A Project Report ON Brand Audit

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Submitted By: Milind Sawant (41)

Narendra Saini (36)

Nadeem Usmani (54)

AMUL – History

Amul (Anand Milk Union Limited), formed in 1946, is a dairy cooperative

movement in India. It is a brand name managed by an apex cooperative
organisation, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd.
(GCMMF), which today is jointly owned by some 2.6 million milk
producers in Gujarat, India. It is based in Anand town of Gujarat and has
been a sterling example of a co-operative organization's success in the long
term. The Amul Pattern has established itself as a uniquely appropriate
model for rural development. Amul has spurred the White Revolution of
India, which has made India the largest producer of milk and milk
products in the world. It is also the world's biggest vegetarian cheese


Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is India's

largest food products marketing organisation. It is a state level apex body
of milk cooperatives in Gujarat which aims to provide remunerative
returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers by
providing quality products which are good value for money.

Amul's product range includes milk powders, milk, butter, ghee, cheese,
curd, chocolate, ice cream, cream, shrikhand, paneer, gulab jamuns,
basundi, Nutramul brand and others. In January 2006, Amul plans to
launch India's first sports drink Stamina, which will be competing with
Coca Cola's Powerade and PepsiCo's Gatorade .

Amul is the largest food brand in India and world's Largest Pouched Milk
Brand with an annual turnover of US $1050 million (2006-07). Currently
Amul has 2.6 million producer members with milk collection average of
10.16 million litres per day. Besides India, Amul has entered overseas
markets such as Mauritius, UAE, USA, Bangladesh, Australia, China,
Singapore, Hong Kong and a few South African countries. Its bid to enter
Japanese market in 1994 had not succeeded, but now it has fresh plans of
flooding the Japanese markets .Other potential markets being considered
include Sri Lanka.

Dr Verghese Kurien, former chairman of the GCMMF, is recognised as the

man behind the success of Amul. On 10 Aug 2006 Parthi Bhatol, chairman
of the Banaskantha Union, was elected chairman of GCMMF.


Amul : Asia‟s largest dairy co-operative was created way back in1946 to
make the milk producer self-reliant and conduct milk- business with pride.
Amul has always been the trend setter in bringing and adapting the most
modern technology to door steps to rural farmers.

Amul created history in following areas:

1. First self motivated and autonomous farmers‟ organization

comprising of more than 5000000 marginal milk producers of Kaira
2. Created Dairy co-operatives at village level functioning with milk
collection centers owned by them.
3. Computerized milk collection system with electronic scale and
computerized accounting system.
4. The first and only organization in world to get ISO 9000 standard for
its farmer’s co-operatives.
5. First to produce milk from powder from surplus milk.

Amul is the live example of how co-operation amongst the poor marginal
farmers can provide means for the socio-economic development of the
under privileged marginal farmers.

Amul in abroad:
Amul is going places. Literally. After having established its presence in
China, Mauritius and Hong Kong, Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing
Federation (GCMMF), India‟s largest milk cooperative, is waiting to flood
the Japanese market.

Then, GCMMF is also looking at Sri Lanka as one of its next export
destinations. Amul products are already available on shelves across several
countries, including the US, China, Australia, West Asian countries and

GCMMF recorded a turnover of Rs 2,922 crore last fiscal. Its products

include pouch milk, ultra heat treated (UHT) milk, ice-cream, butter,
cheese and buttermilk.

In the year 1946 the first milk union was established. This union was
started with 250 liters of milk per day. In the year 1955 AMUL was
established. In the year 1946 the union was known as KAIRA DISTRICT
brand name AMUL in 1955.

The brand name Amul means “AMULYA”. This word derived form the
Sanskrit word “AMULYA” which means “PRICELESS”. A quality control
expert in Anand had suggested the brand name “AMUL”. Amul products
have been in use in millions of homes since 1946. Amul Butter, Amul Milk
Powder, Amul Ghee, Amulspray, Amul Cheese, Amul Chocolates, Amul
Shrikhand, Amul Ice cream, Nutramul, Amul Milk and Amulya have made
Amul a leading food brand in India. (The total sale is Rs. 6 billion in 2005).
Today Amul is a symbol of many things like of the high-quality products
sold at reasonable prices, of the genesis of a vast co-operative network, of
the triumph of indigenous technology, of the marketing savvy of a farmers'
organization. And have a proven model for dairy development (Generally
known as “ANAND PATTERN”).

In the early 40’s, the main sources of earning for the farmers of Kaira
district were farming and selling of milk. That time there was high demand
for milk in Bombay. The main supplier of the milk was Polson dairy
limited, which was a privately owned company and held monopoly over
the supply of milk at Bombay from the Kaira district. This system leads to
exploitation of poor and illiterates’ farmers by the private traders. The
traders used to beside the prices of milk and the farmers were forced to
accept it without uttering a single word.

However, when the exploitation became intolerable, the farmers were

frustrated. They collectively appealed to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who
was a leading activist in the freedom movement. Sardar Patel advised the
farmers to sell the milk on their own by establishing a co-operative union,
Instead of supplying milk to private traders. Sardar Patel sent the farmers
to Shri Morarji Desai in order to gain his co-operation and help. Shri Desai
held a meeting at Samarkha village near Anand, on 4th January 1946. He
advised the farmers to form a society for collection of the milk.

These village societies would collect the milk themselves and would decide
the prices at which they can sell the milk. The district union was also form
to collect the milk from such village co-operative societies and to sell them.
It was also resolved that the Government should be asked to buy milk from
the union.

However, the govt. did not seem to help farmers by any means. It gave the
negative response by turning down the demand for the milk. To respond to
this action of govt., the farmers of Kaira district went on a milk strike. For
15 whole days not a single drop of milk was sold to the traders. As a result
the Bombay milk scheme was severely affected. The milk commissioner of
Bombay then visited Anand to assess the situation. Having seemed the
condition, he decided to fulfill the farmers demand.

Thus their cooperative unions were forced at the village and district level
to collect and sell milk on a cooperative basis, without the intervention of
Government. Mr. Verghese Kurien showed main interest in establishing
union who was supported by Shri Tribhuvandas Patel who lead the
farmers in forming the Co-operative unions at the village level. The Kaira
district milk producers union was thus established in ANAND and was
registered formally on 14th December 1946. Since farmers sold all the milk
in Anand through a co-operative union, it was commonly resolved to sell
the milk under the brand name AMUL.

Target Customer Profile

 Customer Based Segmentation

 Industry Base Segmentation

Brand Elements
1. The Brand Name: "Amul," is the acronym of Anand Milk Union
Limited, comes from the Sanskrit "Amoolya," meaning
Precious/Priceless. It was suggested by a quality control expert in

2. The Logo:

3. The Tagline/Slogan: “The taste of India”

4. The Jingle: Utterly, butterly, delicious … Amul

5. The Character/Mascot:
The Amul moppet has been the mascot of Amul since 1967, sporting
a young girl in red polka dot frock with ‘Utterly butterly delicious’
6. The URL: www.amul.com

All these brand elements have built a reputation and a very high brand
equity for Amul.

Amul - Communication

Before Amul entered the picture, companies used conventional methods of

advertising where the focus was only on the food products and the tone of
the pitch was serious. Amul changed the way food products were
communicated to the people in India. It always advertised its mother brand
– Amul, and not its products like butter, pizzas, or cheese. It all began in
1966 when Sylvester daCunha, then the managing director of the
advertising agency, ASP, clinched the account for Amul butter. The butter,
which had been launched in 1945, had a staid, boring image, primarily
because the earlier advertising agency which was in charge of the account
preferred to stick to routine, corporate ads. The year Sylvester daCunha
took over the account, the country saw the birth of a campaign whose
charm has endured fickle public opinion, gimmickry and all else.

Amul has been consistant over the communication campaign and brand
strategy. AMUL has positioned itself as " Taste of India " and have ensured
that their communication is in line with their positioning strategy

By insisting on an umbrella brand, GCMMF not only skillfully avoided

inter-union conflicts but also created an opportunity for the union
members to cooperate in developing products

Consumer Advertising:- This is also called end product advertising .such

advertisements are primarily directed at consumers. These are the
advertisements which are most prominent as very substantial portion of
the total advertising budget is directed to potential buyers of consumer
products through mass media. The fact that the number of buyers of
consumer items are generally very large and are widely distributed over a
large geographically area further , enhances the importance of consumer
advertising as a marketing tool. Amul had resorted to consumer
advertising as it ‘s target was the middle class of indian sector.but the point
to be noted is that they relied more upon emphasizing their brand rather
than single product.

Institutional advertising: institution advertising s also called corporate

advertising . it’s a public-relation-approach advertising. Amul had wanted
to build a goodwill for its brand and also it is always expressing a
viewpoint on a controversial issue through the use of billboard which we
are going to discuss under media platform used.
Indirect Action Advertising : Indirect action advertising as against direct
action advertising does not attempt to bring about an immediate
behavioral response . The purpose of Amul was not to bring about an
immediate behavioral response but the aim of advertisements was to create
a image in the minds of consumer regarding Amul. Amul wanted to build
long term relation with its customers that is why it never adopted practice
of aggressively selling the product.

Pricing strategy adopted: Thus, AMUL adopted a low price strategy to

make their products affordable and guarantee value to the consumer. The
success of this strategy is well recognized and remains the main plank of
AMUL's strategy even today. The choice of product mix and the sequence
in which AMUL introduced its products is consistent with this philosophy.
Beginning with liquid milk, the product mix was enhanced slowly by
progressive addition of higher value products while maintaining desired
growth in existing products. Even today, while competing in the market for
high value dairy products, GCMMF ensures that adequate supplies of low
value products are maintained. Amul was/is targeting middleclass people
so it has always been inclined to keep its price low and at same time it
assures of reasonable quality.

Huge ad campaigns are not always necessary, what you need is a

genuinely interesting way to interact with your customers, tell them your
story and engage them in a conversation, even if you are selling something
that is soo commoditized like butter. Thus Amul believed that huge
expenditure on advertising was not always necessary , if an Advertisement
has creativity and ingenuity it will achieve its purpose for which it has
been designed.

Media Platform Used by Amul ?

Media Planning: It is important phase of advertising campaign after
creative strategy that is preparation of the right message. Until and unless ,
the message is communicated through the right medium to target
customers the target is of no use .

Amul was also facing the challenge of which advertising media to adopt
which should integrate with its objectives which were :

AMUL’s business strategy is driven by its twin objectives of:

(i) long-term, sustainable growth to its member farmers, and

(ii) value proposition to a large customer base by providing milk and other
dairy products a low price

Amul has made the use of following media platforms till know :

1. Outdoor media : hoardings/billboards

2. Broadcast Media : television

3. Non-broadcast Media : cinema

4. Print media : newspapers ,general interest magazines

5. Internet : independent websites ,portals


The cooperative has been making extensive use of hoardings for promoting
its flagship brand ‘Amul Butter’ since 1966, and is all set to enter the
Guinness Book of World Records for the longest run promotion campaign.
The advertisements are in the outdoors category and are communicated
through hoardings at busy junctions in all major cities across India. Amul
had used outdoor advertising to a good effect with the middle class people
as their targets they were able to create an image for their brand in the
minds of consumer .

The ads have a central character – a cherubic, wide-eyed, dressed in a

polka-dot frock, and blue-haired girl/baby who is perhaps around 4-6
years old. A new ad is apparently created every week and these ads
revolve around the latest happening thing (good/bad/ugly) in the country
(or local states) and can be anything associated with
politics/sports/movies/people/laws/general events etc. The ads are very
creative, witty, humorous, whacky and sometimes controversial but
invariably elicit a laugh, chuckle or at least a smile from almost everyone
who understands the context. The ads relate butter to the topic of the ad in
a very amazing & intriguing manner…primarily by playing with words.
The words can be in plain English or Hinglish. Mascot advertising ( will be
dealt with just after this section)

Here are a few advertisements which appeared on hoardings :

Online marketing efforts undertaken

Buying Amul Products Online : As a first step towards Ecommerce in

India, Amul is delighted to offer you the cyber shopping experience with a
wide range of Amul dairy products in all major cities of India. You can
order your favourite Amul Ice-cream at the new Amul Icecream
Cyberstore.The "Taste of India" is now a few clicks away from your

Amul Products can now be ordered online on the website of our importer

The key benefits of BUYING ON-LINE are:

o Products shipped in a Reusable Attractive Styrofoam Ice US

$10.00 Retail Value.
o Receive Free Reusable Ice Pack for keeping food and drinks
cold, US $5.00 Retail Value.
o Amul Products delivered at your doorstep overnight, saves
time, mileage and parking hassles.
o Receive Amul promotional items with your package like Amul
Recipe Book, Butter Girl refrigerator magnet, etc.
o Receive the satisfaction of Eating pure, full-flavored, quality
sealed product manufactured fresh in India's most advanced
dairy manufacturing facility.
o Get a free family pass for visiting Amul's Dairy Plant in Anand
o Special Offers for Party Orders of 1 or more cartons of any
single Amul Product. Ask for special quote.
o Makes you directly eligible to enroll for The Fly Me Home
Contest Sponsored By Amul and many more Internet
Promotions in the Pipeline.
o No Sales Tax for Internet Sales except for Illinois residents at
the Present time.
o Most important, all transactions are powered by AT&T Secure
By which ensure complete security.

Amul to set up its virtual production facility in Second Life

Amul, which established its presence in Second Life in March by setting up

its virtual parlour, is now working to expand its presence in the virtual

Trimensions, a Gurgaon based company, is helping Amul to develop its

existence on Second Life. Rahul Dutta, chairman and managing director,
Trimensions, says, “Amul is planning to buy eight-10 islands, equal to 160
acres of virtual land, in Second Life to set up a simulation of its production
and distribution facility. The objective behind launching a virtual setup is
to demonstrate its functioning to the consumers, and experiment with any
change in the production or distribution system virtually before executing
it in the real world.

Amul.tv.com- It showcases short films and TV’s related to amul at this site
recipes of favorite Indian dishes are also given.

Broadcast media: Television

TV reaches every demographic category and achieves a certain impact with

the use of colour , audio and motion. Amul has aired a lot of
advertisements for its various product categories .some of the
advertisements which we had collected are here .
Amul - SWOT Analysis


 Demand profile: Absolutely optimistic. Milk being a necessity

product, the demand will stay and the sales at GCMMF are bound to
increase over a period of time.

 Margins: Quite reasonable, even on packed liquid milk. The margins

are enough to limit the entry of potential entrants.

 Flexibility of product mix: Tremendous. With balancing equipment,

GCMMF has kept adding a wide array of products to its product line.

 Availability of raw material: Abundant. Presently, more than 80 per

cent of milk produced is flowing into the unorganized sector, which
requires proper channelization. Amul & GCMMF have leveraged this
and has got itself a strong base of suppliers who provide them milk
throughout the year. Large number of dairy plants in public and
cooperative sectors besides several others coming up in the private
sector would result in competition. Because of this the end consumer
would benefit and a good product mix would emerge.

 Technical manpower: Professionally trained, technical human

resource pool, built over last 30 years is the strength that GCMMF
has. The employees of GCCMF are highly recognized in the industry
and have earned name for themselves as well as the federation.

 Enhanced Milk Production: Increase in the milk production with

consequently increased availability of milk processing has led to
increase in consumption and faster access to the consumers through
effective distribution. The technology is brought from Denmark and
the production of milk has benefited from that.

 Transportation: The transportation facilities and the easy availability

of the special trucks have provided a boost. Cold refrigerated trucks
are there in place and the warehouses also have the cold storage
facilities that facilitate the transportation.

 Vast resources: Country has vast natural resources which offer

immense potential growth and development for dairying. Moreover
the financial resources available with the federation are immense and
the reputation is such that in case of any further requirements, it can
approach any institution and raise any form of capital.

 Increasing purchase power and changing tastes of the consumers:

The purchasing power of the residents is increasing. As a result a lot
of products are being consumed. Moreover, the consuming habits are
changing. As a result, the demand for products such as butter and
cheese is increasing at a very rapid rate.


 Perishability: Pasteurization has overcome this weakness

partially. UHT gives milk long life. Still perishability is there
at the milk vendors end. This does result in loss of some
production. But Amul Dairy is taking steps to store milk at
the vendors end. Surely, many new processes will follow to
improve milk quality and extend its shelf life.

 Lack of control over yield: Theoretically, there is little control over

milk yield. A lot depends upon the monsoon in the country. This is
because of the quality of cattle feed that would be available will not
have the required nutritional content. Steps are taken to provide
awareness regarding these and the penetration of quality feed is
being increased. Moreover, increased awareness of developments like
embryo transplant, artificial insemination and properly managed
animal husbandry practices, coupled with higher income to rural
milk producers should automatically lead to improvement in milk

 Logistics of procurement: Woes of bad roads and inadequate

transportation facility make milk procurement problematic. All these
factors lead to perishability of the procured milk. But with the overall
economic improvement in India, these problems would also get

 Erratic power supply: The erratic power supply would cause harm in
the processing of milk.

 Underdeveloped systems: There still exist underdeveloped raw milk

collection systems in some parts of the country. However steps are
being taken such as setting up of cold storage points at key collection
centers to combat the situation.

 Lack of proper implementation: Dairy development programmes

have not been fully implemented as per the needs of the region in
different agro-climatic zones.

 Infrastructure: The infrastructure that is available is not up to the

current world standards. Also lack of infrastructure for offering
dairy business management programmes to the trained personnel is
creating a hindrance.


"Failure is never final, and success never ending”. Dr Kurien bears out this
statement perfectly. He entered the industry when there were only threats.
He met failure head-on, and now he clearly is an example of ‘never ending
success’! If dairy entrepreneurs are looking for opportunities in India, the
following areas must be tapped:

 Competition: With so many newcomers entering this industry,

competition is becoming tougher day by day. But then competition
has to be faced as a ground reality. The market is large enough for
many to carve out their niche. Moreover due to competition, there is
a chance to better serve the market with innovative products.

 Value addition: There is a phenomenal scope for innovations in

product development, packaging and presentation. Given below are
potential areas of value addition:

o Steps should be taken to introduce value-added products like

shrikhand, ice creams, paneer, khoa, flavored milk, dairy sweets,
etc. This will lead to a greater presence and flexibility in the
market place along with opportunities in the field of brand

o Addition of cultured products like yoghurt and cheese lend

further strength - both in terms of utilization of resources and
presence in the market place.

o Yet another aspect can be the addition of infant foods, geriatric

foods and nutritional.

 Export potential: Efforts to exploit export potential are already on.

Amul is exporting to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, and the Middle
East. Following the new GATT treaty, opportunities will increase
tremendously for the export of agri-products in general and dairy
products in particular. There is a strong basis of cost efficiency, which
GCMMF can leverage in the world market.

 Markets: The market for the traditional as wells as processed dairy

products is expanding both at the domestic and international front.

 IT support: Software is now available for project formulation for

dairy enterprise. It has also computerized its production processes.
Mother Dairy was the first fully computerized dairy in India. In its
Anand plant all products are processed computerized, which does
not have any hand touch during any stage of process.


 Milk vendors, the un-organized sector: Today milk vendors are

occupying the pride of place in the industry. Organized
dissemination of information about the harm that they are doing to
producers and consumers should see a steady decline in their

 Infestation: There are increasing incidents of chemical contaminants

as well as residual antibiotics in milk.

 Quality: The quality of the milk is found to be poor as compared to

the international standards. One of the reasons for these according to
the EU and America is the method of milching the milk. In these
nations the milk is hands by the farmers owning the cattle do
milched with the help of machines, while in India.

 Exploitation: The liberalization of the Dairy Industry is likely to be

exploited by the multinationals. They will be interested
manufacturing the milk products, which yield high profits. It will
create milk shortage in the country adversely affecting the
 Subsidy by Western Nations: There have been incidences wherein
the Western nations subsidizing the dairy products by a few means
like transportation. Because of such reasons the final price of the
product goes below the prices prevailing in the Indian Market. Hence
it proves a threat to GCMMF’s and other Indian dairy products.

 Creation of Non Tariff Barriers by Developed Nations: The

Developed Nations have created Non Tariff Barriers related to
Quality of the milk specifically. They want that the milk be processed
with potable Air and Water. They also want that the milching of
cattle be done with the help of machines. However this type if system
is yet to evolve in India. Because of these reasons they are reducing
the market potential of Indian made products, where GCMMF holds
a lions share.

The study of this SWOT analysis shows that the ‘strengths’ and
‘opportunities’ far outweigh ‘weaknesses’ and ‘threats’. Strengths and
opportunities are fundamental and weaknesses and threats are transitory.
Any investment idea can do well only when you have three essential
ingredients: entrepreneurship (the ability to take risks), innovative
approach (in product lines and marketing) and values (of quality/ethics).
Branding Strategy


Amul’s branding strategy has followed the concept of ‘Umbrella Branding.’

Amul is the common brand name for most of its products across categories.
For instance, the Amul girl has also been used to advertise Amul ghee and
milk. Its ad campaign ‘Amul doodh peeta hai India,’ conceptualised &
created by FCB-Ulka, was drafted to proclaim its leadership position and
was targeted at people across all income categories. The corporate
campaign – The Taste of India caters to people belonging to all walks of life
& across cultures. It is circled around a one day old child who needs milk
as much as to a dead man who needs ghee. Umbrella branding can be a
successful marketing strategy. However, this depends on having a
consistent and clear brand identity across the variants. It also needs to be
recognized that, while this approach can help “kick start” variant launches,
halo effects are not guaranteed.

Amul’s strategy of using “umbrella branding” has really paid off. Amul’s
advertising and marketing spend has never exceeded 1% of its revenues.
Most other food companies spend 6-7% of revenues on advertising and
marketing. They (GCMMF) are not big spenders compared to Britannia or
Nestle. Despite a limited budget, Amul’s creatives—in the form of
billboards or the Taste of India campaign—have always managed to evoke
a larger-than-life brand feel, consistency and spirit of Indian culture in a
contemporary way.

Marketing Mix



Amul pasteurized processed cheese

Amul cheese spreads

Amul emmentel cheese

Amul pizza mozzarella cheese

Gouda cheese


Amul pure ghee

Amul cooking butter

Amul malaipaneer

Utterly delicious pizza

Masti dahi

Amul ice –cream

Amul shrikhand

Amul mithai gulabjamun

Amul chocolates

Amul lassi

Amul basundi

Health drink


Amul shaktihealth food drink

Bread spread

Margarine Amul butter

Amul lite

Delicious table

Milk drinks

Amul kool milkshake

Nutramul energy drink

Amul koolflavouredbottled milk

Amul mastispiced buttermilk

Amul koolthandai.

Powder milk

Amul spray infant milk food

Amul instant full cream powder

Sagar skimmed milk powderr

Sagar tea coffe whitener

Amul dairy whitener

Fresh milk

Amul fresh milk

Amul gold milk

Taza double toned milk

Amul liteslim and trim milk

Amul fresh cream a

Amul shaktitoned milk

Amul calciplus


 Survival.

 Capture market share.

 To provide service to all income group

Amul butter:

100gm– Rs.18

Competitor: Mother Diary 100gm- Rs.19

Amul cheese:

200gm– Rs.55

Competitor: Britannia cheese–200gm– Rs.70

Amul Ghee:

1Lit.– Rs.190

Competitor: Gits. 1Lit.-Rs.210

Amul Kool Milkshake

200ml– Rs.15

Competitor Nestle Milk Shake –200ml–Rs.20

Sr.No: Product Pack size Max. Retail price

1. Amul Butter 100g Pack Rs. 18
2. Amul Butter 500g Pack Rs. 92
3. Amul Lite Low fat Bread 200g tub Rs. 32
4. Amul Cheese 400g Tin Rs. 105
5. Amul Cheese Slices 200g Pack Rs. 70
6. Amul Cheese Chiplets 200g Pack Rs. 60
7. Amul Cheese 1 kg Block Rs. 197
8. Amul Shrikhand 200g Elaichi Rs. 21
9. Amul Chocolates 35g Fruit &Nut Rs.16
10. Amul Mithaee Gulab 1kg. Rs.100


 Advertising philosophy "to be simple, fresh and innovative".

 The clean, emotion-based ads.

 Amul ads-creative, apt forth current situation.

 The Amul ads are one of the longest running ads based on a theme,
now vying for the Guinness records

 1% of its turnover on promotions.

 Not spending more than Rs 2crore on Amul butter.

Billboard campaign

 First billboard came up in 1967

 For the first one year the ads made statements of some kind

 Later many topical adds came into existence

 When Mumbai first saw the beginning of the Hare Rama Hare
Krishna movement

 Amul came up with a clincher—‘Hurry Amul, Hurry Hurry

INDIA Promotion by events

 Amul Chef of the Year, 2009 contest

 Amul Maharani Contest, 2008-09

 Amul Food Festival Contest

 Winners of Slogan likho Disney land dekho contest

 Winners of" Amulya Fly to Bangkok Contest

 Sponsoring amul star voice of india

Amul promotes itself by conducting various contests such as:

• Chef of the year- in this, the participants are required to use as many
Amul products as possible

• Amul Maharani of the year – in this, the participants are required to fill
up questionnaires and then there is a lucky draw.

Amul publishes some books periodically. Basically they are related to

Amul or dairy industry

Amul also gives away academic excellence awards for school children
every year. They are called Vidya Shree – for 10th std and Vidya Bhushan –
for 12th std students.

 Amul-Place

 Channels

 Coverage

 Assortments

 Locations

 Inventory

 Transport

 Its supply chain one of the most complicated in the world.

 Amul has plans to create a large chain of such outlets to be managed

by franchisees throughout the country


Online (Internet):

Amul cyber store

Ice-cream cyber store

Direct retailing through"AmulUtterlyDelicious"parlours:

Major cities Ahmadabad, Bangalore, Baroda, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad

and Surat.

Presently 1,500 parlours and plan to open 10,000 of them by 201


Currently online are Chennai and Calcutta

Chennai, Kolkata, Nasik, Jalgaon, Aurangabad, Delhi, Raipur, Jodhpur,
Udaipur, Pune, Siliguri/Durg, Kota.


Producer Cooperatives: This type of distribution organization is formed by

agricultural producers for selling their produce in the local market.

Network of over 3,500 distributors



Covering 13,000 villages benefiting 2.7 million farmers

Collection 447,000 liters of milk/day from 2.12 million farmers.

Delivery of goods to over 500,000 retail outlets across the country

Members: 13 district cooperative milk producers 'Union

No. of Producer Members: 2.7 million

No. of Village Societies: 13,141

International Markets:

Available in over 40 countries.


The major markets are the US, WestIndies, countries in Africa, the
Gulfregion, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Japan and China. Some
Amul Parlours in the country run by the company or its wholesale dealers:
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation

The Somnath Temple

National Institute of Design

Infosys Technologies in Bangalore, Mysore & Pune

Wipro campus in Bangalore

L.J. College, Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad Airport

Surat Municipal Corporation

Gujarat State Raod Transport Corporation

Jubilee Mission Medical College, Trichur,Kerala

Sanjay Gandhi Hospital Parlour, Amethi

Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata

Café Amul, MDG, Gandhinagar


47 depots with dry and cold ware houses of entire range of products.

Total Milk handling capacity: 10.21 million liters per day

Milk collection (Total-2007-08): 2.69 billion liters

Milk collection (DailyAverage2007-08): 7.4 million liters

Milk Drying Capacity: 626Mts. Per day

Cattle feed manufacturing Capacity: 3090 Mts per day


Transport cans

Engages in route scheduling

Has dedicated vehicle operations.


Amul’s dominance: Products like cheese, butter, liquid milk and yogurt

Amul’s success today is partly because of its strong supply chain design.
Below is the schematic diagram of Amul’s supply chain.
With products being highly perishable, the supply chain ought to have to
maintain correct temperature, humidity etc and the chain should move
fast. To reach out its consumers more directly and let them the total brand
experience, Amul has come up with Amul parlours. These are called
“Utterly delicious parlours”. They have come up in major cities like
Ahmadabad, Bangalore, Baroda, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Surat
already, and many more starting up real soon. Till date there are about 400
Amul parlours across the country. These parlours are set at prominent
locations such as campuses of Infosys, Wipro, IIM-A, IIT-B, temples,
Metros etc.

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