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Normal menstrual cycle

 Brain, ovaries, uterus - follow a sequence of events once per month

 Sequence helps to prepare the body for pregnancy

 Made by pituitary glands

o Follicle stimulating hormones (FSH)
o Luteinizing hormones (LH)
 Made by ovaries
o Progesterone
o Estrogen

 Small increases of FSH stimulate the ovary to develop follicle that contains an egg. Follicle
produces rising levels of estrogen causes:
o Lining of uterus to thicken
o Pituitary glands to release a very large amount of LH
 Midcycle surge of LH causes the egg to be released form the ovary (called ovulation)
o If fertilized by a sperm, develops into an embryo, travels through the fallopian tube to the
o If egg is not fertilized, egg is sent out of the body during your period (there's a disconnect.
If after ovulation, egg is not fertilized, when are estrogen and progesterone produced?)
 After ovulation, ovary produces estrogen & progesterone, w/c prepares the uterus for possible
embryo implantation and pregnancy

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