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Optimal Capacitor Placement and Sizing on Radial

Distribution System by using Fuzzy Expert System
T. Ananthapadmanabha , K. Parthasarathy , K.Nagaraju , G.V. Venkatachalam

Abstract:--This paper presents a mathematical formulation for METHODOLOGY

placement of capacitor in a radial system by approximate
reasoning using fuzzy set theory. The objectives are to minimize The proposed methodology can be divided in to two sections.
the real power losses and to improve the voltage profile. Voltage In the first section, the location for placement of capacitor is
and power loss indices at each node of distribution system are
modeled by fuzzy membership functions. Then, suitable
determined by approximate reasoning by using fuzzy set
candidate node for capacitor placement is determined by using theory. For determining the location of capacitor the voltage
approximate reasoning. Further, the capacitor is sized for its and power loss at each node will be calculated and are
optimum capacity. Simulation results shows the advantages of represented in fuzzy membership function. The fuzzy expert
this system and are encouraging. system (FES) contains a set of rules which are developed
from qualitative descriptions. In a conventional ES system a
INTRODUCTION rule is either fired or not fired, where as in FES rules may be
fired with some degree using fuzzy inferencing. For the
Due to limited generation and Trans mission capacities for capacitor placement, rules are fired to determine the
accommodating growing loads, reactive power allocation has suitability of a node. Such rules are expressed in the
received an ever-increasing attention from the electric utility following form.
industry in recent years. Reactive currents will produce losses IF promise, THEN conclusion
and results in increased ratings for distribution system For determining the suitability of the node a set of
components. Shunt capacitors are largely used in primary fuzzy rules have been established. The inputs to the rules are
feeders to reduce energy losses and peak demand, which the voltage drop and power loss indices and the output
releases the KVA capacities of distribution apparatus and also consequent is the suitability of capacitor placement. The rules
to improve the system voltage profile. Thus the problem of are summerised in the fuzzy decision matrix in Table – 1.
optimal capacitor placement consist of determining the Fuzzy variables power loss, voltage drop and
location for placement and sizing of capacitor for its capacitor placement suitability are described by the fuzzy
maximum capacity so that by further increasing size terms high, high medium/normal, medium/normal, low
additional savings are not achieved, while operating medium/normal and low. The fuzzy variables described by
constraints at different loading levels are satisfied. linguistic terms are represented by membership functions.
The membership functions are as shown below.

Description of Low Low Medium Medium High Medium High

the variables
Power loss <0.25 0- 0.5 0.25-0.75 0.5-1.0 >0.75

Description of Low Low Normal Normal High Normal High

the variables
Voltage <0.2 0.175-0.375 0.3-0.7 0.675-0.825 > 0.8

Description of Low Low Medium Medium High Medium High

the variables
Capacitor < 0.25 0-0.5 0.25-0.75 0.5-1.0 > 0.75

Dr. T. Ananthapadmanabha *
Dr. K. Parthasarathy**
G.V. Venkatachalam ****
* The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore.
** Power Research and Development Consultants Private Limited, Bangalore.
***The Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology. Davangere.
**** Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited, Davanagere


AND Voltage Drop

High High Normal Normal Low Normal Low
Low Low Med. Low Med. Low Low Low
Low Med. Med. Low Med. Low Med. Low Low
Power Loss Med. High Med. Med. Low Med. Low Low
High Med. High Med. High Med. Med. Low Med. Low
High High High Med. Med. Low Med. Low Med.

The membership functions for the power and suitability The node with highest suitability value is the best node for
indices are created for ranking. Therefore portions of the capacitor installation.
membership function for the power and suitability indices are
equally spaced. The use of FES determines the nodes by In the Second Part optimum capacitor sizing is carried in the
finding a compromise between the possible loss reduction following steps
from capacitor installation and voltage levels. 1. After determining the suitable node for the capacitor
installation, a small capacitor unit (Commercially
The following example will demonstrate the available) is installed at that node.
max_prod inferencing membership of FES. Ex: A given node 2. The peak power loss voltage drops at each node are
has a power loss index 0.7 and voltage drop of 0.3 from the calculated by installing the capacitor.
FES inferencing it can be seen that, this node has a medium 3. The benefits due to reduction in the power demand (KP),
and high medium power loss index and low normal voltage. released in feeder capacity (KF), reduced annual energy
Following rules are fired from the decision matrix. losses (KE) and cost of installation of capacitor (KC) are
(1) If power loss index is Medium AND voltage is High 4. The nets savings due to installation of capacitor is given
Normal then suitability is medium. by NS=KP+KF+KE-KC
(2) If power loss index is High Medium AND voltage is 5. Another capacitor unit installed at the same location and
High Normal then suitability is net savings are calculated as described above.
High Medium. 6. This procedure is repeated for maximum net savings.
To aggregate the output of the two rules, the Mamadani Also voltage constraint is checked for each iteration
max_prod inferencing technique is applied so that the (During no load conduction). If the voltage exceeds the
resulting membership function is de fuzzyified and suitability prescribed level then the installation of that capacitor
value is 0.68. unit is rejected

The above procedure is applied to each node of the

distribution system and suitability of each node is calculated. The flow chart for maximum savings is as indicated in Fig.1

Solutions Algorithm
Mainly consist of two steps
Step1 Determine power loss and voltage drop at each node and to Determine the suitable node for
capacitor placement using fuzzy expert system
Step2 Size the capacitor for achieving maximum financial benefits

Step1 √3 x Er x D.F x P.F

Peak power loss at each node is calculated as below Where
PPL = 3 x I2 x r x l /1000 Kw KW = Node Active power
Where I= Segment current Er = Receiving end voltage of the segment
r= resistance of the line = 0.584 for rabbit conductor D.F = Diversity Factor.
l= Segment length in kms. P.F. Power factor of the segment.
Segment current can be calculated by adding the nodal The receiving end voltage of the each segment can
current from tail end. be calculated as below
The node current = KW
Er= Es + Es - _ (Segment KW x Segment KM )x (r Cos θ + X Sin θ)
2 2 D.F x 1000 x P.F
(For lagging P.F )
Where Es = Supply end voltage of the segment

X= Inductance of the circuit Qc then, new reactive power of the line up to the chosen node
Cos θ = P.F. of the segment is Q2. That is Q2 = Q-QC
The annual energy losses can be calculated as below The new P.F = P
Annual energy losses = PPL x LLR x 8760 units
Where P2 + Q22
P.P.L = Peak Power losses in KW
L.L.F = Loss load Factor = 0.2 (LF) x 0.8 (LF)2 Released KVA = ∆KF = S– P2 + Q22
Where L.F = Load Factor = Average load Where S = apartment power (original)
Peak load By knowing the releasing feeder capacity the benefits due
or released feeder capacity can be calculated. Improvement in
= Annual energy sent out P.F. results in improvement in voltage profile causing
peak load x 8760 reduction in current, which in turn reduces the peak power
Finally the voltage regulation of the feeder is given by loss, and reduction in annual energy losses. The savings of
% VR = ES –Er x 100 energy (units) due to additions of this capacitor can be
11 calculated by deducing the annual energy losses due to
Where installation of capacitor from the Annual energy losses of the
Es = Supply end voltage of the segment in KV. original system. Thus by knowing the savings of energy due
Er = Receiving end voltage of the segment in KV. to capacitor placement , benefits due to energy savings can be
After calculating the above, peak power loss and calculated.
voltage drop at each node are represented by fuzzy
membership function. The node at which max peak power Benefits due to Reduced demand
loss occurs will have the value 1 and the max voltage drop Benefits due to Reduced demand KP = ∆KP x CKP
node will have the value 1.The peak power losses and voltage x iKP
drop at each node were calculated and are linearly normalized Where
in to a [0,1] range . It is advisable to install the ∆KP = Reduced demand (KW)
capacitor at the node with high peak power loss [so as to CKP = Cost of generation / KW (Taken as
reduce max power loss] and the high voltage drop [so as to Rs 10,000/KW)
improve the voltage profile to the maximum extent]. The IKP = Annual rate for generation cost.
voltage drop and power loss indices are the inputs and the out (Taken as 0.2)
put consequent is the suitability capacitor placement by Benefits due to released feeder capacity
applying the rules as indicated in the table 1 .The consequent Benefits due to released feeder capacity KF = ∆KF x
obtained for each node is recorded and nodes are ranked CKF x iKF
according to the suitability value. The node having the high Where
suitable value will be best location for the capacitor ∆KF = released feeder capacity
installation. CKF = Cost of the feeder / KVA (Taken as
Rs 1,41,090/KM)
Step 2 IKF = Annual rate of cost of feeder (Taken
The best suitable node was determined in the as 0.2)
previous step. The optimal capacitor size to be placed at the
chosen node to be determined for most economic savings in Benefits due to savings in energy
this step. Benefits due to savings in energy KE = ∆KE x r
Where ∆ KE = savings in energy
In this step a 200KVAR capacitor unit (least rated
∆KE= (Annual energy losses before installing the
commercially available unit) is placed at the chosen node
capacitor) –
and varies parameters are calculated due to addition of the
(Annual energy losses after installing the
capacitor. The net savings function NS, maximized by this
capacitor sizing algorithm is given by
r = Rate of energy in Rs / Unit. (Taken as Rs 3/unit)
NS = KP + KF+ KE – KC
KP = Benefits due to released demand (KW)
KF = Benefits due to released feeder capacity
Cost of installation of capacitor
KC= ∆KC x ICKC x iKC
KE = Benefits due to saving in energy (KWH)
KC = Cost of installation of the capacitor.
∆KC = No. of 200 KVAR capacitor units
Commercially available 200KVAR capacitor unit is installed ICKC = Cost of each 200 KVAR capacitor (Taken
at the chosen node by adding this unit, reactive power of the as Rs 40,000/200kvar)
line will be altered. Let the system reactive power (up to the iKC = Annual rate of cost of capacitor (Taken as
chosen node from sending end) be Q, and capacitor added be 0.2)

Thus the net savings due to the addition of the Er= Es + Es + Qc x L
capacitor is calculated. 2 2 1000
Further another 200KVAR capacitor is installed at
the same node and net savings due to this is calculated. This Where
procedure is repeated up to the size that there is no additional QC= Installed capacitor in KVAR
net savings. L = Length of the line from sending end
Es = Supply end voltage in KV.
Checking the constraint for voltage Limit volition
The voltage of all sections shall be below the This constraint is checked before proceeding to the
statutory upper limit at light load condition. The voltage at next steps. If the % VR is > 6% then the installation of the
the section of installation of capacitor may go beyond the capacitor is rejected.
prescribed limit at light loads. This constraint has to be
checked before proceeding to the installation of capacitor System Studied
unit. The described method is applied to 11 KV, 21 bus
The approximate voltage due to installation of the radial distribution system as shown below.
capacitor at no load is given by

MUSS 11KV Gopanahally Feeder

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

The input data of the existing system is as below

From node To Node Node KVA Node KW Segment Conductor Resistance
At 0.8 pf Length Type In ohms
1 2 251 200.08 0.39 Rabbit 0.584
2 3 63 50.40 0.42 Rabbit 0.584
3 4 100 80.00 0.12 Rabbit 0.584
4 5 63 50.40 0.3 Rabbit 0.584
5 6 151 120.80 0.36 Rabbit 0.584
6 7 263 210.40 0.48 Rabbit 0.584
7 8 163 130.40 0.48 Rabbit 0.584
8 9 263 210.40 0.78 Rabbit 0.584
9 10 325 260.00 0.40 Rabbit 0.584
10 11 263 210.40 0.78 Rabbit 0.584
11 12 163 130.40 0.18 Rabbit 0.584
12 13 188 150.40 0.24 Rabbit 0.584
13 14 263 210.40 0.24 Rabbit 0.584
14 15 163 130.40 0.3 Rabbit 0.584
15 16 263 210.40 0.48 Rabbit 0.584
16 17 188 150.40 0.24 Rabbit 0.584
17 18 126 100.80 0.72 Rabbit 0.584
18 19 163 130.40 0.3 Rabbit 0.584
19 20 125 100 0.48 Rabbit 0.584
20 21 163 130.40 0.54 Rabbit 0.584

After calculation of the node voltage and power loss indices, the FES determines that node 11 has a high power loss and
normal voltage level. The defuzzifide suitability index indicated at node 11 is the most suitability location for capacitor
installation. The optimum size of capacitor is found to be 1200 KVAR. The comparison of savings and voltage due to various
size of capacitor are as followings.

Abstract of Results by placing different sizes of capacitors at node 11

Particulars With With With With With With 1200 With1400

R Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor
Power Factor 0.8504 0.8989 0.9420 0.9756 0.9956 0.09993 0.9861
(leading) (leading)
Released Demand 5.3 9.60 12.92 15.22 16.49 26.43 25.94
(∆KP) in KW
KP in Rs. 10,606 19,205 25,831 30.438 32,979 52,855 51,889
Released KVA 113 209 287 343 374 380 360
KF in Rs. 3,876 7,169 9,845 11,766 12,829 13,035 12,349

Energy Saved in 12,876 23,317 31,362 36,955 40,041 64,173 63,000

units / annum

KE in Rs. 38,62 69,951 94,086 1,10,865 1,20,123 1,92,519 1,89,000

Cost of capacitor 8,000 16,000 24,000 32,000 40,000 48,000 56,000
installation (KC)
Net savings 45,110 80,325 1,05,761 1,21,068 1,25,931 2,10,409 1,97,238
(NS) in Rs.
V.R. at Tail End 5.95 5.44 5.05 4.78 4.63 -2.15 -2.24
No load voltage at 11.0814 11.1616 11.2407 11.3188 11.3958 11.4718 11.5468
capacitor bank


The proposed technique presents a mathematical

formulation for capacitor placement in a radial system by REFERENCE:
approximate reasoning using fuzzy expert system it offers
following advantages. (1) MMA Salama, AY Chikhani, R. Hakman “Control of reactive power in
distribution system with an end load and fixed load condition” IEEE
Transactions on PAS-104, No. 10, October 1985.
(1) Simple mathematical formulas are used for the (2) MMA Salama and AY Chikhani “An expert system for reactive power
calculation and power loss, voltage at each node instead control of distribution system” IEEE transactions on power deliver,
of load flow. Vol. 7, No. 2, 1992
(3) MMA Salama and AY Chikhani “A simplified network approved to the
(2) In many analytical approaches, the locations and sizes of VAR control problem for radial distribution system” Part I & II IEEE
capacitors calculated will not match the physical Transactions on power delivery vol.8, No. 3, 1993. IEEE transaction on
locations of nodes and the discrete sizes of availability power Vol. 10, No. 3, August 1995.
capacitors. There solution will need to the rounded up or (4) MMA Salama and AY Chikhani “Capacitor Allocation by approximate
reasoning fuzzy capacitor placement”. IEEE transactions on power
down to the nearest node position and capacitor size. delivery Vol. 115, No.1, January 2000.
This method finds most suitable placement for capacitor
installations, which are actual physical node locations in
the system and desecrate sizes and capacitors are also
(3) In this method the loss reductions and the voltage profile
are considered simultaneously when deciding the node
for capacitor placement. Hence a good compromise of
loss reduction and voltage profile improvement is
(4) This method does not require training of data and will
never have convergence problems.
(5) Most simple and flexible. This can be easily be adapted
for expansion and operation plans of distribution system.

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