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Lesson Plan:22


Level: First Year (scientific streams) Kassar Abd allah Secondary School-el ksour -

Theme: Intercultural Exchanges

Sequence Three: Developing Skills

Lesson : PPU Lesson Based Framework

Lesson Focus : Formal & informal messages, Teacher: Mr. Abdelkader kouam

Course book: At the Crossroads

Communicative learning objective: By the end of this lesson my SWBATo:

- Write a formal & inforrmal letter of invitation/ Acceptance, refusal.

Target competencies: interacting – interpreting-producing

Cross-curricular Competencies:
Domains: Oral -written
1. Intellectual competencies :
*interpreting written messages
Materials: Coursebook, marker, whiteboard....
2. Methodological competencies :
*Matching texts with their corresponding messages
3. Personal and social competencies:
*sharing ideas

time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives Materials VAKT competencie

SWAT /Aids M.I s
5 min Warm-up TT. Interacts with his pupils to elicit information related to the previous session. L/L To motivate *Interacting
TT asks his pps some questions: pps and *Interpreting
 Do you have access to internet? involve them (orally)
What do you use it for? in the topic
PP. responds orally to T’s questions.

15 min T/C Courseboo *Visual *Interacting

TT asks his pps to read texts 1,2,3, and 4 then match them with their corresponding To k *Interpreting
messages ( A- G) . understand (orally
PPs respond to T’s questions orally the topic
T asks pps to match as many words a- j with the parts of the computer(1-11).
PPs respond in writing trying to match the messages.

Key:1» C formal invitation 2» A an informal invitation 3» B a formal acceptance of

invitation 4»D an informal refusal of invitation
PPs correct and copy down.
T asks pps to read text n=2 again and answer some questions.
Presentati 1) Who is writing the letter and who will receive it?
on 2) Why did Sam write it? To train the
T/C learners to
3) When will they celebrate Anne’s success? And at What time?
speak from
4) Did he ask him to come politely or impolitely? Why?
notes or
Pps read again and try to answer them .
memory with
15 min Key: reference to Interacting
1) Sam wrote the letter and Peter will receive it. Audito
the function Interpreting
2) To invite his friend ry
of instructing *audio (written)
Pps correct and copy down. and related
T asks pps to read texts 5, 6 and 7 and match them with their corresponding messages. language
Pps respond orally. forms.
Key: 5»F a formal note to ask for leave of absence. ……
T asks them some questions:

1) Who is the addresser & addressee?

2) WHY is s/he writing the letter? WHAT DID S/HE say?
Practice Ppls respond orally. to listen for
Key: specific
details of
1) Tom Jackson / Lynn Roberts/ Jenny is writing the letter.
coming in a
2) ….
Pps correct & copy down
involving an
Pps reinvest what they got from previous tasks to write their messages interview

Use T Now, take turns to write similar invitations. pairw

Pps respond in writing ork
T asks pps to exchange their drafts with their partners for error correction

Pps read their messages to the class.

Pps copy down
Key: Some suggested letters.

To use
20 min
As an assignment, Imagine you’ve made a mistake to the principal . Write a T/C in the table
produce of task 3 to
produce a Producing
about their
with regard

and ordinary
with a
which they
have already

The teacher’s comments:

What worked What hindered Action Points
* * *
* * *
* * *

*VAKT: Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic, Tactile. **M.I: Multiple Intelligences

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