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Many people have learned a foreign language in their own country;others have learned a foreign

language in the country in which it is spoken.Which is better?

Learning foreign languages open people's doors to different opportunities.There are two types
of learning a language:learning it in their own country or learning among native speakers.Those
who think that learning a language is better in their native country is better,probably do not know
or do not understand the opportunities of studying it in the state in which it is spoken.Learining a
language in that country offers a lot of facilities.
First,being in a country is impossible without knowing the essential words.Humans have a lot of
needs and purchasing them is possible just by explaining to others which is the needed product
or thing.In this way,humankinds improve their ability to speak.For example,someone who is in a
foreign country becomes ill.He needs medicines,so,he has to go to a pharmacy.Explaining his
pain is possible by talking with the druggist.In consequence,he finds a way to do it,by using a
dictionary or a translator.Doing this things make his brain to remember unwillingly new words.

When people are trying to learn a new language between others that are speaking it from
childhood,it is easier.They always train their ears.A permanently listening makes them to
understand not only the formal language but the informal too.When they are working,walking to
the markets,walking in a trip or simply,strolling in a park,they listen to other people.Through
this,they remember how to pronounce words and where

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