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Some people say we are born the way we are and we can’t

change ourselves. Other people say we learn from our

experiences and our environment. Do you think people are born
naturally ‘good at music’ or naturally ‘good at maths’?
Opinion: Do you think?  PICK ONE SIDE
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Task achievement
Coherence & Cohesion

In this day and age, more and more attention has been placed on the debate that
whether our nature can solely determine our future or our experience and environment
have some influence on us. we cannot control ourselves because of nature or we can
change our life by learning from things that we underwent and our environment. In my
opinion, I strongly believe that human is born with naturally “good at music” or
naturally “good at math”, but I also argue that nurture also makes human naturalour
environment and experience play a more important role.
((((First and foremost, I agree with the idea thatSome people are endowed with have
had their talents in various spheres such alikes music or maths since they were born. It
These areis decided by their genetic features, resulted from a combination ofwhich is
combined with their parent's geneticgenes. and other elements. Take the Hebrew, the
most intelligent ethnic group in the world, for as an example. They were are born with
natural talents in not only business but also anther other fields like such as literature,
medicineal, and physicalchemistry and so forth. As evidence, at least 180 Hebrews have
woin the Nobel Prize in both all six areas including Physics, Physiology or Medicine,
Chemistry, Literature, Peace, and Economics.)))
Nevertheless, as to those who feel that any child can become a star sportsman or famous
musician through training, there is one main justification. The idiom ‘practice makes
perfect’ exists for a reason. To illustrate, Chinese piano genius Lang Lang started
learning piano from 3 years old, but when he was 9, his teachers said that he was
talentless. Although being disclaimed discouraged by several coacheses, he never gave
up. And finally, after many years of daily training every day and competed competing in
many famous competitions, he has become one ofs the most popular pianists on the
In sum, I believe that many people were are born with innate talents, but it only is plays
a small part of elements thatin determine determining their destiny because natural
talent is not enough for success.

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