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HBEB 3703 860523296032002




NO. MATRIKULASI : 860523296032002

NO. KAD PENGNEALAN : 860523296032
NO. TELEFON : 0176565369


HBEB 3703 860523296032002


the impact of puppets on language and literacy development of young children




Criteria/Kriteria Weight/ Pemberat 4
Introduction The introduction previews the structure and
objectives of the report clearly. Important
concepts are also clearly explained.
Pengenalan memberi gambaran jelas tentang
struktur dan objektif laporan. Konsep-konsep
utama turut dijelaskan.

HBEB 3703 860523296032002

Analytical report of interview data of both Cohesive, in-depth and well-written analysis
teachers (definition/ types/ when/ how/ covering all aspects of interview data from both
benefits/ challenges) teachers.

Laporan analitikal data 5.5 Analisis mantap, mendalam dan rapi mencakupi
temuduga dari dua orang kesemua aspek data temuduga dari kedua-dua guru.
guru (definisi/ jenis/ bila/
bagaimana/ faedah/ cabaran)

Conclusion The conclusion is strong. It ties up very well/ brings

together the introduction and content.

Kesimpulan yang kukuh. Dapat menggabungkan
aspek pengenalan dengan isi kandungan dengan
Kesimpulan sangat baik.

Organisation Details are placed in a coherent, logical order and

pulled together effectively. The report is

1.0 Isi disusun dan diolah secara tertib, rapi, logikal dan
berkesan. Laporan yang menarik.
Penyusunan isi

Reasons for using puppets with TWO Clear and apt justification of use of puppets with 2
references cited APA-styled references cited.

Justifikasi penggunaan boneka jelas dan tepat

1.5 disertai dengan 2 sumber rujukan mengikut format
Sebab-sebab boneka digunakan disertai APA.
dengan DUA rujukan mengikut format APA

Reflective account of what transpired in 1.5 Thorough and compelling reflective account of
your class salient aspects of lesson.

Refleksi menyeluruh dan menarik menyentuh aspek-

Refleksi mengenai apa yang berlaku dalam aspek penting dalam kelas.
Comprehensive and In-depth evaluation.
Substantive arguments put forth.

Evaluate similarities or differences noted 1.5 Penilaian komprehensif dan mendalam. Hujah-
between your class experiences to those hujah bernas diketengahkan.
of the teachers

Nilaikan persamaan atau perbezaan ketara

antara pengalaman kelas anda dengan

HBEB 3703 860523296032002

Evidence of teaching Substantial and appropriate evidence of teaching.

Bukti pengajaran yang mencukupi dan bersesuaian.

Bukti pengajaran

a. Pengenalan
The whole world uses puppets in storytelling, conveying messages and entertainment. They have
their own aesthetic values. But it requires humans to turn or move their character in conveying
information to the audience as well as bringing them into the fantasy world or the real situation of a
story. Puppet is a non-living or figure of human, animal or any other thing that is animated or
manipulated by at least one puppeteer to be performed in theatre, film or television. They are objects
or objects that are propelled by players either touch or instruction aimed at delivering messages. A
variety of objects can be used as a puppet if the object is moved by the player.

When playing the doll, the player will try to turn the character through the dialogue spoken by the
puppet action player without sound. In teaching and learning sessions, puppets are used to convey
stories so that the presentation can be more engaging and able to attract children. In addition,
puppets can enhance communication skills, create creative ideas in story creation, imitate
imagination and encourage collaboration in groups. Jackman (1977) believes puppets are one of
the most entertaining ways to attract children to creative thinking and imaginative thinking .
Accordingly, the use of puppets can help develop the affective, cognitive and physical skills. Nillie
Mc Caslin (1984) stated that puppets can serve as a teaching aid tool and attract students'
attention, enabling a more enjoyable, engaging, and more motivating environment for students to
continue to learn. Puppets are ideally used as instructional and learning aids to communicate
stories or information more effectively. Hearers such as children will be able to appreciate and
understand a particular kind of service as well as indirectly see through the use of puppets. Through
puppets games kids will also be delighted as they can express what is hidden in themselves and
this will encourage them to actively engage. They will not even feel reluctant to participate in the
activities provided by the teacher. The use of puppets gives a good impression to children's
exposure to communicating, producing creative ideas in real creation and stimulating imagination. In
addition, puppets can also provide children with learning experience in groups, collaborating and
sharing experiences.

Eve-Marie Arce in her 'Curriculum for Young Chidren-An Introduction' says that the doll is something
unique. It can be used by teachers to channel children's emotions, creativity and also solve
problems or their concerns. Children are able to produce their own puppets with the help of
teachers. A variety of materials can be used to produce puppets whether used materials, natural
ingredients and materials related to learning. Used materials are like a drink bottle cover , ice
cream, biscuits, paper biscuits, old stockings and slippers. Natural materials such as leaves, small
stones, twigs, tree roots, bark and flowers while materials related to learning are like bird feathers
associated with science and other the other one.

Usually, the use of puppets is not only restricted to the form of people but also in animals and other
objects according to certain characters, situations and stories.When puppet moves, background
music, sounds or sounds sound as it is to accompany the movement made. Dolls can be played by
the teacher himself or a group of children.

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b. Laporan analitikal data temuduga dari dua orang guru

o definisi boneka
Definitions Puppet Doll are objects carved to represent the characters of the story.
What needs to be done on a puppet is that it must be moved as if it were "alive".
Puppets also have their own distinctive traits, featuring cheerful, sad, angry
characters and others. Puppets are objects or objects that are simultaneously
moved to read scripts or customized stories. Nillie Mc Caslin (1984), states that
puppets can serve as a teaching aid tool and attract student attention, enabling a
more fun atmosphere and motivating students. Typically, the use of puppets is not
only limited to the form of people, but may also be animals and other objects
according to certain characters, situations and stories. When puppets are played
or moved, background music, sound or sounds are played to accompany the
movement. Puppets can be played by your own teacher or a group of children.

Puppets are also defined as objects or objects driven by players either by touch or
direction intended to convey the message. Whatever object can be a doll as long
as it is moved by the player. The player will try to turn the character through the
spoken dialogue or puppet action without any dialog. They are used as a tool to
deliver the story effectively. Listeners can appreciate while indirectly engaging
through the use of puppets. The effect is quite good towards communication
exposure, creating creative ideas in the creation of stories, stimulating
imagination and giving students learning to work together in groups. There are a
variety of dolls made of various materials that fit their shape or function. Doll
production does not know the level of complexity. As Oscar Wilde reviews
"Puppets have many advantages, including incapacitating, not commenting on art
with a break, and no personal life

o jenis-jenis boneka digunakan

There are various types of puppets that are often used including: -

Puppet are created according to the individual creativity they produce. This means
that one does not have to spend a lot of money to produce a doll as they can also
produce puppets from waste materials.

Hand puppets
Hand puppets or even hand-made puppets are more readily available and more
practical are used by children. Children will incorporate their entire wrists into
drawn or molded characters. In order to provide this kind of puppet, a variety of
ingredients can be used. stockings, gloves, paper bags and envelopes. Eggs,
mugs and other can also be used such as cats, mice and rats. With hand puppets,
children are more free to make movements.

Finger puppets
Finger puppets or also known as finger puppets are puppets that are played by
children on their own. Finger made by inserting fingers into puppets that are
sized. Fingers are moved when the character is played. These puppets can be
made from paper whose character is drawn. Size puppets are according to the
size of the child's fingers. These puppets are colored and glued around the shape
of the character except on the side to insert the fingers. Finger puppets are fun to
play because various characters can be played simultaneously.
Shadow puppets
Shadow puppets are puppets painted on thick papers. Then they are stitched and
their shapes are cut out. These can also be made from leather, plastic, thick paper
and transparent. Usually these puppets are thin and two-dimensional in shape. a
place on the body of the doll. When playing this doll, it is placed on the back or

HBEB 3703 860523296032002

white screen. The light is lit and the puppet shadows will look on the screen. The
shakes are shaken to move puppet members. Another way puppet show the skin
is to use OHP as a light source and a puppet image will appear on the screen.

Rod puppets
The Rod puppets are similar to Marionette puppets. These are made of hard or
thick material. Then the long skins are placed on the puppet body including the
specific members that will be moved during use. The puppet are covered with the
main skewer and other skewers. shaken to move limbs.

Marionette puppet
Marionette puppet are made of hard materials such as mache, plaster-of-Paris or
wood. Puppets use rope or string puppets differ in size and shape. It is more
complex because the character's head is formed and will be tied to the ropes for
movement purposes. The smooth bands are connected to movable puppets parts.
The legs and arms of the character will be formed so that it can be moved by the
rope. These types are suitable for stories that require the character to run, fly,
jump and slide. The straps can be either a regular cord or a cords. When used, the
straps are drawn to making puppies moving. Interesting puppets in teaching and
learning Children learn the language in an interesting and effective environment
and extend the vocabulary. Utilize and reinforce listening and speaking skills
through fun, real-time experiences. Accelerate and facilitate children's
understanding of an event or story. Foster the creativity of creativity and create
artwork Build self-confidence to communicate effectively. Foster the spirit of
collaborating and sharing experiences. Breathe fun and keep interest in learning.
Relieve stress in children

o bila boneka digunakan

o huraian terperinci bagaimana boneka digunakan
o faedah mengguna boneka
Language and communication skills are the pulse of pre-school children's learning.
The use of puppets in teaching can improve skills
language and communication of children in pedagogical processes. In this case,
Zuljevic (2007) states that children are interested in reading with the use of
puppets in the children's reading program. Fisler (2003) recommends the use of
puppets in the process
pedagogy to help improve child reading skills. Peck and Virkler (2006) also state
that puppets are an effective way to improve the literacy skills of children. Morgan
(1996) states that puppets can reinforce the language skills and the minds of
children. A child is said to be able to master the language when they have
listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and can interact with others
(Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2003; Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2010).
o cabaran sebenar mengguna boneka untuk perkembangan
bahasa dan literasi kanak-kanak kecil
c. Kesimpulan
Preschool teachers who have never been exposed to dolls will find it difficult to
manipulate puppets. They can not use appropriate voice and movement to convey
characters in the selected story.
Additionally, teachers are difficult to make systematic planning and have constraints to
guide children to manipulate puppets while performing quizzes, acting, telling stories,
and singing activities.

HBEB 3703 860523296032002

Second, children who have never been exposed to dolls will find it difficult to build dolls,
build puppet performances, build stories and perform puppet drama performances.
To overcome these disadvantages, pre-school teachers should be given training,
workshops or seminars to gain knowledge and skills to handle the dramatic puppet
activities. Children should be given the chance to watch an educational plan and surf the
Internet to get an idea of how to build dolls, build puppet performances, build stories and
perform puppet drama performances.


a. Sebab-sebab boneka digunakan

b. Refleksi mengenai apa yang berlaku dalam kelas

c. Nilaikan persamaan atau perbezaan ketara antara pengalaman

kelas anda dengan guru-guru.

Overall, the methods of implementation of P, R and S Teacher S on the modules

and responses of the P, R and Class S children to the module have achieved their
objectives successfully although the teacher faces various challenges especially
in preschools less exposed dolls as pedagogical tools.

HBEB 3703 860523296032002

The Children's Puppet Drama Module implemented by Teacher P, Teacher R and

Teacher S has been practicing the Constructive Learning Design Model of Gagnon
and Collay (2006) based on constructive theories introduced by Vygotsky (1978)
and Piaget (1966) stating that knowledge of children does not exist beyond the
mind but built in mind based on actual experience. The project implemented in
this study has given a real experience to children. Projects contained in the
module encouraged collaborative learning of children as stressed by Dewey
(1897). Children collaborate in groups to implement projects in the Drama
Module when Children's Puppets.

The study of Sharan and Shaulov (1990), Kamps and friends (1994) as well as
Gillies and Ashman (2000) have also proven collaborative learning can promote
child collaboration in the learning process and also enhance their achievement in
pedagogical processes. In addition, Johnson and Johnson (1993) and Jordan and
Le Matais (1997) also stated that collaborative learning can help improve the
process of socialization and interpersonal feedback from other children in a
group that equally performs an assignment given by the teacher.

The guidance of the three teachers can be seen through the scaffolding concept
contained in the Proximal Development Zone in the social constructive theory of
Vygotsky (1978). To implement projects in the Drama Module of Children's
Puppets, at the beginning of the session, Ms P, Teacher R and Teacher S have
provided guidance and assistance to children to carry out tasks in their
respective projects. This aid is reduced when children begin to master the skills
and knowledge in each project and eventually they can perform the tasks given
by the teachers in the projects being implemented. The findings of Winsler
(2003), Jacobs (2001), DeVries (2005) respectively state that the concept of
scaffolding is suitable for use in guiding pre-school children in pedagogical
processes. Each states that the aid for children are reduced when they begin
mastering the skills and knowledge they are delivering and eventually they can
perform the tasks given by the teacher well.
d. Bukti pengajaran

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