RPP Get Along With English 2

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( RPP )
SatuanPendidikan : SMKN 3 MUARA BUNGO
Mata Pelajaran : BahasaInggris
Kelas : XI
Topik : Daily Activities
AlokasiWaktu : 20 Jam @ 45 Menit

A. StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar
2. BerkomunikasidenganbahasaInggrissetaraLevel Elementary
2.1. Memahamipercakapansederhanasehari-haribaikdalamkonteks professional maupunpribadidengan orang

B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Listening
Siswamampumenyimakberbagaibentukungkapanuntukmembicarakankegiatansehari-hari, hobidanminat,
2. Speaking
Siswamampumengungkapkan, merespondanmenceritakantentangkegiatansehari-hari, hobidanminat,
menanganitamudenganungkapan yang tepat.
3. Reading
Siswamampumembaca paragraph maupuntekstentangkegiatansehari-hari, hobidanminat, menanganitamu;
menerjemahkandanmenjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitandenganisibacaantersebut.
4. Writing
Siswamampumenyusun, danataumenulisparagrafatautekstentangkegiatansehari-hari, hobidanminat,

C. PendekatandanMetodePembelajaran
1) Pendekatan : Kontekstual
2) Metode : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture

D. Sumber, AlatdanBahanPembelajaran
Buku 2 Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XI ElementaryLeveldanBuku-bukupelajaranbahasaInggris
yang relevan

E. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran
1. KegiatanAwal (Pendahuluan)
 Giving opinions;
 Matching pictures with statements;
 Completing dialogs about someone’s activities;
 Listening for information: dialog.

2. KegiatanInti
 Identifying expressions commonly used in talking about daily activities, hobbies and interests and guest
 Creating and role playing dialogs based on the given situation;
 Reading for information;
 Answering questions about hobbies and interests;
 Completing sentences;
 Writing description of your daily activities.
 Writing sentences containing gerund.
 Arranging sentences containing “too” and “enough”.

RPP BahasaInggrisKelas XI- SMK N 3 MUARA BUNGO

3. KegiatanAkhir (Penutup)
 Students make the report of their discussion;
 The teacher concludes the lesson then giving questions to some of the students at random;
 The teacher gives them an assignment;
 The teacher tells them of the next meeting lesson;
 At the end of this part, he suggests the students to keep studying hard.

F. Penilaian
1) Written test;
2) Multiple choice and performance test (oral test).


A. Listen and complete the missing worfd. Then answer the questions based on the dialog.
Aldy : Where do you (1) . . . ?
Boby : I work for Vacation Tour and Travel.
Aldy : What do you do there?
Boby : I’m a (2) . . . . I take people on tours to several cities in Indonesia.
Aldy : That (3) . . . !
Boby : Yes, it’s (4) . . . , I love it. And what do you do?
Aldy : I’m a student, and I’m doing a (5) . . . , too.
Boby : Where do you work?
Aldy : I work in a (6) . . . restaurant. I cook burgers there.
Boby : Mr. Donald’s?
Aldy : No, I (7) . . . Macburger.

B. Work in pairs to make a short dialog which has to do with hobbies and interest.
Use the situation of your own!

Mengetahui, Muara Bungo,..18 juli 2016

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


196412311994031026 19741021205011005

RPP BahasaInggrisKelas XI- SMK N 3 MUARA BUNGO

( RPP )
SatuanPendidikan : SMKN 3 MUARA BUNGO
Mata Pelajaran : BahasaInggris
Kelas : XI
Topik : Talking on the Phone
AlokasiWaktu : 20 Jam @ 45 Menit

A. StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar
1. BerkomunikasidenganbahasaInggrissetaraLevel Elementary
2.2. Mencatatpesan-pesansederhanabaikdalaminteraksilangsungmaupunmelaluialat

B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Listening
Siswamampumenyimakberbagaimacamungkapan yang digunakandengantepatuntukmenerimadanmenjawabtelepon.
2. Speaking
3. Reading
Siswamampumembacaparagraf, teks yang berisitentangpenanganantelepondenganbaik; menterjemahkannya;
menjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitandenganisibacaantersebut.
4. Writing
Siswamampumenyusundanataumelengkapi dialog yang berisitentangberbagaikegiatanmelaluitelepon.

C. PendekatandanMetodePembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Kontekstual
2. Metode : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture
D. Sumber, AlatdanBahanPembelajaran
Buku 2 Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XI Elementary Level danBuku-bukupelajaranbahasaInggris
yang relevan

E. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran
1. KegiatanAwal (Pendahuluan)
 Listening and completing the missing words;
 Listening and matching picture with statements;
 Answering questions asked by teacher.

2. KegiatanInti
 Identifying expressions commonly used in telephone handling;
 Role playing on telephone conversations;
 Acting out dialogs containing telephone conversations;
 Aswering questions according to the dialog;
 Making a telephone conversation based on the picture given;
 Reading for information: text;
 Answering questions about reported speech, personal pronouns and adjective clause pronouns;
 Completing a dialog;
 Writing messages based on a telephone conversation;
 Creating dialogs with given situations.

3. KegiatanAkhir (Penutup)

RPP BahasaInggrisKelas XI- SMK N 3 MUARA BUNGO

 Students hand in their works;
 Their teacher concludes the lesson then giving questions to some of the students at random;
 The teacher gives students a homework;
 The teacher tells the students of the next meeting lesson;
 The teacher suggests students always study hard and never give up trying.

F. Penilaian
1. Written test;
2. Multiple choice and performance test (oral test).


A. Complete the dialog below with the appropriate expressions.

Leslie : Hello?
Terry : Hi, is this Leslie?
Leslie : Yes. (1) . . . .
Terry : It’s Terry here. Is Catherine in?
Leslie : (2) . . . . Can I take a message?
Terry : Yes thanks. Could you ask her (3) . . . at the XIX movie theater at 7 p.m. tonight?
Leslie : (4) . . . . I’ll get a pen first.
Terry : (5) . . . . It’s the XIX movie theatre at 7 o’clock.
Leslie : Okay, I got it. (6) . . . ?
Terry : No, that’s all.
Leslie : Okay.
Terry : Okay, thanks again. Bye for now.
Leslie : (7) . . . .

B. Work in pairs to make a short dialogue which has to do with telephone handling.
Use the situation of your own!

Mengetahui, Muara Bungo,..18 juli 2016

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


196412311994031026 19741021205011005

RPP BahasaInggrisKelas XI- SMK N 3 MUARA BUNGO

( RPP )
SatuanPendidikan : SMKN 3 MUARA BUNGO
Mata Pelajaran : BahasaInggris
Kelas : XI
Topik : Looking for a Job
AlokasiWaktu : 20 Jam @ 45 Menit

A. StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar
2. BerkomunikasidenganbahasaInggrissetaraLevel Elementary
2.3. Merincitugaspekerjaandanlatarbelakangpendidikan yang dimilikinyasecaralisandantulisan

B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Listening
2. Speaking
merespondanmendeskripsikanpekerjaandanmenjelaskanlatarbelakangpendidikanpadasituasi yang diberikan.
3. Reading
Siswamampumembacaparagraf, teks yang berisitentangdeskripsipekerjaandanlatarbelakangpendidikan;
menterjemahkannya; menjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitandenganisibacaantersebut
4. Writing

C. PendekatandanMetodePembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Kooperatif
2. Metode : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture

D. Sumber, AlatdanBahanPembelajaran
Buku 2 Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XI Elementary Level danBuku-bukupelajaranbahasaInggris
yang relevan

E. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran
1. KegiatanAwal (Pendahuluan)
 Listening and matching pictures with the correct statements;
 Listening to a dialog and completing the missing words;
 Answering questions asked by teacher.

2. KegiatanInti
 Identifying expressions or phrases commonly used in explaining job description and educational background;
 Practicing a conversation;
 Explaining someone’s profession;
 Understanding and discussing graph containing facts and figures;
 Reading for information: advertisement, a letter, etc.;
 Writing an application letter;
 Writing one’s own curriculum vaitae.

3. KegiatanAkhir (Penutup)
 Students hand in their task;
 Their teacher concludes the lesson instructed then by giving questions to some of the students at random;
 The teacher gives them an assignment;
 The teacher tells them of the next meeting lesson;
 The teacher suggests to the students that they keep studying hard.

RPP BahasaInggrisKelas XI- SMK N 3 MUARA BUNGO

F. Penilaian
1. Written test;
2. ultiple choice and performance test (oral test).


A. Match the names of occupations with the job description

1. Journalist a. Teaching students in a school.
2. Electrician b. Teaching university students and doing research.
3. Teacher c. Working in a garden.
4. Chef d. Working for the government.
5. Delivery man e. Cutting and shaving hair.
6. Dentist f. Taking pictures.
7. Photographer g. Planning menus and preparing food.
8. Dancer h. Making drinks in a bar.
9. Tour guide i. Treating patient’s teeth.
10. Farmer j. Guiding groups of tourists.
11. Lecturer k. Operating and repairing electrical equipment.
12. Gardener l. Writing for a newspaper.
13. Bartender m. Working on a farm.
14. Barber n. Entertaining people with dances.
15. Civil servant o. Delivering packages.

B. Create a job interview based on the given pictures.

C. Write an application letter and a resume based on the advertisement.

Mengetahui, Muara Bungo,..18 juli 2016

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


196412311994031026 19741021205011005

RPP BahasaInggrisKelas XI- SMK N 3 MUARA BUNGO

( RPP )
SatuanPendidikan : SMKN 3 MUARA BUNGO
Mata Pelajaran : BahasaInggris
Kelas : XI
Topik : What is Your Plan?
AlokasiWaktu : 24 Jam @ 45 Menit

A. StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar
2. BerkomunikasidenganbahasaInggrissetaraLevel Elementary
2.4. Menceritakankegiatan di masalaludanrencanakerja yang akandatang

B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Listening
Siswamampumenyimakberbagaibentukungkapanuntukmenceritakanrencanakegiatan di
2. Speaking
Siswamampumengungkapkandanmerespondenganbaiktentangrencanakegiatan di masadepandanperistiwa di
3. Reading
Siswamampumembacaparagraf, teks yang berisitentangrencanamasadepandanperistiwamasalalu;
menterjemahkannya; menjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitandenganisibacaantersebut
4. Writing
Siswamampumenyusundanataumelengkapi dialog yang berisitentangrencanadimasadepandanperistiwamasalalu.

C. PendekatandanMetodePembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Kontekstual
2. Metode : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture

D. Sumber, AlatdanBahanPembelajaran
Buku 2 Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XI Elementary Level danBuku-bukupelajaranbahasaInggris
yang relevan

E. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran
1. KegiatanAwal (Pendahuluan)
 Listening to a dialog and completing the missing words;
 Matching pictures with statements;
 Listening for information and answering questions;
 Giving opinions.

2. KegiatanInti
 Identifying expressions commonly used in talking about future plans and past event;
 Acting out conversations with partners;
 Answering questions based on the dialogs;
 Telling one’s own plans (future);
 Reading for information: text;
 Answering questions about past tense and future tense;
 Completing sentences;
 Writing the most interesting experience;
 Writing about one’s future dreams.

3. KegiatanAkhir (Penutup)

RPP BahasaInggrisKelas XI- SMK N 3 MUARA BUNGO

 Students make the report of their discussion submit their work;
 Their teacher concludes the lesson instructed then by giving questions to some of the students at random;
 He gives them an assignment;
 He tells them of the next meeting lesson;
 He suggests to the students that they keep studying hard to get better next time.

F. Penilaian
1. Written test;
2. Multiple choice and performance test (oral test).


A. Change the following sentences into the ‘going to’ form of the future.
1. He will come tomorrow.
2. Where will he stay?
3. John will wait fot us.
4. We shall write letters all afternoon.
5. He will lend me some money.
6. We shall eat them all.
7. The judge will ask you a few questions.
8. I’m afraid it will cost a lot of money.
9. They will grow beans in their garden.
10. Mr. Thomson will sell his house.

B. Read a sentence about the present and then write a sentence about the past.
1. I usually walk to work. Yesterday . . . .
2. My sister usually watches TV all day. Yesterday . . . .
3. The teacher always speaks fast. Yesterday . . . .
4. Today the weather is hot. Yesterday . . . .
5. Dani always comes late. Yesterday . . . .

C. Write about your future dreams. What are you going to be and to do in the next seven years?

Mengetahui, Muara Bungo,..18 juli 2016

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


196412311994031026 19741021205011005

RPP BahasaInggrisKelas XI- SMK N 3 MUARA BUNGO

( RPP )
SatuanPendidikan : SMKN 3 MUARA BUNGO
Mata Pelajaran : BahasaInggris
Kelas : XI
Topik : Which Do You prefer?
AlokasiWaktu : 28 Jam @ 45 Menit

A. StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar
2. BerkomunikasidenganbahasaInggrissetaraLevel Elementary
2.5. Mengungkapkanberbagaimacammaksudhati

B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Listening
Siswamampumenyimakberbagaimacamungkapanuntukmenyatakanlebihsuka, melakukanpenawaran,
menyampaikanundangan, mengungkapkanpendapat, keyakinan, danpersetujuandengantepat.
2. Speaking
Siswamampumengungkapkan, merespondanmenyampaikanlebihsuka, melakukanpenawaran,
menyampaikanundangan, mengungkapkanpendapat, keyakinan, danpersetujuandenganbaikdantepat.
3. Reading
Siswamampumembacaparagraf, e-mail/surat yang berisitentanglebihsuka, melakukanpenawaran,
menyampaikanundangan, mengungkapkanpendapat, keyakinan, danpersetujuan; menerjemahkannya;
menjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitandenganisibacaantersebut.
4. Writing
Siswamampumenyusun, melengkapidanataumenulis dialog yang berisitentangpenyampaianundangan;
menulissuratundangan yang sederhana.

C. PendekatandanMetodePembelajaran
1) Pendekatan : Kontekstual
2) Metode : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture

D. Sumber, AlatdanBahanPembelajaran
Buku 2 Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XI Elementary Level danBuku-bukupelajaranbahasaInggris
yang relevan

E. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran
1. KegiatanAwal (Pendahuluan)
 Listening for information, completing the missing words and finding the expressions of preference;
 Listening and choosing the correct statement that describes each picture;
 Answering questions asked by teacher;

2. KegiatanInti
 Identifying expressions, phrases commonly used in expressing preference, certainty, agreement and
disagreement, bargaining, giving opinion, and invitation;
 Practicing dialogs with partners;
 Answering questions based on the dialogs;
 Creating and role playing dialogs based on the situations given;
 Reading for information and answering questions;
 Completing a dialog using the expressions of preference;
 Writing an invitataion letter;
 In pairs, creating a dialog with the situation provided.

RPP BahasaInggrisKelas XI- SMK N 3 MUARA BUNGO

3. KegiatanAkhir (Penutup)
 The teacher tells students to hand in their work and make the report of their discussion;
 Their teacher concludes the lesson instructed then by giving questions to some of the students at random;
 The teacher gives them an assignment;
 The teacher tells them of the next meeting lesson;
 The teacher suggests to the students that they keep studying hard.

F. Penilaian
1) Written test;
2) Multiple choice and performance test (oral test).


A. Listen and complete the missing words. Find the expressions used in preferences.
Guest : Waiter, I’d like a menu please.
Waiter : Here (1) . . . .
Guest : Thanks. I’d like (2) . . . .
Waiter : Tomato or corn soup?
Guest : I’d like (3) . . . .
Waiter : Which do you prefer, chicken or beef steak? (4) . . . , medium, or well done?
Guest : I (5) . . . to beef steak, and I like medium (6) . . . well done.
Waiter : How about a drink, sir?
Guest : What kind of drinks (7) . . . ?
Waiter : We have lemon tea, (8) . . . , soft drinks, and mineral water.
Guest : I (9) . . . to tea, but my son likes soft drinks better than mineral water.
Waiter : (10) . . . , sir?
Guest : No, thanks.

B. Complete the dialogs below using expressions of preference.

1. Dian : Which do you like, grapes or apples?
Fatma : ....
2. Cahyo : Which do you prefer, playing football or tennis?
Yudha : ....
3. Dinda : ....
Dewi : I’d rather watch Afgan than VidiAldiano.
4. Vanessa : Which do you like, going to the theater or watching TV?
Andika : ....
5. Gita : Which do you like, hanging out with Ani or Tina?
Dion : ....
6. Rico : ....
Ricky : She prefers noodles to fried rice.
7. Hendra : ....
Felix : I prefer visiting a beach to a museum.
8. Cakka : Which does Kevin like, singing or playing a musical instrument?
Zahra : ....
9. Awang : Which do you prefer, drinking coffee or juice?
Monik : ....
10. Anggit : Which do you prefer, studying Math or English?
Eka : ....

C. Create an invitation letter to your friend. The invitation is about a house-warming party.

Mengetahui, Cianjur, …… …………………… 2013

KepalaSekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


RPP BahasaInggrisKelas XI- SMK N 3 MUARA BUNGO

( RPP )
SatuanPendidikan : SMKN 3 MUARA BUNGO
Mata Pelajaran : BahasaInggris
Kelas : XI
Topik : What Is the Next Step?
AlokasiWaktu : 34 Jam @ 45 Menit

A. StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar
2. BerkomunikasidenganbahasaInggrissetaraLevel Elementary
2.6. Memahamiinstruksi-instruksisederhana
2.7. Membuatpesan-pesanpendek, petunjukdandaftardenganpilihan kata, ejaandantatatulis yang berterima

B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Listening
Siswamampumenyimakberbagaibentukungkapanuntukmenggambarkan proses, memberikan saran dannasihat,
mengungkapkankeharusan, danmeyakinkan orang digunakandengantepat.
2. Speaking
Siswamampumengungkapkan, danmeresponungkapantentang proses, memberikan saran dannasihat,
mengungkapkankeharusan, danmeyakinkan orang.
3. Reading
Siswamampumembacaparagraf, teks yang berisitentang proses, memberikan saran dannasihat,
mengungkapkankeharusan, danmeyakinkan orang; menerjemahkannya; menjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang
4. Writing
Siswamampumenyusunparagrafdenganejaandantandabaca yang benar, danmelengkapi dialog yang berisitentang
proses terjadiperistiwadanfungsinyasuatualat.

C. PendekatandanMetodePembelajaran
1) Pendekatan : Kooperatif
2) Metode : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture

D. Sumber, AlatdanBahanPembelajaran
Buku 2 Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XI Elementary Level danBuku-bukupelajaranbahasaInggris
yang relevan

E. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran
1. KegiatanAwal (Pendahuluan)
 Completing a passage on how things work and answering questions
 Listening and matching pictures with statements
 Giving opinions.

2. KegiatanInti
 Identifying expressions commonly used in describing process, giving suggestion and advice, conveying
necessity and obligation as well as convincing and persuading people;
 Practicing dialogs about descring a process;
 Role playing dialogs on how to ask for and give suggestions and advice;
 Creating dilalogs dealing with convincing and persuading people, expressing necessity and oligations;
 Reading for information: dialog, passages and answering questions;
 Making comparison of adjectives based on the data;

RPP BahasaInggrisKelas XI- SMK N 3 MUARA BUNGO

 Completing sentences with given clues;
 Completing a dialog with the right form of verb;
 Completing sentences with must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to, and doesn’t have to;
 Completing a dialog with the right expressions;
 Putting the jumbled steps on how to grow a plant in order;
 In pairs, making a paragraph describing how to make something;
 Finding the punctuation errors in the memo and correcting them.

3. KegiatanAkhir (Penutup)
 Students make the report of their discussion;
 Their teacher concludes the lesson instructed then by giving questions to some of the students at random;
 He gives them an assignment;
 He tells them of the next meeting lesson;
 He suggests to the students that they keep studying hard.

F. Penilaian
1) Written test;
2) Multiple choice and performance test (oral test).


A. Listen to the steps. Complete the missing words and answer the questions.
First, (1) . . . the pineapple and coat it with sugar. Next, heat some butter in a frying pan and (2) . . . the pineapple for 5
minutes on each side. Then add some cream, bring to the (3) . . . , and (4) . . . well. After that, add some apple juice to the
pan, and (5) . . . until there is very little left. Finally, pour the sauce over the pineapple and serve.

B. Give advice on what to do based on the following situations.

1. My problem is with my parents. They are busy with their duties. They never pay any attention to us, their children.
2. My problem is with my younger sister. She always goes out to the pubs and discos. She comes home late at night.
She never wants to help us do our household chores.
3. I have a problem with my English. I am frustrated. There are a lot of unknown words that I don’t know.
4. I have a problem with my house. It is far from my school. I usually come late by 30 minutes everyday.
5. I have problem with my weight. I weigh 90 kg. I get tired easily.

C. Work in pairs to make a paragraph describing how to make something.

Mengetahui, Muara Bungo,..18 juli 2016

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


196412311994031026 19741021205011005

RPP BahasaInggrisKelas XI- SMK N 3 MUARA BUNGO

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