Global Variabel Expression

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Global Variabel expression:

 comp(name)
retrives another composition by name

 footage(name)
retrives a footage item by name

 thisProject
represent the project which contains the expression

 thisComp
represents the composition containing the expression

 thisLayer
represents the layer containing the expression . because thisLayer is the default object, its
use is optional for example you can start an expression with thisLayer.width or width and get
the same result

 thisProperty
represents the property containing the expression. For example, if you write an expression
on the rotation property, you can start an expression with thisProperty to refer to the
rotation property

 time
represents the composition time, in seconds, at which the expression is being evaluated

 colorDepth
type the project color depth value. For example, colorDepth returns 16 when the project
color depth is 16 bits per channel

 posterizTime(framePerSecond)
this expression allows you to set the frame rate for a property to be lower than the frame
rate of the composition

 value
represents the value at the current time for the property containing the expression

Property expression:
 value
 valueAtTime(t)
 velocity
 velocityAtTime(t)
 speed
 speedAtTime(t)
 wiggle(freq,amp,octaves=1,amp_mult=0.5,t=time)
 temporalWiggle(freq,amp,octaves=1,amp_mult=0.5,t=time)
 smooth(width=.2,samples=5,t=time)
 loopln(type = “cycle”,numKeyframs=0)
 loopOut(tpe=”cycle”,numKeyframes=0)
 loopOut()
 loopInDuration(type=”cycle”,duration=0)
 loopOutDuration(type=”cycle”,duration=0)
 key(index)
 key(markerName)
 nearestKey(t)
 numKeys
 propertyGroup(countUp=1)
 propertyIndex
 name
returns the name of the property or property group

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