Buy - Sell - Hol - 2010 08 09 - 11 02 05 000000

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Buy Bank of India – TP Rs.


Buy Bank of India – TP raised to Rs.480

 Reiterate buy call on Bank of India with an upgraded target price of Rs.480 over one year,
as against the earlier target of Rs.400. The stock is currently traded in the range of

 The bank has come out with better numbers for 1QFY11 and the performance is

 It seems that bank’s strong efforts to recover non performing loans are working well. The
bank could recover loans worth Rs.690 crore in quarter 1 and the trend would gain
momentum for the next two – three quarters.

 Provision for non performing loans (NPL) would come down to Rs. 1250 crore for FY11
as against the earlier estimate of Rs.2030 crore. This would help to improve profit at the
net level.

 Loan growth for FY11 is expected at 22% and this would be 23.5% for FY12.

 At the current price, the stock is traded at 1.36 times of its adjusted book value for FY12
and at 21.8% of RoE.

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August 09, 2010

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