Loler 1998

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LOLER 1998

Play clip of Lola while writing LOLER 1998 on the whiteboard.
Well, the Kinks know about Lola, but can anyone tell me what LOLER is?

Allow approx. 1 minute for discussion.

LOLER consolidated a range of existing legislation, such as:
Construction Regulations
Docks Regulations
Lifting Plant and Equipment Regulations
This was to provide a simple set of regulations which would apply across ALL sectors while ensuring
current levels of protection were maintained.
LOLER stands for:
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations

LOLER aims to make working life safer for everyone using and coming into contact with lifting
equipment: employers and employees, contractors and others. And of course, service users.

What does LOLER apply to?

LOLER applies to the use of lifting equipment provided as work equipment.

Where does LOLER apply?

LOLER applies to all workplaces and work situations where the Health and Safety at Work etc Act
1974 applies…so not just the health and social care sector.

Equipment should be strong, safe and suitable

Positioned and installed to minimise risk
Marked with safe working loads

Equipment not covered by LOLER is most likely covered by the Provision and Use of Work Equipment

Assured Healthcare is the company which currently carries out our LOLER checks as well as routine
and emergency maintenance of hoists (other companies are involved for our tailgates and passenger

So what does LOLER mean for us at the care home level?

Training / competence in use
Proof of LOLER checks evident within a 6 month period
Pre-use checks

Health and Safety Executive (2012) How the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
apply to health and social care [online]
[accessed 19.08.19]
Health and Safety Executive (2013) Lifting equipment at work A brief guide [online]
[accessed 19.08.19]

Health and Safety Executive (1999) Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER)
1998: Open learning guidance [online] Available:
[accessed 19.08.19]

Health and Safety Executive (2014) Safe use of lifting equipment Lifting Operations and Lifting
Equipment Regulations 1998: Approved Code of Practice and guidance [online]
[accessed 19.08.19]

The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 [online] Available:
[accessed 19.08.19]

Health and Safety Executive (2008) Thorough examination of lifting equipment [online] Available:
[accessed 19.08.19]

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