Anger Management: Count Ten To Zero

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Anger Management: Count ten to zero

Ten, Nine

I feel a silent roar inside my heart

It feels like it will build up like a fire

I am screaming, I am crying

But in a silent way

Eight, Seven

My hands begin shiver and shake

And my head begins to ache

Truth inside of me

Is I am trying to get you out violently

Six, Five

My eyes might be lion and fierce

But really inside, my eyes are into tears

You’re talking and talking and I’m listening

But I really want to pull you out

Four, Three,

My blood is sizzling and boiling

And it’s hard to hide this feeling

But I am controlling

The feeling I’m having

Two, One

My thoughts are negative,

And my mind is unclear

I lost a sense of good fortune and faith

I am lost in something because of anger and hate


And now after counting from ten until now

My thoughts are clear, my mind is clear,

And my soul is free from hatred

Because I conquered the anger inside my heart.

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