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Sultan Qaboos University Med J, Aug 2017, Vol. 17, Iss. 3, pp. e268–276, Epub.

10 Oct 17
Submitted 8 Feb 17
Revisions Req. 15 Mar & 1 May 17; Revisions Recd. 12 Apr & 8 May 17
doi: 10.18295/squmj.2017.17.03.003
Accepted 25 May 17

Controversies in Odontogenic Tumours

*Pooja Siwach, Tabita Joy, Jagdish Tupkari, Arush Thakur

‫جدل يف األورام سنية املنشأ‬


‫ �أرو�ش ثاكر‬،‫ جادي�ش توبكاري‬،‫ تابيا جوي‬،‫بوجا �سوا�ش‬

abstract: Odontogenic tumours are lesions that occur solely within the oral cavity and are so named because
of their origin from the odontogenic (i.e. tooth-forming) apparatus. Odontogenic tumours comprise a variety
of lesions ranging from non-neoplastic tissue proliferations to benign or malignant neoplasms. However,
controversies exist regarding the pathogenesis, categorisation and clinical and histological variations of these
tumours. The recent 2017 World Health Organization classification of odontogenic tumours included new entities
such as primordial odontogenic tumours, sclerosing odontogenic carcinomas and odontogenic carcinosarcomas,
while eliminating several previously included entities like keratocystic odontogenic tumours and calcifying cystic
odonogenic tumours. The aim of the present review article was to discuss controversies and recent concepts
regarding odontogenic tumours so as to increase understanding of these lesions.
Keywords: Neoplasms; Oral Cavity; Odontogenic Tumors; Hamartomas; Classification; World Health Organization.

‫ ت�ضم الأورام‬.‫ الأورام �سنية املن�ش�أ هي �آفات حتدث بالتحديد يف جوف الفم وح�سب الت�سمية تن�ش�أ من اخلاليا املن�ش�أة للأ�سنان‬:‫امللخ�ص‬
‫ توجد‬،‫ على الرغم من هذا‬.‫�سنية املن�ش�أ على العديد من الآفات ترتاوح من تكاثر الأن�سجة غري ال�رسطانية �إىل الأورام احلميدة واخلبيثة‬
‫ للأورام �سنية املن�ش�أ ملنظمة‬2017 ‫ �شمل الت�صنيف اجلديد‬.‫�إختالفات يف الإمرا�ض والت�صنيف والتنوع الأكلينيكي واملجهري لهذه الأورام‬
‫ مع‬،‫ و�ساركومة �رسطانية �سنية املن�ش�أ‬،‫ �رسطانات م�صلبة �سنية املن�ش�أ‬،‫ال�صحة العاملية على كيانات جديدة مثل �أورام �أولية �سنية املن�ش�أ‬
‫ تهدف هذه‬.‫�إ�ستبعاد العديد من الكيانات املدرجة �سابقا ك�أورام الكي�سة الكرياتينية �سنية املن�ش�أ والأورام الكي�سية املكل�سة �سنية املن�ش�أ‬
.‫املراجعة �إىل مناق�شة هذه الإختالفات واملفاهيم احلديثة املتعلقة بالأورام �سنية املن�ش�أ لزيادة فهم هذه الأورام‬
.‫ �أورام؛ جوف الفم؛ �أورام �سنية املن�ش�أ؛ �أورام عابية؛ ت�صنيف؛ منظمة ال�صحة العاملية‬:‫الكلمات املفتاحية‬

any lesions, both intraosseous and of the main controversies associated with different
extraosseous, can involve the maxillary odontogenic lesions is shown in Table 1.
and mandibular regions of the jaw; of
these, odontogenic tumours are unique to the oral
cavity and do not occur elsewhere in the body. Classification
These tumours originate from tissues involved in Odontogenic lesions were first classified by Broca in
odontogenesis (i.e. tooth development) and include a 1868.3 In 1971, the WHO included these lesions in its
wide variety of lesions ranging from hamartomas to first histological classification of such tumours and
non-neoplastic tissue proliferations and both benign provided the clinicopathological criteria necessary
and malignant neoplasms.1,2 Due to this wide range for diagnosis.1 Due to subsequent advancements in
of biological behaviour, there is currently much diagnostic immunohistochemistry, molecular biology
debate regarding the pathogenesis, classification and and genetics, as well as clinical and epidemiological
clinical and histological variations of odontogenic follow-up, modifications were made to the previous
tumours.1 The present review aimed to provide 2005 WHO classification in 2017 wherein some lesions
insight into different controversies and recent were newly added, removed or reclassified; in addition,
developments in this field, particularly with regards to attempts were made to simplify the classification
the recent 2017 World Health Organization (WHO) system, discarding subtypes or suffixes that lacked
classification of odontogenic tumours.2 Awareness of clinical relevance.2,4,5 Table 2 provides a summary
such controversies may aid in a better understanding of the entities which were either newly included or
of these pathological entities as well as enhancing excluded from the WHO 2017 classification.2,4
their diagnosis and management. A brief overview

Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Government Dental College & Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding Author e-mail:
Pooja Siwach, Tabita Joy, Jagdish Tupkari and Arush Thakur

Table 1: Key controversies in the pathogenesis, categorisation and clinical and histological variations of
odontogenic tumours
Entity Controversy

Benign epithelial odontogenic tumours

Peripheral ameloblastoma This lesion may be either a hamartoma or a benign neoplasm

Peripheral ameloblastomas and intraoral basal These may be separate entities or variants of the same entity
cell carcinomas

Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour The biochemical nature and origin of the amyloid-like material in this lesion is
not yet understood

Keratocystic odontogenic tumour/ There is debate as to whether this lesion is a cyst or tumour
odontogenic keratocyst

Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour This lesion may be either a hamartoma, cyst or neoplasm

Squamous odontogenic tumour This lesion may be either a hamartoma or a neoplasm

Benign mixed epithelial and mesenchymal

odontogenic tumours

Complex and compound odontomas There seems to be little clinical relevance in distinguishing these lesions as two
separate entities

Ameloblastic fibroma Both a neoplastic and hamartomatous line of development have been proposed
for this entity

Primordial odontogenic tumour There is doubt as to whether this is a new entity or a variant of ameloblastic
fibromas, odontogenic fibromas or myxomas

Calcifying cystic odontogenic tumour/ This lesion may be either a cyst or a tumour
calcifying odontogenic cyst

Benign mesenchymal odontogenic tumours

Odontogenic fibroma There is doubt regarding the subcategorisation of this entity into epithelium-rich
and epithelium-poor variants

Odontogenic myxoma There is controversy regarding the pathogenesis of this lesion and whether it is
truly odontogenic in nature

Cementoblastoma This lesion may have either an odontogenic or osteogenic origin

Cemento-ossifying fibroma This lesion may have either an odontogenic or fibro-osseous nature

Malignant odontogenic tumours

Clear cell odontogenic carcinomas and clear These may be separate entities or variants of the same entity
cell ameloblastomas

Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma There is doubt as to whether the presence of ghost cells would cause malignancy

Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma There is as yet no confirmation of the metastatic potential of this lesion

Odontogenic carcinosarcoma The existence of this lesion is questionable

Nevertheless, researchers have argued that as either epithelial, mixed or mesenchymal lesions
classifying odontogenic tumours as either benign or while malignant lesions are divided into carcinomas,
malignant does not encompass the reported range of sarcomas and carcinosarcomas.
behaviours shown by these lesions.6 As such, classifying
these lesions in a manner similar to the WHO bone
and soft tissue tumour classification—with the Benign Epithelial Odontogenic
addition of intermediate (locally aggressive) and Tumours
intermediate (rarely metastasising) categories—may Due to their odontogenic potential, oral epithelial
be more appropriate.6,7 In 2016, Singh et al. proposed tissues may give rise to epithelial odontogenic
a classification for odontogenic tumours based on tumours. These tumours can originate from the
histopathological patterns; unfortunately, some of the remnants of odontogenic epithelia such as reduced
classified lesions had overlapping histological features, enamel epithelium and the respective epithelial cell
thus limiting their diagnostic utility.8 The current rests of Malassez and Serres.9
review article categorises benign odontogenic lesions

Review | e269
Controversies in Odontogenic Tumours

Table 2: Summary of lesions either newly excluded, questioned whether such lesions were analogous
included or recategorised in the 2017 World Health to solid multicystic ameloblastomas (SMAs) or
Organization classification of odontogenic tumours2,3
hamartomatous lesions.10 Indeed, the biological
Lesion Reason behaviour of a PA has been deemed more indicative
Entities excluded of a hamartomatous proliferation or persistent
hyperplasia than neoplasia.11 Marx et al. defined a
Keratocystic Now considered an odontogenic
odontogenic tumour cyst and renamed odontogenic PA as a hamartomatous proliferation of odontogenic
keratocyst epithelia arising from the rests of Serres or perhaps
Calcifying cystic Now considered an odontogenic from the basal cells of the oral mucosa.12 However, the
odontogenic tumour cyst and renamed calcifying occurrence of intraoral basal cell carcinomas (BCCs)
odontogenic cyst
in the mucous membranes or tooth-bearing areas
Primary intraosseous Now considered a primary is not accepted by some investigators; thus, debate
squamous cell intraosseous carcinoma
carcinoma exists as to whether BCCs and PAs actually represent
Ameloblastic fibro- Now grouped together under the
two distinct entities or the same lesion.13 In spite of
dentinoma and category of ameloblastic fibroma many histological similarities between PAs and BCCs,
ameloblastic fibro- and no longer considered separate
odontoma entities Reichart et al. and Sciubba have claimed that PAs
deserved to be recognised as a separate entity.9,14 In
Newer entities included
addition, Brierley et al. believed that while PAs may
Primordial This previously undescribed resemble BCCs histopathologically, a distinction
odontogenic tumour entity has been newly included as
an odontogenic tumour following was possible using immunohistochemical stains for
evidence that the periphery of BerEp4 and cytokeratin (CK) 19.6
the lesion resembles that of inner
enamel epithelia (i.e. primordial
epithelia) calcifying epithelial
odontogenic tumour
Sclerosing This tumour has been proposed
odontogenic to be a distinct entity from other To date, the biochemical mechanism and the
carcinoma odontogenic carcinomas due to
its hyalinized or sclerosing stroma origin of amyloid material in calcifying epithelial
odontogenic tumours (CEOTs) is still unknown.
Odontogenic New research has reconfirmed
carcinosarcoma the existence of this lesion Immunohistochemical and electron microscope
research has suggested a possible degenerative process
Cemento-ossifying This lesion has been included due
fibroma to its exclusive occurrence within involving CK intermediate filaments in tumour cells,
tooth-bearing areas and probable while other investigators consider that the degeneration
periodontal origin
of type IV collagen associated with the basement
Changes in category membrane is responsible for amyloid derivation.15
Metastasising This lesion has been recategorised Murphy et al. determined through immunological and
ameloblastoma as benign due to its benign chemical analysis that amyloid associated with CEOTs
is formed by the N-terminal fragments of a 153-residue
protein coded by exons 5–10 of the odontogenic
ameloblastoma ameloblast-associated protein; this protein, along with
In the categorisation of conventional ameloblastomas green birefringent congophilic material, was detected
in the 2017 WHO classification, solid/multicystic in unerupted tooth follicles.16
adjectives were eliminated as they were deemed
to have no biological implications and could be k e r at o c y s t i c o d o n t o g e n i c
confused with unicystic ameloblastomas.4 Desmoplastic t u m o u r / o d o n t o g e n i c k e r at o c y s t
ameloblastomas, which had been sub-categorised The renaming of odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs)
under ameloblastomas in the previous 2005 as keratocystic odontogenic tumours (KCOTs) has
WHO classification, were also removed as they been one of the most controversial changes in the
were considered a histological variant similar to nomenclature of odontogenic lesions in recent years.17
conventional ameloblastomas.4,5 Metastasising amelo- This entity shows characteristics of both a cyst and a
blastomas were reclassified as benign tumours rather benign tumour and differs from other odontogenic
than malignant odontogenic tumours as these tumours cysts due to the appearance of mural growth with
show benign histopathology in spite of their metastatic proliferation of the lining into the cancellous bone,
potential, rendering them difficult to differentiate histo- instead of centripetal growth and expansion; thus, such
pathologically from conventional ameloblastomas.2 lesions may reach a considerable size before the bony
Based on the innocuous nature of peri- expansion becomes clinically apparent. Furthermore,
pheral ameloblastomas (PAs), Philipsen et al. the high recurrence rate suggests the aggressive

e270 | SQU Medical Journal, August 2017, Volume 17, Issue 3

Pooja Siwach, Tabita Joy, Jagdish Tupkari and Arush Thakur

behaviour and inherent potential for growth of this the precise definitions and overlapping features of
lesion.18 However, the association of KCOTs/OKCs hamartomas, cysts and cystic neoplasms.25 An AOT
with BCCs in nevoid BCC syndrome, along with is sometimes considered to be a hamartoma due to
the fact that a subset of OKCs have similar patched its limited size, occurrence at an early age (during
homolog (PTCH) gene mutations to those found in the second decade of life) and lack of recurrence
BCC cases, is suggestive of a neoplastic nature.18 even following incomplete removal. However, the
For this reason, in 2005 the WHO categorised OKC arrangement of odontogenic tissue within the lesional
as a benign odontogenic neoplasm and changed the area is not in line with that of a developmental
nomenclature of OKC to KCOT.2 This classification anomaly.25 Researchers who consider AOTs to be
was not fully accepted and many authors continued non-aggressive non-invasive benign neoplasms claim
using the older terminology.12,19,20 that the limited size of most AOT cases is due to the
Nevertheless, although PTCH gene alterations fact that they are detected early and removed before
can be found in up to 85% of OKCs associated with reaching a clinically-noticeable size.25
nevoid BCC syndrome, they are only found in 30% of In contrast, Marx et al. proposed that AOTs
sporadic cysts.21 In addition, such genetic alterations should not be considered tumours but cysts with a
have been reported among several non-neoplastic hamartomatous intraluminal proliferation of epith-
lesions, including dentigerous and orthokeratinised elial cells derived from the Hertwig epithelial root
odontogenic cysts, thus indicating that neoplasia sheath.12 However, Rick stated that AOTs were
cannot be defined on the basis of a single genetic benign embryonal neoplasms; he disagreed with the
event.21 These molecular/genetic alterations may change in terminology as the majority of lesions have
influence the biological behaviour of OKCs without a predominantly solid component instead of a fluid-
the need to define the cyst as a neoplasm, particularly filled cavity.25 Similarly, Thakur et al. proposed that the
as the classification of a lesion as a cyst or tumour term AOT was most apt for this entity.26 A molecular
has a direct impact on its treatment.21,22 For example, study by Razavi et al. showed that the Ki-67 labelling
cystic lesions require more conservative management index was lower in AOTs as compared to SMAs,
than neoplasms; as such, most KCOT/OKC cases are signifying a hamartomatous nature.27 However, using
treated using marsupialisation and enucleation rather a human androgen receptor gene polymorphism assay,
than surgical resection so as to reduce morbidity.21 Gomes et al. found that AOTs are monoclonal and
Even extensive KCOTs respond to marsupialisation therefore neoplastic.28
and may resolve completely, with the characteristic
squamous odontogenic tumour
neoplastic epithelial lining being replaced by epithelia
similar to oral mucosa.23 The resolution of such cysts The 2005 WHO classification defined squamous
following marsupialisation is not typical of neoplastic odontogenic tumours (SOTs) as locally infiltrative
lesions.21 neoplasms;5 however, Marx et al. considered them to
Pogrel found that initial decompression of a be a hamartomatous proliferation of mature epithelial
KCOT followed by aggressive curettage and peripheral cells probably arising from the epithelial cell rests of
ostectomy with methylene blue staining resulted in Malassez.12 The occurrence of multicentric SOTs
no recurrences of the lesion; however, the longest may also be indicative of a hamartomatous nature,
follow-up period in the study was only six years.23 with Leider et al. reporting three cases of familial
Similarly, Leung et al. concluded that enucleation multicentric SOTs among siblings.29
of KCOTs along with the application of Carnoy’s
solution resulted in comparatively low rates of surgical
morbidity and recurrence.24 Hence, these lesions were Benign Mixed Epithelial and
reclassified as cystic lesions rather than odontogenic Mesenchymal Odontogenic
tumours in the 2017 WHO classification.2,21 While Tumours
both OKCs and orthokeratinised odontogenic cysts As the name implies, these tumours are composed of
are considered developmental cysts, OKCs behave both epithelial and mesenchymal tissue.
more aggressively.20
adenomatoid odontogenic tumour
Philipsen et al. suggested that complex and compound
The true nature of adenomatoid odontogenic tumours
odontomas be regarded as two separate entities;
(AOTs) has always been controversial, particularly
this position is in contrast to that of Regezi et al.,
as to whether these lesions should be considered
who suggested that the classification of complex
hamartomatous growths, true benign neoplasms or
and compound odontomas should be combined
cystic lesions. This may be due to difficulties regarding

Review | e271
Controversies in Odontogenic Tumours

for therapeutic reasons.30,31 Nonetheless, as these periphery was lined by columnar or cuboidal epithelia
entities differ in their relative frequency, location resembling the inner enamel epithelium of a developing
and radiographical presentation, their separation as tooth.34 Due to the unique clinical, radiographical,
two distinct entities seems to be justified, regardless histopathological and immunohistochemical present-
of the fact that both types of odontoma are treated ation of primordial odontogenic tumours, this entity
conservatively.9 Cases of odontomas have shown was included in the 2017 WHO classification.2
microscopic features of both types; however, clinical However, Ide et al. questioned the exact nature of
data and histological evaluations will, in most cases, this tumour, particularly as to whether it was truly a
lead to a diagnosis of either a complex or compound newly recognised embryonal tumour of immature
odontoma.9 In general, however, there seems to be dental tissue exhibiting neoplastic characteristics
little clinical justification for differentiating these of progressive growth or merely an architectural
two entities. morphological variant of an AF or odontogenic
fibroma (OF)/dentigerous myxoma arising during
ameloblastic fibroma active dental development.35 Future case reports may
In agreement with the 1992 WHO classification, shed more light on this new lesion.
Philipsen et al. confirmed that ameloblastic fibromas
(AFs)—in particular, those 22.3% developing after calcifying cystic odontogenic
the age of 20 years—are true benign neoplasms.30,32 tumour/calcifying odontogenic
Additionally, AFs which grow during the entire cyst
odontogenesis period of childhood and adolescence Calcifying odontogenic cysts (COCs) were first
may represent non-neoplastic or hamartomatous identified as a specific type of odontogenic lesion by
lesions that develop into ameloblastic fibro-odontomas Gorlin et al.36 However, controversy has since arisen
(AFOs) or odontomas. Both AFOs and odontomas go regarding the association between non-neoplastic
through stages of mineralisation and calcification; none cystic lesions and solid tumour masses with similar
of them arise de novo as calcified lesions.9 On these cellular and histomorphological features. The 1971
grounds, Philipsen et al. proposed some hypothetical WHO classification described COC tumours as a
theories on the pathogenesis and relationship between non-neoplastic cystic lesion, while the description
mixed odontogenic tumours and odontomas and was updated to state that “most lesions appear to be
suggested that both a neoplastic and hamartomatous non-neoplastic” in the 1992 edition.32,37 Reichart et al.
line of development should be considered to explain theorised that the lesion had been wrongly classified
how mixed odontogenic tumours are formed.30 as an epithelial-ectomesenchymal lesion because the
As the histopathological appearance of an stroma was not characterised by ectomesenchyme,
AF in its neoplastic form is indistinguishable from but rather by mature collagenous connective tissue.9
that of a developing odontoma, Buchner et al. The nature of the dentinoid material produced
recommended the use of clinical and radiological in COCs has not been fully clarified; however, its
features in distinguishing these lesions.33 Large production is probably not the outcome of true
expansile multilocular lesions that exhibit extensive induction via a sequence of reciprocal epithelial-
bone destruction and cortical perforation in young ectomesenchymal interactions but rather as a result of
individuals are more likely to be of a neoplastic the metaplastic process.9 In 2005, the WHO grouped
nature, while asymptomatic small unilocular lesions COCs with all of their variants as an odontogenic
in children, when they lie directly over the crown of tumour rather than a cyst and defined it as a benign
an unerupted tooth with no or minimal expansion cystic neoplasm of odontogenic origin characterised
of bone, are likely to be developing odontomas.33 by ameloblastoma-like epithelia with ghost cells that
In the 2017 classification, the WHO ceased classifying may calcify.12 Dentinogenic ghost cell tumours were
ameloblastic fibrodentinomas and AFOs as separate classified as a separate entity and defined as locally
entities, with only AFs considered a separate entity.2 invasive neoplasms characterised by ameloblastoma-
like islands of epithelial cells in mature connective
primordial odontogenic tumour
tissue stroma.5
Mosqueda-Taylor et al. reported six cases of a previously However, in a multicentre review of ghost cell
undescribed odontogenic tumour that presented as lesions, Ledesma-Montes et al. found that over 85%
well-circumscribed pericoronal radiolucencies with of calcifying cystic odontogenic tumours were simple
a dentigerous relationship.34 Microscopically, the cysts occurring either alone (65%) or in association
tumour was composed of immature loose fibrous with odontomas (20%); only a few lesions showed
connective tissue resembling dental papillae and the ameloblastomatous proliferations, with merely 5%

e272 | SQU Medical Journal, August 2017, Volume 17, Issue 3

Pooja Siwach, Tabita Joy, Jagdish Tupkari and Arush Thakur

of lesions found to be solid and described as true odontogenic rather than somatic mesenchyme.12 On
neoplastic dentinogenic ghost cell tumours.38 Similar the other hand, myxomas have been reported in non-
results were observed by Hong et al., who found odontogenic sites, such as the sinonasal tract, facial
that lesions which presented as simple cysts rarely bones, extracranial skeleton, upper ramus and the
recurred and had a completely benign course.39 Martin condyle of the mandible.42 According to Johnson et al.,
et al. proposed that simple cystic lesions should be true myxoid tissue is a specific fundamental primary
considered developmental cysts that may arise alone tissue in humans and not merely an embryonic
or in association with other developmental lesions, connective tissue as it performs many functions, is an
such as odontomas, whereas solid lesions showing essential component of the mucoperiosteum of the
ameloblastomatous proliferations should be regarded paranasal sinuses, cranial sutures and dental papillae
as neoplasms due to their high recurrence rates.21 and may also be responsible for the development of
Subsequently, the WHO reclassified dentinogenic myxomas.43 Subclassifying myxomas derived from the
ghost cell tumours as odontogenic tumours in 2017, facial skeleton into odontogenic myxomas (OMs) and
while excluding cystic lesions such as COCs.2 true osteogenic myxomas may therefore better reflect
their histogenesis.42
The dental papillae, dental follicles and periodontal
Benign Mesenchymal
tissues have been implicated as possible germ centres
Odontogenic Tumours
of OMs.1 However, OMs differ from dental papillae or
These tumours are derived from mesenchymal tissue dental follicle lesions due to differences in the amount
of dental origin, such as periodontal ligaments, dental and types of proteoglycan present. Hyaluronic acid
papillae or dental follicles.9 concentrations in OMs have been found to be four
times higher than other glycosaminoglycans, such
odontogenic fibroma as chondroitin sulphate.1 This finding is contrary to
Due to their rarity and uncertainty regarding distinct those of mesenchymal tissues from dental pulp, the
types, OFs are often considered to be controversial.9 It gingivae and the periodontal ligament.1 Adekeye et al.
is worth mentioning that the current widely accepted suggested that the characteristic histopathology of
terms—simple type or WHO type/complex central this neoplasm could be due to myxoid changes within
OFs—were not used in either the first or second editions a pre-existing mesenchymatous lesion or that it may
of the WHO classification; both terms were proposed represent a degenerative form of OF.44
by Gardner.40 Doyle et al. further recommended the
term complex OF as an alternative to WHO type
OF.41 In 2005, the WHO divided OFs according to Cementoblastomas are considered the only true
two histological types of lesions: epithelium-poor neoplasms of cemental (odontogenic) origin.9 How-
(formerly termed simple type OFs) and epithelium- ever, some researchers have pointed out that the
rich (formerly termed complex or WHO type histopathological features of jaw cementoblastomas
OFs) lesions.5 In 2017, the WHO abandoned the are identical to those of osteoblastomas.19 The
epithelium-poor subtype as it was poorly defined and only differentiating feature seems to be that a
documented, with OF instead described as “a rare cementoblastoma is attached to the apex of a tooth
neoplasm of mature fibrous connective tissue, with and grows in an expansile pattern with radiating
variable amounts of inactive-looking odontogenic osteoid columns growing outwards.18,19
epithelium with or without evidence of calcification”.4
cemento-ossifying fibroma
odontogenic myxoma In the 2005 WHO classification, ossifying fibromas
Considerable confusion exists regarding the patho- were incorporated under bone-related lesions;
genesis of jaw myxomas and whether they are odonto- however, the 2017 WHO classification included
genic (i.e. derived from odontogenic mesenchyme) this entity under the category of mesenchymal
or osteogenic (i.e. presumably derived from primitive odontogenic tumours instead.2,5 This may be because
bone tissue).19 While myxomas do occur in the long their exclusive occurrence within the jaws and
bones, they are rare and are thought to arise from probable periodontal origin are suggestive of an
the pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells. The jaws odontogenic nature. Despite the fact that definitions
also contain a small population of non-odontogenic of cementum include its anatomical association with
pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells that may tooth roots, Wright et al. proposed that cemento-
generate myxomas.12,42 Although it is as yet unproven, ossifying fibroma was the best name for this entity
jaw myxomas are thought to originate from the because it is a well-understood term and laboratory

Review | e273
Controversies in Odontogenic Tumours

evidence indicates that periodontal ligament stem cells odontogenic ghost cell
can produce both bone and cementum.22 Morover, the carcinoma
term cemento-ossifying fibroma also emphasises that These lesions have been described in a variety of
the lesion occurs exclusively within the tooth-bearing ways, including as malignant COCs, odontogenic
areas of the jaws. However, confusion may still arise ghost cell carcinomas, carcinomas arising in COCs,
when differentiating cemento-ossifying fibromas from aggressive epithelial odontogenic ghost cell tumours,
ossifying fibromas of other bones. dentinogenic ghost cell ameloblastomas and malig-
nant calcifying ghost cell odontogenic tumours.9
Slater considered this entity to be a variant of an AC
Malignant Odontogenic with evidence of ghost cell keratinisation.49 However,
Tumours the mere presence of ghost cells does not necessarily
These lesions are extremely rare as the majority of dictate the biological behaviour of a lesion; prognosis is
odontogenic tumours are either completely benign or determined by the tissue that surrounds the ghost cells.
only locally aggressive.22 For example, a benign lesion containing ghost cells will
exhibit benign biological behaviour, while a carcinoma
odontogenic carcinoma containing ghost cells will behave malignantly.49
In the 2017 WHO classification, carcinomas derived
from the odontogenic epithelia have been categor- sclerosing odontogenic
ised in a number of ways, including as ameloblastic carcinoma
carcinomas (ACs), primary intraosseous carcin- These tumours were not included in the 2005 WHO
omas, sclerosing odontogenic carcinomas, clear-cell classification of odontogenic carcinomas and were
odontogenic carcinomas (CCOCs) and odonto- first proposed as a distinct entity by Koutlas et al.5,50
genic ghost cell carcinomas.2 Metastasising amelo- The characteristic histopathology includes infiltrating
blastomas, which were previously considered to ‘single file’ thin cords and strands of polyhedral
be malignant odontogenic neoplasms in the 2005 neoplastic cells within a stroma of dense sclerosis.
WHO classification, are now designated as benign Koutlas et al. described the tumour as having an
odontogenic tumours (i.e. ameloblastomas).2,5 The odontogenic origin, as the immunohistochemical
practice of subtyping carcinomas as ACs or primary profile of the tumour cells exhibited positive CK
intraosseous carcinomas has been abandoned as markers (CK5/6, CK19 and weak CK7 stains).50 Despite
there seems to be no advantage to dividing these rare its bland cytological features, the tumour exhibits
lesions.4 However, some researches have highlighted extensive local infiltrative growth into the muscles
the difficulty in differentiating these two entities and nerves.51 This newer entity has been included in
because of their overlapping histopathological and the 2017 WHO classification; however, metastasis has
clinical features.22,45,46 not been reported in any of the seven cases described
to date.2,51 Hence, further study of its biological
clear cell odontogenic behaviour is required to confirm its placement within
carcinoma the category of odontogenic carcinomas.
The existence of a relationship between clear-cell
ameloblastomas (CCAs) and CCOCs is an interesting odontogenic sarcoma
proposition which has yet to be fully elucidated. The 2005 WHO classification made a distinction
Piattelli et al. were the first to postulate that CCOCs between odontogenic sarcomas with (i.e. amelo-blastic
are a distinct and separate entity of ameloblastomas fibrodentinosarcomas and ameloblastic odonto-
and not simply a clear cell variant, whereas Waldron sarcomas) and without (i.e. ameloblastic fibro-
et al. maintained that CCOCs and CCAs were part of sarcomas) formation of dental hard structures, which
the same histopathological spectrum.47,48 Slater also is useful when making a histopathological diagnosis.5
regarded CCA to be a synonym for CCOC, although However, this concept has been questioned as the
Reichart et al. believed that these lesions should biological profile and prognosis of ameloblastic
be differentiated as two different entities based on fibrodentinosarcomas, ameloblastic odontosarcomas
their distinct demographic, clinical and histological and ameloblastic fibrosarcomas appear to be identical.52
features.9,49 Future studies with large sample sizes In the 2017 WHO classification, only odontogenic
may reveal whether these lesions should be viewed as sarcomas were mentioned, thereby simplifying this
separate entities or variants along a spectrum. category.2

e274 | SQU Medical Journal, August 2017, Volume 17, Issue 3

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