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10 Tips on How

to Nurture
Lead Cookie Leads
Clients who follow these tips see 2x-3x more results from their
LinkedIn outreach campaigns!
So you are getting leads
on LinkedIn… now what?

The following pages give you some pointers

on how to handle leads and what to say to someone
who engages with you.
1 Start Conversations
Don’t try to close the deal on LinkedIn. Your goal is to pique their interest and move the conversation to a phone call or

Once you have a phone call or meeting, that is where you close the deal.

Example of a conversation based email thread:
2 Research them before you respond
Research their profile before you respond. Take 2 minutes to click through to their profile and look at their profile and the
website of their company. Use that information to custom tailor your response.

If possible, compliment them on something you see on their profile or website (this lets them know you are actually taking
the time to research them).
Watch 2 minute video on how to quickly research and qualify a prospect on Linkedin

Example of a personal response based off of researching

their profile.
3 Qualify leads quickly so you don’t
waste time
Not every lead and response that comes through is going to be a good fit. You want to qualify or disqualify leads as quickly
as possible so you don’t waste your time on anyone who is not a good fit.

To qualify a lead:

1. Research them as explained above to see if you can qualify them by looking at their Linkedin profile or company
2. If you are still unsure ask them questions to try and qualify them.

The key is to probe with a question that isn’t too salesy, but does tie into the service you deliver.

See below for more examples (Note that questions can vary greatly based on your business and what qualifies a client)

• How do you get most of your clients? • It looks like you have a solid team, do they do most of
• What is your biggest challenge right now? the project delivery or are you still involved day to day?
• What is your superpower? • Do you outsource your design work or handle it in
• What is holding you back from growing your business?
• It looks like you have several people on your marketing
team. Are they handling design for you in house?
4 When someone asks for your pitch
Sometimes you get the straight forward “What can you do for me?” or “Can you tell me more about what you do?” response.

These can be intimidating but great leads.

Keep your pitch it short. 2-3 sentences max and then ask them a question.

Don’t just give a long sales pitch.

Example of responding to when someone

asks for a pitch:
5 When someone starts a non-
business conversation

Answer their question, and ask them one in return that relates to your business value proposition?

The key here is to brainstorm questions that will slyly help you qualify or disqualify the lead without being
too forward or aggressive.
6 Follow ups
Not everyone checks linkedin as often as email

Sometimes you will get an initial conversation started and it will go dead. Be sure to check back in on your leads weekly to
see anyone who may have gone unresponsive.

A simple nudge of:

Hey ____, I never heard back from you on this. Let me know if you are interested in talking more.”

Can go a long way to convert more leads.

Example of responding to when someone

asks for a pitch:
7 What to do with unqualified leads
You will have leads who you start engaging with only to realize they are far unqualified to work with you

Or sometimes you get someone who decides to try to pitch you on their services instead

Don’t waste your time here and just ignore their responses. Mark them as “Unqualified” in your Airtable CRM.

Watch this video on how to move leads to Unqualified in Airtable

8 Use a calendar booking widget

Since you don’t have this prospects email, you can’t send them a calendar invite.

The easiest way to book a time is through using a calendar widget like Calendly or ScheduleOnce.
9 Outbound is different than
If you have never done any form of outbound sales before, then you should be aware that the leads you receive will be very
different from an inbound lead.

With an inbound lead, someone is being referred or coming to you because they have a problem right now.

With an outbound lead, you have no idea where that person is in their buying cycle.

Sometimes you may get lucky and that outbound lead converts right away. Other times, that lead may need 3-9 months
before they are at the right time to purchase.

It all depends on your service and the clients buying cycle.

Just be aware that if someone doesn’t buy right away, that is ok. Add them to your CRM and stay in touch with them
monthly until the timing is right.
10 Still unsure of what to do?

The safe fallback is to compliment them on something personal and then ask a question that will give you more insight into
if they are a good fit.

Always remember, your goal is to first start a conversation.

And then convert that conversation to a phone call, and from a phone call into a closed deal.
Have questions on a unique

Email your account leader and we will provide feedback

on how to handle the situation.

Our goal is to see you become insanely successful and

convert these leads into paying customers!

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