8th Grade Linkers Contrast Snapshot

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Teacher: Ioana-Alexandra Nicoară

School: Şcoala cu clasele I-VIII “Dora Dalles”, Bucşani
Class: VIII B
Level: Starter
Number of Students: 26
Date: 07.12.2010
Time: 12:00-12:50
Textbook: Snapshot Intermediate, Longman
Unit: Edinburgh
Lesson: Clauses and Linkers of Contrast: although, however, in spite of/despite+gerund
Type: grammar
Aims: - introduce new grammar: the use and meaning of linkers although, however, in
spite of/despite
Objectives: at the end of the class, students will be able to:
01 – identify the use and meaning of the linkers of contrast
02 – use correctly the clauses and linkers of contrast
03 – use the newly acquired structures in sentences of their own
Aids: - notebooks
- textbooks
- blackboard
Techniques: -FW
Interactions: T-S, S-S
Class Development
1. Warm-up: The teacher checks the presence and the homework.
Interaction: T-S
Technique: FW
Materials: blackboard, notebooks
Time: 2’

2. Lead-in: The teacher writes two contrasting sentences on the blackboard, taken from
the text discussed the previous class. She makes sure the students understand the
sentences. The teacher then connects the sentences using the linker although, and then
writes other sentences using the remaining contrasting linkers.
Interaction: T-S
Technique: FW
Materials: blackboard
Time: 5’

3. Elicitation: The teacher elicits from the students the contrasting nature of the initial
two sentences and the meaning of the following sentences. The students then identify the
main and the contrasting clauses in the sentences and how the latter are introduced.
Interaction: T-S
Technique: FW
Materials: blackboard
Time: 6’
4. Explanation: The teacher then explains how each of the linker are used in the
sentences and the changes in the said sentences.
Interaction: T-S
Technique: FW
Materials: blackboard, notebooks
Time: 5’
5. Accurate reproduction: The teacher writes similar erroneous sentences on the
blackboard and the students are prompted to sport the mistake
Interaction: T-S
Technique: FW
Materials: blackboard, notebooks
Time: 5’
6. Immediate creativity: The students make up similar sentences using cues provided by
the teacher.
Interaction: T-S
Technique: FW
Materials: blackboard, notebooks
Time: 10’
7. Follow-up activity 1: The students solve the exercise 4a/p38 in pairs (rephrasing
Interaction: S-S
Technique: PW
Materials: blackboard, textbooks, notebooks
Time: 10’
8. Follow-up activity 2: The students solve 4b/p38 (fill-in exercise).
Interaction: T-S
Technique: FW
Materials: blackboard, notebooks
Time: 5’
9. Feedback and class evaluation: The teacher goes through the usage and meaning of the
linkers and clauses of contrast one more time eliciting it from the students. The teacher
gives an evaluative feedback to the class, marking the students who participated the most
and those who have given good answers.
Interaction: T-S
Technique: FW
Materials: blackboard, notebooks
Time: 2’

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