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The Ingredients and its Function

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
1. With the help of collaborative work, the learner will be able to identify seven
(7) major ingredients in baking and classify the purpose and function of different
ingredients by giving a concrete example.
2. The learners will be able to share and value the importance of different
ingredients and their functions
3. The learners will be able to differentiate the seven (7) major ingredients in
baking and construct their own recipe by using ingredients in baking and measure
the different baking ingredients correctly.
Reference/s : Textbook on Technology and Livelihood Education G-7
Authors : Josephine C. Bernardo
Maria Garcia A. Fulgencio
Estafania Gloria L. Lee
Alma L. Paragas
Ediata T. Rafael
Equipments : LCD Projector
Materials : Printed Pictures
Printed modules/Handouts
Measuring Tools
Baked Products
White Board
Teachers’ Activity Learners’ Activity
A. Classroom routine
Opening prayer
(The teacher will call one student to
lead the prayer)
Our father in heaven holy be thy name your
kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it
is in heaven give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our sins as we forgive those
who trespass against us. Do not bring us to the
test but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Thank you ________.
Good morning class! Magandang
Good Morning Ma’am magandang buhay!
Please take your sits.
Checking of attendance
(The teacher will ask the students
who monitored the attendance)
There’s no absent ma’am.
Class, last meeting we've discussed
about the Native delicacies, anyone
from the class who can give me the
summary of what we’ve discussed?
Yes _________.
Ma’am last meeting we’ve discussed about the
marketing native delicacies it includes the
management of marketing native delicacies
from that it has been cleared to us the
differences between record keeping and
accurate costing of the recipe. It is also said
that the daily record keeping of expenses and
sales is basic in any kind of business because
of this lesson we’ve been aware that accurate
food costing ensures security and profit in
business, for instance, selling native

Ok! Very Good

Class do you sing?
Yes Ma’am
No ma’am
Yes! I love to sing ma’am
Alright. How about the song “Mary
had a little lamb’, do you know or
heard it?
No ma’am I haven’t heard it.
Yes ma’am. I know that song.
So, some of you know the song.
Class can you please sing it for the
others to know.
Yes ma’am
I will lead the singing ma’am
Ok! That good to hear, let’s start.
One Two, Three sing
Mary had a little lamb little lamb little lamb
Mary had a little lamb little lamb little lamb
Mary had a little lamb its fleece was white as
Amazing, now that you already
know the song, I want you to
rephrase it by changing the lyrics.
Instead of singing little lamb, you
will sing sweet cupcake. Can you do
Ma’am yes Ma’am
Yes Ma’am, we’re very excited
Ok! Let’s start in the count of three.
1, 2, 3 sing.
Mary had a sweet cupcake sweet cupcake
Sweet cupcake Mary had a sweet cupcake
sweet cupcake sweet cupcake Mary had a
sweet cupcake with icing on the top.
That’s wonderful class. We’ve
practiced your talents in singing huh.
I notice that you really enjoyed and
for that I want you to give
yourselves a “Maganda Clap and
Pogi Clap”
Did you know how to do it?
(The teacher will demonstrate it)
Now that you know, I want you to
try it. Ready class … Start
One two three
One two three
Maganda maganda
Awesome, now that you’ve
energized please take a sit.

B. Activity
Class have you experienced how to
Yes ma’am
No ma’am
What baked products have you
Cookies ma’am
Ma’am pandesal
Impressive! Since you have more
ideas about baked products, let me
group you into four (4). I have here a
picture puzzle and cut out letter,
each group will be given a pair of
picture puzzle and a letter. The game
is called “MIX ‘n FIX”, what you
were going to do is, within 10
seconds you need to guess the
correct word and assemble the
picture base on the definition that I
will present.
Are you ready class?
Yes ma’am
1. A small cake baked in a cuplike

2. A small flat or slightly raise cake.


3. A small square or rectangle of

rick usually chocolate cake
containing nuts.

4. A shaped or molded mass of


5. Baked product consisting of a

filling (can be fruit or meat).


What do you think is the most

commonly used ingredients in
baking the product? Can you explain
Ma’am flour
Ma’am egg
Butter Ma’am
Yeast ma’am because it is used to emulsify
and rise the baked products
Very Good! Those ingredients play
an important role and purpose in
making baked products.
There are different ingredients in
baking and different ingredients
have different functions. Let is start
with flour.
Class did you know that there are
different classification of flour?
Yes ma’am
No ma’am
Can you give some different
example of flour?
Okay _____. Do you want
something to share?
Yes ma’am, at home we’re using sack of flour
for blanket and o have read on the sack that
there is hard flour and soft flour.
Very Good ____. Anyone else?
Yes, you __________.
Ma’am I used to go with my mom in the
grocery and I have read in the box of flour that
there is cake flour and all purpose flour.

Very Good, most of you have an

Class have you read the module that
I gave you last meeting? For those
who have study their module can
anyone from the class discuss what
is flour and it’s uses?
Yes, _____ please tell us what have
you understand.
Ma’am as what I have understood from the
given module, flour is the powder substance
that is the main ingredients of baked products.

Very Good! Anyone else who would

like to share their ideas.
Ma’am I remember that there are different
kinds of flour.
What are those kinds of flour?
Can you give me different
classification and their uses?
Yes_______. You’re raising your
Ma’am the classification of flour that I still
remember is the bread flour. Bread flour is
used for ordinary breads.
Very Good____. What else?
Ma’am another one is the cake flour. Cake
flour is used in making cakes.
Very good___. From the word itself
“cake”. Another idea.
All purpose flour Ma’am. Ma’am this kind of
flour is can be used in bread or cake if ever
one of the flour is not available you can use
all-purpose flour.
Yes, that’s right. What else?
_____ can you give another
Ma’am the self-rising flour, this kind of flour
is already contains leavening agent and salt.
Yes, you are correct ______. Last
but not the least yes, ____________.
Ma’am the last one on the given example is
the rye flour and I think wheat flour is also
included as a kind of flour that can be used in
making breads and cookies.
Impressive class! But flour is not
just the ingredients for baking. There
are other ingredients to produce
baked products. And what are those
ingredients? Let us find out.
I have here some sample pictures of
those ingredients. I want you to
identify and tell us in what
classification of ingredients these
product belongs and you need to
explain the functions why do you
think these ingredients belongs to
liquid, shortening, egg, sugar,
flavorings or spices and or
(There is a right answer at the back
of the picture. The student will look
for the right answer after they gave
their own answer)
Let’s start. Are you ready?

Shortening Yes ma’am


Classmates corn oil or oil is an example of

shortening and this kind of oil is made up of
corn and base on what I have read the corn oil
is 0 transfat and non-cholesterol.
Ok ____. That’s a nice idea. Please
compare your answer to the
definition behind the picture.

Ma’am it is indicated here that oil belongs to

shortening. It means that my answer is right.

Very Good ________.

Next one ______.

Ma’am the butter is use for greasing.

Very Good _____. Now let’s find
out if your answer is correct.

Ma’am butter is a product of an animal that

has been churned until the fat separates from
the liquid.
Nice try ______. But you are also
correct that butter can use in
greasing in pans.
Let me hear _____.

Ma’am as far as I remember when I asked my

Mom what lard is she says that lard is comes
from the fat of pork.
You have a very nice idea _____.
Look at the back of the picture if
you have the same answer.

Ma’am lard is a soft white substance that is

made from the fat of pigs and used in cooking.

You are on the right track ____.

_____ next.
The margarine is a kind of shortening that is
used for greasing bread.
Nice one ______.
Let us check if your answer is
Margarine is a kind of shortening that was
made by a process using margaric acid.
Based on your answers, what is
Yes, ______.

Shortening is another name for fat is used in

Very good. Now let’s proceed to the
next picture. Can you classify the
different kinds of sugar?
Yes ma’am



This picture is the ultrafined sugar. It is a kind

of sugar that is only used for cakes.
Very good ____. Now check your
Ultrafined sugar is used for cakes and cookies.

What have you noticed ______?

I notice that ultrafined sugar is not only used
in cake but it is also used in cookies.
Thank you _____. Next one.

Granulated sugar is a kind of sugar that is

commonly used at home.
Very well said ______. Can you
check your answer.
Granulated sugar is the sugar commonly
found on the table at home.
Very good ____.
Yes _________.

Ma’am I know that it is a kind of sugar but I

am not that familiar with this one.
You are right it is a kind of sugar,
look for the meaning at the back
Powdered sugar is called confectioners’ sugar.
It is used in making frostings and icings.

Ok, last but not the least is, yes,


Ma’am the brown sugar is a type of sugar that

is brown because of its dark syrup or color.

Very good _____.

Can you check the meaning at the
Brown sugar is often called “soft sugar”
because of its moisture content. Its color may
vary from the light to dark brown.
Ok class I noticed that you really
study your lesson well. Now let us
proceed to the different kinds of


Yes, ________.

Ma’am that kind of leavening agent is called

yeast. Yeast helps the dough to make it rise.

Impressive ______. Now let us

check the back of the picture
Yeast is a single-celled plant that feeds on
starch and sugar.

You are correct _____. Through the

use of starch and sugar the yeast
become alive and it is help to make
the dough rise.
Next one _____.

The baking soda is a leavening agent that help

the baked products become light and fluffy.
Impressive idea ______. Let us see
if you got it.
The baking soda is a leavening agent that
reacts with acid to produce carbon dioxide and
too much baking soda will cause the product
to sink in the middle.
Thank you ____. Another idea.


Next one ma’am is the steam, my mom says

that if the baked products will exposed to
steam it will also cook and it will rise like the

Brilliant idea ______. Let us see if

your answer matches to the

Steam is considered as a powerful leavener.

Because water change steam when heated
causing the mixture to rise.
Thank you _______.


Ma’am how about this one? Is this also a kind

of leavener?
What do you think is that class?

Ma’am that is air. But how can it be a

________ can you look the meaning
at the back of the picture?

Yes ma’am, air works as a leavener because it

expands when heated.
Now that you’ve know the different
kinds of leaveners, can you give me
the function of leavening agent?
Yes ______.

Ma’am a leavener or leavening agent is a

substance that is used in baking to make a
product rise.
Very good ______.
Let us now proceed to the kinds of


Yes, _________.

Water is a kind of liquid that gives texture to

the different baked products.
You have an idea ______. Will you
please check the definition at the
Water gives different texture to baked items.
The texture of baked product is coarse and
Another example
You ________.

Milk gives and add flavor to the baked


Good ______. Please check your

answer if it is match.
Milk gives finer, more velvety grain and it
adds flavor. It helps the product stay longer.
You are right _______.
What about the eggs?


Eggs are one of the important ingredients in

baking because eggs hold the shape and other
ingredients of the baked products.
Very good _____. Can you reveal
the definition at the back of the
Eggs perform important functions in cakes.
Eggs are essential because they maintain the
structure of the cake or baked products.
Therefore, eggs are very essential
when it comes in baking. Last but
not the least is the flavorings and

Flavorings and Spices

______, yes. Flavorings and Spices

Salt added to baked products enhances sweet


Very good ____.

Now let’s reveal the definition.
Salt is essential in producing a satisfactory
yeast product. It gives finer texture to bread
and adds flavor that enhance the sweet taste of
baked products.

Let me hear you ______.

Chocolate and cocoa is used to give flavor and
color to the bread and cakes.
Very good _______.
Will you please reveal the answer?

The chocolate and cocoa are highly prized for

their flavor, aroma and deep brown color.
You are right ________.
________, yes.

Fruit flavors came from fruits ma’am.

You have an idea. Please check the
answer at the back.
Fruit flavors and spices are extracts from the
base of fruits. They add a pleasant odor to
baked products.
Keep it up class; you’ve got all the
ideas. You really study your lesson
very well.
D. Abstraction/ Generalization
Now that you already have the
knowledge about baking, can you
give the different ingredients that
we’ve discussed?
________, you’re raising your hand.

The different ingredients used in baking are

the following; flour, eggs, liquids such as milk
and water. The leavener, shortening and
flavorings and spices.
Excellent ________.
_______ can you repeat his answer
but this time can you give the
importance of those ingredients.
Ma’am the different ingredients in baking are
the following; flour, liquids, leaveners,
flavorings and spices. Those baking
ingredients are important because they have
their own purpose and if you remove one of it
you cannot have your desired result.
Thank you ______.
They say that baking is an exact
science. Do you think it’s true?
Yes ma’am that’s true that baking is an exact
science because every ingredient have
different measurements depends upon the
needed amount. In baking, the ingredients
must be measure exactly in order to have a
perfect outcome because as what other says
too much is not good as well as few is not
E. Application
The teacher will group his/her
students into 3 (three), he/she will
give the specific task to each group.
Each group will be given 7 minutes
to accomplish their assign task and 3
minutes to present it.
Group 1
The teacher will show a video that
demonstrate the proper way of
measuring ingredients and the
equivalent conversion of the
(The students will measure the baking
ingredients using the following measuring

Group 2
The teacher will provide necessary
materials that are needed by the
students, after that the students must
create and present an advance
graphic organizer. The graphic
organizer must have the illustration
drawings of the various ingredients
in baking together with their
(Graphic organizer)

Group 3
Using clay the students will mold
some possible example of baked
products. After that they will
compose a song/jingle that interprets
the importance of different
(to the tune of fireworks)

Do you ever think the importance of

ingredients in baking that you’ve just saw
Do you ever think the functions of every
ingredients in baking
And do you ever think what will happen if just
one ingredients is missing or not present
And do you know that there is still a chance
for you to familiarize the ingredients
You just going to embrace the things that you
want to do just on these things you’ll going to
Cause you know that without those
ingredients you can’t make this kind of
products, that’s why various ingredients in
baking is very essential (repeat 2x)
Group 4
Through collaborative activity the
student will formulate their own
sample recipe.
Sample recipe

Cheese Cupcakes

1cup sugar
¾ c egg
4 cup cake flour
2tsp salt
3 tbsp baking powder
2c powder milk
2 can (big) condensed milk
1 bar cheese, grated
Double Chocolate Cupcakes

1 ½ cup all purpose flour

1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
½ cup cocoa (alkalized)
½ cup butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 pc egg
1 cup evaporated milk
1 cup chocolate chips
Dinner Roll
2tbsp instant yeast
2tbsp honey
¾ cup water
1 cup fresh milk scalded
¼ cup melted margarine
3 pcs egg yolk, slightly beaten
4 ½ cup bread flour
1 ¼ cake flour
½ cup + 2tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
½ cup flour, for dusting
Egg wash (1 pc. Egg yolk + 2tbsp
evaporated milk)
Soft Roll
150 g Milk
10 g yeast
312g Sifted bread flour
30 g sugar
30 g eggs
5 g salt
30 g butter

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
1. The learners
present their work in
a creative way.
2. Each member of
the group participates
and cooperates on the
given task.
3. The content is
being presented in
organize sequence.
4. The students
accomplish their task
in the given amount of
5. The students well-
delivered their

IV. Evaluation
Through tasting, the students will be
able to assess the baked products
using the given rubrics. The rubric is
composed of six (6) criteria, the first
four (4) was given by the teacher
and the last two (2) criteria will
come from the students.
Criteria Cake Bread
1. Appearance
2. Texture
3. Taste
4. Weight

Criteria Cake Bread

1. Appearance Dark Brown Brown
2. Texture Smooth Dry &
3. Taste Delicious Flat taste
and well
4. Weight Light Heavy
5. Aroma Not Not aromatic
6. Moisture Moist and Slightly
Tender Moist

V. Assignment
Make an interview to an owner of the bake shop in your barangay. List down all the
procedures that they do in making pastries.

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