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Lateral Transfers

Safe System of Work

 As with any manoeuvre the service user should be encouraged to carry it out independently.
In the case of lateral transfers with the care home setting it is likely that the service user will
not have the cognitive and or physical capability to carry it out. This may especially be the
case as the service user is likely to be suffering from an acute illness or recovering from one
if they are being transferred to or from an ambulance trolley.
 Equipment required:
o Transfer board, often called a “Pat Slide”, after the commonly used brand. (other
equipment is used in some settings and for specific uses, such as rollerboards,
hovermats etc)
o Slide sheet(s)
o Electric Profiling Bed
o Trolley
 Requires at least FOUR people to carry out. Possibly more
 As with all team handling, a leader who will coordinate the manoeuvre is vital.
 Adjust the bed and the trolley to a safe effective for all participants. If possible the empty
surface can be slightly lower than the surface where the person is moving from.
 Lower the headrest
 Consider if the staff present are the right people for the job.
 Insert the transfer board under the service user (including the pillow if in place)before
bringing the two surfaces together. This prevents overextending across the trolley or bed.
 Use a Rule of Thirds – A third of the transfer board should be under the service user, a third
bridging the gap, and a third on the other surface.
 Use a slide sheet between the service user and the transfer board. Use a second slide sheet
as necessary to ensure that all points of contact are friction-free.
 All participants should adopt a stable Walking Stance.
 The team leader uses “Ready, steady, slide”
 The transfer begins with a press from the surface that the service user in on. The staff
members start with their weight on their rear legs and transfer it to their front legs as they
gently press (pelvis and shoulder) the service over. They must take care not to overextend as
they press.
 The receiving staff members begin with their weight on their front legs and transfer it to
their rear legs as they grip the top sheet of the slide sheet.
 The receiving staff members must ensure that they do not overreach or kneel over the
empty surface to grip the slide sheet.
 The transfer should be smooth and gentle. It can be carried out in stages as necessary.
 The receiving members can support the service users while the other move the other
 Remove the slide sheet and transfer board by rolling as outlined previously and ensure that
the service user is safe and comfortable.
 Store equipment appropriately, ensuring is it cleaned as necessary

Arjo (2019) Maxi Transfer Sheet [online]
[accessed 14 Sept 2019]
Smith J (ed) (2011) The Handling of People: A Systems Approach (6th Ed) Backcare Middlesex

Speahead (2019) Catalogue: Slide Sheets [online] Available:
[accessed 14 Sept 2019]

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