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I. Introduction
a. History of Marijuana Use
b. Side Effects of Using Marijuana
c. Benefits of Using Marijuana
d. Countries that legalized Marijuana Use for Medicinal Purposes
e. Standing of House Bill 6517 (also known as the Philippine
Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act)

II. Statement
Medicinal Marijuana should be legalized in the Philippines
III. Question
Why should medicinal marijuana be legalized?
- The benefits of marijuana can be very helpful in reducing pain and
prolonging the lives of those that suffer certain diseases that it can
be beneficial with.
- The side effects of medicinal marijuana are not detrimental to
one’s health and could therefore be utilized to offset certain
aspects of particular ailments or illnesses.

IV. Thesis

Medicinal marijuana should be legalized in the Philippines because

positive results of using it are beneficial and widely recognized in

V. Claims
Counter arguments
- It can be a getaway drug.
- Pessimism on the legalization of marijuana use.

VI. Survey
VII. Testimonials of Persons who Used Marijuana (Medicinal or Recreational
Purposes)- Shall be kept in anonymity

VIII. Conclusion

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