A 100-Year Review: Microbiology and Safety of Milk Handling: Transition To Pasteurization

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J. Dairy Sci.

© American Dairy Science Association®, 2017.

A 100-Year Review: Microbiology and safety of milk handling1

Kathryn J. Boor,2 Martin Wiedmann, Sarah Murphy, and Sam Alcaine
Department of Food Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853


Microbes that may be present in milk can include The first issue of the Journal of Dairy Science (JDS)
pathogens, spoilage organisms, organisms that may be in 1917 comprised 5 articles, including 1 article on the
conditionally beneficial (e.g., lactic acid bacteria), and microbiology of milk authored by Cornell scientists
those that have not been linked to either beneficial or R. S. Breed and W. A. Stocking (Breed and Stock-
detrimental effects on product quality or human health. ing, 1917). The article reported both agar-based and
Although milk can contain a full range of organisms direct microscopic bacterial counts for “market milk”
classified as microbes (i.e., bacteria, viruses, fungi, and collected in New York. This article ended with the
protozoans), with few exceptions (e.g., phages that af- noteworthy conclusion, “Research men, using technique
fect fermentations, fungal spoilage organisms, and, to a which differs much in details, may be depended upon
lesser extent, the protozoan pathogens Cryptosporidium to secure much more consistent agar plate counts from
and Giardia) dairy microbiology to date has focused ordinary samples of market milk than laboratory as-
predominantly on bacteria. Between 1917 and 2017, sistants working rapidly and using the routine methods
our understanding of the microbes present in milk and of analysis recommended for the purpose.” Although
the tools available for studying those microbes have we, the authors of the review presented here, are in-
changed dramatically. Improved microbiological tools deed located in Stocking Hall, which was named after
have enabled enhanced detection of known microbes the author of the first JDS microbiology paper, today
in milk and dairy products and have facilitated better research women and men are using different rapid de-
identification of pathogens and spoilage organisms that tection methods and molecular biology tools, including
were not known or well recognized in the early 20th whole-genome sequencing, to ensure the safety and
century. Starting before 1917, gradual introduction and quality of milk throughout the world.
refinement of pasteurization methods throughout the Between 1917 and 2017, our understanding of the
United States and many other parts of the world have microbiology of raw milk and dairy products has under-
improved the safety and quality of milk and dairy prod- gone tremendous advances (see Appendix Table A1),
ucts. In parallel to pasteurization, others strategies for in no small part because of the development and use
reducing microbial contamination throughout the dairy of new microbiological techniques and methods, includ-
chain (e.g., improved dairy herd health, raw milk tests, ing development of improved selective and differential
clean-in-place technologies) also played an important bacteriological media and development of molecular
role in improving microbial milk quality and safety. De- biology tools (e.g., PCR). In parallel, development and
spite tremendous advances in reducing microbial food implementation of improved technologies and systems
safety hazards and spoilage issues, the dairy industry to control microbial food safety hazards and spoilage
still faces important challenges, including but not lim- organisms have significantly improved dairy product
ited to the need for improved science-based strategies quality and reduced public health hazards associated
for safety of raw milk cheeses, control of postprocessing with dairy products to a level that would have been
contamination, and control of sporeforming pathogens unimaginable in 1917, as illustrated by the modern
and spoilage organisms. availability of HTST pasteurized fluid milk with shelf
Key words: dairy food safety, cheese safety, lives of >21 d.
FROM 1917 TO 2017
Received March 31, 2017. Transition to Pasteurization
Accepted June 16, 2017.
This review is part of a special issue of the Journal of Dairy Science
commissioned to celebrate 100 years of publishing (1917–2017). The widespread implementation of pasteurization for
Corresponding author: kjb4@cornell.edu raw milk has improved public health by preventing the
9934 BOOR ET AL.

spread of foodborne diseases across the United States. entering the city, except for that from tuberculin-tested
However, pasteurization was initially controversial and cows (Czaplicki, 2007). This ordinance was originally
slow to be adopted as a common practice. In 1864, intended only as a temporary measure to control the
Louis Pasteur discovered that gradually heating wine, spread of bovine tuberculosis; simultaneously, farmers
and then rapidly cooling it, prevented abnormal wine were expected to bring their herds into compliance
fermentation due to spoilage microorganisms; this with tuberculin testing (Czaplicki, 2007). However,
process came to be known as pasteurization. Although many cities followed suit, releasing similar ordinances
Pasteur himself did not apply this principle to milk, regarding pasteurization (Andrews and Fuchs, 1944).
implementation of milk pasteurization started consid- As a result, commercial milk processing facilities were
erably before 1917. As early as 1873, the American constructed throughout the United States to meet com-
pediatrician Abraham Jacobi advocated boiling cow pliance needs, thus rapidly spreading the practice of
milk in bottles before feeding it to infants (Jacobi, pasteurization (Andrews and Fuchs, 1944). Once pas-
1873; Holsinger et al., 1997). Later, in 1886, the Ger- teurized milk was introduced to the public, pasteurized
man chemist Franz von Soxhlet devised an apparatus milk and milk products rapidly penetrated the market.
for in-home, in-bottle milk sterilization for infants; this According to Smith-Howard (2013), by 1916, 80 to 90%
procedure involved boiling milk for 40 min (Andrews of the milk sold in Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and
and Fuchs, 1944). By 1893, under the advice of Jacobi New York was pasteurized.
and others, philanthropist Nathan Straus opened milk To assist in the prevention of milkborne diseases,
depots in New York City, providing sterilized milk to in 1924 the USPHS published the Standard Milk Or-
infants of impoverished families (North, 1921; Steele, dinance for Alabama Municipalities, later referred to
2000). Despite an observed effect of sterilization on as the first Standard Milk Ordinance; this document
reducing infant mortality rates and growing support included standards for pasteurization (USPHS/FDA,
for in-home pasteurization of cow milk for infant con- 2016). Subsequently, Frank et al. (1927) reported on
sumption, implementation of widespread commercial outcomes from the implementation of the Standard Milk
pasteurization faced strong opposition (North, 1921; Ordinance in 14 Alabama towns. Significant improve-
Andrews and Fuchs, 1944). Many public health officials ments were described in raw milk quality and USPHS
and doctors in the United States opposed widespread milk sanitation ratings for both farms and processing
commercial pasteurization of milk, fearing it would facilities that were pasteurizing milk. Consequently, in
provide only a stopgap measure that might create a 1926 a slightly modified version of the Standard Milk
false sense of security for the processor while distract- Ordinance was published (Frank et al., 1927). In 1927,
ing farmers from the need to increase on-farm sanitary the USPHS released an accompanying code to provide
measures (North, 1921; Andrews and Fuchs, 1944). a uniform interpretation of the ordinance and to offer
In addition, although some recognized pasteurization administrative and technical details regarding satisfac-
as a useful method for reducing milk spoilage, they tory compliance (USPHS/FDA, 2016). The ordinance
remained concerned about its ability to effectively and accompanying code were the precursors of the cur-
inactivate milkborne pathogenic microorganisms (An- rent US Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO;
drews and Fuchs, 1944). Nevertheless, in 1907, the first USPHS/FDA, 2016).
commercial-scale apparatus for pasteurizing milk by As scientific research in the areas of milk production,
the holding method was installed in New York City processing, nutrition, and public health progressed and
(Andrews and Fuchs, 1944). A pivotal shift occurred was shared with the public through publications such
in January 1908, when the US Public Health Service as JDS, the controversy surrounding pasteurization
(USPHS) and Marine Hospital Service published Milk diminished to a point where it became more broadly
and its Relation to the Public Health, which revealed accepted in the late 1930s (Steele, 2000). The practice
that the consumption of raw milk was dangerous and of pasteurization achieved regulatory authority in 1947,
was often the cause of tuberculosis, typhoid fever, diph- when Michigan became the first state to implement
theria, scarlet fever, and intestinal disorders of babies. a statewide milk pasteurization law, which compelled
In this document, US Surgeon General Walter Wyman further expansion of pasteurization from cities to ru-
famously wrote, “Pasteurization prevents much sick- ral areas. Hence, 1947 represented a major landmark
ness and saves many lives” (Wyman, 1908). This report in dairy food safety. Since then, all other states have
prompted states to respond to public health concerns adopted similar requirements, signifying recognition of
surrounding diseases associated with raw milk. In July the importance of pasteurization in ensuring dairy food
1908, Chicago became the first American city to pass an safety. Although some states still allow the intrastate
ordinance requiring the pasteurization of all cow milk sale of raw milk, interstate sale of raw milk and raw

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017


milk products for human consumption is banned except Vibrio cholera, Shigella dysenteriae, and Brucella spp.
for certain raw milk cheeses aged for >60 d (Steele, (Rosenau, 1908b); current bacterial nomenclature rath-
2000; Weisbecker, 2007). er than that in use at earlier points is provided here and
The public health impact of nationwide pasteuriza- throughout the article. As the dairy industry slowly ad-
tion requirements and improved dairy industry sanita- opted pasteurization practices, numerous studies pro-
tion has been profound. In 1989, the US Food and Drug vided suggestions for pasteurization time–temperature
Administration (FDA) retroactively determined that combinations based on the determination of thermal
about 25% of foodborne and waterborne illnesses in 1938 death times for common pathogenic microorganisms
had been caused by consumption of contaminated milk found in raw milk (Rosenau, 1908a; North and Park,
and milk products; it is estimated that today less than 1927). However, the scientific understanding of disease
1% of foodborne and waterborne illnesses are caused by transmission and bacteriology was limited, as reflected
milk and milk products (USPHS/FDA, 2016). It is im- by the studies performed. As late as 1927, there was no
portant to note, however, that consumption of raw milk official agreement on effective time–temperature combi-
and raw milk dairy products appears to be responsible nations, methods for determining combinations, or the
for a disproportionate fraction of the human illnesses specific organisms targeted for destruction by pasteuri-
attributed to milk and milk products. Estimates by the zation (Rosenau, 1908b; North and Park, 1927).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention based on For a period of time, M. tuberculosis cells were thought
data collected between 1993 and 2006 suggested that to be the most heat-resistant vegetative bacterial cells
nonpasteurized milk and milk products carried 150 in milk. Therefore, many scientists between 1883 and
times greater risk of causing outbreaks and outbreak- 1906 developed heat treatment regimens targeting M.
associated illnesses per unit of product consumed rela- tuberculosis (Rosenau, 1908a). However, time–tem-
tive to consumption of pasteurized products (Langer et perature combinations selected for these studies were
al., 2012). A follow-up study on raw milk and cheese somewhat arbitrary and methods were inconsistent
data for 2009 to 2014 estimated that consumption of (North and Park, 1927). In 1908, Milton J. Rosenau,
these raw products carried an 840 times greater risk of then director of the Hygiene Laboratory of the US Pub-
illness compared with pasteurized products (Costard lic Health and Marine Hospital Service, published a
et al., 2017). Although these estimates illustrate the comprehensive review that established 60°C for 20 min
continued food safety challenges associated with con- as the minimum time and temperature to heat milk to
sumption of raw milk (and to a lesser extent raw milk destroy M. tuberculosis (Rosenau, 1908b). This work
products), they were based on outbreaks linked to both inspired confidence in the use of relatively low tempera-
legally produced and illegally sold raw milk and raw tures to control milkborne pathogens and served as the
milk products. Therefore, one cannot necessarily con- foundation for general acceptance of the pasteurization
clude that consumption of a given raw milk product will process among health authorities (Andrews and Fuchs,
carry an 840 times higher risk of foodborne illness com- 1944). In 1911, the National Committee on Milk Stan-
pared with consumption of an equivalent pasteurized dards, a New York contingent of leading bacteriologists
milk product. These estimates do highlight, though, the and public health officials, recommended a time–tem-
need for further research into the factors contributing perature combination of 62.8°C for 30 min (North and
to increased risk from consumption of raw milk prod- Park, 1927). In 1920, the Committee on Milk Supply
ucts and novel intervention strategies to control the officially recommended 62.8°C for 30 min (Westhoff,
risk. For example, a joint assessment by the US FDA 1978). In the 1924 Standard Milk Ordinance, officials
and Health Canada suggested that increased Listeria provided consensus and defined the pasteurization pro-
monitoring of finished product could greatly reduce cess as a heating process of no less than 61.1°C for
the risk of contracting listeriosis from consumption of 30 min using approved equipment (Frank, 1924). The
raw milk soft-ripened cheeses in the United States and suggested standard was later verified to provide a suf-
Canada (FDA, 2015). ficient safety margin to destroy M. tuberculosis (North
and Park, 1927).
Refinement of Pasteurization Equipment, Although the holding method was widely used
Requirements, and Other Processing Interventions through the 1930s, a new continuous method emerged
to Control Microbial Contamination of Milk as plate heat exchangers were developed, resulting in
the HTST pasteurization method most commonly used
In the early 1900s, recognized disease-causing micro- today (Westhoff, 1978). However, HTST pasteurization
organisms associated with the consumption of raw milk requirements were difficult to establish from the exist-
in the United States included Mycobacterium tubercu- ing literature, which did not report minimum treatment
losis, Salmonella Typhi, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, times for temperatures above 65.5°C. Additionally, pub-
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017
9936 BOOR ET AL.

lic health and regulatory officials were wary of accept- microbial dairy food safety and quality. For example, in
ing this method and associated equipment (Westhoff, 1935, Kay and Neave (1935) introduced the phospha-
1978; Holsinger et al., 1997). As such, numerous studies tase test, a method used to determine relative alkaline
were performed to determine time–temperature combi- phosphatase (ALP) activity. Alkaline phosphatase is
nations capable of effectively controlling M. tuberculosis found naturally in bovine milk and is inactivated once
at higher temperatures (Westhoff, 1978). The year 1933 subjected to proper pasteurization conditions; hence,
represents another landmark, as this was the year when ALP measurement provides a simple test that can be
HTST pasteurization equipment and methods were used to verify proper pasteurization, which was par-
approved and when the first HTST time–temperature ticularly important in the early days of pasteurization
standards were included in the USPHS Milk Ordinance (Burgwald, 1939). The Scharer method, which was
Code; these standards were a temperature of at least developed in 1940, is an ALP colorimetric test that was
160°F (71.1°C) for at least 15 s (Westhoff, 1978). As applied until it was no longer accepted under the PMO
technology continued to evolve, continuous flash pas- in 2009 (Scharer, 1938; Rankin et al., 2010). Today, the
teurization methods gained popularity (e.g., higher industry commonly uses fluorometric and chemilumi-
heat, shorter time), and suitable standards were set nescent tests, such as the Fluorophos ALP Test Sys-
accordingly to ensure the destruction of M. tuberculosis tem (Advanced Instruments Inc., Norwood, MA) and
(Westhoff, 1978). Charm ALP/PasLite (Charm Sciences Inc., Lawrence,
Although the time–temperature combinations for MA; Rankin et al., 2010). Currently, the PMO requires
pasteurization were initially established for M. tubercu- ALP testing using electronic methods for grade A
losis, the pasteurization target organism was redefined pasteurized milk and milk products and bulk-shipped
when Enright et al. (1957) determined, using animal heat-treated milk products (USPHS/FDA, 2016).
experiments, that viable Coxiella burnetii survived in One major challenge that has been described since
milk pasteurized at the existing standard conditions of the early days of JDS (Smith, 1919; Brew, 1922) and
61.7°C for 30 min (Enright et al., 1957). Coxiella burnetii that remains in today’s dairy industry is recontami-
is the organism responsible for Q fever. In response, the nation of pasteurized milk and dairy products with
USPHS immediately adjusted their recommendation for microbial pathogens and spoilage microbes after the
vat pasteurization to 145°F (62.8°C; typically rounded pasteurization step—for example, during postprocess-
to 63°C) for 30 min, with the added recommendation ing filling or packaging. Major pathogens of current
that this limit be raised 3°C for products with more fat concern for postprocessing contamination are Listeria
than that present in whole milk or in products with monocytogenes and to a lesser extent Salmonella as well
added sugar (Anderson, 1957). Consequently, param- as Cronobacter, particularly in infant formula. In the
eters for HTST pasteurization were also adjusted to early days, postprocessing contamination was linked
161°F (71.7°C; often rounded to 72°C) for 15 s (Ander- to both milk handlers and the processing environment.
son, 1957; Holsinger et al., 1997). Today, batch (vat) For example, according to the USPHS, 3 out of 11
pasteurization parameters of 63°C (145°F) for 30 min disease outbreaks that were linked to pasteurized milk
and continuous flow HTST pasteurization parameters between 1929 and 1934 were traced to typhoid carriers
of 72°C (161°F) for 15 s still represent the minimum who operated bottling machines or who handled bottles
pasteurization time–temperature combinations listed in (Chilson et al., 1936). However, today, postprocessing
the PMO, and C. burnetii remains the target organism contamination typically occurs from the built environ-
for validation of pasteurization requirements for all US ment and equipment. Interestingly, the challenges of
dairy products (USPHS/FDA, 2016); this approach postprocessing contamination were recognized as early
also is considered an international standard (FAO/ as 1917, when the International Dairy and Milk Inspec-
WHO, 2011). Another key date for dairy microbiology tors’ Committee published their report “Rules and Reg-
was August 10, 1987, when the FDA published a final ulations Necessary for Securing a Clean and Safe Milk
regulation mandating the pasteurization of all milk and Supply,” which suggested rules for sanitary milk control
milk products in final package form for direct human throughout production, transportation, handling, and
consumption. This regulation, which banned the ship- delivery (Kelly et al., 1917). Among these were recom-
ping of raw milk in interstate commerce, became effec- mendations for implementation of strategies that today
tive September 9, 1987. would be considered good manufacturing practices in
In parallel to advancement in pasteurization tech- addition to pasteurization. Consistent with this, and as
niques (e.g., development of HTST) and refinement of a result of a series of comprehensive studies conducted
minimum pasteurization time–temperature parameters, between 1906 and 1921 (Rosenau, 1908a, b; North et
advancement in technologies that supported pasteuri- al., 1925), the USPHS concluded that sanitary control
zation implementation made essential contributions to throughout the dairy supply chain is essential for en-
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017

suring the control of milkborne disease (Faulkner, 1957; tion of cheese from pasteurized milk or for raw milk
USPHS/FDA, 2016). Thereafter, in 1923, the USPHS cheeses to be adequately ripened for safety (Johnson et
established an Office of Milk Investigations to assist al., 1990). Many states, including California, Colorado,
the states in the development of effective milk-control Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota, New Jersey, and
programs (Faulkner, 1957). However, implementation New York, responded to the letter by instituting regu-
of regulations was inconsistent across facilities and lations. It was in these local regulations that the first
states for several decades (Dahlberg et al., 1953). As a specific holding time requirements for raw milk cheeses
consequence, in 1950 the US surgeon general requested (“cured for a minimum of 60 d”) can be found (John-
that state milk sanitation regulatory agencies estab- son et al., 1990). The FDA began standard of identity
lish procedures for a voluntary Interstate Milk Shipper hearings for cheeses in 1947. These discussions included
certification program, which resulted in the formation comments on the holding period, but it was not until
of the National Conference on Interstate Milk Ship- August 24, 1950, that the final rule (15 FR 5653; US
ments (NCIMS) and the Cooperative State Public Federal Registrar, 1950) requiring a minimum 60-d
Health Service Program for certification of interstate holding period at 35°F or higher for specific cheeses
milk shippers. Responsibilities under this program were was officially published as a national standard.
divided between state agencies and the Public Health Much of the early scientific debate over the 60-d rule
Service Program. In 1969, the Public Health Service is lost to time, but the minimum holding time was at
Program responsibilities were transferred to the FDA. least in part based on research on the survival of Bru-
Currently, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and cella abortus in Cheddar cheese (Gilman et al., 1946;
the US trust territories participate in the NCIMS. Johnson et al., 1990). Although the study reported that
Biennial NCIMS meetings, which include representa- cheeses intentionally inoculated with B. abortus were
tives across the dairy spectrum, including producers, positive for up to 6 mo postmanufacture, it also report-
processors, and academics, are used to develop recom- ed that no B. abortus were found either in commercial
mendations to modify the PMO. The NCIMS recom- Limburger cheeses produced with B. abortus-positive
mendations must be approved by the FDA before they milk and held for 57 d or in cheeses made from milk
are incorporated into the PMO. In addition to these collected from B. abortus-positive herds and stored for
government regulations, worldwide, the introduction 41 d (Gilman et al., 1946). These observations, coupled
of voluntary food safety management systems (e.g., with the absence of epidemiological data that linked
hazard analysis and critical control point, International Cheddar cheeses aged for more than 60 d to foodborne
Organization for Standardization standards, the Global outbreaks, led the researchers to conclude that the 60-d
Food Safety Initiative) has contributed to the develop- holding period was a reasonable measure for control of
ment of comprehensive systems to ensure dairy food foodborne pathogens (Gilman et al., 1946). While other
safety. Simultaneously, starting in the 1930s, major studies at the time demonstrated long-term survival of
advancements were made in sanitation practices. For M. tuberculosis, Salmonella Typhi, and hemolytic strep-
example, clean-in-place methods were developed in tococci in various cheeses, the 60-d holding period was
1950, and Tetra Pak (Pully, Switzerland) introduced deemed to offer an adequate, though not absolute, pro-
UHT milk packaged in a multilayer carton in 1952. tection from potential levels of pathogenic organisms
in raw milk cheeses (Johnson et al., 1990; Boor, 2005).
Today the 60-d rule is captured in the US Code of
1950: Introduction of the 60-d Holding Period for Federal Regulations (CFR) under 7CFR§58.439 (US
Raw Milk Cheese, with Subsequent Concerns Raised Code of Federal Regulations, 2016). The section states
by Outbreaks and Laboratory Studies that if a “cheese is labeled as ‘heat treated,’ ‘unpasteur-
ized,’ ‘raw milk,’ or ‘for manufacturing,’ the milk may
The 60-d rule, which specifies that certain cheeses be raw or heated at temperatures below pasteurization.
made from raw milk must be aged for more than 60 Cheese made from unpasteurized milk shall be cured
d, was introduced in the final years of World War for a period of 60 days at a temperature not less than
II, when a lack of skilled cheesemakers in the United 35°F.” The standards of identity for cheeses can be
States coincided with 2 serious outbreaks of typhoid found in 21CFR§133 (US Code of Federal Regulations,
fever linked to cheese consumption (Johnson et al., 2017a). These standards include requirements for per-
1990). In fact, during the decade encompassing the war missible moisture content, minimum milk fat content,
(1935–1945), 40 foodborne disease outbreaks were at- and the acceptability of pasteurized or raw milk in their
tributed to cheese (Fabian, 1947). In response to this production. Some standards of identity require holding
public health challenge, the surgeon general issued a periods longer than 60 d, but these aging requirements
letter on June 16, 1944, calling either for the produc- are aimed at ensuring proper development of charac-
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017
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teristics particular to the cheese variety and are not 1987), raw milk semihard Swiss (Bachmann and Spahr,
related to safety. 1995), and soft cheeses (D’Amico et al., 2008) has been
Over the past 70 yr, significant strides in cow health, well documented. Similarly, several studies have dem-
milking hygiene, dairy processing, and disease surveil- onstrated E. coli O157:H7 survival past the 60-d hold-
lance across the farm, processor, and regulatory con- ing period for both Cheddar and Gouda (Reitsma and
tinuum have greatly improved the quality and safety Henning, 1996; D’Amico et al., 2010). When the 60-d
of dairy products. Along with these improvements have rule was originally adopted, it was understood that the
come changes in the foodborne pathogens that are cur- ability of pathogens to survive the holding period varied
rently more frequently associated with dairy products. among cheese types (Johnson et al., 1990) due to dif-
Nontyphoidal Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, ferences in attributes such as pH, salt, moisture, water
Shiga toxin–producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and activity, and temperature. More recently, researchers
Campylobacter have replaced B. abortus, M. tubercu- from various institutions have collaborated to provide
losis, Salmonella Typhi, and hemolytic streptococci as more detail on the range of product parameters that
the primary bacterial pathogens of concern (Scallan exist in modern raw milk cheeses (Trmčić et al., 2017),
et al., 2011). Recognition of the importance of these but further study is needed to understand the influ-
pathogens in dairy foods and their ability to survive in ence of these parameters and ripening conditions on
cheese has further challenged the efficacy of the 60-d pathogen survival.
rule for protecting public health. An early epidemio- In 2016, required compliance to the Food Safety Mod-
logical example was an outbreak from 1980 to 1982 of ernization Act began for many cheese manufacturers in
Salmonella Muenster linked to raw milk Cheddar cheese the United States. The act requires manufacturers to
in Canada (Wood et al., 1984). One of the implicated implement adequate controls to prevent or significantly
cheese lots remained positive for Salmonella Muenster reduce any hazards associated with the food being pro-
for 125 d (Wood et al., 1984). A second Canadian out- duced. Section 117.135 of 21CFR (US Code of Federal
break in 1984, also linked to raw milk Cheddar cheese, Regulations, 2017b) states that process controls “in-
determined that Salmonella Typhimurium persisted in clude procedures, practices, and processes to ensure the
the cheese for 8 mo (D’aoust et al., 1985). In the United control of parameters during operations such as heat
States, 3 outbreaks associated with raw milk cheeses processing, acidifying, irradiating, and refrigerating
that had been aged for at least 60 d were reported from foods. Process controls must include, as appropriate to
1998 to 2011; 2 were caused by E. coli O157:H7 and the the nature of the applicable control and its role in the
other was caused by L. monocytogenes (Gould et al., facility’s food safety system: (i) parameters associated
2014). In March 2017, listeriosis was deemed respon- with the control of the hazard; and (ii) the maximum
sible for 6 illnesses and 2 confirmed deaths linked to or minimum value, or combination of values, to which
60-d aged raw milk cheese from New York State (FDA, any biological, chemical, or physical parameter must be
2017a). Although environmental contamination sources controlled to significantly minimize or prevent a hazard
after cheese making cannot always be excluded in out- requiring a process control.” Based on epidemiological
breaks linked to raw milk cheeses, in several outbreaks and challenge study data cited previously (e.g., Ryser
pathogens present in raw milk were likely the root cause. and Marth, 1987; Bachmann and Spahr, 1995; Reitsma
For example, an investigation of a Dutch outbreak of S. and Henning, 1996; D’Amico et al., 2008, 2010), the ar-
Typhimurium phage type DT7 in a raw milk hard cheese gument for the current 60-d rule as an adequate process
aged for 9 mo found the rare Salmonella phage DT7 in control may be called into question. This notion is sup-
both the farm’s cattle and the dairy production room, ported by a recent assessment of the risk of listeriosis
highlighting the potential for raw milk contamination from consumption of soft cheeses (using Camembert as
to carry through aging (Van Duynhoven et al., 2009). an example), which was conducted by Health Canada
In the future, the use of whole-genome sequencing will and the FDA (FDA, 2015). The results from this study
enhance public health officials’ ability to track specific suggested that consumption of raw milk soft cheeses,
strains and to identify sources of contamination for raw even if aged for >60 d, presents an approximately 50
milk cheeses. Application of these tools will further help to 100 times higher risk for listeriosis compared with
clarify the contributions of raw milk and the processing consumption of pasteurized milk cheeses. In fact, the
environment as pathogen sources. assessment found that removal of the 60-d aging re-
Research over the past several decades has substanti- quirement for soft cheese would, in fact, reduce the risk
ated the ability of several foodborne pathogens to sur- of listeriosis from these products, albeit the reduction
vive in cheese longer than the 60-d holding period. The would be less than 2-fold. Specifically, sales of raw milk
ability of L. monocytogenes to persist for long periods soft cheeses aged less than 60 d would be expected to
of time in cheeses such as Cheddar (Ryser and Marth, reduce the risk of listeriosis because the shorter period
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017

would permit less time for L. monocytogenes growth in ripened and washed rind cheeses have been linked
these types of cheeses, which have high water activity to several human listeriosis outbreaks and present a
and a high pH that increases during aging due to the particular concern as potential sources of human lis-
metabolic activities of fungi or bacterial surface popu- teriosis cases and outbreaks. For example, in 2008, a
lations (e.g., Brevibacterium). More important, this listeriosis outbreak in Chile with 165 reported cases
risk assessment suggested that testing both raw milk and 14 deaths was associated with the consumption of
and finished product could considerably reduce the risk Brie and Camembert (Montero et al., 2015). Raw milk
associated with raw milk soft cheeses. This analysis consumption also is linked to human listeriosis cases
underpins the decisions in some countries to remove and outbreaks; in 2016, a small listeriosis outbreak with
the 60-d aging periods for certain cheeses; for example, 2 cases was linked to organic raw milk produced by a
in 2008, the provincial government in Québec (Canada) farm in Pennsylvania (CDC, 2016).
passed new regulations permitting the sale of soft and Our understanding of the sources of L. monocyto-
semisoft cheeses aged for less than 60 d. Further re- genes in dairy products also has evolved over the years.
search into the efficacy of aging different cheese types Although contaminated raw milk has been the likely
for 60 d and the effect of additional measures, such as source of some outbreaks (including outbreaks linked to
testing raw or finished product, will be important for raw milk cheeses and raw milk), studies conducted over
determining the future of the 60-d rule. the years suggest that L. monocytogenes contamination
of dairy products typically occurs from the processing
1983: Listeria (Re-)Enters the Dairy Industry plant environment, where Listeria spp. and L. monocy-
as a Pathogen of Concern—And Is Still Here in 2017 togenes strains can survive for prolonged time periods
and up to decades (for a review see Ferreira et al., 2014).
Listeria monocytogenes has a long history of being For example, Kabuki et al. (2004) reported evidence for
linked to milk and dairy products, including the fact environmental Listeria persistence in 2 of 3 Latin-style
that this pathogen causes severe disease (e.g., brain cheese processing facilities enrolled in their study. In
infections, abortions) in both cattle and humans. The one facility, the persistent L. monocytogenes subtype
first listeriosis outbreak linked to dairy was reported to was also identified in the finished products, supporting
have occurred in Halle, Germany, from 1949 to 1957; cross-contamination from the processing plant environ-
more than 100 stillbirths were suspected to have been ment as a root cause of contamination of the finished
caused by raw milk contaminated with L. monocyto- product. Similarly, Beno et al. (2016) reported the
genes (Seeliger, 1961). A comprehensive review on persistence of Listeria spp. in 7 out of 9 small cheese
dairy-related listeriosis outbreaks was published in JDS making facilities included in a study on the develop-
in 2004 (Lundén et al., 2004). The second reported ment of pathogen environmental monitoring programs.
listeriosis outbreak linked to dairy occurred in Vaud, The importance of environmental L. monocytogenes
Switzerland, between 1983 and 1987; this outbreak was sources and cross-contamination is further illustrated
linked to Vaucherin Mont d’Or soft-ripened cheese and by results from an investigation of a large listeriosis
involved more than 120 cases with 32 associated deaths outbreak with 38 human cases in Québec, Canada;
(Büla et al., 1995). This outbreak in Europe as well as this outbreak was linked to a pasteurized soft-textured
a concurrent large listeriosis outbreak in 1985 in Cali- cheese, and postpasteurization contamination from the
fornia, which was linked to Hispanic-style soft cheese, processing plant was the likely source of this outbreak.
and a 1983 listeriosis outbreak in Massachusetts linked Importantly, investigation of this outbreak also sug-
to contaminated pasteurized milk brought L. monocyto- gested that extensive cross-contamination of different
genes to the forefront of the dairy industry’s attention. cheeses in retail establishments is a contributing factor
Since then, listeriosis has remained arguably the most (Gaulin et al., 2012). The recognition of the importance
important human foodborne pathogen associated with of postprocessing contamination with L. monocytogenes
the dairy industry, and a considerable number of ad- as a public health hazard has led to evaluation of dif-
ditional human listeriosis outbreaks around the world ferent methods, including high-pressure processing, to
have been linked to dairy products. Different products inactivate L. monocytogenes in packaged products and
(e.g., chocolate milk, fluid milk, butter, various cheeses, in cheeses (e.g., Tomasula et al., 2014). Increased rec-
and, more recently, ice cream) have been implicated ognition has emerged regarding the essential nature of
as sources of human listeriosis outbreaks (Lundén et stringent pathogen environmental monitoring programs
al., 2004; Chen et al., 2016); however, Hispanic-style targeting L. monocytogenes as a means of reducing L.
cheeses have been a particular concern with regard monocytogenes contamination of cheese and other dairy
to human listeriosis as detailed in a recent review in products, as illustrated by the FDA’s recent publication
JDS (Ibarra-Sánchez et al., 2017). In addition, surface of a draft guidance titled “Control of Listeria monocy-
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017
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togenes in Ready-To-Eat Foods: Guidance for Industry” by consumption of contaminated cheeses in both Europe
(FDA, 2017b). and the United States. Two key pathogens of concern
Since 1997, identification of human listeriosis out- to the dairy industry (Cronobacter and STEC) were
breaks in general, including outbreaks linked to dairy only recently recognized as dairy-related pathogens.
products, has been facilitated by increasingly world- Cronobacter spp., which were originally designated
wide application of molecular subtyping (i.e., DNA as Enterobacter sakazakii, are a specific concern for the
fingerprinting) tools. Since 1999, routine subtyping powdered infant formula industry (for a comprehensive
of all L. monocytogenes isolates from human clinical review, including a summary of outbreaks, see Norberg
cases in the United States has been performed using et al., 2012). The first reported cases of E. sakazakii
pulse field gel electrophoresis. This approach has been infections in neonates that were unambiguously linked
adopted for subtyping foodborne pathogens in many to infant formula occurred in 1986 and 1987. An article
other countries through a system called PulseNet published in 1989 (Biering et al., 1989) reported 3 cases
International, and this adoption will likely aid in the of neonatal E. sakazakii infections that occurred in a
detection of more listeriosis outbreaks linked to dairy hospital in Reykjavík, Iceland, over a 9-mo period in
products in different parts of the world. Whereas large 1986 and 1987. As part of the outbreak investigation,
outbreaks may be detected without the use of subtyp- E. sakazakii was isolated from several lots of the pow-
ing methods, because pulse field gel electrophoresis dered milk formula used in the hospital, and E. saka-
and other subtyping methods have been increasingly zakii isolates obtained from the neonates were found
used for routine surveillance of foodborne disease and, to be indistinguishable (by biotypes, plasmid DNA
specifically, for listeriosis (Jackson et al., 2016), these profiles, and antibiograms) from 22 strains grown from
methods have enabled the detection of a larger number the formula. Whereas Muytjens et al. (1983) had previ-
of smaller outbreaks linked to cheese and dairy prod- ously reported an association between Cronobacter spp.
ucts. Improved detection of human listeriosis outbreaks infections and consumption of infant milk formula, this
will be further facilitated by routine implementation group did not isolate Cronobacter spp. from the pow-
of whole-genome sequencing for surveillance and char- ered infant formula despite its isolation from prepared
acterization of L. monocytogenes isolates from human formula and environmental samples. Since then, several
clinical cases, foods, and food-associated environments. Cronobacter outbreaks have been linked to contami-
In the United States, routine characterization of L. nated infant formula, including some that have been
monocytogenes through whole-genome sequencing was linked to intrinsically contaminated powdered infant
initiated in September 2013 (Jackson et al., 2016); formula (i.e., formula contaminated in the processing
this change in surveillance strategies enabled increased facility) as well as several other outbreaks linked to
detection of listeriosis clusters and helped solve liste- infant formula that appears to have been contaminated
riosis outbreaks (5 and 9 in yr 1 and 2 of whole-genome from environmental sources during or after prepara-
sequencing implementation, respectively). Importantly, tion. For example, one outbreak in Belgium in 1998
the outbreaks detected after implementation of whole- involved 12 neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis; in
genome sequencing included 3 multistate outbreaks this outbreak, considerable evidence suggested that in-
linked to different styles of soft cheeses as well as 2 trinsically contaminated powdered infant formula was a
outbreaks linked to ice cream (Jackson et al., 2016), factor that contributed to this outbreak (van Acker et
illustrating the effect of this technology on the dairy al., 2001). However, in this outbreak as well as in others,
industry. Whole-genome sequencing is also rapidly be- cross-contamination during formula preparation (e.g.,
ing implemented for foodborne disease surveillance in either from intrinsically contaminated formula or from
other countries (Deng et al., 2016). the environment in which preparation was conducted)
may have been a contributing or sole factor responsible
1986 to 1992: Enterobacter sakazakii and STEC for transmission and infection. In addition, investiga-
Are Recognized as Causes of Dairy-Associated tions of outbreaks and sporadic cases have also shown
Foodborne Disease Outbreaks—A Reminder that We that problematic practices with regard to storage of
Still Do Not Know All Dairy-Associated Pathogens prepared infant formula can be an important contribut-
ing factor to infection. For example, one study showed
Several key pathogens were recognized as concerns that some hospitals in France stored reconstituted
to the dairy industry before 1917, including organisms infant formula for up to 24 h, which could allow for
such as M. tuberculosis, Brucella spp., and Salmonella. considerable growth of Cronobacter (Caubilla-Barron et
Listeria monocytogenes was added to the list of dairy- al., 2007; Norberg et al., 2012). Consequently, impor-
associated pathogens in the mid-1980s after it was tant measures for prevention of Cronobacter infections
linked to 2 large listeriosis outbreaks that were caused include practices to prevent contamination of powdered
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017

infant formula in processing facilities as well as com- studies (Reitsma and Henning, 1996; D’Amico et al.,
pliance with guidelines for preparation and storage of 2010) that indicate that E. coli O157:H7 can survive in
reconstituted powdered infant formula (Norberg et al., cheeses for more than 60 d. Interestingly, a few EHEC
2012). Importantly, a paper published in JDS in 2011 outbreaks linked to dairy products have been linked
detailed potential reservoirs and routes of transmission to pasteurized products, including one large outbreak
of E. sakazakii based on a study in a plant that produced in Scotland in 1994 linked to pasteurized fluid milk
milk powder (Jacobs et al., 2011), providing important where E. coli O157:H7 was isolated from food contact
guidance that can inform preventative strategies. surfaces located after the pasteurizer (Upton and Coia,
The E. coli strains causing enterohemorrhagic coli- 1994). These outbreaks further support that postpas-
tis (enterohemorrhagic E. coli; EHEC), including E. teurization contamination with pathogens other than
coli O157:H7, are another more recently recognized L. monocytogenes remains an issue even in the modern
pathogen of concern for the dairy industry. Although dairy industry.
EHEC are clinically characterized by their ability to
cause hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), geneti- 1990: PCR Enters the Dairy Microbiology World
cally these strains are characterized by the presence of and Changes it Forever
stx1 or stx2 genes as well as the eaeA gene; stx1 and
stx2 encode Shiga toxins (sometimes also referred to The advent of molecular methods for detection and
as verotoxins), whereas eaeA encodes intimin, which characterization of dairy-associated microbes has had
facilitates attachment of E. coli to intestinal epithelial a major effect on dairy microbiology. Although some
cells. Because of the key importance of Shiga toxins in molecular methods, such as nucleic hybridization-based
the pathogenesis of HUS, these E. coli are sometimes assays, were commercially available as early as 1985
also referred to as STEC. Whereas EHEC were initially (for a review, see Vasavada, 1993), the invention of
linked to cases and outbreaks caused by consumption PCR in 1985 opened the door to mainstream appli-
of raw or undercooked beef products, it is now ap- cation of molecular methods. Application and use of
parent that many different types of products that are PCR for detection of foodborne pathogens and other
produced without a bacterial control step (e.g., heat microorganisms started in the early 1990s. For exam-
treatment) can transmit this pathogen, including pro- ple, the first PCR assay for Listeria monocytogenes was
duce, raw apple cider, raw milk, and certain raw milk reported in 1990 (Border et al., 1990), and the first re-
dairy products (for a comprehensive review of STEC ports of using a PCR assay to detect L. monocytogenes
in dairy foods, see Farrokh et al., 2013). In 1986, 2 in dairy products (soft cheese, milk) were published in
cases of E. coli O157:H7 infections were described in 1991 (Furrer et al., 1991; Thomas et al., 1991; Wernars
young children who consumed raw milk on farms where et al., 1991). Since then, PCR assays for virtually all
E. coli O157:H7 was subsequently also isolated from foodborne pathogens of relevance to the dairy industry
fecal samples from dairy cows, suggesting raw milk as a have been developed, are commercially available, and
potential vehicle responsible for human O157:H7 infec- are increasingly routinely used for detecting pathogens
tions (Martin et al., 1986). An early report of a linkage in finished products as well as environmental samples.
between EHEC and dairy products was also provided More slowly, PCR methods are also being developed for
by Deschênes et al. (1996), who reported 4 HUS cases spoilage organisms of relevance to the dairy industry
in a French village between March 1992 and May 1993 (e.g., Ranieri et al., 2012). However, developing molec-
that were associated with consumption of a raw milk ular assays for spoilage organisms is more challenging
cheese. Since the first descriptions of EHEC infections than developing assays for pathogens because it is dif-
linked to raw milk and dairy products, a considerable ficult to identify specific, well-defined molecular targets
number of EHEC outbreaks around the world have that yield high levels of sensitivity and specificity for
been linked to consumption of raw milk. Although most spoilage organism detection. For pathogen detection,
of these outbreaks have been linked to isolates repre- there is emerging consensus that molecular methods
senting E. coli serotype O157:H7, some of them also can provide more rapid, more specific, and more sen-
have been caused by other serotypes (e.g., O22, O26; sitive detection compared with many traditional or
Farrokh et al., 2013). Enterohemorrhagic E. coli strains immunoassay-based methods (e.g., Abubakar et al.,
also have been responsible for some outbreaks linked 2007). With continued improvements in ease of use and
to raw milk fermented dairy products and particularly performance of molecular methods, including the de-
raw milk cheeses. For example, between 1998 and 2011, velopment of easy-to-use isothermal methods for DNA
4 E. coli O157:H7 outbreaks in the United States were amplification, molecular methods will likely continue
linked to consumption of raw milk cheeses (Gould et to expand their penetration in the dairy pathogen test-
al., 2014). These findings are consistent with different ing industry. Increasing efforts to better characterize
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017
9942 BOOR ET AL.

spoilage organisms, including through whole-genome milk; common defects associated with these organisms
sequencing (e.g., Moreno Switt et al., 2014), may also were described as sweet curdling as well as bitter, fruity,
provide new opportunities to develop better assays for rancid, and yeasty flavors. The frequent occurrence of
detection of specific targeted spoilage organisms of rel- these organisms in raw milk also was described more
evance in the dairy industry. than 45 yr ago; for example, Chung and Cannon (1971)
reported the detection of psychrotrophic sporeform-
1998: Paenibacillus spp. and B. weihenstephanensis ing bacteria in 83% of the raw milk samples obtained
Are Recognized as Psychrotolerant Spoilage from 18 individual producers. Early efforts to classify
Organisms of Concern in HTST-Pasteurized psychrotolerant Bacillus spp. isolates from milk (e.g.,
Fluid Milk Shehata and Collins, 1971) indicated that these isolates
had characteristics similar to the Bacillus species brevis,
Similar to the changes in our understanding of food- circulans, cereus, coagulans, laterosporus, licheniformis,
borne pathogens associated with milk and dairy prod- macerans, megaterium, polymyxa, pumilus, and subtilis,
ucts, our understanding of spoilage organisms of concern although the isolates showed growth at temperatures
has also changed considerably over time. Conceptually, lower than the growth temperature ranges reported for
spoilage organisms in products made from pasteurized these species. In 1998, Bacillus weihenstephanensis was
milk may represent (1) organisms introduced from reported as a new species that belonged to the B. cereus
environmental sources or personnel after heat treat- group but was differentiated by its ability to grow at
ment or (2) organisms that survive pasteurization. In refrigeration temperatures (Lechner et al., 1998). Sub-
addition, thermosensitive bacteria that can grow in sequent studies indicated that not all psychrotolerant
refrigerated milk and that produce thermostable spoil- strains in the B. cereus group necessarily represented B.
age enzymes (e.g., proteases) that are not inactivated weihenstephanensis (Stenfors and Granum, 2001), sug-
by pasteurization are of concern (Murphy et al., 2016). gesting the existence of a distinct Bacillus species (B.
For much of the 20th century, spoilage organisms intro- wiedmannii) that is both psychrotolerant and able to
duced after pasteurization (e.g., Pseudomonas spp. and cause disease (Miller et al., 2016). Further clarification
many types of coliforms, which can cause off flavors of the classification of psychrotolerant sporeformers
and defects) represented the major recognized spoilage that cause milk spoilage started with the 1993 proposal
concerns. For example, in the first volume of JDS in to create a new genus Paenibacillus within the order
1917, Harding et al. (1917) wrote, “The milk coolers Bacillales (Ash et al., 1993–1994); several psychrotoler-
and the bottling machines require special watching . . . ant sporeformers obtained from pasteurized milk either
not only because they frequently add large numbers of were reclassified as Paenibacillus (e.g., Bacillus poly-
germs, but especially because they add them after the myxa became Paenibacillus polymyxa) or were identified
milk has been pasteurized.” Although spoilage organ- and classified after description of the genus Paenibacil-
isms introduced after pasteurization still remain a ma- lus. Improved definition and taxonomic classification of
jor concern and challenge throughout the world, many psychrotolerant Bacillus spp. following the description
dairy processors have effectively reduced postprocessing of B. weihenstephanensis in 1998 provided an improved
contamination. For example, data from Cornell’s Milk ability to detect and define causes of HTST fluid milk
Quality Improvement program collected from 1991 to spoilage due to the presence of psychrotolerant spore-
2010 suggest that for many fluid milk processing plants formers (e.g., Huck et al., 2007a, b) and has led to the
in the northeastern United States, the ability to con- recognition that psychrotolerant sporeformers are the
trol postpasteurization contamination has significantly current biological limitation for HTST shelf-life exten-
improved over time (Carey et al., 2005; Martin et al., sion of fluid milk past 24 d (Fromm and Boor, 2004;
2012). Ranieri and Boor, 2009).
Bacterial spoilage organisms that survive commer-
cial pasteurization include both thermotolerant non- 1917 to 2017: Changing Microbiological Methods
sporeformers (e.g., Microbacterium, Micrococcus, Strep- Affect Our Understanding of Dairy Microbiology
tococcus, and Lactobacillus) and sporeforming bacteria
(e.g., members of the order Bacillales and Clostridiales; A key change that occurred between 1917 and 2017
Murphy et al., 2016). Sporeformers have long been rec- is the evolution of methods for detection of microbes
ognized as spoilage organisms of concern in the dairy associated with milk and dairy products. We illustrate
industry. For example, a 1981 review article in JDS this with 3 examples, including (1) detection of the
(Collins, 1981) discussed that psychrotolerant bacteria pathogen L. monocytogenes, (2) quantification of total
in the genus Bacillus represent the most important heat- bacterial numbers in raw milk, and (3) microbial indi-
resistant psychrotolerant spoilage organisms in fluid cator tests used for finished products.
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017

A comprehensive review and summary of the devel- Milk Ordinance required that grade A raw milk have
opment of different methods for detecting L. monocy- an average bacterial count of <50,000 cfu/mL (with
togenes can be found in the book Listeria, Listeriosis, standards of <200,000, <1 million, and <5 million
and Food Safety, particularly its 2 chapters dedicated cfu/mL for grade B, C, and D milk, respectively). The
to conventional and rapid methods for detection of Lis- most recent version of the PMO (which covers only
teria (Brehm-Stecher and Johnson, 2007; Donnelly and grade A milk) requires <100,000 cfu/mL for individual
Nyachuba, 2007). Direct plating was the initial method producer grade A milk in the United States (USPHS/
of choice for L. monocytogenes detection; however, often FDA, 2016). Today, minimum standards for grade B
it was not successful in detecting the microbe. In 1948, milk (“milk for manufacturing purposes”) are recom-
the cold enrichment method was introduced by Gray et mended by the Dairy Division of the USDA Agricul-
al. (1948), which essentially represented a nonchemi- tural Marketing Service. These were first published in
cal selective enrichment procedure. Starting in 1950, 1972; the current minimum standard for grade B milk
different selective chemical enrichment procedures that was published in 2011 and is 500,000 cfu/mL (USDA
allowed for enrichment at 30 to 37°C were introduced Agricultural Marketing Service, 2011). Historically, the
and evaluated. Even following the introduction of selec- PMO has required that laboratory procedures be com-
tive enrichment and plating media, differentiation of pliant with the Standard Methods for the Examination
the pathogenic L. monocytogenes from nonpathogenic of Dairy Products (SMEDP; Jezeski, 1956; USPHS/
Listeria spp. on plating media remained a challenge, FDA, 2016). The SMEDP was first published in 1910
particularly because product samples often can be con- and since then has been updated 16 times to reflect
taminated with both L. monocytogenes and other non- changes to accepted methods of assessing the bacte-
pathogenic Listeria spp. Classical selective and differ- rial qualities of milk and milk products. In the 1910
ential plating media (e.g., Oxford agar, polymyxin-acri- SMEDP, the SPC was included as the accepted method
flavine-LiCl-ceftazidime-esculin-mannitol agar) do not for determining the total number of viable aerobic bac-
differentiate between L. monocytogenes and nonpatho- teria in raw milk; this method is still widely used. In
genic Listeria spp. Major breakthroughs that enabled 1916, the direct microscopic count was introduced as
improved detection of L. monocytogenes are represented an alternative to SPC; this method is no longer deemed
by both molecular methods and chromogenic media acceptable in the PMO because it is not sufficiently
that allowed differentiation between L. monocytogenes sensitive or accurate for regulatory or quality purposes
and nonpathogenic species. Today’s standard methods (Jezeski, 1956; Laird et al., 2004). In 1929, the methy-
for L. monocytogenes (or Listeria spp.) detection in lene blue test was introduced and was immediately
dairy foods or processing plant environments typically controversial because results were not consistent with
involve a 24- to 48-h selective enrichment followed by a SPC data (Thornton and Hastings, 1930); this test was
DNA amplification or antibody-based screening test or removed from acceptable methods in the PMO in 1961
by plating on appropriate selective and differential me- (Luchterhand et al., 2009). In the 1980s, 3M Petrifilm
dia. Detection methods for other foodborne pathogens aerobic count and plate loop count were introduced as
relevant to dairy (e.g., Salmonella, Cronobacter) have alternatives to SPC (Thompson et al., 1960; Ginn et
undergone similar improvements and evolution over the al., 1984). By the 1990s, 3M Petrifilm aerobic count was
years. determined acceptable and is still considered equivalent
Tests assessing total microbial loads in raw milk have to SPC (USPHS/FDA, 2016). In the 2000s, BactoScan
played an important role in ensuring the safety and (flow cytometry) and spiral plate count were intro-
quality of raw milk for >100 yr. Even for pasteurized duced as alternative methods (Donnelly et al., 1976;
milk and dairy products, accurate methods for deter- Gunasekera et al., 2000; USPHS/FDA, 2001, 2005). For
mining bacterial loads in raw milk are important for more detail on method development and procedures
both quality and safety because the risk of pathogens between 1905 and 1955, refer to Jezeski (1956); changes
and spoilage organisms surviving pasteurization in- between 1956 and 2004 are detailed in previous editions
creases with higher bacterial numbers in raw milk. Fur- of SMEDP, whereas current methods are detailed in the
ther, spoilage-associated enzymes that can be produced 17th edition of SMEDP (Laird et al., 2004).
by bacteria present in raw milk may not be inactivated In addition to specific tests for pathogens or spoilage
by pasteurization (Boor, 2001; Murphy et al., 2016). organisms, the dairy industry has been using microbial
Consequently, federal and state regulatory agencies hygiene indicator testing to detect lapses in sanitation
have developed standards for acceptable total bacte- and postprocessing contamination at the processing
ria counts in raw and pasteurized milk, whereas dairy level for almost 100 yr. Hygiene indicator organisms
industry organizations typically set more stringent are microbial markers whose presence relates to the
standards. In 1924, the first version of the Standard hygienic quality of the food or environment (Chapin
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017
9944 BOOR ET AL.

et al., 2014). Advances both in our understanding of hygiene indicator for some dairy products, the fact that
different bacteria associated with dairy products and in both heat-resistant sporeformers and lactic acid bac-
the development of specific methods for rapidly and re- teria (all of which represent gram-positive organisms)
liably detecting specific bacteria associated with milk, are also detected with these tests limits their value in
dairy products, and dairy-associated environments have many cases.
changed the types of indicator organisms used today
compared with those used in the early 20th century. The SUMMARY AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
use of coliforms as hygiene indicator organisms in milk
was first suggested in 1919, although methods were not Despite the considerable advances that have been
developed until 1927 (Finkelstein, 1919; Kessler and made in both our understanding of dairy microbiol-
Swenarton, 1927). Although initially introduced for raw ogy and the application of this knowledge to improve
milk testing, coliform testing was later applied to evalu- dairy food safety (to a point where pasteurized milk
ating pasteurized products (McCrady and Langevin, and dairy products represent some of the safest foods
1932; Chilson et al., 1936). Currently, the PMO limits available) and reduce food spoilage issues, considerable
coliforms to <10 cfu/mL in pasteurized milk and milk needs and opportunities remain for further advances
products (USPHS/FDA, 2016). Although coliforms his- in dairy microbiology. The emergence of new scientific
torically have been used as hygiene indicator organisms technologies and tools such as whole-genome sequenc-
that indicate fecal contamination, several studies have ing will provide new insight into currently unrecognized
shown that the majority of coliforms originate from microbes in dairy products that can affect quality or
environmental sources and that coliform detection in that may present public health risks. On the other
milk and dairy products rarely indicates actual fecal hand, changes in dairy production and processing,
contamination (for a review see Martin et al., 2016). including new and improved processing technologies,
Recent studies also show that coliforms represent only will change the microbial ecology of dairy products,
7.6 to 26.6% of bacteria introduced into fluid milk by leading to recognition of different organisms not of pre-
postpasteurization contamination (Martin et al., 2012). vious concern to the dairy industry. For example, with
Most important, coliform tests do not detect Pseudo- increasing success of strategies for reducing raw milk
monas spp., which have been shown to represent the contamination with vegetative bacterial cells as well as
majority of postprocessing contaminants in fluid milk improved prevention of postpasteurization contamina-
(Cousin, 1982; Sørhaug and Stepaniak, 1997). Because tion, pathogenic and spoilage-associated sporeformers
coliforms are imperfect indicators of postprocessing that survive pasteurization and heat treatments are
contamination, other hygiene indicators have been pro- likely to become an increasing concern for the dairy in-
posed in the dairy industry and are increasingly being dustry. In addition, parts of the dairy industry still rely
used (Hervert et al., 2016; Martin et al., 2016). Specifi- on approaches and methods that have been used for
cally, testing for Enterobacteriaceae provides a better >100 yr (e.g., coliform testing) and use knowledge that
indicator for postprocessing contamination because it was created >60 yr ago (e.g., data on the time–tem-
detects a wider set of organisms that represent a taxo- perature combinations used for HTST pasteurization;
nomically consistent group, including Salmonella and the 60-d holding period). Upgrades to both historical
Yersinia, 2 pathogens of concern in dairy products that knowledge and procedures will thus also be essential
are not detected with the coliform test (Hervert et al., for the dairy industry, particularly as requirements for
2016). Although coliform standards are still included in science-based food safety practices are becoming more
the PMO and hence coliform testing is still frequently stringent around the world. Specific challenges and op-
used in the US dairy industry as well as in some other portunities for different categories of dairy products are
countries (e.g., Japan), Enterobacteriaceae testing is briefly discussed below.
the microbial indicator test of choice for most dairy
products in many countries in the world, particularly Microbiological Challenges in Fluid Milk
in most of Europe. However, Enterobacteriaceae tests
do not detect Pseudomonas spp. As such, tests that Microbial food safety and quality issues will continue
provide for quantification of total gram-negatives are to evolve around (1) prevention of postpasteurization
increasingly recommended as an alternative hygiene contamination and (2) control and reduction of thermo-
indicator, particularly for dairy products in which tolerant and sporeforming organisms that can survive
postprocessing contamination with Pseudomonas is a pasteurization, particularly HTST pasteurization. The
concern (e.g., fluid milk, fresh cheeses; Van Tassell et specific challenges will depend on the type of pasteuri-
al., 2012; Hervert et al., 2016; Machado et al., 2017). zation (HTST vs. UHT) used for production of fluid
Although total bacterial counts can also be used as a milk. Although UHT typically refers to a process that
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017

includes aseptic packaging, microbiological challenges ence of antimicrobial resistance elements in general,
in this process still involve postpasteurization contami- may also emerge as a concern. With regard to spoilage
nation, although mainly in facilities that may not have organisms, control of a wide range of sporeformers, in-
sophisticated quality management systems. There also cluding thermophilic, mesophilic, and psychrotolerant
are sporeformers that survive UHT treatment—in par- sporeformers as well as Clostridium spp., will be of con-
ticular Bacillus sporothermodurans, which also has been tinued importance, particularly because dairy powders
identified in dairy farm environments (e.g., Scheldeman can be used as ingredients in a wide range of products,
et al., 2006)—even though UHT spoilage by sporeform- including reconstituted milk that then will be used to
ers occurs rarely. However, control of sporeformers that manufacture a range of dairy products (e.g., cheese,
survive UHT treatment may be of some importance. UHT milk). Hence, use of a systems approach to reduce
Bacterial spoilage and food safety issues represent a sporeformers will be of particular importance for dairy
much larger challenge for HTST milk. Postpasteuri- powders, particularly because there is convincing evi-
zation contamination with psychrotolerant spoilage dence that for some thermophilic sporeformers contam-
organisms (e.g., Pseudomonas) is not uncommon in ination sources typically are located in the processing
many facilities around the world, and the development equipment (i.e., at locations that feature high tempera-
and consistent implementation of improved strate- tures that facilitate the growth of these organisms, such
gies for controlling these microbes will be important as regeneration sections of HTST units). Development
for this industry. It is likely that improved tools for and implementation of improved source tracking tools
source tracking (including whole-genome sequencing and better understanding of the ecology and diversity
and metagenomics tools) will allow for an improved of powder-associated sporeformers will hence also be
understanding of contamination sources and hence will of particular importance for the control of sporeform-
facilitate improved control strategies for the prevention ers in the dairy powder production chain. Importantly,
of postpasteurization contamination, which will also although specifications for sporeformer levels play an
reduce the risk of pathogen introduction (in particular important role in dairy powders, methods for detection
L. monocytogenes). In HTST processing facilities that and enumeration of sporeformers in dairy powders show
effectively control postpasteurization contamination, limited standardization and often involve different heat
sporeforming pathogens—for example, B. cereus and inactivation time–temperature combinations and media
the cold-growing species B. wiedmannii (Miller et al., types. Standardization of spore detection methods for
2016)—and spoilage sporeformers that can grow at re- different sporeformer groups (e.g., thermophilic, meso-
frigeration temperatures (e.g., Paenibacillus spp.) will philic, and psychrotolerant sporeformers) thus will also
become major challenges for the industry. Control of be important.
sporeformers will require new systems approaches that
will need to include efforts to minimize introduction Microbiological Challenges in Cheese
of these organisms at the farm level as well as optimi-
zation and development of processing strategies that Cheeses represent a broad category, ranging from
allow for spore removal (e.g., microfiltration). fresh cheeses with near-neutral pH to cheeses with low
water activity and low pH that have been aged for 2 yr
Microbiological Challenges in Dairy Powders and beyond. Consequently, microbiological challenges
associated with cheeses are equally diverse. With re-
Dairy powders (e.g., whey powders, milk powders) gard to food safety, rational, science-based approaches
are becoming an increasingly important product for to ensuring the safety of raw milk cheeses, which are
many countries (e.g., New Zealand, United States) and culturally and economically important products in
dairy processors. Because milk powders are an impor- many parts of the world, remain a major challenge that
tant ingredient in infant formula, control of pathogens will need to be addressed. Improved control strategies
(including but not limited to sporeformers such as B. for L. monocytogenes in cheese also remain a major
cereus and C. perfringens) will be of particular impor- challenge, particularly with several human listeriosis
tance for this group. For dairy powders used to produce outbreaks associated with cheese worldwide linked to
foods for highly susceptible population subgroups, such this high-fatality pathogen. Finally, there is a need for
as infants, control of opportunistic pathogens (includ- science-based information and data that support how
ing but potentially not limited to Cronobacter spp.) sporeforming pathogens that can survive pasteuriza-
that may not be of concern in other products will also tion (e.g., B. cereus) are controlled in different cheese
become increasingly important. In these products, types. With regard to spoilage, in certain types of hard
nonpathogens that carry antimicrobial resistance genes cheeses, control of Clostridium tyrobutyricum is likely to
in transferrable genetic elements, as well as the pres- continue to be a concern, particularly because the trend
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017
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toward “clean” labels makes addition of compounds Trmčić (University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
that control growth of this organism less desirable. A BC, Canada), and Jeff Farber (University of Guelph,
systems approach that includes premium programs for Guelph, ON, Canada) for their helpful suggestions for
raw milk that shows low numbers of this sporeformer key events in dairy food safety and microbiology since
may become more common in different countries of 1917. We thank Nancy Carey (Cornell University) for
the world. Elimination and control of postpasteuriza- expert and dedicated support with manuscript prepara-
tion contamination with spoilage organisms will also tion and references. We also acknowledge the long-term
remain an important area in cheese. Although bacterial support of dairy research at Cornell from the New York
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detected by consumers (e.g., blue color formation by farmers and their unwavering dedication and com-
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Table A1. Major milestones in milk and dairy food safety

Date Milestone Reference

1924 The US Public Health Service releases the Standard Milk Ordinance (precursor Frank, 1924
to today’s Pasteurized Milk Ordinance), which defined pasteurization conditions
targeting destruction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

1947 Michigan becomes the first US state to require pasteurization of milk. Steele, 2000

1950 A 60-d holding period requirement for raw milk cheese is published in the United Boor, 2005

1957 Minimum pasteurization time and temperature conditions are increased to Enright et al., 1957
ensure the destruction of Coxiella burnetii.

1980–1982 A series of Salmonella Muenster outbreaks in Canada is linked to survival of Wood et al., 1984
Salmonella in raw milk Cheddar that had been aged for at least 125 d.

1985 Jalisco cheese Listeria monocytogenes outbreak occurs in California. Linnan et al., 1988


Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017

Table A1 (Continued). Major milestones in milk and dairy food safety

Date Milestone Reference

1986 Two cases of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infections are described in children who Martin et al., 1986
consumed raw milk on farms where E. coli O157:H7 was subsequently isolated
from fecal samples from dairy cows, suggesting raw milk as a potential vehicle for
human O157:H7 infections.

1986–1987 Three cases of neonatal infection caused by Enterobacter sakazakii (now named Biering et al., 1989
Cronobacter) are identified in a hospital in Reykjavík, Iceland; these appear to be
the first Cronobacter cases definitively linked to infant formula.

1987 The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) publishes a final regulation US Federal Registrar,
mandating the pasteurization of all milk and milk products in final package form 1987
for direct human consumption; this regulation banned the shipping of raw milk
in interstate commerce.

1990 After the invention of PCR in 1985, the first PCR assay for Listeria monocytogenes Border et al., 1990
is reported.

1996 PulseNet is launched by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Swaminathan et al.,

1998 Bacillus weihenstephanensis is described as a new psychrotolerant species of the Lechner et al., 1998
Bacillus cereus group, which is found in heat-treated milk.

2004 Psychrotolerant Paenibacillus is indicated as an important cause of HTST fluid- Fromm and Boor,
milk spoilage. 2004

2008 A large listeriosis outbreak with 38 human cases in Québec, Canada, is linked to Gaulin et al., 2012
pasteurized soft-textured cheese; cross-contamination of different cheeses in
retail establishments is identified as a contributing factor.

2013 The FDA and CDC start routine use of whole-genome sequencing to characterize Jackson et al., 2016
Listeria monocytogenes obtained from human cases and from foods.

2015 Whole-genome sequencing links listeriosis outbreak to ice cream in the United CDC, 2015

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 100 No. 12, 2017

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