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1. Why did you choose this title?

We chose this study because we believed that school facilities can have a
profound impact on both teacher and student outcomes. And the result of
this study will determine if the students are satisfied with the facilities in
Don Carlos Polytechnic college.

The performance of a student is greatly affected with the physical factors

in the school and one of these is the school facility. School facilities can
have a profound impact on both teacher and student outcomes. With
respect to teachers, school facilities affect teacher recruitment, retention,
commitment, and effort. With respect to students, school facilities affect
health, behavior, engagement, learning, and growth in achievement. Thus,
researchers generally conclude that without adequate facilities and
resources, it is extremely difficult to serve large numbers ofstudents with
complex needs.

2. How did you choose your respondents?

We employed random selection.

3. What are the steps taken to insure the privacy of the respondents in this study?

A letter was first submitted to the ________ to ask permission for this
research study. The respondents were made to understand that all their
answers will be treated privately and they are not even force to put their
name in the questioner.

4. What is the implication of the result to the academic performance of the study?
The result of the study states that majority of the respondents were
moderately satisfied with the school facilities. This means that there are
still areas or facilities that must be improved and must be provided by the

5. For future references, how can you improve this study?

To attain accuracy of the results, future researchers are advised to

increase number of respondents and to widen the scope of the research.

6. What is the most important purpose of this study?

The result will pave way to the awareness of the school administrator on
how to improve the school facilities and consequently improve the
academic performance of the students and also improve the performance
rating of the students in the licensure exam.

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