of geezers

Jesus, what a sorry little lot

(Everybody sings)

*men and women are on separate sides*

Thénardier & men: Master of the house

Madame Thénardier & women: Master and a half

Thénardier & men: Comforter, philosopher

Madame Thénardier & women: Don't make me laugh

Thénardier & men:

Servant to the poor
Butler to the great

Madame Thénardier & women: Hypocrite and toady and inebriate

Thénardier & men: Everybody bless the landlord!

Madame Thénardier & women:Everybody bless his spouse!

Thénardier: Everybody raise a glass!(steps up into the table)

(all men are yelling)

Madame Thénardier: Raise it up the master's arse!(steps up into

a chair)

(all women are yelling)

All: Everybody raise a glass to the master of the house!

(Everybody is happy and yelling)



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