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A Supervised Approach to Extractive Summarisation of Scientific Papers

Ed Collins and Isabelle Augenstein and Sebastian Riedel

Department of Computer Science,
University College London (UCL), UK

Abstract Here, we are concerned with summarising sci-

entific publications. Since scientific publications
Automatic summarisation is a popular ap- are a technical domain with fairly regular and ex-
proach to reduce a document to its main plicit language, we opt for the task of extractive
arguments. Recent research in the area has summarisation. Although there has been work
focused on neural approaches to summari- on summarisation of scientific publications before,
sation, which can be very data-hungry. existing datasets are very small, consisting of tens
However, few large datasets exist and none of documents (Kupiec et al., 1995; Visser and
for the traditionally popular domain of sci- Wieling, 2009). Such small datasets are not suf-
entific publications, which opens up chal- ficient to learn supervised summarisation models
lenging research avenues centered on en- relying on neural methods for sentence and docu-
coding large, complex documents. In this ment encoding, usually trained on many thousands
paper, we introduce a new dataset for of documents (Rush et al., 2015; Cheng and Lap-
summarisation of computer science pub- ata, 2016; Chopra et al., 2016; See et al., 2017).
lications by exploiting a large resource In this paper, we introduce a dataset for auto-
of author provided summaries and show matic summarisation of computer science publi-
straightforward ways of extending it fur- cations which can be used for both abstractive and
ther. We develop models on the dataset extractive summarisation. It consists of more than
making use of both neural sentence en- 10k documents and can easily be extended auto-
coding and traditionally used summarisa- matically to an additional 26 domains. The dataset
tion features and show that models which is created by exploiting an existing resource, Sci-
encode sentences as well as their lo- enceDirect,1 where many journals require authors
cal and global context perform best, sig- to submit highlight statements along with their
nificantly outperforming well-established manuscripts. Using such highlight statements as
baseline methods. gold statements has been proven a good gold stan-
dard for news documents (Nallapati et al., 2016a).
1 Introduction
This new dataset offers many exciting research
Automatic summarisation is the task of reducing challenges, such how best to encode very large
a document to its main points. There are two technical documents, which are largely ignored by
streams of summarisation approaches: extractive current research.
summarisation, which copies parts of a document In more detail, our contributions are as follows:
(often whole sentences) to form a summary, and
• We introduce a new dataset for summarisa-
abstractive summarisation, which reads a docu-
tion of scientific publications consisting of
ment and then generates a summary from it, which
over 10k documents
can contain phrases not appearing in the docu-
• Following the approach of (Hermann et al.,
ment. Abstractive summarisation is the more dif-
2015) in the news domain, we introduce
ficult task, but useful for domains where sentences
a method, HighlightROUGE, which can be
taken out of context are not a good basis for form-
used to automatically extend this dataset and
ing a grammatical and coherent summary, like
novels. 1

Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2017), pages 195–205,
Vancouver, Canada, August 3 - August 4, 2017. 2017 Association for Computational Linguistics
Paper Title Statistical estimation of the names of HTTPS servers #documents #instances
with domain name graphs
Highlights we present the domain name graph (DNG), which is a CSPubSum Train 10148 85490
formal expression that can keep track of cname chains and char- CSPubSumExt Train 10148 263440
acterize the dynamic and diverse nature of DNS mechanisms and
deployments. We develop a framework called service-flow map CSPubSum Test 150 N/A
(sfmap) that works on top of the DNG.sfmap estimates the host- CSPubSumExt Test 10148 131720
name of an HTTPS server when given a pair of client and server IP
addresses. It can statistically estimate the hostname even when as-
sociating DNS queries are unobserved due to caching mechanisms,
etc through extensive analysis using real packet traces, we demon- Table 2: The CSPubSum and CSPubSumExt
strate that the sfmap framework establishes good estimation accu-
racies and can outperform the state-of-the art technique called dn- datasets as described in Section 2.2. Instances are
hunter. We also identify the optimized setting of the sfmap frame- items of training data.
work. The experiment results suggest that the success of the sfmap
lies in the fact that it can complement incomplete DNS information
by leveraging the graph structure. To cope with large-scale mea-
surement data, we introduce techniques to make the sfmap frame-
work scalable. We validate the effectiveness of the approach using task by a considerable margin
large-scale traffic data collected at a gateway point of internet ac- • We analyse to what degree different sections
cess links .
Summary Statements Highlighted in Context from Section of
in scientific papers contribute to a summary
Main Text Contributions: in this work, we present a novel method-
ology that aims to infer the hostnames of HTTPS flows, given the
three research challenges shown above. The key contributions of We expect the research documented in this paper
this work are summarized as follows. We present the domain name to be relevant beyond the document summarisa-
graph (DNG), which is a formal expression that can keep track
of cname chains (challenge 1) and characterize the dynamic and tion community, for other tasks in the space of
diverse nature of DNS mechanisms and deployments (challenge
3). We develop a framework called service-flow map (sfmap) that automatically understand scientific publications,
works on top of the DNG. sfmap estimates the hostname of an such as keyphrase extraction (Kim et al., 2010;
https server when given a pair of client and server IP addresses.
It can statistically estimate the hostname even when associating Sterckx et al., 2016; Augenstein et al., 2017; Au-
DNS queries are unobserved due to caching mechanisms, etc (chal-
lenge 2). Through extensive analysis using real packet traces , we genstein and Søgaard, 2017), semantic relation ex-
demonstrate that the sfmap framework establishes good estima- traction (Gupta and Manning, 2011; Marsi and
tion accuracies and can outperform the state-of-the art technique
called dn-hunter, [2]. We also identify the optimized setting of the Öztürk, 2015) or topic classification of scientific
sfmap framework. The experiment results suggest that the success
of the sfmap lies in the fact that it can complement incomplete articles (Ó Séaghdha and Teufel, 2014).
DNS information by leveraging the graph structure. To cope with
large-scale measurement data, we introduce techniques to make the
sfmap framework scalable. We validate the effectiveness of the ap- 2 Dataset and Problem Formulation
proach using large-scale traffic data collected at a gateway point of
internet access links. The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: section2 summarizes the related work. [...] We release a novel dataset for extractive summari-
sation comprised of 10148 Computer Science pub-
Table 1: An example of a document with sum- lications.2 Publications were obtained from Sci-
mary statements highlighted in context. enceDirect, where publications are grouped into
27 domains, Computer Science being one of them.
As such, the dataset could easily be extended to
show empirically that this improves sum- more domains. An example document is shown in
marisation performance Table 1. Each paper in this dataset is guaranteed to
• Taking inspiration from previous work in have a title, abstract, author written highlight state-
summarising scientific literature (Kupiec ments and author defined keywords. The high-
et al., 1995; Saggion et al., 2016), we intro- light statements are sentences that should effec-
duce a metric we use as a feature, Abstrac- tively convey the main takeaway of each paper and
tROUGE, which can be used to extract sum- are a good gold summary, while the keyphrases
maries by exploiting the abstract of a paper are the key topics of the paper. Both abstract and
• We benchmark several neural as well tradi- highlights can be thought of as a summary of a pa-
tional summarisation methods on the dataset per. Since highlight statements, unlike sentences
and use simple features to model the global in the abstract, generally do not have dependen-
context of a summary statement, which con- cies between them, we opt to use those as gold
tribute most to the overall score summary statements for developing our summari-
• We compare our best performing system to sation models, following Hermann et al. (2015);
several well-established baseline methods, Nallapati et al. (2016b) in their approaches to news
some of which use more elaborate methods summarisation.
to model the global context than we do, and 2
The dataset along with the code is avail-
show that our best performing model outper- able here:
forms them on this extractive summarisation scientific-paper-summarisation

2.1 Problem Formulation judgements of good summaries (Lin, 2004). We
As shown by Cao et al. (2015), sentences can elect to use ROUGE-L, inline with other research
be good summaries even when taken out of the into summarisation of scientific articles (Cohan
context of the surrounding sentences. Most of and Goharian, 2015; Jaidka et al., 2016).
the highlights have this characteristic, not relying
on any previous or subsequent sentences to make 3.1 HighlightROUGE
sense. Consequently, we frame the extractive sum-
HighlightROUGE is a method used to generate ad-
marisation task here as a binary sentence classifi-
ditional training data for this dataset, using a sim-
cation task, where we assign each sentence in a
ilar approach to (Hermann et al., 2015). As input
document a label y ∈ 0, 1. Our training data is
it takes a gold summary and body of text and finds
therefore a list of sentences, sentence features to
the sentences within that text which give the best
encode context and a label all stored in a randomly
ROUGE-L score in relation to the highlights, like
ordered list.
an oracle summariser would do. These sentences
2.2 Creation of the Training and Testing Data represent the ideal sentences to extract from each
paper for an extractive summary.
We used the 10k papers to create two different
datasets: CSPubSum and CSPubSumExt where We select the top 20 sentences which give the
CSPubSumExt is CSPubSum extended with High- highest ROUGE-L score with the highlights for
lightROUGE. The number of training items for each paper as positive instances and combine these
each is given in Table 2. with the highlights to give the positive examples
for each paper. An equal number of negative in-
CSPubSum This dataset’s positive examples stances are sampled from the lowest scored sen-
are the highlight statements of each paper. There tences to match.
are an equal number of negative examples which When generating data using HighlightROUGE,
are sampled randomly from the bottom 10% of no sentences from the abstracts of any papers were
sentences which are the worst summaries for their included as training examples. This is because
paper, measured with ROUGE-L (see below), re- the abstract is already a summary; our goal is to
sulting in 85490 training instances. CSPubSum extract salient sentences from the main paper to
Test is formed of 150 full papers rather than a ran- supplement the abstract, not from the preexisting
domly ordered list of training sentences. These are summary.
used to measure the summary quality of each sum-
mariser, not the accuracy of the trained models. 3.2 AbstractROUGE
CSPubSumExt The CSPubSum dataset has two AbstractROUGE is used as a feature for sum-
drawbacks: 1) it is an order of magnitude behind marisation. It is a metric presented by this work
comparable large summarisation datasets (Her- which exploits the known structure of a paper by
mann et al., 2015; Nallapati et al., 2016b); 2) making use of the abstract, a preexisting sum-
it does not have labels for sentences in the con- mary. The idea of AbstractROUGE is that sen-
text of the main body of the paper. We gener- tences which are good summaries of the abstract
ate additional training examples for each paper are also likely to be good summaries of the high-
with HighlightROUGE (see next section), which lights. The AbstractROUGE score of a sentence is
finds sentences that are similar to the highlights. simply the ROUGE-L score of that sentence and
This results in 263k instances for CSPubSumExt the abstract. The intuition of comparing sentences
Train and 132k instances for CSPubSumExt Test. to the abstract is one often used in summarising
CSPubSumExt Test is used to test the accuracy of scientific literature, e.g. (Saggion et al., 2016;
trained models. The trained models are then used Kupiec et al., 1995), however these authors gen-
in summarisers whose quality is tested on CSPub- erally encode sentences and abstract as TF-IDF
Sum Test with the ROUGE-L metric (see below). vectors, then compare them, rather than directly
comparing them with an evaluation metric. While
3 ROUGE Metrics
this may seem somewhat like cheating, all scien-
ROUGE metrics are evaluation metrics for sum- tific papers are guaranteed to have an abstract so it
marisation which correspond well to human makes sense to exploit it as much as possible.

4 Method scientific papers, one of the features used is Ti-
tle Score. Our feature differs slightly from Visser
We encode each sentence in two different ways: as and Wieling (2009) in that we only use the main
their mean averaged word embeddings and as their paper title whereas Visser and Wieling (2009) use
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) encoding. all section headings. To calculate this feature, the
non-stopwords that each sentence contains which
4.1 Summariser Features
overlap with the title of the paper are counted.
As the sentences in our dataset are randomly or-
dered, there is no readily available context for Keyphrase Score Authors such as Spärck Jones
each sentence from surrounding sentences (tak- (2007) refer to the keyphrase score as a useful
ing this into account is a potential future develop- summarisation feature. The feature uses author
ment). To provide local and global context, a set defined keywords and counts how many of these
of 8 features are used for each sentence which are keywords a sentence contains, the idea being that
described below. These contextual features con- important sentences will contain more keywords.
tribute to achieving the best performances. Some TF-IDF Term Frequency, Inverse Document
recent work in summarisation uses as many as 30 Frequency (TF-IDF) is a measure of how relevant
features (Dlikman and Last, 2016; Litvak et al., a word is to a document (Ramos et al., 2003). It
2016). We choose only a minimal set of features to takes into account the frequency of a word in the
focus more on learning from raw data than on fea- current document and the frequency of that word
ture engineering, although this could potentially in a background corpus of documents; if a word is
further improve results. frequent in a document but infrequent in a corpus
AbstractROUGE A new metric presented by it is likely to be important to that document. TF-
this work, described in Section 3.2. IDF was calculated for each word in the sentence,
and averaged over the sentence to give a TF-IDF
Location Authors such as Kavila and Radhika score for the sentence. Stopwords were ignored.
(2015) only chose summary sentences from the
Abstract, Introduction or Conclusion, thinking Document TF-IDF Document TF-IDF calcu-
these more salient to summaries; and we show lates the same metric as TF-IDF, but uses the count
that certain sections within a paper are more rel- of words in a sentence as the term frequency and
evant to summaries than others (see Section 5.1). count of words in the rest of the paper as the back-
Therefore we assign sentences an integer location ground corpus. This gives a representation of how
for 7 different sections: Highlight, Abstract, Intro- important a word is in a sentence in relation to the
duction, Results / Discussion / Analysis, Method, rest of the document.
Conclusion, all else.3 Location features have been Sentence Length Teufel et al. (2002) created a
used in other ways in previous work on sum- binary feature for if a sentence was longer than
marising scientific literature; Visser and Wieling a threshold. We simply include the length of the
(2009) extract sentence location features based on sentence as a feature; an attempt to capture the
the headings they occurred beneath while Teufel intuition that short sentences are very unlikely to
and Moens (2002) divide the paper into 20 equal be good summaries because they cannot possibly
parts and assign each sentence a location based on convey as much information as longer sentences.
which segment it occurred in - an attempt to cap-
ture distinct zones of the paper. 4.2 Summariser Architectures
Models detailed in this section could take any
Numeric Count is the number of numbers in
combination of four possible inputs, and are
a sentence, based on the intuition that sentences
named accordingly:
containing heavy maths are unlikely to be good
summaries when taken out of context. • S: The sentence encoded with an RNN.
Title Score In Visser and Wieling (2009) and • A: a vector representation of the abstract of a
Teufel and Moens (2002)’s work on summarising paper, created by averaging the word vectors
based on a small manually created gazetteer of alterna- of every non-stopword word in the abstract.
tive names Since an abstract is already a summary, this

gives a good sense of relevance. It is another
way of taking the abstract into consideration
by using neural methods as opposed to a fea-
ture. A future development is to encode this
with an RNN.

• F: the 8 features listed in Section 4.1.

• Word2Vec: the sentence represented by tak-

ing the average of every non-stopword word
vector in the sentence.

Models containing “Net” use a neural network

with one or multiple hidden layers. Models end-
ing with “Ens” use an ensemble. All non-linearity
functions are Rectified Linear Units (ReLUs),
chosen for their faster training time and recent
popularity (Krizhevsky et al., 2012).
Single Feature Models The simplest class of
summarisers use a single feature from Section 4.1 Figure 1: SAFNet Architecture
(Sentence Length, Numeric Count and Section are
excluded due to lack of granularity when sorting
by these). LSTM and Features: SFNet SFNet processes
the sentence with an LSTM as in the previous
Features Only: FNet A single layer neural net paragraph and passes the output through a fully
to classify each sentence based on all of the 8 fea- connected layer with dropout. The handcrafted
tures given in Section 4.1. A future development features are treated as separate inputs to the net-
is to try this with other classification algorithms. work and are passed through a fully connected
layer. The outputs of the LSTM and features hid-
Word Vector Models: Word2Vec and den layer are then concatenated and projected into
Word2VecAF Both single layer networks. two classes.
Word2Vec takes as input the sentence represented
as an averaged word vector of 100 numbers.4 SAFNet SAFNet, shown in Figure 1 is the
Word2VecAF takes the sentence average vector, most involved architecture presented in this paper,
abstract average vector and handcrafted features, which further to SFNet also encodes the abstract.
giving a 208-dimensional vector for classification.
Ensemble Methods: SAF+F and S+F Ensem-
LSTM-RNN Method: SNet Takes as input the blers The two ensemble methods use a weighted
ordered words of the sentence represented as 100- average of the output of two different models:
dimensional vectors and feeds them through a
bi-directional RNN with Long-Short Term Mem- S1 (1 − C) + S2 (1 + C)
ory (LSTM, Hochreiter and Schmidhuber (1997)) psummary =
cells, with 128 hidden units and dropout to pre-
vent overfitting. Dropout probability was set to Where S1 is the output of the first summariser,
0.5 which is thought to be near optimal for many S2 is the output of the second and C is a hyperpa-
tasks (Srivastava et al., 2014). Output from the for- rameter. SAF+F Ensembler uses SAFNet as as S1
wards and backwards LSTMs is concatenated and and FNet as S2 . S+F Ensembler uses SNet as S1
projected into two classes.5 and FNet as S2 .
Word embeddings are obtained by training a Word2Vec 5 Results and Analysis
skip-gram model on the 10000 papers with dimensionality
100, minimum word count 5, a context window of 20 words 5.1 Most Relevant Sections to a Summary
and downsample setting of 0.001
The model is trained until loss convergence on a small A straight-forward heuristic way of obtaining
dev set a summary automatically would be to identify

which sections of a paper generally represent good
summaries and take those sections as a summary
of the paper. This is precisely what Kavila and
Radhika (2015) do, constructing summaries only
from the Abstract, Introduction and Conclusion.
This approach works from the intuition that cer-
tain sections are more relevant to summaries.
To understand how much each section con-
tributes to a gold summary, we compute the
ROUGE-L score of each sentence compared to
the gold summary and average sentence-level
ROUGE-L scores by section. ROUGE-type met-
rics are not the only metrics which we can use to
determine how relevant a sentence is to a sum- Figure 2: Comparison of the average ROUGE
mary. Throughout the data, there are approxi- scores for each section and the Normalised Copy-
mately 2000 occurrences of authors directly copy- /Paste score for each section, as detailed in Sec-
ing sentences from within the main text to use as tion 5.1. The wider bars in ascending order are the
highlight statements. By recording from which ROUGE scores for each section, and the thinner
sections of the paper these sentences came, we can overlaid bars are the Copy/Paste count.
determine from which sections authors most fre-
quently copy sentences to the highlights, so may tences from the abstract which is already a sum-
be the most relevant to a summary. This is referred mary, then Figure 2 suggests that there is no
to as the Copy/Paste Score in this paper. definitive section from which summary sentences
Figure 2 shows the average ROUGE score should be extracted.
for each section over all papers, and the nor-
malised Copy/Paste score. The title has the high- 5.2 Comparison of Model Performance and
est ROUGE score in relation to the gold summary, Error Analysis
which is intuitive as the aim of a title is to convey Figure 3 shows comparisons of the best model
information about the research in a single line. we developed to well-established external baseline
A surprising result is that the introduction has methods. Our model can be seen to significantly
the third-lowest ROUGE score in relation to the outperform these methods, including graph-based
highlights. Our hypothesis was that the introduc- methods which take account of global context:
tion would be ranked highest after the abstract and LexRank (Radev, 2004) and TextRank (Mihalcea
title because it is designed to give the reader a ba- and Tarau, 2004); probabilistic methods in KL-
sic background of the problem. Indeed, the intro- Sum (KL divergence summariser, Haghighi and
duction has the second highest Copy/Paste score Vanderwende (2009)); methods based on singu-
of all sections. The reason the introduction has a lar value decomposition with LSA (latent semantic
low ROUGE score but high Copy/Paste score is analysis, Steinberger and Ježek (2004)); and sim-
likely due to its length. The introduction tends ple methods based on counting in SumBasic (Van-
to be longer (average length of 72.1 sentences) derwende et al., 2007). This is an encouraging re-
than other sections, but still of a relatively simple sult showing that our methods that combine neural
level compared to the method (average length of sentence encoding and simple features for repre-
41.6 sentences), thus has more potential sentences senting the global context and positional informa-
for an author to use in highlights, giving the high tion are very effective for modelling an extractive
Copy/Paste score. However it would also have summarisation problem.
more sentences which are not good summaries and Figure 4 shows the performance of all mod-
thus reduce the overall average ROUGE score of els developed in this work measured in terms of
the introduction. accuracy and ROUGE-L on CSPubSumExt Test
Hence, although some sections are slightly and CSPubSum Test, respectively. Architectures
more likely to contain good summary sentences, which use a combination of sentence encoding and
and assuming that we do not take summary sen- additional features performed best by both mea-

Figure 3: Comparison of the best performing Figure 4: Comparison of the accuracy of each
model and several baselines by ROUGE-L score model on CSPubSumExt Test and ROUGE-L
on CSPubSum Test. score on CSPubSum Test. ROUGE Scores are
given as a percentage of the Oracle Summariser
score which is the highest score achievable for
sures. The LSTM encoding on its own outper-
an extractive summariser on each of the papers.
forms models based on averaged word embed-
The wider bars in ascending order are the ROUGE
dings by 6.7% accuracy and 2.1 ROUGE points.
scores. There is a statistically significant differ-
This shows that the ordering of words in a sen-
ence between the performance of the top four sum-
tence clearly makes a difference in deciding if that
marisers and the 5th highest scoring one (unpaired
sentence is a summary sentence. This is a particu-
t-test, p=0.0139).
larly interesting result as it shows that encoding a
sentence with an RNN is superior to simple arith-
metic, and provides an alternative to the recur- nise that mathematically intense sentences are not
sive autoencoder proposed by (Socher et al., 2011) good summaries (7 / 50 sentences). Lack of con-
which performed worse than vector addition. text is when sentences require information from
Another interesting result is that the highest ac- the sentences immediately before them to make
curacy on CSPubSumExt Test did not translate sense. For example, the sentence “The perfor-
into the best ROUGE score on CSPubSum Test, mance of such systems is commonly evaluated us-
although they are strongly correlated (Pearson cor- ing the data in the matrix” is classified as positive
relation, R=0.8738). SAFNet achieved the high- but does not make sense out of context as it is not
est accuracy on CSPubSumExt Test, however was clear what systems the sentence is referring to. A
worse than the AbstractROUGE Summariser on long-range dependency is when sentences refer to
CSPubSum Test. This is most likely due to imper- an entity that is described elsewhere in the paper,
fections in the training data. A small fraction of e.g. sentences referring to figures. These are more
sentences in the training data are mislabelled due likely to be classified as summary statements when
to bad examples in the highlights which are ex- using models trained on automatically generated
acerbated by the HighlightROUGE method. This training data with HighlightROUGE, because they
leads to confusion for the summarisers capable of have a large overlap with the summary.
learning complex enough representations to clas- The primary cause of false negatives was misla-
sify the mislabelled data correctly. belled data (25 / 50 sentences) and failure to recog-
We manually examined 100 sentences from nise an entailment, observation or conclusion (20
CSPubSumExt which were incorrectly classified / 50 sentences). Mislabelled data is usually caused
by SAFNet. Out of those, 37 are mislabelled by the presence of some sentences in the high-
examples. The primary cause of false positives lights which are of the form “we set m=10 in this
was lack of context (16 / 50 sentences) and long approach”, which are not clear without context.
range dependency (10 / 50 sentences). Other im- Such sentences should only be labelled as positive
portant causes of false positives were mislabelled if they are part of multi-line summaries, which is
data (12 / 50 sentences) and a failure to recog- difficult to determine automatically.

Failure to recognise an entailment, observation
or conclusion is where a sentence has the form
”entity X seems to have a very small effect on Y”
for example, but the summariser has not learnt that
this information is useful for a summary, possibly
because it was occluded by mislabelled data.
SAFNet and SFNet achieve high accuracy on
the automatically generated CSPubSumExt Test
dataset, though a lower ROUGE score than other
simpler methods such as FNet on CSPubSum Test.
This is likely due to overfitting, which our simpler
summarisation models are less prone to. One op-
tion to solve this would be to manually improve
the CSPubSumExt labels, the other to change the Figure 5: Comparison of the ROUGE scores of
form of the training data. Rather than using a ran- FNet, SAFNet and SFNet when trained on CSPub-
domised list of sentences and trying to learn ob- SumExt Train (bars on the left) and CSPubSum
jectively good summaries (Cao et al., 2015), each Train (bars on the right) and .
training example could be all the sentences in or-
der from a paper, classified as either summary or on CSPubSum Train (the feature of which section
not summary. The best summary sentences from the example appeared in was removed to do this).
within the paper would then be chosen using High- The FNet summariser and SFNet suffer statisti-
lightROUGE and used as training data, and an ap- cally significant (p = 0.0147 and p < 0.0001)
proach similar to Nallapati et al. (2016a) could drops in performance from using the unexpanded
be used to read the whole paper sequentially and dataset, although interestingly SAFNet does not,
solve the issue of long-range dependencies and suggesting it is a more stable model than the other
context. two. These drops in performance however show
The issue faced by SAFNet does not affect the that using the method we have described to in-
ensemble methods so much as their predictions are crease the amount of available training data does
weighted by a hyperparameter tuned with CSPub- improves model performance for summarisation.
Sum Test rather than CSPubSumExt. Ensemblers
ensure good performance on both test sets as the 5.4 Effect of the AbstractROUGE Metric on
two models are adapted to perform better on dif- Summariser Performance
ferent examples. This work suggested use of the AbstractROUGE
In summary, our model performances show metric as a feature (Section 3.2). Figure 6 com-
that: reading a sentence sequentially is superior pares the performance of 3 models trained with
to averaging its word vectors, simple features that and without it. This shows two things: the Ab-
model global context and positional information stractROUGE metric does improve performance
are very effective and a high accuracy on an au- for summarisation techniques based only on fea-
tomatically generated test set does not guarantee a ture engineering; and learning a representation of
high ROUGE-L score on a gold test set, although the sentence directly from the raw text as is done
they are correlated. This is most likely caused by in SAFNet and SFNet as well as learning from
models overfitting data that has a small but sig- features results in a far more stable model. This
nificant proportion of mislabelled examples as a model is still able to make good predictions even
byproduct of being generated automatically. if AbstractROUGE is not available for training,
meaning the models need not rely on the presence
5.3 Effect of Using ROUGE-L to Generate of an abstract.
More Data
6 Related Work
This work used a method similar to Hermann et al.
(2015) to generate extra training data (Section Datasets Datasets for extractive summarisation
3.1). Figure 5 compares three models trained on often emerged as part of evaluation campaigns
CSPubSumExt Train and the same models trained for summarisation of news, organised by the

challenges centered around how to encode very
large documents.
Extractive Summarisation Methods Early
work on extractive summarisation focuses ex-
clusively on easy to compute statistics, e.g.
word frequency (Luhn, 1958), location in the
document (Baxendale, 1958), and TF-IDF (Salton
et al., 1996). Supervised learning methods which
classify sentences in a document binarily as
summary sentences or not soon became popu-
lar (Kupiec et al., 1995). Exploration of more
cues such as sentence position (Yang et al., 2017),
sentence length (Radev et al., 2004), words in the
Figure 6: Comparison of ROUGE scores of the
title, presence of proper nouns, word frequency
Features Only, SAFNet and SFNet models when
(Nenkova et al., 2006) and event cues (Filatova
trained with (bars on the left) and without (bars on
and Hatzivassiloglou, 2004) followed.
the right) AbstractROUGE, evaluated on CSPub-
Recent approaches to extractive summari-
Sum Test. The FNet classifier suffers a statis-
sation have mostly focused on neural ap-
tically significant (p=0.0279) decrease in perfor-
proaches, based on bag of word embeddings ap-
mance without the AbstractROUGE metric.
proaches (Kobayashi et al., 2015; Yogatama et al.,
2015) or encoding whole documents with CNNs
Document Understanding Conference (DUC), and and/or RNNs (Cheng and Lapata, 2016).
the Text Analysis Conference (TAC). DUC pro- In our setting, since the documents are very
posed single-document summarisation (Harman large, it is computationally challenging to read a
and Over, 2002), whereas TAC datasets are whole publication with a (possibly hierarchical)
for multi-document summarisation (Dang and neural sequence encoder. In this work, we there-
Owczarzak, 2008, 2009). All of the datasets con- fore opt to only encode the target sequence with an
tain roughly 500 documents. RNN and the global context with simpler features.
The largest summarisation dataset (1 mil- We leave fully neural approaches to encoding pub-
lion documents) to date is the DailyMail/CNN lications to future work.
dataset (Hermann et al., 2015), first used
for single-document abstractive summarisation 7 Conclusion
by (Nallapati et al., 2016b), enabling research on In this paper, we have introduced a new dataset for
data-intensive sequence encoding methods. summarisation of computer science publications,
Existing datasets for summarisation of scien- which is substantially larger than comparable ex-
tific documents of which we are aware are small. isting datasets, by exploiting an existing resource.
Kupiec et al. (1995) used only 21 publications We showed the performance of several extractive
and CL-SciSumm 20176 contains 30 publications. summarisation models on the dataset that encode
Ronzano and Saggion (2016) used a set of 40 pa- sentences, global context and position, which sig-
pers, Kupiec et al. (1995) used 21 and Visser and nificantly outperform well-established summari-
Wieling (2009) used only 9 papers. The largest sation methods. We introduced a new metric,
known scientific paper dataset was used by Teufel AbstractROUGE, which we show increases sum-
and Moens (2002) who used a subset of 80 papers marisation performance. Finally, we show how
from a larger corpus of 260 articles. the dataset can be extended automatically, which
The dataset we introduce in this paper is, to our further increases performance. Remaining chal-
knowledge, the only large dataset for extractive lenges are to better model the global context of
summarisation of scientific publications. The size a summary statement and to better capture cross-
of the dataset enables training of data-intensive sentence dependencies.
neural methods and also offers exciting research
cl-scisumm2017/ This work was partly supported by Elsevier.

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