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A little run won't hurt. Today, I joined a fun run which is fun.

It is a great
exercise and alsoa fun way to enjoy the cool morning breeze.

I am supporting clean and environmental friendly food packaging. Today, I got my

food from Sprouts PH which is an affordable food provider in Tacloban that uses
biodegradable packaging.

I decided to not use the car for the entire week. Not just because I don't have
money for gas, parking in the school is also a challenge.

Utilizing the resources that nature provides us is important. This morning, I opted
to get water from our water pump insted of getting water from the tap.

We switched to an all-led practice at home. We replaced all our lighting with LED
Bulbs. LED bulbs are more efficient and lasts longer than incandescent bulbs. It
also use less energy.

I own three cats and taking good care of them requires resources. I'm starting to
feed them the same food we eat instead of their usual cat food which is expensive
and most probably made from artificial ingredients.

Recycle. Recycle. Recycle. There were empty boxes at home and instead of throwing
them, I built a cat playhouse for my kitties. They seem to love them.

I broke my previous bamboo straws. It seems like these materials degrade over time.
Nonetheless, I ordered another one online. Also, disposing broken bamboo straws
won't hurt the environment.

Soursops are all over our front yard. Today, I harvested their fruits and made them
into smoothies. All organic and natural.

While I was walking, I saw a mother and her kid throw their garbage INSIDE A LAMP
POST. I immediately approached them and told them to not out their garbage there
and find the right place to dispose it. I think I sounded too agressive but it's
fine. It's for the environment.
Horay for responsible garbage disposal!

Our house's electricals were being fixed today to ensure safety and also create new
connections to other areas of our house. Our main switch was turned off all day so
I had only a short screen time and was mostly doing other things.

In one of our subjects, we were tasked to do some reporting without the use of an
LCD Projector nor a TV. So, I used some old and used cartolinas for my report. I
saved money and the environment, too.

Today was a disaster. Two of my tire cars were flat because of a puncture. My
choices were either to buy new sets of tire or to just have it fixed. I chose to
have it fixed because buying a new one means disposing of the old ones. Just
imagine all the pile of used tires in the world.

Creating meal plans doesn't only apply when you're on a diet. My meal plan includes
breakfast and dinner only. If I stray away from my meal plan, I feel guilty.
Following my meal plan prevents me from buying unnecessary food therefore reducing
my waste production.

Email has taken over the posts in this times but for us, it's different. Everyday,
me and my other family members receive mails from different companies and services
that we are subscribed. We don't even read these mails and they add up to our paper
waste. So, I sat on these and looked for the ways to unsubscribe from these so that
we won't receive them anymore.

Ukay is life, they say and it's true. Thrift shopping is one of my favorite past
time. In today's ukay gig, I found a really nice shirt and a comfy sweater.

When washing clothes, plastic wrappers of detergents are piled in the trash. This
evening when we went to get groceries, I told my mom to buy the bigger package of
the detergent.

Since Typhoon Yolanda, drift woods are scattered at our backyard. I collected them
and turned them into fancy home decorations. I cleaned, painted and designed them.
My aunt said buying from stores would cost me around P15,000 for a driftwood decor.

We went to a butterfly farm in Babatngon. There, we experienced Zen. No internet,

no phones nor noise pollution. It was really nice and all of the food were organic
and were harvested in the same farm. I suggest everyone should experience this. It
will make us appreciate simple living.

Bringin burlap bags when going to the market really helps a lot in reducing waste.
Although vendors aren't used of this, it's better if this becomes a national law.
I'm starting to decorate my own burlap/canvass bags.

Back in the summer, I bought these Soy Candles online. I had no purpose, actually.
I just liked them. I finally got to use them on All Souls' Day. Soy candles are
biodegradable compared to paraffin candles.

No TVs for today. No Netflix for tonight. Saving energy and electricity.

Cold showers might be haunting and freezing. But cold baths make you alert and
awake. My morning bath did not use hot water. I saved energy from the heater.

I saved P378.00 this week! Yay to more savings. This means that I wasn't spending
as much as I am used to this week.

I'm all out of my all organic shampoo so I bought another bottle. A bigger one. I'm
really seeing good hair conditions with this shampoo plus it's environmental

It's my cousin's birthday! Horay to group eating and not having the need to buy
food. This reduces water, gas and energy consumption for my part.

Utilizing the Power Saving Mode on smartphones will save household electricity. I
put my phone on Power Saving Mode and it has been 17 hours since I unplugged it,
it's still at 78% battery level.

My converse shoes broke. The sole broke away from the body. I brought it to the
shoe maker to have it sewn back instead of spending thousands for a new converse.

Using fabric conditioners help in saving energy! Washed my clothes and soaked them
in fab con. After they dried, they were unwrinkled and so smooth. I did not have
the need to iron them anymore.

Who says you can't use old blankets? I found my old blanket and had my Lola sewn
them into new pillow covers. They looked new and fresh.

Instead of draining away the water I used for washing my clothes, I used it to
clean my car after. This makes an instant car wash because of the soap and also
saves me from consuming water.
We went to the beach! Beaches are fun becuase there's a big body of water in front
of you and you can endlessly swim without wasting water. Don't forget to wears

Sunday markets are the best way to save money and also to support local traders.
All items sold on Sunday markets are guaranteed fresh and native which means all of
them are organic and not processed.

I switched from Google search to Ecosia!!! Ecosia uses the ad revenue from your
searches to plant trees where they are needed the most. So in every search I make
in Ecosia, trees are planted somewhere! Go for green!

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