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FURY Qualities

Metatype: Humano Ethnicity: Latino Impaired (Attribute: Charisma -4)

Age: 30 Sex: Masculino Height: 1,88 m Weight: 265 kg • Game Effect: For each level, the character’s maximum for the chosen
Reputation: Heat: attribute decreases by 1, to a minimum of 2.
Karma: Total Karma: Lifestyle: Middle (1 month prepaid)
Biocompatibility (Cyberware) [Homebrew]
• Game Effect: The Essence cost of implants of the particular chosen type are
reduced by ten percent, rounded down to the tenth. This rebate is
6 2 3(4) 2 3(5) 3 3 2 5 0,08 cumulative with the reduction offered by the chosen ware’s grade, if any
(e.g., the reduction for alphaware of 0.8 is reduced by ten percent, or 0.08,
Unarmed: 5(8) Edge Points to become 0.72, and is rounded down to 0.7). This quality can only be
Initiative/Actions: 6(7) + 2D6/1 Major, 3 Minor chosen for bioware or cyberware. This quality may only be taken once.
Condition Monitors (P/S): 20/11
Defense Rating: 13/15 Black Market Pipeline (Cyberware) [Homebrew]
Composure: 7 • Game Effect: During character creation, the player chooses one existing
Judge Intentions: 8 individual contact and a single category of merchandise (e.g., vehicles,
Memory: 6 weapons, electronics, armor, etc.). The selected contact can always buy or
Edge Points:11 (160/80 kg)
Lift/Carry: sell goods in that category through the black market with better-than-
Movement: 10/15/+2 normal rates for the character. Purchases through this contact get a ten
percent price reduction.

Built Tough (4)

SKILLS • Game Effect: You have a number of additional boxes on your Physical
Skill RGT ATT DP TYPE Condition Monitor equal to the rank of this quality.
Athletics 5 A 9 A
Jumping or Climbing 7 S 11 A Cyber Singularity Seeker (Homebrew)
Balance / Falling / Landing safely 6 A 10 A • Game Effect: The character gains +1 Willpower for every two full cyberlimb
Close Combat (Unarmed) 5(7) A 9(11) A replacements they get (partial limb replacements don’t count), up to a
Outdoors 3 I 6 A maximum of +2 Willpower.
Perception 3 I 6 A
Scent Perception (Wireless) 5 I 8 A Quick Healer
Aural or Visual Perception 6 I 7 A • Game Effect: Cut the interval for any natural healing test (p. 120) in half,
Piloting 1 R 5 A meaning you can heal Stun Damage after half an hour and Physical Damage
Stealth 4(5) A 8(9) A after half a day.
Cyber singularity seeker medic clinics K
Cyber singularity seeker bars K
Security Systems K
English (Native) K



Armor Rating Notes

Item Notes

Augmentations Notes
Cyberlimb (Skull) [BW] (Agility 4, Strength 2) Ultrasound sensor, Ultrasound link, Junkyard Jaw (Type: Unarmed DV: 6P AR: 5/—/—/—/—)
Cyberlimb (Torso) [DW]
Cyberlimb (Left Arm) [BW] (Agility 4, Strength 4) Holster, Retractable Climbing Claws (Type: Unarmed DV: 2P AR: 5/—/—/—/—)
Cyberlimb (Right Arm) [BW] (Agility 4, Strength 4) Defense +7, Retractable Climbing Claws (Type: Unarmed DV: 2P AR: 5/—/—/—/—)
Cyberlimb (Left Leg) [BW] (Agility 4, Strength 4) Digigrade Legs, Hydraulic Jacks, Retractable Climbing Claws (Type: Unarmed DV: 2P AR: 5/—/—/—/—)
Cyberlimb (Right Leg) [BW] (Agility 4, Strength 4) Digigrade Legs, Hydraulic Jacks, Retractable Climbing Claws (Type: Unarmed DV: 2P AR: 5/—/—/—/—)
Balance Tail 1 dice pool bonus to all tests for balance, falling, and landing safely.
Cybereyes basic System Image link and a built-in câmera. Low-light vision, Vision Enhancement.
Cyberears basic System Sound link, Audio enhancement.
Wired reflexes 1 +1 Reaction, 1 additional Initiative Die, and 1 additional Minor Action.
Adapsin Adapsin reduces the Essence cost of implanting cyberware.

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