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Kimberly L.

Pila ED197 PRE

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 6

At the end of the lesson, the grade six pupils will be able to:
1. give the steps in solving multiplication in decimals;
2. solve multiplication in decimals; and
3. appreciate the process in multiplying decimals


A. References
Grade 6 Math book pages 38-43
B. Materials
Picture of a cyclist, cartolina
C. Skills
Reading, writing, listening and speaking

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Everybody, please stand for our prayer.
Kindly lead the prayer, Vivi Ann. Vivi Ann: Lord, thank you so much for another
day you have given unto us. Bless us this day
Lord, Amen.

Good morning, class! Good morning, teacher!

2. Checking of Attendance
Who is absent today? Nobody is absent today, teacher.
Very good!

3. Checking of Assignment
Class, did you answer your assignment Yes, teacher.
last night?
Very good! Let us check your
Exchange papers with your seatmates.

Who will answer number 1? Lovely: I will, teacher!

Okay Lovely. Please write the problem first Lovely: 0.316 + 0.268
then solve. 0.316
+ 0.268
Correct! Thank Lovely. Please, take your seat.
Who wants to answer number 2? Sonny: I, teacher!

Okay, Sonny. Please come to the board. Sonny: 2.96 + 0.83

+ 0.83
Very good, Sonny.
Now, count the numbers of correct and then
pass the papers in front.

4. Review of the Past Lesson

Let’s have a short recap about what we
discussed yesterday.
Jamal, what was our lesson yesterday? Jamal: Our lesson yesterday was about
adding and subtracting decimals.
That’s right! Adding and subtracting
Now, who can tell the class the first rule
in adding and subtracting decimals? Aragon? Aragon: To add and subtract decimals, write
the decimal numbers vertically and align the
decimal points.
Very good, Aragon!
And what about the last rule? Najmah, please Najmah: Align the decimal point in the answer
stand. with the decimal points of the terms of the
addition or subtraction.
Correct! Please, take your sit Najmah.

Class, that is what exactly you need to

remember when adding and subtracting

I have here 2 examples for you to

answer. You can come to the board and solve
the problem.
Aragon for problem number 1. Vivi Ann for
number 2.

1. Add 14.23 and 8.1946

2. Subtract 8.36 from 19.12

Very good! All of you got the correct answer.

This means that you really understood our
lesson yesterday.

B. Motivation

Before we proceed to our proper lesson today,

I will teach you a new dance steps.
Do you like dancing? Yes, teacher.
Okay, everybody stand and we will do the
Mathematics Dance Challenge. Students stand up.
(Dance Challenge End)
You may now take your seats.
How are you feeling now?
Alright! Now, we move on to our lesson today. Thank you, teacher.
We feel so energize now, teacher.

C. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation
Our lesson today is Multiplying decimals.
Everybody, please read the first rule. Multiply decimals in the same way whole
numbers are multiplied.
1. 1.2 x 3. 6

2. 1.42 x 1.16

Take note class, that the process in multiplying

decimals is the same with multiplying whole
numbers. The only difference is the presence
of decimal points.
Always remember that the number of decimal
places in the product is equal to the total
number of decimal places in the factors.

Now, I want you to read the problem on the

board. A cyclist can travel at a speed of about 4.25
kilometres per hour. At that rate, how far can
he travel in 3.75 hours a day, five times a
Okay. To find how far a cyclist can travel in
3.75 hours a day, five times a week, we use
multiplication of decimals in the expression:
4.25 x 3.75 x 5.

x 3.75
x 5

Do you understand how to multiply decimals Yes, teacher!

Very good!

There is a shorter way of multiplying decimals
with zeros in the factors, class.

1. 3.47 x 0.02

To solve this in a short and simple way, just

multiply the factors as whole numbers.

1. 347
x 2
694 (Append zero to the left of 6 to have 4
decimal places.
The final answer is 0.0694

Keep in mind that when the number of decimal

places in the product is less than the number
of decimal places in the factors, append zeros
to the left of the number to fill up the missing

Did you understand, class? Yes, teacher.

Very good!

D. Generalization
Okay, class what did you learn today? Today, we learn how to multiply decimals.

E. Application
Direction: Find the product.

Group 1
1. 1.3 x 0.16
2. 0.901 x 13.82
3. 4.325 x 4.9

Group 2
1. 2.11 x 1.6
2. 10.517 x 12.6
3. 9.7213 x 2.21


Direction: Find the product. Write your answer

in ½ crosswise.

1. 2.06 x 0.004

2. 5.95 x 6.00

3. 0.25 x 34.1

Direction: Solve the given problem. Write your

answer in your Math notebook.

1. 4.026
x 0.03

2. 0.8
x 11.76

3. 9.3605
x 5.61

4. 289.351
x 21.1345

5. 382.051
x 0.18

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