Exam in Agri Bus MGT and Franchising

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Name of Student: __________________________ Score:________ Grade:______

A. Choose only 10 out of 15 items.

1. How can farmers be more entrepreneurial?

2. Do you think this is possible in the present times when almost all cost of agricultural inputs has
gone up and farmers can’t barely buy their farming inputs and implements?

3. What do you think are the common barriers why farmers do not earn much and continue to be poor
in our country?

4. Farmers have learned to become more market-oriented and have learned to take calculated risks to
open or create new markets for their products. How do you think can they reduce risk and increase
their profits?

5. What do you mean by-“ Farmers-entrepreneurs are interested in profits, not food production.

6. What do you mean by “The challenges of modern agriculture often call for collaboration”.

7. Why are farmers faced with the challenge of access to credit?

8. What do you mean by post-harvest handling of products?

9. What is diversification as an income increasing strategy?:

10. How can you lower production costs?

11. What do you mean by- “Differentiating the product”?

12. What would you differentiate between entrepreneurial, technical and managerial competency?

13. What do you mean by “Drive” as an entrepreneurial characteristic?

14. What entrepreneurial characteristics do you have that can make you a good entrepreneur?

15. How can you build capacity for entrepreneurship?

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EXAM in FRANCHISING (Choose 5 only)

B. Essay (Choose only 5 of the following 6 items)
1.Explain the concept of Franchising-“It refers to the method of practicing and using another’s perfected
business concept”.
2.What do you think is the most profitable type of franchising- product franchising or business format
franchising (name and process franchise) ? Justify your answer.
3. What to you is the biggest challenge when doing business under a franchise?
4. Business Synergy is one of the advantages of Franchising. How can this be applied in Franchising?
5. Can you give an example of a Franchise Business operating here in Tacloban City ? What is its Business
Concept and how does it operate?
6. What information do you think is needed in a Franchise application?


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