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Communication: Pairwork Unit 5

Student A
1 You are the school secretary at Eastgate Music Academy. Katie Peters is a student at the school. Student B
is Katie’s mum and calls the school. Have a conversation. Use the prompts to help you.

Secretary Say hello and the name of the school.

Mum …
Secretary Tell her Katie is in singing class. Ask who is calling.
Mum …
Secretary Ask if the caller wants to leave a message.
Mum …
Secretary Respond politely.
Mum …
Secretary End the phone call.

2 Now change roles and have another phone conversation using the information below. You are Jamie Kerr’s
dad. Student B is the school secretary.

Your son, Jamie, hasn’t got his sports bag this morning – it’s at home. You are bringing it. He’s got PE

Call the school and leave a message.

Student B
1 Katie Peters is a student at Eastgate Music Academy. You are Katie’s mum and you need to call the school.
Student A is the school secretary. Have a conversation. Use the prompts to help you.

Secretary …
Mum Ask to speak to Katie.
Secretary …
Mum Give your name.
Secretary …
Mum Say you want to leave a message:
Her homework book is at home. You are bringing it
to school.
Secretary …
Mum Say thank you and end the phone call.
Secretary …

2 Now change roles and have another phone conversation using the information below. You are the school
secretary. Student A is Jamie Kerr’s dad.

Jamie Kerr is a student at the school. Jamie’s dad calls the school. Jamie is in guitar class.

He has got PE today, but he hasn’t got his sports bag this morning – it’s at home.

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