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ar Unitt 1
1 Write
W affirma
ative and negative sente
ences. Add 3 Read the information in the table
e about a ho
he correct fo
orm of the verb
v be. Write affirmative and negative se
a / I / studeent () swimming (11) (2)
( (3)
I am a stud dent. pooll restauurants balcony beach
1 very / toda ay / I / happy ()    
________ __________ ___________
__ (4) (55) (6)
( (7)
2 beautiful / my / sister ()
( lift garaages shops garrden
________ __________ ___________
__    
3 Logan’s / p parents / docctors ()
________ __________ ___________
__ s a swimmingg pool.
4 very / friennds / we / goood () 1 ____________________________
________ __________ ___________
__ 2 ____________________________
5 mother / E Emma’s / nice e () 3 ____________________________
________ __________ ___________
__ 4 ____________________________
6 from / theyy / Argentina () 5 ____________________________
________ __________ ___________
__ 6 ____________________________
7 book / fanttastic / this () 7 ____________________________
________ __________ ___________
8 cousin / you / my () 4 Write quesstions and sshort answe
ers about the
________ __________ ___________
__ hotel in ex
xercise 3.
Is there
e a swimmingg pool?
2 Write
W questio
ons and sho ort answers.. Use the Yes, theere is.
orrect form of the verb be. 1 ____________________________
You / at ho
ome? () ____________________________
Are you att home? 2 ____________________________
Yes, I am. ____________________________
1 your paren e? ()
nts / at home 3 ____________________________
________ __________ ___________
__ ____________________________
________ __________ ___________
__ 4 ____________________________
2 Amber / yo )
our friend? ( 5 ____________________________
__________________ ___________
__ ____________________________
__________________ ___________
__ 6 ____________________________
Argentina? ()
3 he / from A 7 ____________________________
________ __________ ___________
__ ____________________________
________ __________ ___________
5 Complete the email w with the corrrect form of the
ay? ()
4 it / hot toda verb be.
________ __________
__ Dear Aman nda,
________ __________
__ I (1) _____
_ here in Carrtagena, Colo ombia. My faamily
and I (2) __
____ on holidday. It (3) __
____ very hoot, but
we (4) ______ happy. WWe love hot weather!
5 Paul and S
Sara / on the
e bus? ()
The hotel (5)
( _____ terrrible! We (6)) _____ happ py
__________________ ______________________
with our rooms – the beeds (7) ____ __ small and
__________________ ______________________
uncomforta able. There ((8) _____ a horrible
h view
w. I
can see a wall!
w But Collombia (9) ______ beautiful.
6 your schoo ay? ()
ol / open toda The forestss and mountatains (10) ___ ___ fantasticc and
__________________ ___________
__ the sea here (11) ______ really blue e.
__________________ ___________
See you so
Clara x

1 1
ocabulary Unit 1
1 Look at the fa
amily tree. Write
W senten
nces about 2 Write senttences with a verb and a place in th
he relationships betwee en the people. home. Theere are threee places you
u do not neeed.
cook eat park the caar sleep wa
ash watch TV

bathroom bedroom garage garrden kitchen

living room stairss patio din
ning room

You coo
ok in the kitcchen.
1 You _____________ ___________
2 You _____________ ___________
3 You _____________ ___________
4 You _____________ ___________
5 You _____________ ___________

3 Match adje
ectives 1–5 to A–E.
1 different ___ A not ug
2 new ___ B unusuual
3 beautifu
ul ___ C not the
e same
4 amazing ___ D not old
5 strangee ___ E fantas

4 Complete the text wit h the words

d fish ppet reptiles snakes

Kate / Ben
Kate is Be
en’s sister.
1 Jack / Alfie
________ __________
2 Nick / Katee
My sister works
w in a (1)) _________
___ shop. He
________ __________
favourite animals are (22) ________
____ – she lo
3 Oliver / Been
________ __________
__ crocodiles!! She also likkes (3) _____
_______. I don’t
4 Amy / Alfiee like unusua
al animals. I prefer (4) __
________ __________
__ They’re good friends. (55) ________
____ are veryy
5 Kate / Olivver
easy – they
y swim all daay!
________ __________
6 Jack / Jane
________ __________
__ 5 Read the answers
a theen complete
e the questio
7 Sue / Ben 1 What’s __________ ___________
___ ?
________ __________
__ Alfredo.
8 Jane / Olivver 2 What’s __________ ___________
___ ?
________ __________
__ Pellegrin.
9 Luke / Amyy 3 How __ ___________
___ ?
________ __________
__ P-E-L-L L-E-G-R-I-N.
10 Kate / Jackk 4 What’s __________ ___________
___ ?
________ __________
__ th
15 March, 2002.
5 What’s __________ ___________
___ ?
6 What’s __________ ___________
___ ?

1 2

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