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COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

FYP-I Project Proposal Report

Title Self-monitoring and management of skin disease
symptoms using mobile phone’s camera

Project Supervisor Ms. Tabassum Nawaz Bajwa

Group Name Reg. ID Email Address

Members Shoukat Ali SDP-FA16-BCE-003

Muhammad Ishaq SDP-FA16-BCE-009

Hateem Akhtar SDP-FA16-BCE-027
Fahad Azam SDP-FA16-BCE-115

Comments about the Group and the Project Scope:

First Person
(Member’s Signature)

Ms. Tabassum Nawaz Bajwa

Second Person (Checked and Signed by the Supervisor)
(Member’s Signature)

Third Person
(Member’s Signature)

Forth Person
(Member’s Signature)
Problem Statement:

Skin disease which might be of the bacterial, fungal, allergies, enzyme etc. are
destructive for the skin and can spread all through if not detected accurately as early as possible.
Therefore, we are going to build an application software for a low cost smart phone using
integrated camera. This technique will use digital image processing techniques to detect the
disease. The detected disease will further be medicated through a medicine prescribed by
doctor as if disease will minor.

Literature Review:

Skin is the covering organ of human body. All the organs inside the human body are
totally secured by skin. In this manner, it is imperative to give the attention towards the
complete care of skin. Since any change in its ordinary working can cause to influence other
parts of body. There are two major layers in human skin such as epidermis and dermis. The
external layer of the skin is called as epidermis comprise of three cells such as Basel cells,
Squamous cells and melanoma that give the skin its color and protected from harm. Inner layer
is the dermis contains nerves, veins and sweat organs. Any of an inappropriate working of these
cells can cause spot on the skin which is contaminated and called as lesion region, which is the
earlier notation of skin disease if not detected in beginning time can spread all through. Now
days, medical field depends more on computer based diagnosis system, early detection of skin
disease is more complex for dermatologist and if detected then it is very time consuming and
can be done through a painful procedure such as penetration in the body as a form of injection.
So, the simple way is to explore the digital images are by image processing method techniques
which are prevalent now days [1].
Research shows, the most preventable cancer is a skin cancer. So we need to keep our skin
disease free by checking it at once out of a month. For this reason, we need a versatile
application so that we can scan our skin and looking for any changing in our skin, on the other
side, without application we need to go hospital for medical tests and this will prompt a costly
procedure [2]. Application software will scan the image and match the attributes of disease
with attributes which already defined in database in server, if found disease then show that
disease on screen. Currently, an expert system detection accuracy rate is about 85% for
Eczema, for impetigo, the disease detection rate is 95% and 85% for Melanoma [3].

The standard goal of this project is to provide the realistic approach of check skin health.
A person may suffer into severe kind of skin disease if not detected at earlier stage.

To achieve the main goal, we have to follow these sub-objectives:

 To provide an android user friendly application to user to check his/her skin disease
by just taking an image of effected area.
 To capture the data without physical contact with human.
 To build a database of diseases according to their characteristics such as colors of
effected area, size of effected area and so on.

 To build a database of medication of relevant disease under the supervision of relevant
 Ask patient for his/her medical history such as, blood pressure issue, diabetes, and so
 To suggest medicine and abnegation which may helpful for treatment of detected
 To bypass the cost of skin tests.
 Apply different techniques such as contrast enhancement technique, segmentation,
feature extraction, classification and so on to detect disease.
 To use combination of ANN (artificial neural network) and DIP (digital image
 To learn relationship between database and android application, try to learn about data
searching during disease detection and medicine suggestion.
 To learn programmability and versatility.
 Compare the successive rate with previously achieved rate.

We will design our project through the below given procedure as:

 We will design an application which will easily available at google play store. Any
user may access it and use it.
 We will also design raspberry pi based system which is also capable to run our
android application. It will consist of camera which will take image and a screen
which will show the result.
 Our application will be an interface between user and a server. It captures an image
and send it to server for further processing.
 Then we have to design a database of diseases with specific symptoms acts as their
 During capturing the images will be disturbed by noise. The noise may be due to
illumination or shadows that make region of interest (ROI) appear as blurred image
region. During preprocess, image enhancement will be done as the contrast
enhancement technique is capable to improve the medical image quality.
 In this step, we will do color space representation, system will use the color spaces
such as RGB (red, green blue),Ycbcr(Green (Y), Blue (Cb), Red (Cr)) ,HSV(Hue,
Saturation, and Value) for representation of image.
 The system basically makes a segmentation; it uses the Adaptive k means clustering
technique. It will divide an image into regions to simplify. it will also change the
representation of an image into a simpler and more meaningful way, so that we can
analyze it in a better way.
 In fifth step, Feature extraction is used. For feature extraction color histogram
method is used. It is imperative to analyze and investigate the image appropriately,
so our system will use color histogram technology. This will be the main part of our
project where, we will detect the disease by image processing.
 Last step is about recognition of disease from database and this can be done by using
KNN (k-nearest neighbor network) and also can be done with artificial neural

network. We will try to do it with artificial neural network because it learns by its
own and much efficient than KNN.
 After this, the disease will appear on the screen with a reasonable therapeutic
treatment after asking patient history, if the disease is minor else show message to
check doctor for further evaluation.

Working Diagram(Expected):

Fig:1 working Diagram

Flow Chart:

Fig:2 Flowchart Diagram

This project has some limitations as:

 This application is implemented only for four skin diseases such as Latex allergy,
Eczema, Impetigo and Melanoma.
 This project may helpful only for initial stage disease which may detected and
diagnosed at earlier time.
 When capture the image for this application, it is necessary to capture it without any
light and filter effects.
 Pixels of image must be enough as image processing can be done on it.
 During image capturing, the distance between camera lens and influenced skin ought
to be 5 to 7cm.
 It only supports English language not for other ordinary languages such as Urdu,


Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June

Design a Database of
Design a database of
medicines with
respect of diseases
with the help of
Working on digital
image processing
and on deep learning
Initial testing such as
detecting disease
and suggestion of
Find out the errors
and try to fix these
Working on
Application Software

implementation of
Final testing of

Fig:3 timeline of final year project


[1] Megha D. Tijare, Dr. V. T. Gaikwad, “Detecting Skin Disease by Accurate Skin
Segmentation Using Various Color Spaces”, Megha D. Tijare Journal of Engineering Research
and Application Volume 8, pp 28-31, Dec 2018.

[2] Abderrahim Bourouisa, Ali Zerdazia, Mohammed Fehamb, Abdelhamid Bouchachia, “M-
Health: Skin Disease Analysis System using Smart Phone’s Camera”, The 8th International
Symposium on Intelligent Systems Techniques for Ad hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks
(IST-AWSN 2013).

[3] Nisha Yadav, Virender Kumar Narang, Utpal shrivastava, “Skin Diseases Detection Models
using Image Processing: A Survey”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 –
8887) Volume 137, March 2016.

[4] Fauziah Kasmin, Anton Satria Prabuwono, Azizi Abdullah, “Detection of Leukemia in
human blood sample based on microscopic images: a study”, Journal of Theoretical and
Applied Information Technology, Vol. 46 No.2, 31st December 2012.

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