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1. Anita Fitriyanti Simanjuntak

2. Dwi Amalia Ramadhan

N : “Good morning, Ma’am” (smile)

P : “Good morning, Nurse”
N : “Is it correct you are Mrs. Anita?”
P : “Correct nurse”
N : “Ok, let me introduce myself. I’m nurse Amel and I’m the nurse who will take care of you from 8 to 2
this afternoon. So, how is your feeling this morning Mrs.Anita? Do you mind if we talk about your
P : “No, I don’t”
N : “Your chemotherapy is 30 minutes again. But, you look so gloomy. Would you tell me what you’re
thinking mam?”
P : “I’m really worried about my condition. I’m afraid for the chemotherapy. Because chemotherapy is a
scary thing. Because chemotherapy will make hair fall, dark and duller skin, nausea and vomiting.
And I’m really worry about that. I worry if all of this would be just useless and would not make me
any better”
N : “I know what you feel right now. As I know, chemotherapy does cause some side effect like hair fall,
dark skin, nausea and vomiting. But, don’t worry. I’m sure that you can do this and you can go
through it.”
P : “Ok, thank you for your support, I feel better now.”
N : “Thank you for your time ma’am. Do you have any question?”
P : “I think I don’t”
N : “Ok, I think that’s all. Don’t be afraid, you will be fine. I believe you can do this. Ok ma’am, it’s time
for your chemotherapy and I have to go to prepare your chemotherapy. I will be back 15 minutes
P : “Ok Nurse, thank you so much”
N : “No problem, see you mam”
P : “See you too”

Therapeutic item:
1. Focus
2. Touch
3. Active listening
4. Sharing observation
5. Sharing Feelings
6. Sharing Hope

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